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The basic unit of the NIS is the General Survey, which is now
published in a bound -by- chapter format so that topics of greater per-
ishability can be updated on an individual basis. These chapters Couniry
Profile, The Society, Government and Politics, The Economy, Military Geog-
raphy, Transportation and Telecommunications, Armed Forces, Science, and
Intelligence and Security, provide the primary NIS coverage. Some chapters,
particularly Science and Intelligence and Security, that are not pertinent to
all countries, are produced selectively. For small countries requiring only
minimal NIS treatment, the General Survey coverage may be bound into
one volume.
Supplementing the General Survey is the NIS Basic Intelligence Fa--t-
book, a ready reference publication `hat semiannually updates key sta-
tistical data found in the Survey. An ,nclassified edition of the factbook
omits some details on the economy, the defense forces, and the intelligence
and security organizations.
Although detailed sections on many topics were part of the NIS
Program, production of these sections has been phased out. Those pre-
viously produced will continue to be available as long as the major
portion of the study is considered valid.
A quarterly listing of all active NIS units is published in the Inventory
of Available NIS Publications, which is also bound into the concurrent
classified Factbook. The Inventory lists all NIS units by area name and
number and includes classification and date of issue; it thus facilitates the
ordering of NIS units as well as their filing, cataloging, and utilization.
Initial dissemination, additional copies if NIS units, or separate
chapters of the General Surveys can be obtained directly or through
liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency.
The General Survey is prepared for the NIS by the Central Intelligence
Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency under the general direction
of the NIS Committee. It is coordinated, edited, published, and dissemi-
nated by the Central Intelligence Agency.
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B. Organization, planning, and financing of
research 2
All scientific research and development under the
direction of the Communist party and the gov-
ernment; function and organization of principal
coordinating bodies; research facilities subor-
dinate to the MTA and individual ministries;
institutes of higher education as sources of scien-
tific research; role of the National Atomic Energy
Commission and the Federation of Technical
and Scientific Societies; funding and expenditures.
C. Scientific education, manpower, and fa-
Higher educational institutions offering scientific
instruction; quality of training; number of scien-
tific and technical personnel; adequacy of re-
search facilities and equipment.
D. Major research fields 6
1. Air and ground weapons 6
Meager weapons research and development
capabilities; ground forces equipment; air-
craft development and production; satellite
tracking stations; excellent capacity for the
design and development of instruments, espe-
cially field survey equipment.
2. Biological and chemical warfare 7
Adequate personnel, technology, and facilities
to conduct biological warfare, research, and
development; some findings possibly contrib-
uting to a defensive or offensive BW pro-
gram; modest chemical warfare research and
development program, primarily defensive.
3. Atomic energy 9
Small nuclear energy program, growth re-
stricted by foreign controls; nuclear research
facilities and equipment; development of nu-
clear power.
4. Electronics
Capability to exploit foreign designs as well
as to :Manufacture domestically high quality
components and equipment; scope of research
5. Medical sciences, including veterinary
High quality biomedical research; efforts in
neurophysiology, biochemistry, biophysics,
pharmacology, microbiology, and veterinary
medical research.
6. Other sciences
a. Chemistry and metallurgy
High quality basic chemical research; gen-
erally weak in applied chemical research
except in specialized areas; efforts in or-
ganic, physical, analytical, and inorganic
chemistry and biochemistry; scope of
metallurgical research.
b. Physics and mathematics
Limited capability to do significant
physics research; emphasis on nuclear and
solid -state physics; laser research; highly
qualified mathematicians; good capability
for mathematical research in limited areas,
emphasis on applied mathematics.
c. Astrogeophysical sciences
Astronomical research facilities; satellite
tracking stations; upper atmospheric, me-
teorolopical, geophysical, geological, geo-
detic, hydromechanical, and hydraulic re-
Page Page
Fig. 1 'Organization of scientific and tech- Fig. 3 Measurement of reaction kinetics
nical research chart) 3 with a Pulfrich photometer photo) 12
Fig. 2 Ko -B1 code theodolite photo) 8 Fig. 4 Sites of scientific activity (nap) 17
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A. General (S)
Science and technology hold a significant and
increasingly important position in Hungary. Although
seldom considered excellent by Western standards,
Hungarian efforts in scientific research and
development are highly respected by other Com-
munist countries and have received international
recognition in certain areas of medicine, pharmacy,
and biochemistry. During the first half of the 20th
century, Hungary produced it surprisingly large
number of prominent scientists, including the
physicists Lco Szilard, Edward Teller, and Eugene
Wigner; mathematician- physicist John von Neu
man; mathematicians Paul Erdos. Georg Otto
Szasz, and Gabor Szego; chemist George Hevesy;
biologist Albert Szent- Gvorgyi; anti physicist
aeronautical engineer Theodore von Karman. Manv
of these scientists emigrated to other countries,
especially the United States.
Although the quality of basic research is good, only
limited progress has been made in applied research.
The government is aware of the need to improve such
research. One of the most important considerations in
assigning priority in research and in providing
financial support is that the research project be
oriented toward applied arras that will benefit the
veonorny in the shortest possible time. A 20 -year
scientific research plan (1961 -80) was drawn up by the
government to keep research within economically
productive bounds and to concentrate efforts on
priority projects i!r industry and agriculture. A number
of governing bodies direct research activities and
expedite the industrial application of research results.
The Council for Economic Mutual Assistance
(CEMA) encourages the coordination of economic
and scientific efforts among its member countries and
has assigned to Hungary industrial priorities in such
fields as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, telecommunica-
tions, electronics, and instruments and precision
maci Hungarian scientific research and
development efforts are related to the industrial
specifications of CEMA.
Several factors have hindered scientific advance-
ment. During World War II many research facilities
were damaged or destroyed. Before the war and
following the unsuccessful uprising against the
Communist regime in 1976, many talented scientists
and engineers emigrated to other countries. In
addition, the economy has been unable to provide the
financial support for science that larger and more
prosperous countries can afford. Scientists have been
unable to purchase modern scientific equipment
abroad or have experienced long delays in securing
such equipment. In some fields of science, laboratory
instrumentation and methodology are several years
behind those of advanced countries. Considerable
difficulty has been encountered in commercializing
scientific developments, because government -owned
industrial plants are reluctant to accept risk in
applying new processes. Political factors also have had
an adverse effect on scientific research; the selection or
promotion of administrators often has been based on
loyalty to the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party
(HSWP) rather than on abilitv. Some researchers are
retained in their positions despite technical
incompetence because of party pressure.
