Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2007/%%/;p :UYIfr P86B00885R000100050008-3
The Director of Central Intelligence
Washington. D. C. 20505
General John W. Vessey, Jr.
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Washington, D.C. 20301
A telecommunication under Major General Richard G. Graves' name
forwarded from CINCARLANT to CINCLANT, info the Department of Army,
Washington, D.C., dated 19 November, has been flagged to my attention.
In that cable General Graves comments on the intelligence provided to US
forces during the Grenada operation. According to General Graves, the
overall intelligence regarding the Cubans in Grenada was inadequate. The
mission essential information was inaccurate and the enemy was portrayed
as poorly armed, low in morale and not expected to offer much resistance.
General Graves goes on to note that even the information on the student
location was inadequate.
I am somewhat dismayed, in fact disturbed, at General Graves'
comments since the overall intelligence was rather good. As a matter of
fact, the intelligence provided on Grenada over the past year raised a
number of flags that turned out to be right on target. While I under-
stand that CINCLANT does not agree with General Graves, I feel General
Graves' report detracts considerably from what I believe to have been an
overall successful operation.
While I may not change General Graves' assessment of the situation, I
would prefer that when he goes to print he be more accurate than his
cable reflected. I am taking the liberty of providing a copy of my
comments to General John Wickham.
I also want to take the opportunity to offer you my warmest regards
and wishes for a most pleasant and peaceful holiday for you and the
personnel of the US military that I admire so much.
William J. Casey