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c oa~C Qpa Q4ooa ( Mn 4EQ
bask 6magewy 68naeTpm-amdon Vep?u4.
Noy~h.KoTamm NMWO oh'Upbuu'
u~y 19 s 00 - ,ku o ug)q 1982
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copy .2 2
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/04: CIA-RDP83T00574R000102740001-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/04: CIA-RDP83T00574R000102740001-2
FFL Corvette
LCU Utility landing craft
LSM Medium amphibious assault landing ship
PB Patrol boat
PC Patrol craft
PCFS Fire support patrol craft
PCS Submarine chaser
PT Torpedo boat
PTG Missile attack boat
SS Attack submarine
Reverse side blank
- i -
SECRET RCA-0910021182
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al Shipbuilding, July 1980-August 1982
See below
Najin Shipyard 28
Sinpo Shipyard South 40-01-22N
Yongampo-ri Ship 39-55-57N
Repair Yard 124-20-44E
Nampo Shipyard 38-43-06N
report contains 14 annotated photographs, one map, two tables, and a glossary of naval terms.
1. (S/WN) This report provides an imagery-derived analysis of North Korean naval shipbuilding
since mid-1980. At least 46 naval vessels, mostly combatants, have been under construction or modifica-
tion at four shipyards since that time. The information cutoff date for this report is This
2. (S/WN) The North Koreans have been engaged since mid-1980 in a major program to improve
the offensive capability of their navy. Four major naval shipyards in North Korea have been involved in
this program (Figure 1). They are Najin Shipyard 28 and Sinpo Shipyard South on the east coast and
Yongampo-ri Ship Repair Yard and Nampo Shipyard on the west coast. Eleven classes of naval vessels
were under construction or modification (Table 1) by the end of the reporting period. Activity included
construction of two new cruise missile-capable classes, modification of two existing classes to a cruise
missile capability, continued production of one missile attack boat class, construction of one probable
new-class submarine chaser, series production of submarine chasers and landing craft, resumption of
construction of patrol craft and torpedo boats, and the possible resumption of attack submarine con-
struction. The completion of all the cruise missile-capable vessels in this program will nearly double the
number of STYX missile launchers available to the North Korean Navy (Table 2).
3. (S/WN) The bulk of this shipbuilding and modification program has been underway at Najin
Shipyard 28 (Figure 2) where the majority of the cruise missile-related shipbuilding is conducted. This
includes construction of the indigenous Sohung and Soju PTG classes and the Naj-A (NPIC interim
designator) cruise missile-equipped large catamaran, and a modification program to retrofit the one east
coast Najin FFL with cruise missiles. Also, series production of the Hantae LCU, resumption of construc-
tion of the Sinhung PT, and a modification program to use four unfinished Chongju PCFS hulls for
PCs/PCSs have been observed at Najin Shipyard 28. Sinpo Shipyard South, also on the east coast, has
been involved in series production of the Sin-A (NPIC interim designator), a probable PCS. Additionally,
Romeo SS construction may have resumed at Sinpo Shipyard South following a period of 3 years without
a submarine launch. Construction of the Soju PTG and the Sinhung PT has been taking place at Yon-
gampo-ri Ship Repair Yard on the west coast. Also, production of the Hantae LCU and the Taechong PCS
has been moved from Nampo Shipyard, where naval shipbuilding is apparently being phased out, to
Yongampo-ri. At Nampo Shipyard, two of the five Chongju PCFS hulls, unfinished for 6 years, were
modified to a PC/PCS configuration and launched during 1981. The remaining three hulls were being
modified to a PTG configuration, similar to that of the Soju PTG, during 1982.