In an effort to make education and science serve the
purpose of its economic goals, Hungary embarked on
a highly optimistic manpower training program slated
to extend through 1980. Facilities are being expanded
to accommodate the anticipated large increases in
enrollments in educational institutions. Heavy
emphasis has been placed on scientific and technical
education at the advanced level. Educational reforms
of the early 1960's were aimed at providing the state
with it skilled and professional work force and stressed
vocational specialization at an earlier age, scientific
concentration in curriculums at all levels, and the
introduction of the polvtechnica) concept of student
training (combining study with practice).
Because of its inability to compete successfully in all
scientific fields, Hungary relies on the results of
research conducted in other countries, and,
consequently, maintains close relations with numerous
foreign scientific 1) Aies. Hungary participates in
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numerous international scientific organizations and
meetings. In 1965, for example, the Iungarian
Academy of Sciences (MTA) sent 400 scientists to
various international scientific meetings, 180 of them
to Western countries. A much greater number of
scientists were sent abroad by universities, ministries,
scientific societies, and industrial enterprises. The
Institute for Cultural Relations with Foreign
Countries, Budapest, concentrates on establishing
links with individuals and educational institutions in
an effort to expand the Hungarian scientific and
cultural presence in the West.
Hungary is a member of the U.N. Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the
World health Organization (WHO), the Interna-
tional Atomic Energy Agency (IAE'A), and the
International Astronautics Federation OF). Hungary
belongs to the principal international astrogeopnvsical
organizations. It cooperates in astrogeophysical efforts
primarily with Communist countries and is active in
satellite tracking. Hungary is a member of the Joint
Institute for Nuclear Research at Dubna in the Soviet
Union and contributes financially to its support.
It is also a member of the International Center for
Theoretical Physics at "Trieste, which is sponsored by
the IAEA and UNESCO. It is active in the Soviet
Intercosrnos program, the Vienna� Bratislava �Buda-
pest Triangic on particle physics, the European Center
for Nuclear Research (CF,RN), and the European
Physical Society.
Scientific and technical cooperative agreements are
in force with other Communist countries, as well as
with the West. VITA maintains relations with the
scientific acadernies of the U.S.S.R., East Germany,
the People's Republic of China, North Korea, Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Bulgaria, as well as
with the French National Center for Scientific
Research; and the Royal Society of London. U.S.
scientists generally are received cordially by
Hum -arian scientists at their research institutes, but
Official policy has been to delay extensive cooperation
with the United States in scientific and cultural affairs
until political and economic relations between the two
countries improve. In 1970 a bilateral agreement was
concluded for the exchange of visits by scientists from
both countries. In July 1972 a cooperative scientific
research agreement was signed by the Institute for
Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and the
U.S. National Science Foundation for the develop
rnent of joint research projects in the physical sciences.
Hungarian research institutes have provided technical
assistance to developing countries in Latin Arnerica,
Africa, and the Middle E:;st.
B. Organization, planning, and financing of
research (S)
All scientific research and development arc under
the direction of the IISWP and the government
Figure 1). Aii extensive organization has been
established to administer and coordinate research
activities; the main functions of this organization are
to insure scientific and technological development in
the various branches of science, to coordinate scientific
activities, to provide direction in the solution of
important research problems, to finance scientific
activities in accordance with the national needs, and
to encourage scientific communication and the
practical application of scientific discoveries.
Scientific research is conducted in institutes
subordinate to the VITA, the ministries, and
institutions of higher learning under the Ministry of
In November 1967 the Central Committee of the
party authorized an extensive stuck- of science policy
and the control and guidance of research. The
resulting report, representing the efforts of about 200
scientists, research administrators, and government
and party leaders, was completed in mid 1969.
Although no radical changes in science policy were
proposed, the report stressed the need for increasing
the effectiveness of scientific research and develop-
ment to stimulate economic growth and advocated
increased research by universities and industry. It also
called fou greater cooperation among scientists from
different branches of sciences and among different
types of research installations on important problems
and emphasized the importance of international
cooperation in science. Although the report pal,
lipservice to the freedom of science as an important
factor in Hungarian science policy, since 1968 there
has been a trend toward stronger domination of the
M'TA by the government and the Communist part
In an effort to bring the VITA under greater party
influence, the Industrial Scientific Planning
Committee t.f the party has recommended that some
of the power of institute directors he reduced and the
number of party members on M'rA scientific
committees be increased.
The highest coordinating body for all scientific
activity is the ouncil on Science and higher
Education "TF I'). Created in 1957, it is composed of
about 40 scientists and leading ministerial officials
and reports directly to the Council of Ministers. It has
the power to make recommendations to the Council of
Ministers regarding the coordination, merger, wind
dissolution of research institutes. It decides on the type
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FIGURE 1. Organization of scientific and technical research, 1972 (C)
and method of training of scientists and engineers and
the number to be trained by the universities in relation
to the nranpo%%er needs of the national economy. The
TFT drew up a 20 -year research pion, approved in
March 1962, which directs research goals to the
Manned technological advances of Ilungarian
industry. The plan enumerates 73 priority problems on
which funds and efforts are to be concentrated during
the period of the plan. The MTA and the
governmental ministries draw up 5 -year research plans
within the framework of the long -range plan.
The National Technical Development Cw-uw:ittec
(M/11- established in 1961, is concerned with
expediting the application of research results in
industry. Subordinate to the Council of Ministers, it
has a nu�mbership of approximately -15 scientists and
technologists and a chairmen of ministerial rank. The
OM FB has three major functions: I to study major
technical problems related to the development of the
ecirnomy; to cooperate with the National Planning
Office, 'TFT, MTA, and the ministries in the
preparation of long -range technical development
plans, ,in(] 3) to advise the Council of Ministers and
other governmental agencies on the improvement of
technological development. It has the power to
disapprove import licenses for the purchase of major
equipment, Snell as computers, which help to
determine the course of technological development.
