Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For R-1ease 2001/03/07 CIA-RDP96-087R000400040001-5
SO quickly after p.. `--__
afficial scientific bodVrapsychology has become recognized by the
we now have (American Asso. for Aof Science)
attention of a Parapsychological experiment for Advancement dd forcibly
It seems 14 astronaut riwhocan we Public.
th Alan She he brought to the
ems that Edgar Mi
on ell, the
deeply interested in ESP for. some tirr~e despite h
P rd on the mooon, has been
degree from Pit. I
is D
. Two we -ence
with a Chicago drafting eks before launch date, heoarrangedSa1test
ability, The test engineer, Olof Johnson
, who has unusual v
abiii=,v hin random e test used d 25, regular colored ESP cards Psychic
onds in Cape Kennedy and Johnson in Chicago r
and recorded his g
guessed which one of 5
guesses, uesses.
Just by coincidence There were ten sessions, making
with no ESP
of 5, or 5 of 25, 250
about half or 125 or 50 , Johnson should m
of 250 correct. one ne out
br to half
rce,5 of the 250 it is reported that t h he got
correct. This is 125-150_
feriationi, c Such-la deviation of ~75; too high
Pq-b?-4 odds of ten millio75 is more n to oneagaanstechanceaard
there was no cens or
warren y leakage over the long distance telephone ESP was
g on earth as the odds against chance were too high. Then
Mitchell took the cards up with liar to the'
were done during rest periods
he moon and sx more sessions
Six sessions of 25 hopefully one of themifrom behind the
with no ESP Johnson should guesses each make.150
ho repo h don mangy get 30 out of 150 correct. this chance
At thtime it
deviations ~' Johnson got correct
f he
q `
ff or 15 more than 30 ., got the standard
his 150 moon
guesses, the odds are more tha
th at leas out n a100sto5
one thattthis was
not coincidence but that ESP was working and so will teach quarter of a million miles to the moon.
what happened. - if it wand especiallytif~itawor? out the
t men it if it worked
me Opposition hope soon find out
to r gd from back
parapsychology even n bil by skep-.
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000400040001-5