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East Coast Shipbuilding
Najin Shipyard 28
4. (S/WN) Naj-A Catamaran. The Naj-A, a large, catamaran-hulled vessel equipped with four SS-N-2
(STYX) cruise missile launchers, antisubmarine rocket launchers, and a probable helicopter landing pad
(Figure 3), was first observed under construction at Najin on imagery of July 1980. T
long with an overall beam of OThe individual hulls each have a beam of
he ship is
the space
between them is A stepped superstructure rises three enclosed levels above the main deck
and is almost entirely forward of midships. A probable helicopter landing area, one level above the main
deck, extends from the rear of the superstructure to the stern. The main deck is open below this
platform, but no elevators are discernible, and the space between decks appears to be of insufficient
height for a hangar deck. However, the aft portion of the superstructure on the platform level appears to
have an opening and could possibly serve as hangar space. The ship has four STYX cruise missile launch-
ers, two in tandem on either side of the superstructure. Four RBU-1200 antisubmarine rocket launchers
(Continued p. 6)
International boundary
Internal administrative
National capital
Internal administrative
Num (.h o v, ],,, !!"' )j.,itnis'rr,
Fi AAIG", , %G-N4MD0
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Table 1.
North Korean Naval Vessels Under
Construction or Modification
July 1980-August 1982
This table in its entirety is classified SECRET/WNINTEL
Under Construction/
Modification Major Weapons/
Class Operational (Incl Fitting-Out) Features Remarks
Sohung PTG
Chongju PTG
Sin-A prob PCS
Sinhung PT
(poss 90)
All on east coast; 12th unit launched at
Sinpo in early 1982; components for at least
1 more unit in open storage/staging
4 SS-N-2s; Single unit fitting-out at Najin, mission
2 prob twin undetermined
57mm guns;
4 RBU-1200
hull; prob
Indigenous Osa I copy; built at Najin
and Yongampo-ri; 1st unit fitting-out;
2nd through 4th units remain on building-
way; probably utilizes indigenously
produced DRUM TILT radar
2 SS-N-2s 1st 2 units (launched previously at
Nampo) are operational on west coast; all
subsequent units built at Najin; 1st
east coast unit operational; 1 unit
fitting-out, 2 remain on buildingway
4 SS-N-2s Modification to previously unfinished PCFS
hulls at Nampo
2 SS-N-2s Addition of cruise missiles applies only to
2 100mm guns, the east coast unit; no related activity
main btry observed on the west coast unit
1 85mm main Units 5 & 6 incorporate a larger main gun +
gun (units the RBU-1200 ASW rocket Inchrs are closer
1 -4); 1 100mm to the bow than on units 1 -4. Unit 5 prob
main gun initially operational on the east coast in late
(units 5 & 6); June 1982; unit 7 remains ucon at
RBU-1200 Yongampo-ri, weapons not yet mounted
Unk Similar to Taechong PCS; both units
ucon at Sinpo
1 85mm main Uses previously unfinished PCFS hulls;
gun; poss both west coast units operational; 1st
ASW AL 2 east coast units fitting-out, 2 remain
on buildingway at Najin
- At least 74 constructed between 1966 and 1971;
during current program at least 8 built
3 at Najin and at least 8 built at Yongampo-ri; all
completed units have departed both yards;
status of completed units not known
Z-14607/82 SECRET
3 units operational on east coast; 2
units remain at Najin; 1 unit operational
on west coast; 2 units remain at
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Table 2.
Increase in the Numbers of SS-N-2-Capable
Platforms and Launchers as a Result of the
July 1980-August 1982 Construction Program
This table in its entirety is classified SECRET/WNINTEL
No & Class Lnchrs Ea Lnchrs
East Coast
4 Osa I PTGs
10 Komar PTGs
West Coast
4 Osa I PTGs
Total Inchrs in
naval inventory
No & Class Lnchrs Ea Lnchrs
East Coast
4 Osa I PTGs
10 Komar PTGs
3 Soju PTGs
4 Sohung PTGs
1 Naj-A
1 Najin FFL
West Coast
6' Osa I PTGs
1 Soju PTG
2 Sohung PTGs
3 Chongju PTGs
Total Inchrs in
naval inventory
4 16
2 20
4 12
2 8
4 4
2 2
4 24
4 4
2 4
4 12
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are mounted near the bow, and at least one gun mount (twin barrel, probable 25-30mm) is on the
forward portion of the superstructure atop the 0-2 level (the second level above the main deck). A
possible position for an additional weapon is atop the 0.1 level, forward. Two enclosed probable twin
57mm dual-purpose guns have been waist-mounted on the raised platform at the rear of the superstuc-
ture. Two additional probable 25mm antiaircraft guns are waist mounted near the rear of the su erstruc-
ture, above the 0-2 level. The Naj-A was launched between and was
mediterranean-moored (stern first) at a newly constructed f
Both the Naj-A and the Najin FFL were absent from the f
tThe Najin FFL was at the main quay at Yoho-ri Naval
itting-out quay through at least
itting-out quay at the shipyard on
Naj-A was probably conducting sea trials and helicopter landing operations, possibly with the HOUND
(MI-4) helicopter that was at Najin Naval Base and Academy in the
vicinity of Yoho-ri Naval Base, approximately 190 nm to the south of Najin Shipyard.