The M'I'A is the most important scientific body in
Hungary and holds ministerial status. It was formed in
18 and since 19=49 has directed the country's
scientific effort. Its main respons`.bility is organizing,
directing, and coordinating basic research, but it is
a Iso involved in those aspects of applied sciences
which are concerted with the promotion of the
national economy. The NI TA is supported by the state
and enjoys considerable prestige since the intellectual
level of its members is even higher than that of the
universities. It includes many of the eountrv's leading
scientists and technical experts, and the MITA's
decisions in scientific matters are important, although
final authority rests with the Council of Ministers. In
1966 the M'I'A had a membership of 210, including 87
regular members, 7 -1 ecrre members, and 49
honorary members. It is organized into 10 sections:
Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Agricultural
Sciences, Medical Sciences, 'Technical Sciences,
Chemical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Earth and
Mining Sciences, and three sections concerned with
the social sciences. The work of the MTA is directed
by its president, as head of the presidium, while the
secretary general is responsible for implementing
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decisions and for routine administrative matters.
Sectional secretaries are elected from the members.
The M'I'A directs the research activities of -13
research institutes, 30 of which are concerned with
natural and technical sciences. Each of the sections
and each institute reports periodically to the
Academy's presidium. The presidium has many
subordinate committees, including ones for nicteorol-
ogy, geology, geophysics, geoehemistry, and astron-
omy; the last committee includes a subcommittee for
space tracking. Although the N1TA's funds have not
been sufficient to provide adequate housing for all
research facilities, some of the institutes, particularly
the Central Research Institute for Chemistry in
Budapest, the Central Research Institute for Physics in
Csillcberc,t :Md the Experimental Research Institute
for Medical Sciences in Budapest, are well housed. A
new biological research institute under the MTA is
being built at Szeged at it cost of US$8 million. The
NITA publishes it large number of scientific journals
and periodicals and translates foreign scientific
literature, most of it of Soviet origin. It also maintains
contact ,yith over 100 international scientific
organizations and has been participating increasingly
in international conferences.
'I'll(- most important physics research institutes are
the Central Research Institute for Physics, the Institute
for Nuclear Research at Debrecen, and the Institute
fr 'Technical Physics in Budapest. All are subordinate
to the MTA, which also has other, smaller research
groups engaged in physics research. The MTA*s
Mathematical Research Institute and Center for
Computation Techniques, both in Budapest, ca ryout
investigations in pure and applied mathematics,
respectively. The academy also has an institute to
conduct research in automation. Dour major
laboratories tinder the MTA are engaged in chemical
research. It also maintains research groups in 10
university departments for chemical studies. Its
important center for research in pure and applied
chemistry is the Central Research Institute for
Chemistry and in biochemistry the Biochemical
Research Institute in Budapest. "rhrec institutes
engage in medical research, of which the Research
Institute for Experimental Medicine is the most
important. 'I'll(! academy's Veterinary Medical
Research Institute in Budapest engages in research in
infectious and parasitic diseases of animals. In the
field of agronomics, the Agricultural Research
Institute at Martonvasar and the Research Institute of
'For diacritics on place names see the list of namev. at the end of
the chapter.
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry zit Rudaoest
are doing the most notable research. The former is
involved in research on plant genetics, physiology, and
breeding. The latter is concerned with soil physics,
chemistry, and microbiology; reclaniatlow conser-
vation; and plant physiology and biochemistry.
Individual ministries have established their own
specialized research institutes for applied research and
technical development. Nearly 90 of these institutes
operate in manv fields related to industrial,
agricultural, and public health research. The
industrial ministries supervise 50 research institutes
and employ about half of the country's scientific
manpower. They receive a substantial portion of the
total funds available for research. About 127 industrial
firms have laboratories for product development, but
the government prefers that all industrial research be
carried out in ministerial research institutes to insure
easier supervision and coordination. The Ministry of
Health has 12 research centers and also conducts
research at hospitals and clinics. Medical research also
is conducted at several institutes under the MTA.
Both basic and applied research are carried out in
universities and specialized higher educational
institutions. Most university departments have been
concerned primarily with fundamental research in the
past but are gradually undertaking considerable
applied research. Research at the universities has
concentrated on projects covered in the national long
range plan, as well as on projects involving the
developtnelit of various branches of science being
encouraged by international bodies. Although the
government maintains that scientists are free to
conduct research of interest to them, actual priority in
university research is decided by a group of
academicians who have considerable influence in
Communist party circles. Projects favored by these
scientists receive good financial support. Manage-
ment, supervision, and financing of scientific research
at higher educational institutions are handled by the
ministry that oversees them. 'rhe M "rA also provides
funds for research aml has authority over its
researchers within the framework of university
The National Atomic Energy Commission,
established in 1956, is subordinate to the Council of
Ministers. It functions at the ministerial level and is
composed of various ministers, high- ranking
governmental officials, and leading scientists. The
commission acts as an administrative body which
coordinates and essentially controls all activities
directed toward the utilization of nuclear energy
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within the country. It is charge with planning the
development of nuclear power; making provisions for
the use of radioactive isotopes in research, agriculture,
industry, and medicine; promoting the production of
instruments used in nucle rese arch; and undertaking
other tasks arising in connection with the peaceful
application of atomic energy.
The Federation of "rechnical and Scientific
Societies, Budapest, is important in scientific and
technical activities. It is a voluntary group of 25
professional societies and has as its main objective the
promotion of science arid technology. It is engaged in
preparing it long -range technical development plan
and has set up .work commissions for this purpose. [n
all, there are ahout 500 permanent and short -terra
commissions dealing with various problems of science,
industry, and technology The federation does not
have any research institutes of its own nor does it
actively participate in research. Although nominally
independent, the federation is controlled by the MTA
and the OMFB. Half of its funds are provided by the
government while the balance is secured from
membership fees and contributions.
The government's continuing awareness of the
importance of science and technology to the country's
growth is reflected in the fairly large proportion of the
national income allocated each year for scientific and
technical research. Expenditures for scientific research
in 1964 amounted to about 1.5� %0 of the national
income; during 1970 expenditures reportedly
amounted to $425 million or about 2/0 of the national
income. Technical research projects have priority and
in 1966 received 55q of research funds, while natural
science research received about 18 agricultural
research, 1 medical research, 9 and research in
the social sciences, 5 Industrial ministries have
received about half of the available research funds,
and the remainder has been divided between the
MTA and universities.
