Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 CIA-RDP96-00787R000200020058-7
1. Large file folder containing:
- Memos to/from ORD regarding paranormal studies, et al, some
with attachments and some classified. All are from the
period 1977-79.
- A Secret CIA report entitled "Soviet and East European
Parapsychology Research(U)", April 1977
- Numerous copies of unclassified literature regarding
paranormal psychology dated over period 1977-79.
- A Secret white paper entitled "SRI Studies in Remote
Viewing: A Program Review" dated 1 March 1984.
- An unclassified report byl entitled "An Overview of
Extrasensory Perception" dated Jan 1975
- A set of documents including correspondence, proposals and
reports from H. Puthoff and/or R. Targ. All date from the
period 1976-79. One 1977 proposal is classified Secret.
- Miscellaneous documents and correspondence relating to
Project Scanate and to paranormal interests and/or
activities of other government agencies. All are dated
during the period 1975-77. Some are classified at the
Confidential level.
- Several pieces of correspondence from 1986 between
and SRI staff.
2. Large file folder containing reports (some classified),
memoranda, contract documents and other correspondence with SRI
during period 1973-75 regarding paranormal phenomenology.
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000200020058-7