5. (S/WN) The intended mission of the Naj-A has not been determined. The large size and limited
maneuverability of the catamaran hull and the fact that it carries a mix of antisubmarine warfare weapons
and cruise missiles suggest that the ship is not intended to be a directly offensive platform and that a PTG
role for the ship would probably be limited to antimerchant shipping. A helicopter could be used for
targeting the cruise missiles at a longer range than shipborne sensors would allow. The probable helicop-
ter pad is not large and, if utilized for storage of aircraft as well as for flight operations, could accommo-
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6. (S/WN) Soju PTG. Three Soju PTGs (Figure 4) have been under construction at Najin since mid-
1980. This is the first indigenous production of an Osa I PTG-type vessel by North Korea. The Soju PTG is
date only a limited number of helicopters. This would seem to rule out an assault ship role for the Naj-A.
The use of the probable helicopter landing pad for an antisubmarine warfare helicopter would be a
significant departure from the norm for the North Koreans, as they have no demonstrated airborne ASW
long (4 meters longer than the Soviet-built Osa I) with a beam of0 The deck house, 25X1
two antiaircraft gun positions, and four STYX cruise missile launchers on the Soju PTG appear to be
identical to those on the Osa I PTG. A probable DRUM TILT fire control radar has been mounted on a
pedestal aft, in the same position as that on the Osa I PTG. The North Koreans produce their own DRUM
TILT fire control radar (probably at Nampo Communications Equipment Plant; and have a 25X1
land-based version of it deployed with a ZPU-4-type antiaircraft system. The two antiaircraft weapons on
the Soju PTG have twin barrels and appear to be similar to the 30mm weapons found on the Osa I PTG.
Unit 1 of this class had been launched by August 1981 and was undergoing sea trials south of the shipyard
in November 1981. This unit was observed at the shipyard through August 1982. Units 2 and 3 were in the
midstages of construction in May 1981, but imagery of June 1982 indicated no further progress. However,
by the second Soju PTG had been moved inside the construction hall, probably indicating a 25X1
resumption of construction on the class. Soju PTG construction is also underway at Yongampo-ri on the
west coast. In addition to the Soju PTG the North Koreans have eight Osa I PTGs acquired from the Soviet
Union, four based on each coast. Two additional Osa I PTGs were newly identified on the west coast on
(bringing the total on that coast to six). These new Osa I PTGs may have been acquired 25X1
shipyard on
but had returned to the shipyard by The Najin FFL was at
Yoho-ri Naval Base on
during preparations for the North Korean Navy Day (28 August)
from the People's Republic of China.
7. (S/WN) Sohung PTG. Construction of the Sohung PTG (Figure 4) on the east coast was first
confirmed in July 1980 when four Sohung PTGs were observed under construction at Najin Shipyard 28.
Two Sohung PTGs had previously been built on the west coast at Nampo Shipyard; the first became
operational in 1975 and the second in 1980. The Sohung PTG is a steel-hulled, North Korean version of
the Soviet Komar PTG and carries two STYX cruise missiles. The first Sohung PTG constructed at Najin,
unit 3 of the class, was in the water by early July 1980 and had departed the shipyard by February 1982.