'rte MTA operating budget has grown about 10%
annually in recent years and amounted to
approximately US$3i million in 1968. About 10% of
the budget was spent for administrative purposes; 25%
to finance research projects in universities; and 65%
for research, primarily basic, in its own institutes.
Funds available to the MTA in 1971 amounted to $64
to $68 million, including both operating budget arid
funds for capital investment in new buildings and
equipment. In .1968 the MTA's Central Research
Institute' for Physics had an operating budget of
approximate y $8.5 million. During 196 the OMFB
had a budget of $3.2 million and the Federation of
Technical and Scientific Societies' budget amounted
to $3.4 million.
A major source of research funds used prinurril% for
development purposes has been the Technical
Development Fund, which %vas set up in 1958 to give
impetus to the Hungarian drive for developing
technology to the level of the Nest.
C. Scientific education, manpower,
and facilities (S)
'rte Ilungarian Communist regime places
considerable emphasis on the education of scientists,
engineers, and technicians. The quality of scientific
education is good. The country has nine universities,
six technical universities, three agricultural univer-
sities, four agricultural colleges, and four medical
universities. The 650 departments within these schools
constitute important research and training centers.
Several colleges also have facilities for research. Four
of the universities have an important role in scientific
training and research. The Lorand Eotvos University
in Budapest, jozsef Attila University in Szeged, Lajos
Kossuth University in Debrecen, and the Technical
University of Budapest.
Through a series of educational reforms, Hungary
has attempted to meet its industrial and professional
manpower requirements. Advanced schools for
technical and engineering training were established in
the early 1960's to provide polytechnic education to
more than 100,000 students. However, courses of
study at these schools were aimed at producing
engineering technicians with training in a narrow field
arid with a minimum of theoretical education. The
curriculums of the country's universities and technical
institutions have not been affected significantly by the
educational reforms since the 1956 uprising. Students
pursue a 5 -year academic program which includes on-
the-joh training in their major fields of study.
Scholarships are available and in addition industries
will subsidize students under it contract which requires
them to work for it number of years for the industry
providing the grant.
Facilities at the university level are crowded,
competent teachers are scarce, and admission to
higher educational institutions is difficult to obtain.
Nevertheless, the quality of scientific education in the
basic sciences has remained at a high level. Good
chernical training is available at the major universities
and at the 'Technical University of Budapest and the
specialized 'rechnical University of Chemical
Engineering in Veszprern.
Scientists, academicians, and professors are highly
respected and enjoy considerable political immunity
because of their valuable talents. Promotions,
however, often influenced by political considera-
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lions. and preferential treatment is given to loNal part)
members. As it result, noun Iii ghly competent
scientists are restricted to routine work, and the morale
of researchers has suffered. Althoutgh the income of
scientists and engineers is only marginally above that
of skilled industrial workers, educated persons receive
preferential treatment that favorably affects their
standard of living. faculty murnIbers of higher
e(Iucational institutions also are not well paid, and it is
c�ustomuary for them to lake jobs vs consultants to
supplement their income. A professor receives
addition.,! compensation if he is a regid ar or
corresponding member of the MT,k or if he has all
advanced degree. Scientists and professors enjoy
lifetime jot) tenure under normal circumstances.
"There is a slight shortage of research personnel,
particularly in the engineering field. lit 1967
aptxoxinsately 41.000 or O.Wi of the wage earners
were cmp!oye(I ill some form of research activity as
scientists, oogincers, technicians, admsinistrators, or ill
servic�es.:1t the present time, between 6.300 and 7,000
researchers are employed at research institutes; 7,000
persons at universities teach and conduct research, and
about 800 others are engaged ill nonteachiug research
projects. Some 2,000 to 2,500 researchers work in the
lahomiories of industrial enterprises and ministries. Of
the Dotal number of researchers, about 7.000 have
professional degrees. The research staffs of the VITA
have grown significantly since the early 1960's, and
more than 5,000 individuals are employed in its
institutes. The MTA Isotope Institute has approxi-
mately I,()00 people engaged in the production of
isotopes. The Central Research Institute for Physics
has a total staff of 1 300, of whom more than 250 are
scientists and engineers. Since 196 -1 the Research
Institute for Tclec�omunumicatioms, Budapest, has
grown significantly, increasing its staff from 700 to
Because of the limited possibilities, tnaun scientists
are reluctant to go into research or, especially, to
conduct basic researeh at it university. The low salaries
paid b} the "Technical University of Budapest are
su pplemented by income from contract research. The
research worker tins tends to abandon basic research
am(I to concentrate oil work with immediate industrial
application. Researchers participating in contract
research at the 'Technical University of Budapest are
appointed by the deans. 'I'll( participating scientists
receive about Wi of the income from contract
research, while the remainder goes to the university.
'I'll( project chief, often the dean of the department,
receives a major share of the funds.
With a fe%\ exceptions, scientific research institutes
arc small, particularly most of those affiliated \\itls the
%1TA. The average institute hies a Itaff of only about
100 persons. 'These small institutes often arc
hauscfic�appe(l by inade(luate doc�unsentatiom services, a
luck of modern equipment, and insufficient
supporting personnel. Research institutes ary in
quality according to the field of research. 'I'll(- Central
Research Institute for Chemistry of the NIT:k is new,
and attractive in appearance, but it is not as well
provided \\ith scientific equipment as the better
laboratories ill the United States. TIIe Cetltral
Research lnstitutc for Physics has impressive
buildings, but much of the equipment is homemade
and of poor quality. The E'xperimcntal Research
Institute for Medical Science has a very modern I1-
story building. The Industrial Research Institute for
Electronics, does not have adequate
equipment or facilities to carry out a productive solid
state research effort. "I'hc general lack of instrumenta-
tion has caused an upsurge in its development, and
industries are producing fairly modern c(tuipment.
I owever, im my of their best items of apparatus are
earmarked for export to the U.S.S.R. and other
countries for the purpose of improving I hingary's poor
foreign exchange status.
