Approved For Rele&-se`. &ib6/d2--:'?CIA-R
Cj t G 170
~~,.i r ..
not dear ruby Gor,.iruuni~stl
j~ I f j>+ 7 ~ ` or Gt cccc."
"The Soviet U;non is all
l;y Islurrcy VIarcIer ti.ons between the U.S. and
\Vnshln tc-n Pont 6t;c.f w:'t!t the Soviet: Union will be more
A new quarterly inagazino Campbell just completed cooperative than competitive,
that wants. to plant burrs years fellowship tirllh the o "The United States has
under the seats of US. strate- Council on Forei"n l;elations neither the power, nor the re-
];;ists is now being pultllshed which publishes 1orei'n Af- sponsibility nor the right to
tu:der the prosaic title, For- fairs. The older publication cv. `uarantee the defense of. the Policy. idently looks on the new one lice World or to servo as
1i'hat the journal with tolerance, rather thank the linchpin of international
t1 rack, in a order."
racy none to ;nark It ON from hostility, as it carried an arti.I Ut
cle 1> Gunii,c ner articles in the now
the stolid establishment. 7.rubli- i1suc and identificdtins latest, t et,journal are generally hove or-
ration. Foreign r1_fairs it as-! I thodox: many could have up-
i 9 . G ''Opho.s ion to eQinlnt -
K.1~-~ v fl-1` 710 - 9 11-111 ., 11 ,,?r_?inrviin rr rciti~in -i'nt'i
Aires to compensate for in 1U:,'.- of J- ii ci ;ti iWtc i. ,r
forih;r1 an coulen1 }'ore]rro That Campbell article in; pcarcd in the older i'orei",n
Wails Policy is loin; and skim, about 'oreit~n Affairs perhaps best rs by the same authors.
I that- all
t] he roach of the1 The distluc?ti
half the tl,~idth of 3 cici n 9f-
l the
e articlesare focused on
fairs. Its editors hope it will. rtew quarterly. The flator of change as arc the inenhhers.of
be swallowed easie, but pro-. revolution was in its title,., the nun, loun;al's editorial
vo .e readers more. \ti'ltrat M to ba c;nne^ - 10it'
1V. liicliael 733trtncrh-
-The Only discet?nihhe ad quotation by 3'us, board: l f- n--
yet the proposes] solution, to thi?1., Y,bigmiety 13rzeai11-il
vantage of the narrow sire is? deal with ", igantisl.r in 1Z'asit. }{icitard \. Mom, l ichard A.
that it can slip into a pocket 1''alt;, David 11 ]n - ,tam llor
nlgion was not, as Lenin pro e novel. But tl ere theisimilarity po ed, ligtddation, bur btueati mann
ends. ll Joseph S.- nlcJellcJtf.'I
t ,
cratic surgery Campbell James C,. ilioii1ts
~5on 31n and
icing the siz e o
urged slicing f ills
The first issue of Foreign SIitc Pc-p',rtin^nt in half by Iiichazd }l. Uliin-in,
.Policy could provoke a grumpy 19'10, which is favored by -
harrunlph" or two from the many old chtablisbr favored chairs Of 11'ashin;ion's staid for more conventional reasons.,
Metropolitan Club. but it will The editorial board of For"
hardly exhilarate the New 1ei;,rn policy, and most writers!
Left Soin .where in between
for its first issue t nelally
is the n ket the editors are represent a sinul ti' vi~~ point:
aimnhg r+t 1Critical, accelerated. 1ee%a.nhi-
Co-editors of to journal are n iti.on of American foreign
Samuel P. Iituhtington, chair- lpolicy goals and means to
man of the Department ofladapt to P. world where U.S.i
Governrdent at I-farvard, and 'power no longer dominates.
Warren Denlian M.Ianshel, part- ( t issue, in a Wall Street invost-Il In the firs, the l most
provocative off-beat article is ment house, Coleman & Co. "Cool ]:t: The Foreign Policy
Manshcl is also publisher of of Young America;" by Prof.
another gttart.erly, The Public Graham Allison of Harvard.
Interest:: That magazine and Allison conducted Inter.
Foreign Policy are both fi- views with about 100 " `elite'
nanced by National Affairs, young Americans in the 2d-to-:
.inc., a non-profit organization 43,1 age group" on the East and, .
mainly supported by Mans]el. \Vests Coasts, largely with es-I
The crass-b e it e it e r role, tablishrucnt backgrounds, to
athwart the beam of the for-;c'omparc tltch' perceptions of
civil policy establishment, that, foreign policy with what he
the new journal seeks to 1]1.1,! called "axioms of the postwar
is illustrated by its managing era."
editor, 30year-old John:Prank- Among his findings as "tlic
lift Campb ]a, ' ' basic axioms of young A.meri-
Campbell is it US, Fgreigu cans'' are these: ?
Service officer, cm an unusual 0 "While there are impor-
38-irnonth leave of absence, tint differences between Conh-
running an avowedly ieono munist 'and democratic TO
elastic publication pledged to' giines, the di function between
stimulate informed "contro-I the Communist bloc and the
versies," about the conduct of; Fi?ee 11'orld obfuscates more -
U.S. foreigih policy. than it illuminates."
Approved For Release 2006/06/02: CIA-RDP88-01314R00010.0550007-8