The second Sohung PTG constructed at Najin was initially launched in September 1980, then was returned
to the buildingway and relaunched in August 1981. It was at the shipyard as of August 1982. The third and
fourth units at Najin have remained unfinished on the buildingway. The length of time these two ships
have remained on the buildingway and the removal of four missile launcher covers from staging along-
side the units to the launcher component fabrication/storage area suggest problems with the vessels. The
Sohung PTGs constructed at Najin differ from those built at Nampo in that they, like the Komar, mount
the 25mm antiaircraft gun rather than the 14.5mm heavy antiaircraft machine gun seen on the two west
coast units (Figure 5). The North Koreans also have 10 Komar PTGs, obtained from the Soviet Union,
based on the east coast.
8. (S/WN) Najin FFL. The one east coast Najin FFL (Figure 6) has been under modification at Najin
Shipyard 28 since July 1980. The torpedo tubes have been replaced by two STYX missile launchers and a
new deckhouse. Unlike those on the People's Republic of China Navy's Gordyy-class destroyers and
Riga-class frigates, these cruise missile launchers do not appear to be trainable. The superstructure
forward and aft of the missile launchers has been modified, and the antiaircraft gun suit of the vessel has
been upgraded. Imagery of June 1982 revealed that the two 100mm gun mounts (main battery, located
fore and aft) had been replaced by larger mounts. The new guns appeared to be at least 100mm. The
secondary battery, twin 57mm guns, remained in place. The FFL was observed at sea southwest of the
activities. The FFL probably accompanied the Naj-A to the Yoho-ri area. The one west coast unit of this
class has not undergone any cruise missile modification.
9. (S/WN) Hantae LCU. The Hantae LCU was still in series production at Najin (Figure 4) at the end
of the reporting period. The Hantae most closely resembles an LSM, having an enclosed well deck and
clamshall doors at the bow, and was originally designated as such. However, the class is not considered to
have a blue-water capability because of its size (only 46 meters long with a beam of 7 meters) and has
been redesignated an LCU. Unit 1 of the class was constructed at Najin in 1978, while unit 2 was launched
from Nampo Shipyard in 1979. By October 1981, two additional Hantaes had been launched from Najin,
and two remained under construction. On subsequent imagery a new construction hall precluded obser-
vation of the two Hantaes under construction, but a Hantae in the late stages of construction was
observed outside the new construction hall in May 1982. This ship did not have the bow section attached
and was probably unit 6 of the class; the status of unit 5 is unknown, although its bow had been attached
by mid-1981. Two additional Hantaes were under construction during the reporting period at Yongampo-
ri, on the west coast, bringing the total for the class to eight units.
10. (S/WN) Sinhung PT. A resumption of Sinhung PT construction (Figure 4) was observed in Febru-
ary 1981 at Najin Shipyard 28 after a hiatus of 10 years. The Sinhung is a metal-hulled boat of indigenous
design and is the most numerous PT in the North Korean naval inventory. Sinhung PTs are widely
dispersed in both fleets, serving primarily as coastal defense assets. At least 74 Sinhungs were constructed
at Najin and Nampo Shipyards between 1966 and 1971. Since resumption of construction, at least eight
Sinhungs have been built at Najin, and a similar building program was underway at Yongampo-ri Ship
Repair Yard, on the west coast, as of the end of the reporting period.
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11. (S/WN) Chongju PC/PCS. Modification of the four Chongju PCFS hulls at Najin Shipyard (Figure
4) to a PC/PCS configuration was observed in March 1981. A total of nine Chongju hulls was laid down in
1974 and 1975-four at Najin and five at Nampo Shipyard. The class was originally designed as a PCFS
armed with an 85mm gun turret forward and a multiple rocket launcher amidships connected by rails to a
reload magazine at the stern. Only one unit of the class, at Nampo, was ever launched in the PCFS
configuration and that unit was returned to the buildingway and disassembled in 1976. Construction of
the class was intermittent between 1977 and 1979 and was highlighted by the temporary mounting of at
least one STYX missile launcher cover, but no launch rails, on a unit at Nampo and the modification of
three Chongju hulls at Najin with sponsons, apparently for a similar purpose. The program had appar-
ently been abandoned by 1980; however, renewed activity on the four, Chongju hulls at Najin was
observed in March 1981, and one Chongju had been launched by August 1981. The forward gun turret on
that unit had been retained, but the multiple rocket launcher assembly had been replaced by a pair of
waist-mounted 25mm antiaircraft guns, two probable 37mm gun mounts and stern-mounted depth
charge rails/racks in a configuration similar to that of the SO-1 PCS. Additionally, a pair of possible
antisubmarine rocket launchers was mounted on the bridge wings (Figure 6). A second Chongju PC/PCS
was launched between and was undergoing fitting-out at the end of the
reporting period. The status of the remaining two units at the shipyard was not discernible because of the
erection of a new construction hall over the main buildingways. However, prior to the erection of the
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hall, depth charge rails/racks had been mounted on those units; all four of the east coast Chongju hulls
will probably be outfitted as PCs/PCSs.