D. Major research fields
1. Air and ground weapons (S)
Wcapons research and development capabilities are
meager. Since World War It the country has
concentrated its technological resources in fields other
than the design and development of weapons systems
and remains dependent oil the U.S.S.R. for weapons
for its operational forces. 'I'll(- Soviets monitor all
indigenoets research being performed by Iiungarian
researchers for possible military value. For the most
part, military research consists of modifying wveapoms
and vehicles of foreign origin to meet domestic
requirements. One of the military- related research
efforts krsowm to be underway is it Soviet- dircc�ted
program concerned with investigating the properties
of Soviet rocket propellants. This work includes a
stud\ of the long -term stability of annnmium
pereblorate crystals (probably for prediction of the
shelf life of solid propellants), and a stu(ly of various
solid propellant formulations that exhibit the hest
extinction characteristics following ignition shut(Irnym.
The results of these investigations are used to
supplement the Soviet Union's research programs.
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Hungary has it modest research and development
effort in the fields of tr-ncoortation vehicles and
engine technology, a and stream- crossing,
construction and 11- 1110ving, and materials
handling equipment. Current research efforts include
the development of it 3 -axle truck tractor for the
military and improved components for existing
vehicles, including power steering, powered axle
assemblies, and transmissions. The number of high
quality components heing introdnced into worldwide
markets reflects I-I!!iigarian success in this field. In
addition, reinforced Mastic materials have been
developed to replace sheet metal in truck cabs.
Experimental results show reduced weight and lower
noise levels in the cab. A nidirnentary air cushion
vehicle project is underway with one pn,totype thus
far prodnced, but no significant developments are
expected in the foreseeable future. Engine research of
military significance is primarily aimed toward the
cventual production by the Raba -MAN Com y pan in
Gyor of a 150 horsepower, 5- cylinder diesel engine,
currently in development testing. Research is
conducted on foreign toick designs to find ideas that
can he taken up in 61,,nestic manufacturing and, in
addition, to partially satisfy_ military requirements for
such vehicles. Hungary has collaborated with
Czechoslovakia on the design and manufacture of two
versions of wheeled armored reconnaissance vehicles.
Must antoinotive research is carried out by the
Military Technical Institute in conjunction with
engineers of the Csepel Motor Vehicle Plant in
Rudapest. 'I'll(! Technological University of Budapest
has it department for motor vehicle engineering ahicl,
is capable of providing it small number of technically
qualified personnel for antornotive design work. All
antonwtive design facilities have come into existence
since World War 11. "They are still not adequate to
support an indigenous industry capable of supplying
the military services with an adeclnate range of motor
Although the country's acronantical industry dates
back to 1928. its activities since World War 11 have
been restricted to the development and limited
production of small general- purpose type aircraft and
gliders. There is no curreni development and
production activity on air weapons in either the
aircraft or :nissile fields. Space- related activih is
mostly confined to satellite tracking and data
collection on foreign systems in earth orbit. Some
space related research of an academic nature is
accomplished at universities. The country's four
satellite- tracking slations are located in Budapest,
Raja, Miskolc, and Szombathely: all are operated
under the direction of the VITA. Hungary ungary has
membership on both the Soviet Intercosmos and
Intersputnik programs.
The capability for the design and development of
Borne types of instruments, especially field survey
(except photogr rnnictric) equipment, is excellent.
The country is close to world leadership in the
development of gyrotheodolites, six models of which
were successfully developed during the INN s. An
automated high precision model is in an advanced
stage of development and may be the highest
performance gyrotheodolite built anywhere in the
world. Several thousand gyrotheodolites have been
exported to the U.S.S.R. and reportedly are to be used
in Soviet missile survey operations. "Three models of
electronic geodetic distance- measuring instruments
have been designed: the GE "T -131 is in use by the
Warsaw Pact armies, but the others have not reached
the production stage. A code theodolite, Ko -131 (Figure
2), possibly developed for military application, can
function either as an automatic recording geodetic
survey instrument or as it high- precision recording
code cinetheodolite. It is the most advanced
instrument of this type developed in any of the
Communist countries. The code theodolites,
gyrotheodolites, and numerous niodcls of conven-
tional optical equipment (theodolites, levels, auto
reducing levels, tachymeters, alidadcs) were developed
at the Hungarian Optical Works, Budapest, in
collaboration with the INITA's Geodetic Research
Laboratory in Sopron. The latter facility has a special
underground laboratory for testing gyrotheodolites.
2. Biological and chemical warfare (C)
Hungary has adequate personnel, technology, and
facilities to conduct biological warfare (I3W) research
and development. There is no evidence to show that
the country has an organization which controls a
prograrn for the development of 13W agents or
munitions, but sophisticated research is underway in
modern laboratories on potential BW agents which
cause anthrax, brucellosis, cholera, tularemia, and
arthropod -borne encephalitides. The etiology,
pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of
these diseases have been studied. Candidate
antianimal 13W agents studied include those. which
cause hog cholera, swine fever, Foot -and -mouth
disease, and Anieszky's disease. An excellent
pharmaceutical industry which prodnces high quality
vaccines, sera, and antibiotics for human and aninial
use could contribute to it defensive or offensive Bib'
program. Large quantiiics of pharmaceuticals are
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FIGURE 2. Ko -BI code theodolite (U /OU)
exported to the U.S.S.R. and other Communist
countries, indicating a stockpile capability. Original
research on microbiological fermentation technology
and agent purification provides increased production
potential. Work in anticrop BW- related research
appears to be superior to that of the U.S.S. R. and other
Communist countries. Studies have continued on
antifrtngal antibiotics for application on grain
diseases, on organophosphate insecticides, species
specific pesticides, and biological control of insects.
Although these studies appear to he strictly in the
public health or agricultural domain, the findings
front some of them could be used for defensive and
offensive BW applications.
Scientists are familiar with techniques for detection
of BW agents and have evaluated modern methods of
identification including fluorescent antibodies,
infrared absorption, membrane and soluble filters, and
selective media. At least one nonautomated device, it
testing kit utilizing selective media, has been
developed for field use.
Organizations for chemical, biological, and
radiological defense for military and civilian personnel
follow Soviet counterparts. Defensive BW equipment
is obtained either from the U.S.S.R. or is indigenously
produced based on Soviet design. Military publica-
tions and official directives discuss potential hazards
of BW and contain detailed descriptions of protective
measures to be taken in event of BW attacks. Training,
however, appears to have less emphasis than in other
Warsaw Pact countries.
