Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200260037-7
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Procurement Division
19'82` c~
FROM: Daniel C. King
Director of Logistics
SUBJECT: Award _)f Architectural and Engineering
Design of New Headqiarters Building ~ STAT
1. The Agency Cont::act Review Board (ACRB), on 18 May 1982,
reviewed the results of the source-selection process which ranked
CRS/Sirrine of Houston, Texas, as the number one firm among
several considered for the architectural and engineering contract
for a new building to be erected on the main compound. While
concurring with the source selection conclusion, the Board
recommended to me that the case be referred to the Director of
Central Intelligence (DCI) for his review and a final determinations
The basis for the Board's recommendation was that CRS/Sirrine is
approximately 20 percent owned by a Saudi national. This
percentage of ownership exceeds the Agency's 5 percent threshold
and would require a waiver. The Board also noted that execution
of the contract with CRS/Sirrine could result in serious negative
2. The recommendation of the source-selection process, as
concurred in by the ACRB, has been disaoproved by the DCI. In a
29 July 1982 attachment to a 1 July 1982 memorandum from the
Deputy Director for Administration to the DCI, subject as above,
Mr. Casey has stated, "I do not intend to waive the general
security requirements contained in Para 14g of the CIA Standard
Security Procedures for Contractors, dated 1 May 1979." (U/AIUO)
3. Based on the head of the Agency decision not to cr.ant a
waiver for CRS/Sirrine, the contracting officer is authorized to
proceed with the next hic,hest-ranked competitor.
cc: 9hairman/ACRE
Daniel C. King
OL 2 681
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP89-00244R000200260037-7