12, (S/WN) Taechong PCS. The third east coast Taechong PCS, unit 5 of the class, was launched late
in 1980 or early in 1981 from Najin Shipyard and is different from the four earlier units, marking apparent
design changes to the class. The changes include a larger main gun (a 100mm forward gun instead of an
85mm gun) and the placement of the RBU-1200 antisubmarine rocket launchers closer to the bow (Figure
6). This Taechong PCS underwent a prolonged fitting-out period and was observed at the yard almost
continuously through mid-June 1982. However, on the PCS was at Najin Naval Base and
Academy, along with the other two east coast units, and may have been operational. Unit 6 of the class,
built at Nampo Shipyard on the west coast, has the same design changes.
13. (S/WN) Status of Shipbuilding Programs at Najin Shipyard 28. Erection of the new construction
hall at Najin Shipyard 28 began in June 1981, and the hall was externally complete by February 1982
(Figure 7), This hall completely covers the four main buildingways at the shipyard and conceals construc-
tion activity on all but the large inclined buildingway where the NAJ-A was constructed. This conceal
ment, coupled with a gap in coverage between late October 1981 and early February 1982, has made
determination of the status of several ship construction programs difficult. During the construction of the
hall, all the vessels on the buildingways were moved to the edge of the quay and all activity on those
units was interrupted. The vessels affected were: Soju PIG units 2 and 3, Hantae LCU units 5 and 6, and
three unfinished Chongju PC/PCs hulls. The two unfinished Sohun PTGs were outside the area of
construction. The hall appeared to be nearly complete onalthough the ships remained
outside. When Najin was next imaged, on all the vessels except Soju PTG unit 3 had been
returned to the buildingways inside the hall, The erection of this hall set back progress on the units
involved by at least 6 months.
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14, (S/WN) A very ambitious shipbuilding program was underway from mid-1980 through mid-1981
at Najin Shipyard 28; however, progress since mid-1981 has been very limited. Construction of the Naj-A
has been steady and modification of the Najin FFL has continued, albeit at a slow pace. The interruption
in construction on at least three classes of vessels may be attributable to the raising of the new construc-
tion hall, but other delays in ship construction and extended fitting-out periods indicate the possible
reordering of priorities in the construction program.