The chemical warfare (CW) research and
development program is primarily defensive and is
modest when compared with those of other Fast
European countries. Research on toxic agents is
limited, largely because of Soviet restrictions.
Nevertheless, Hungarian scientists are knowledgeable
of World War II types of toxic CW agents and prior to
the 1956 revolt had experimented with a number of
nerve agents. Research has been conducted on the role
of acetyleholinesterase on the autonomic nervous
system which could have CW defensive (therapeutic)
or offensive (nerve agent) implications.
The Military Technical Institute in Budapest,
under the Ministry of Defense, is considered the
primary center for research on CW agents, particularly
nerve agents. Since 1967 few articles on organophos-
phorous research applicable to CW agent development
have appeared in Hungarian literature. C:yclosarin, a
nerve agent similar in structure to Sarin, the standard
U.S. nonpersistent nerve agent, has been mentioned
briefly and is claimed to have a higher toxicity than
that of Sarin. Ergot production research is emphasized,
probably because ergot, from �vhich lysergic acid
diethylarnide (1,SD -25) is derived, is a Hungarian
export. It is doubtful that this work is related to the
study of the properties of LSD as an incapacitating
agent since the characterization and physiological
effects of ergot alkaloids apparently have not been
The Hungarians reportedly are developing an
automatic chemical alarm, the CIIPN, presumably for
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the� detection of nerve agents; it is to replace the Soviet
GSP -I antornatic alarm which detects G -type nerve
agents such as Sarin and the PKh -i -I detector kit
Which, with the inclusion of a special tithe, detects
both V- and G- agents. \'-agents include VX which acts
primarily through the skin rather than through the
respiratory tract, the primary route of entry for G-
3. Atomic energy (S)
Hungary has a small nuclear energy program which
is administratively controlled by the National Atomic
Ene,gy Commission. However, the Soviets essentially
dictate the limits of the research which may be
conducted. The growth of the nuclear program is
restricted by the stringent Soviet controls, as well as by
limited scientific manpower, research facilities, and
financial resources. The program is directed primarily
toward basic nuclear research, and the production and
utilization of radioactive isotopes. Nuclear scientists
receive token assistance from the Soviets, specifically
through nuclear training at the Joint Instita.Fe for
Nuclear Research at Dubna, U.S.S.R. Since .967
Ilungary also has received some assistance from (ALA.
Most of the nuclear research is conducted at the
(ventral Research Institute for Physics and at the
Institute of Nuclear Research in Debrecen. The
Central Research Institute for Physics hits it research
reactor provided by the Soviet Union in 1958 and it
zero -power reactor which has been operating since
1963. 'C he research reactor, originally it 2- megawatt
thermal (MWt) reactor, was modified to increase its
power level to 4 -5 MWt; its isotope production
capacity also was increased significantly. Hungary
also has several accelerators ranging in energy from
200 Kev to 4 Mev. These are used in basic low and
intermediate energy physics research.
A high -flux materials testing reactor was reportedly
under construction during 1966 at the Institut;! of
Nuclear Research; however, nothing is known of its
status. Also during 1966 it 10- kilowatt research reactor
was under construction at the Budapest Technical
University. Although scheduled for completion in
1967, this reactor did not achieve initial criticality
until mid -1971.
The MTA's Isotope Institute stores and distributes
isotopes produced in Hungary and imported from
abroad. It also prornotes the nse of isotopes for
industrial control and testing.
Only it moderate effort has been directed toward the
development of nuclear power. Hungary and the
Soviet Union signed an agreement in 1966 whereby
the Soviets would provide it two reactor, 880 electrical
megawatts (MWE) nuclear power station to be built
at Paks on thv Danube. At the request of Hungarian
officials construction of the station has been delayed,
and the first reactor, scheduled to become operational
in 1975, is expected to become operational in 1980.
4. Electronics (S)
Ilungary has demonstrated the ability to produce
significant results in electronic research and
development but is handicapped by lack of funds,
shortages of materials, and conflicting priorities. The
country has the know -how and resources io exploit
foreign designs as well as the capability for the
manufacture of high quality components and
cgnipnent. The main center of electronics research
and development is the "Telecommunications
Industrial Research Institute, Budapest, where it broad
range of activities is underway.
Semiconductor and transistor research and
development continue to be stressed in all areas, from
basic research in transistor technology to manufactur-
ing techniques. Nevertheless, difficulty in obtaining
such semiconductor materials as gallium arsenide has
impeded research in this field. The Telecommunica-
tions Industrial Research Institute has under
development ultra- high frequency silicon transistors
and diodes. The Research Institute of the Electronic
Industry in Budapest is involved in studies relating to
the production of high -grade silicon carbide for
semiconductor use, thyristor development, and
semiconductor control devices. Power diodes of 20-
and 60- ampere capacity at 600 -volt operation are
being developed.
Vacuum tube research and development generally
are based on work done in the West. The Hungarians
have done some major work in developing microwave
tubes and materials. Cathode bases have been made
from tantalum and titanium instead of the usual
active nickel. Also developed was a special high-
temperature I.-type cathode with the same emission
characteristics as an ordinary (.-type. The Hungarians
have developed E /F-band reflex klystrons, G /11 -band
and E/F -band traveling wave tubes, and G /11 -hand
Hungary is currently dependent upon the U.S.S.R.
for electronic warfare equipment and for fire control
and surveillance radars. While there appca� io be no
significant research and development in these fields,
radars have been produced domestically since 1955. In
the area of cormunications, the Iungarians have
developed radio -relay systems for use in the U.S.S.R.
The stations are designed for communications on
super -high frequencies of from 7900 -8000 megahertz.
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Efforts to develop ferrite magnetic materials and
magnetic cores have [)cell successful, and research and
development in this area are nearly edtial to that of
the more advanced West;-nn countries. Nickel oxide is
produced for ferrite cores. Other production includes
radio frequency fcrrites, computer memory core
fcrrites, barium fcrrites, and printed circuits.
