Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740058-9
18 MAY 1983
SUBJECT: Congressional Inquiry - Executive Office of the
President Space at 1000 Glebe Road
1. On April 21, 1983, the undersigned received a telephone
call from Mr. Jerry Shiplett, an established Agency contact on
the Planning Staff, National Capital Region, General Services
Administration (GSA). He informed that during the April 14,
1983, open hearings of the House Committee on Public Works and
Transportation, Subcommittee on Buildings and Grounds, Mr.
Richard Haase, Commissioner, Public Buildings Service, Central
Office, GSA, presented GSA's forthcoming prospectus program
2. In his presentation, Mr. Haase referred to Executive
Office of the President (EOP) space in 1000 Glebe Road. A member
of the Subcommittee asked why EOP space was located in this
building and Mr. Haase indicated the space was occupied by the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He was further asked why the
space was located there rather than in the present Headquarters
Building, and, will it eventually be consolidated at Langley.
Mr. Haase was also requested to provide the Subcommittee with a
total listing of all EOP lease holdings and lease locations.
3. GSA representatives reasoned that the preparation and
submission of the above requested listing of EOP lease holdings
was not feasible or necessary with regard to the ongoing
prospectus exercise and the Subcommittee found that acceptable.
However, Mr. Shiplett wanted me to assist him in preparing GSA's
response to the Subcommittee's questions.
4. Since the referenced space i$ occupied by the Joint
Publications and Research Service ((JPRS), Foreign Broadcast
Information Service (FBIS), I telephonically informed) I STAT
Deputy Director, FBIS, and of the Public STAT
Affairs Division, Office of External A airs, of the above
background and discussed an acceptable response which I would
coordinate with Mr. Shiplett.
5. It was mutually agreed by all, including Mr. Shiplett,
that in answer to the question "Why is EOP located in the
Broyhill Building (1000 Glebe Road) and not in their main head-
quarters installation?", that Mr. Shiplett would submit the
following GSA statement to the Subcommittee:
OL 13343-83
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740058-9
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740058-9
SUBJECT: Congressional Inquiry - Executive Office of the
President Space at 1000 Glebe Road
"When there was a requirement for this amount of
space, space was not available at either the main
installation or any of the major satellite locations.
In lieu of these locations, space in the Broyhill
Building was acceptable."
6. It is worthy of note that the use of the title, CIA, was
intentionally not used in the above GSA response to the
Chief, Real Estate and
Construction Division, OL
Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740058-9