Sinpo Shipyard South
15. (S/WN) Romeo SS. Following the launch of the 11th Romeo SS from Sinpo Shipyard South in
early 1979, major naval shipbuilding was apparently suspended. The only shipbuilding observed at the
yard between May 1979 and May 1981 was the construction of a large cargo ship, fishing vessels, and small
craft. Also, several Midget submarines which were probably assembled in buildings at the yard were
launched during that period. Approximately 32 Romeo SS components, mostly outer hull sections, were
observed on an open buildingway in May 1980. The components were being stored in the open and were
not taken into the construction hall where all the Romeo SSs had been built. Additionally, several
fabrication jigs for Romeo components were being stored in the shipyard component storage area
(Figure 8). The storage (as opposed to staging) of the components and the location of the jigs (in open
storage rather than in the fabrication buildings), along with the lack of any new SS launches, indicated an
indefinite interruption of the submarine construction program, Between May and August 1981 some of
the components were moved from the buildingway to an open area nearby to make room for a ship
under construction. No further activity was observed until February 1982, when approximately half the
components and several of the jigs were moved to the large inclined buildingway immediately adjacent
to the submarine construction hall. The positioning of the components and jigs suggested staging for a
resumption of Romeo SS construction, The 12th Romeo SS constructed in North Korea was observed in
the fitting-out basin at the shipyard on 0(Figure 9). Synoptic coverage of Sinpo Shipyard, the
two east coast submarine bases-Mayang-do Naval Base 0 and Chaho Nodon ja u Naval
Base PUG and Mayangdo-ri Naval Repair Yard and Storage PUG on
accounted for the entire east coast inventory of attack submarines and confirmed this subma-
rine as a newly launched unit. This submarine was probably an unfinished unit from the 1914-1979
construction program. The submarine was probably not constructed from the Romeo-class components
that were observed at the shipyard in 1980. The outer hull components and fabrication jigs were still
outside the construction hall as of August 1982; the status of the Romeo class submarine construction
program is not known. The North Koreans have four additional Romeo SSs, obtained from the People's
Republic of China, based on the west coast.
16. (S/WN) Sin-A Probable PCS. Unit 1 of the Sin-A class, a probable PCS (inset, Figure 9), has been
under construction at Sin o since May 1981, The vessel, very similar in appearance and size to the
Taechong PCS, is long with a beam of__________ The 0-2 level of the superstructure extends
further aft than that of the Taechong class; this may cause the mast to be placed either on the deck or
above the 0-2 level, No weapons or electronics had been mounted on the vessel as of August 1982,
Construction of unit 2 of the class began in early 1982.
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West Coast Shipbuilding
Yongampo-ri Ship Repair Yard
11. (S/WN) Since 1980 the focus of naval shipbuilding on the west coast has shifted from Nampo
Shipyard to YongamPo-ri Ship Repair Yard, located on the Yalu River. The construction of three classes of
naval vessels previously constructed at Nampo and the first west coast construction of the Sou PTG have
been observed at Yongampo-ri during this reporting period.
18. (S/WN) SoI'u PTG. A So'u PTG, the fourth unit of the class, was seen in the midstages of.
construction at Yongampo-ri on At least four STYX cruise missile launcher covers were
near the PTG hull, This is the first construction of an Osa I PTG-type vessel from the keel up on the west
SECRET R CA-09/0021 /82
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19. (S/WN) Taechong PCS. A Taechong PCS (Figure 10) has been under construction at Yongampo-
ri since late 1979, This ship is the fourth west coast unit and unit 7 of the class. As of August 1982 the
weapons and electronics had not been mounted on the ship. Whether this unit will have the modifica-
tions observed on units S and 6 of the class (the 100mm main gun and positioning of the antisubmarine
rocket launchers closer to the bow) is not known,
20. (S \\N) Hantae LCU. Two Hantae LCUs (Figure 10), the second and third units on the west coast
and units 7 and 8 of the class, respectively, have been under construction at Yongampo-ri since 1981. Unit
2 of this class was launched from Nampo Shipyard in 1979.
21. (S/WN) Sinhung PT, At least eight Sinhung PTs have been constructed at Yongampo-ri during
this reporting period (Figures 10 and 11). This resumption of west coast Sinhung PT construction started at
the same time as the Sinhung PT program at Najin Shipyard. Between 1966 and 1911 all west coast
Sin hung PT units were constructed at Nampo Shipyard.
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Nampo Shipyard
22, (S/WN) Nampo Shipyard has historically been the major naval shipbuilding facility on the west
coast. However, the last naval shipbuilding start at Nampo Shipyard was a Taechong PCS, begun in late
1978, With the exception of three unfinished Chongju PCFS hulls, at Nampo since 1974, there are no
naval vessels at the shipyard. In fact, all shipbuilding activity at the yard except the modification of the
Chongju hulls to PTGs has been suspended in favor of heavy fabrication activity. This activity, the
construction of large cylinders has been underway since
late 1981 and occupies most of the buildingways at the shipyard (Figure 12). These cylinders are in support
of the Nampo Lockgate, Taedong-gang 0 construction project at the mouth of the Tae-
dong-gang (River), 10.8 nm west-southwest of the shipyard. Groups of 18 completed cylinders have been
attached at the ends by a framework and arranged upright in three rows of six cylinders each (Figure 13).