Research in infrared technology includes projects on
electron microscopy, photon detectors, image
converters, optical materials, and optical properties of
films. The Iltntgarian Optical Works has produced
fiber optic illumination units; cone of tile. work is
outstanding, Imt excellent spectrographic equipment
for obtaining emission spectra has been developed.
Research is underway on a dye for military uniforms
that will produce the saner infrared absorbence as the
foliage that is characteristic of the country.
Hungary has assumed it position of leadership
atrtong the Eastern European countries in the
development and production of small computers. The
Central Research Institute for Physics has developed a
model, designated IPA -I, which has exported to
the U.S.S.R. and other Eastern European countries.
An improved version, IPA -2, is entering prodnction.
The Electrical Measuring Instrument Factory,
Budapest, developed and in 1968 began prodnction of
the first domestic model of all electronic digital
conipnter, the transistorized EMC -840. Although not
competitive with current Western coniputcrs, it
appears espial to some of the hest transistorized
coniptiters that have been developed in other Eastern
European countries. This factory also has developed
and produced several devices for automatic control
systems. The most advanced logic circuits known co
have been produced in Hangar} employ pri:ited
circuits vyith transistors and other discrete components.
In addition to the Electrical Measuring Instrument
factory, such facilities as the Tcicconimullications
Industrial Research Institute have conducted
engineering research on tItiit- filet hybrid and
integrated circuits. Considerable emphasis is placed
on the automation of rneasnreinent techniques.
During 1970 Ilungary signed an agreement with
France to inanofactiire tinder license in Ilongary a
,mall, third generation coniputer to be called the
F, \i -810.
The number of installed computers increased from
I`; in 1967 to 80 at the end of 1969. litingarian sources
say that the goal for the next 5 years will call for the
installation of 400 to 600 computers, although others
estimate that the country cannot absorb more than 30
per year. 11ongary was among tle first of the Eastern
European countries to establish a central registry for
computer programs. 'I'hc registry, under the
Department of Information and Documentation of
the National Management Mechanization Control,
publishes lists of available programs and disseminates
suitable programs to users.
In 1970 the Hungarian Research Institute for
Scientific Instrtunents in Budapest had developed 40
types of instninents for laboratory attd industrial use.
The range of instrunicnts includes integrated digital
voltmeters, circuit testers, gas analyzers, biological
simulators, and temperature and pressure transducers.
The Hungarian company which handles the sale of
scientific instrtunents is METRIMPEX, which is also
located in Budapest and produces it quarterly
publication "Hungarian Scientific Instruments"
describing domestic developments in the instrument
5. Medical sciences, including veterinary
medicine (S)
Biomedical research, though limited in volume, is of
high duality and compares favorably with the finest in
Eastern Europe. Progress is limited by shortages of
funds and equipment. Research is undertaken at
institutes of the VITA, Ministry of Health,
universities, and industry. The inauguration in 1971 of
a new Biological Research Center of the VITA, at
Szeged, has given Ilungary superior facilities for
interdisciplinary research in molecular biology.
Excellent work is being done in neurophysiology,
biochemistry, biophysics, and pharmacology.
Pharmaceutical research largely duplicates Western
achievements, but the (Irugs developed meet high
international standards. Hungary has made unique
contributions in the .synthesis of hormones and
antincoplw, tic agents.
Physiologists are making an outstanding contribu-
tion to the study of the regulation of brain functions
and to the determination of brain circuitry. Hungary
leads the Communist world in research on sensory and
visual morphology, and good work is underway on the
study of excitation and condtiction of nerves and
lie, uro- hormonal activity. Excellent models of nerve
cell networks have been developed and are being
tested on computers and modified according to
electrophysiological observations in animals. Nenro-
physiological investigations are assisted by research on
(Irugs which act upon the central nervous system,
particularly in areas of the brain which regulate or
organize behavioral reactions.
Research in hiochcinistry has been steadily
expanding in volume. Prospects for major progress in
molecular biology have been enhanced with the
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opening of the Szeged center. This facility has four
research institutes for biochemistry, genetics,
biophysics, and plant physiology, which are carrying
ont good molticlisciplinary research in photosynthesis,
regulation of enzynu activity, and regulation of
genetic activity.
Pharmacology is the most active field in lhionxxlical
research and furnishes basic support to the
pharmaceutical industry, it very prodwtive element of
the national economy. Hungary leads other East
European countries in the development of drugs. Most
of the research and development is centered in the
Research Institute of the Pharmaceutical Industry in
Budapest and in the Department of Drug Research of
the Research Institute for Experimental Nleclicine.
Research support of the industry is also furnished by
the Biological Research Center. Important advances
include the synthesis of prostaglandin; the unique
synthesis of human aclrenoc�orticotropie hormone,
research on the genetics of ergot and isolation of its
active components; the chemical and microbiological
synthesis of steroids; and the study of plant derived
cancer chemotherapeutics. Extensive research is
devoted to e w1flitation of active principles of
medicinal plants. Research also has proclucecl anti-
inflammatory agents, contraceptives, tranquilizers,
and analgesics.
Research in microbiology is good but is undertaken
on i modest scale. Studies are clone on the standard
development of sera and vaccines, production of
monkey kidney cells for agent propagation, and
production of three types of cholera vaccine. Careful
work is being devoted to the study of arbovirus
multiplication in rnosgnitus and ticks. Other research
concerns the induction of interferon in mouse cells and
the viral etiology of cancer.
The Hungarians are doing good but not original
work on the stimulatiy anal destructive effects of laser
radiation, inactivation of enzyme function by ionizing
raeliation, and the use of radiation to sterilize feeds.
Tec�hnidues are being developed to improve the
control of ionizing radiation dosage and to analyze the
homogeneity of radiation energy. With limited
wsonrces, the country is developing high quality
equipment, cspec�ially optical instruments for brain
wsearch, but has riot yet regained its international
position in the production of ine(lical instruments.
Cornputer technology is exploited to support
diagnostic procedures.
