Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000300120001-7
4RZ. ara Spectroscope, through ct-ie?c;- :.ig
a= tap water, physiological
c , r oime1su Solution, etc., all of wii....
`Feet= u~ the gigong master= release of
t ,-t -an 1. c t --
~' i c. _ . = c c in ? i n ;D i . C Z v c i a o
9~0 .._ - c '
SGcv`re d hat t he Laser Raman n - t
spEt.t Y"L i,. o_
'... ._ through charges with the effect of
=..._._`.".c e>:r pe'.,._... =_ on on ggong, especia11y the
c e. e1 ,.. ._~_ ::: Gted b1 the f irst-claSS gigorLg
4is expel ime^ts. Ti;
on hcw to design
c... tai? use cf extern=. i t?
:...._- _ :: El o.: eFFeCt., it aGhieVE:s ha.'e gradua:
t.t} CC}. 'gc'rg Chinese Medicine Research Institute)
`T. : 'r; 9 L ing, ~! ia?.yuan, LI Baihe
CChe,,; try Department, Qinghua University)
LU uyin
...g h ' s. Gs Research Institute,
h Er: ::r Ph ,} c---- ...=of crICle)
T~.._ u._ ...~ i c T: ~?. 'c rldi:ag Effect of
[ :. _. is^y i t U~ i:y Laser P-=mS nb=ei- vat Gil
f l Y~' t: ..'e Pby ic1ogics1 Lff
7 ! C;C t r sG e i/:'e i:' hr'o gii on ti . ch a
La_ed the many year.. of research on qigong science, we
h~ v en real- red t h.=t scientific qigong research experimentation
..:: c.. , the help an d icipa.t ion of the experienced and
s.e_ fvct-c: c,gcg masters, the thinking out aria.
i_,_...._. _ the experiment nut be improved, and modern
n...... J _,1'.... '~r.Ci:.. ... ...~',: ce used foi checking and measuring
N'4rpcs , we completed Some rather difficult
e: er_tat io'". or. solutions, such as tap water, 0.9%
ce sc'1 .ti^..7, a. 1 T.gim: m .Te.
~1 ='' ' ^ t=? 41'tii the di`.tance tran=.Gei;d:n~
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000300120001-7
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000300120001-7
c.: 7 hSF _ phy's.cicgic l effect; we used _s_ei -.a..._...
.~_~,_ ~ f- .,. ..
-_- _ . _.: - _ ~:FEis -'r:-;rig and iiiea_.,::::g to v:~ !-_.c:i _ ...:u Q ,=tci.., _.._
wi.ethei :;:. t-=_i n= _ ri affected t' as e'-.
Method and Design of the Experiment
ti ... .-., t. used for the experiment. in this experiment, the
equipment use was a SPEK140Z laser Raman spectroscope. Its main
f not: _.._. indices are a.L follows:
h - power O. 15c-, t (Hg79. it ;)
shift interval 5--4000 cm-_'
a, _ -cu acy cm--7 (