By0 six of these completed units had been towed to the construction project and sunk, and
four units remained at the shipyard. The cylinder units are emplaced to act as caissons for the lockgate.
23. (S/WN) Taechong PCS. A Taechong PCS, the third unit on the west coast and unit 6 of the class,
was launched from Nampo in mid-1981 and has the same modification as unit 5, which was constructed
during the same time at Najin Shipyard 28. The main gun is 100mm, and the RBU-1200 antisubmarine
rocket launchers are forward, away from the superstructure. One of the earlier units was on the repair-
way at Nampo Naval Headquarters and Naval Base and Ship Repair Yard 0, adjacent to the
shipyard, in May 1982. This unit was being overhauled, and part of the weapons suit had been removed.
However, the forward turret remained in place, and no retrofitting to the more recent Taechong configu-
ration could be discerned.
24. (S/WN) Chongju PC/PCS. Two of the five Chongju PCFS hulls at Nampo were modified to
PCs/PCSs in the same manner (by the addition of depth charge rails/racks and possible bridge-mounted
antisubmarine rocket launchers) as unit 1 at Najin Shipyard 28 and launched in mid-1981. The two
PCs/PCSs were first observed operationally deployed at Cho-do Naval Base South on
imagery of
25. (S/WN) Chongju PIG. The modification of the three remaining Chongju PCFS hulls at Nampo to
a PTG configuration was observed during the spring of 1982 (Figure 14), Three STYX cruise missile launch
rails and one STYX missile launcher cover were observed mounted on the deck of one Chongju PTG on
imagery of0 and by all four launchers had been emplaced. The other two Chongju PTGs
were in an earlier stage of the same modification. The forward portion of the deckhouse had been
erected on all three units, and the mounting rings for antiaircraft guns on the centerline, fore and aft,
were in place. The configuration of the weapons systems and the size of the vessels in length
with a beam ofare similar to those of the indigenous Soju PTG. However, features that make
the Chongju PTG different from either the Soju or Soviet-built Osa I PTG are a different bridge area/for-
ward portion of the deckhouse and cruise missile launchers mounted closer to the stern, entirely aft of
midships, Twelve STYX missile launcher covers, observed with the three Chongju hulls, will be sufficient
to outfit all three units. The completion of the modification of the Chongju hulls to PTGs, the construe
tion of at least one Soju PTG at Yongampo-ri, and the acquisition of two new Osa I PTGs will increase the
number of Osa I PTG-type vessels on the west coast from four (prior to 1982) to ten (Table 2),
26. (S/WN) The North Koreans have attempted to conceal this modification program from ground-
level observation since late 1981. A wall was constructed around the three Chongju hulls between
and the 12 STYX launcher covers were moved inside it. This wall isolated
the only remaining naval vessels from the remainder of the shipyard. A screen had been erected around
the edge of the deck of the one unit with STYX missile launchers by0 effectively shielding the
launchers from ground-level observation. These two concealment efforts make the shipyard appear, from
ground level, to be engaged only in civilian construction,
(S/WN) All applicable satellite imagery acquired from June 1974 through August 1982 was used in the preparation
of this report.
Project 542081)
(S) Comments and queries regarding this report are weld
USN, Asian Forces Division, Imagery Exploitation Group, NPIC,
me. They may be directed to
Z-14607/82 SECRET RCA -09/0021/82
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010102104: CIA-RDP83T00574R000102740001-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010102104: CIA-RDP83T00574R000102740001-2
Nampo Shipyard
22, (S/WN) Nampo Shipyard has historically been the major naval shipbuilding facility on the west
coast. However, the last naval shipbuilding start at Nampo Shipyard was a Taechong PCS, begun in late
1978, With the exception of three unfinished Chongju PCFS hulls, at Nampo since 1974, there are no
naval vessels at the shipyard. In fact, all shipbuilding activity at the yard except the modification of the
Chongju hulls to PTGs has been suspended in favor of heavy fabrication activity. This activity, the
construction of large cylinders has been underway since
late 1981 and occupies most of the buildingways at the shipyard (Figure 12). These cylinders are in support
of the Nampo Lockgate, Taedong-gang 0 construction project at the mouth of the Tae-
dong-gang (River), 10.8 nm west-southwest of the shipyard. Groups of 18 completed cylinders have been
attached at the ends by a framework and arranged upright in three rows of six cylinders each (Figure 13).
By0 six of these completed units had been towed to the construction project and sunk, and
four units remained at the shipyard. The cylinder units are emplaced to act as caissons for the lockgate.
23. (S/WN) Taechong PCS. A Taechong PCS, the third unit on the west coast and unit 6 of the class,
was launched from Nampo in mid-1981 and has the same modification as unit 5, which was constructed
during the same time at Najin Shipyard 28. The main gun is 100mm, and the RBU-1200 antisubmarine
rocket launchers are forward, away from the superstructure. One of the earlier units was on the repair-
way at Nampo Naval Headquarters and Naval Base and Ship Repair Yard 0, adjacent to the
shipyard, in May 1982. This unit was being overhauled, and part of the weapons suit had been removed.
However, the forward turret remained in place, and no retrofitting to the more recent Taechong configu-
ration could be discerned.
24. (S/WN) Chongju PC/PCS. Two of the five Chongju PCFS hulls at Nampo were modified to
PCs/PCSs in the same manner (by the addition of depth charge rails/racks and possible bridge-mounted
antisubmarine rocket launchers) as unit 1 at Najin Shipyard 28 and launched in mid-1981. The two
PCs/PCSs were first observed operationally deployed at Cho-do Naval Base South on
imagery of
25. (S/WN) Chongju PIG. The modification of the three remaining Chongju PCFS hulls at Nampo to
a PTG configuration was observed during the spring of 1982 (Figure 14), Three STYX cruise missile launch
rails and one STYX missile launcher cover were observed mounted on the deck of one Chongju PTG on
imagery of0 and by all four launchers had been emplaced. The other two Chongju PTGs
were in an earlier stage of the same modification. The forward portion of the deckhouse had been
erected on all three units, and the mounting rings for antiaircraft guns on the centerline, fore and aft,
were in place. The configuration of the weapons systems and the size of the vessels in length
with a beam ofare similar to those of the indigenous Soju PTG. However, features that make
the Chongju PTG different from either the Soju or Soviet-built Osa I PTG are a different bridge area/for-
ward portion of the deckhouse and cruise missile launchers mounted closer to the stern, entirely aft of
midships, Twelve STYX missile launcher covers, observed with the three Chongju hulls, will be sufficient
to outfit all three units. The completion of the modification of the Chongju hulls to PTGs, the construe
tion of at least one Soju PTG at Yongampo-ri, and the acquisition of two new Osa I PTGs will increase the
number of Osa I PTG-type vessels on the west coast from four (prior to 1982) to ten (Table 2),
26. (S/WN) The North Koreans have attempted to conceal this modification program from ground-
level observation since late 1981. A wall was constructed around the three Chongju hulls between
and the 12 STYX launcher covers were moved inside it. This wall isolated
the only remaining naval vessels from the remainder of the shipyard. A screen had been erected around
the edge of the deck of the one unit with STYX missile launchers by0 effectively shielding the
launchers from ground-level observation. These two concealment efforts make the shipyard appear, from
ground level, to be engaged only in civilian construction,
(S/WN) All applicable satellite imagery acquired from June 1974 through August 1982 was used in the preparation
of this report.
Project 542081)
(S) Comments and queries regarding this report are weld
USN, Asian Forces Division, Imagery Exploitation Group, NPIC,
me. They may be directed to
Z-14607/82 SECRET RCA -09/0021/82
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010102104: CIA-RDP83T00574R000102740001-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/04: CIA-RDP83T00574R000102740001-2
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/04: CIA-RDP83T00574R000102740001-2