The veterinary research capability is comparable to
that of other neighboring countries hilt clots not equal
that of the U.S.S.R. or East Germany. Research is
primarily applied and cmphasi�res the study of
improved diagnostic techniques for and the
development of more effective vaccines against
animal diseases of economic importance to the
country. Individual scientists occasionally emhark on
sophisticated research which indicates an achvanced
capahility in veterinary science. Studies are underway
in bacterial research on the agents producing anthrax,
leptospirosis, tuherculosis, salmonellosis, and
clostridial infections. 'Tissue culture techniques and
nuxlificatior, of virus strains are investigated. The
emphasis in parasitology is on the development of
chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment and
control of parasitic infestations. The Veterinary
Medical Research Institute of the MTA in Budapest is
the major veterinary research institute.
6. Other sciences (S)
a. Chemistry and metallurgy
Hungary does a substantial amount of basic and
applied chemical research all(] development. Basic
chemical research of higb quality is underway in the
universities and institutes of the MTA. Despite the
government's continuing emphasis on applicc]
chemical research to support the growing chemical
industry, this aspect is generally weak except in
specialized areas such as pharmaceutical chemistry,
which is well supported by the drug industry. The
Chemical Sciences Section of the MTA supports
several institutes concerned with chemistry, notably
the Central Research Institute for Chemistry, the
Isotope 17nsttUtC, and the Research Institute for
Technical Chemistry in Veszprcm. The Chemical
Sciences Section also supports I university chairs,
each held by a professor and assisted by a research
Partly because of strong support by the M'I'A,
organic chemistry has achieved considerable
importance. Research on alkaloids and other natural
products, chemical transformations of hydrocarbons,
pharmaceuticals, and polymers has been encouraged.
Lorancl Farkas, a leader of the MTA research groups
for alkaloid chemistry at the Technical University of
Budapest, has clone excellent work on flavones,
isoflavones, glucosides, and other natural products.
Coocl synthetic organic research has also been done at
this University on hydantoins, thiohydantoins,
pyrimidines, and other heterocyclic nitrogen
compounds. Several of the major pharmaceutical
companies, especially the Chinoin Pharmaceutical
and Chemical Products Company, Budapest, are
doing excellent synthetic organic work related to
various types of pharmacologically active substance;.
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Research on the reactions of hydrocarbons is under
investigation by the Hungarian Oil and Gas Research
Institute, Veszprern, which also is concerned with
petrochemicals, catalysts, lubricating oils, and greases.
The Research Institute for the Plastics Industry,
Budapest, is the principal facility engaged in polymer
research. The effort encompasses studies on resin
adhesives, manufacture of polyvinyl chloride,
catalysts for ethylene polymerization, polyarnides,
properties of polymers, and polymer structure. Dr.
Gyula Hardy, the director of this institute and also u
professor at the Technical University of Budapest, is a
capable scientist who has done considerable work on
polymerization reactions, including radiation induced
solid -state polymerization. Good theoretical work on
the kinetics of polymerization and the kinetics of
inhibition of free radical polymerization has been
carried out at the Central Research Institute for
There is some effective research in physical organic
chemistry, particularly on reaction kinetics at the
Central Research Institute for Chemistry (figure :3)
and on bond structures of organosilicon compounds at
the 'Technical University of Budapest, but the
development of physical organic chemical research
has been retarded by the shortage of instrumentation.
Por example, in 1969 fey scientists had access to
nuclear magnetic resonance equipment, which was
located only at the Central Research Institute for
Chemistry the Central Research Institute for Physics,
and possibly at the Chinoin pharmaceutical plant.
In physical chemistry, considerable work is being
done in electrochemistry, reaction kinetics, and
catalysis. The Central Research Institute for
Chemistry is engaged in fundam --ntal research
problems in chemical kinetics of inorganic reactions
and in fast reaction techniques. There is a
concentration of effort on kinetics of catalytic
hydrogenation and on electrolytic hydrogenation and
adsorption phenomena on platinum electrodes, as well
as on oxidation on nickel hydroxide electrodes. Tibor
Erdey -Gruz, president of the NITA, and his associates
at the Lorand Eotvos University, Budapest, arc
concerned with ion migrations, adsorption, electrode
potentials, reduction of metal ions on electrodes, and
the effect of sinusoidal current on electrode processes.
A group at the 'Technical University of Chemical
Engineeritw does research on polarography, polariza-
tion, and the effect of alternating current on the
corrosion of metals. An outstanding figure in catalysis
is Zoltan Csttros of the 'technical University of
Budapest; lie h�ts worked on boron trifluoride
catalysis, catalytic oxidations, and ,rtrticttlarly on
Raney nickel catalysts for hydrogenation. An
FIGURE 3. Measurement of reac-
tion- kinetics with a Pulfrich pho-
tometer at the Central Chemical
Research Institute (U /OU)
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important study at the Jozsef Attila University,
Szeged, is on the thermal stability aril thermal
decomposition of chlorine and oxygen salts, including
work on ammonium perchlorate, an important
component of solid rocket propellants.
Hungary is particularly active in analytical and
inorganic chemical research and has some outstanding
research personnel in the analytical field. Prof. Laszlo
Erdey of the Technical University of Budapest is very
well known for a variety of research on precipitation
exchange reactions, oxidation- reduction indicators,
gravitnetric analysis, new analytical reagents, and
therrnoanalytical techniques. Prof. Erno Pungor of the
Technical University of Chemistry Engineering is also
outstanding for his research on flame photometry,
titrimetric analysis, ion specific electrodes, and,
recently, on hcteropolyacids.
A lesser amount of research in biochemistry is being
clone, but the quality is good. Dr. F. Bruno Straub,
director of the Institute of Biochemistry of the NITA,
Budapest, is possibly the best biochemist in Eastern
Europe. lie has done considerable research on
ribonucleic acid and enzymes. One of Hungary's
leading chemists, Prof. Byozo Bruckner of the Institute
of Organic Chemistry of the L.orand Eotvos
University, has clone excellent work on anthrax
pol,'peptides, polyglutamic acids, and the synthesis of
polypeptides and hormones. Because of his advanced
age he appears to be no longer active in research. A
substantial arnount of biochernical research on
miscellaneous topics is conducted at the Experimental
Research Institute for Medical Science and at the
medical universities.
The applied metallurgical research and develop-
ment program is well balanced aril directed
principally toward solving the problems of the
industries contributing heavily to the economy,
especially the steel and aluminum industries. Since
about 1967 the amount of applied research has grown,
and there has been an increase in the amount of
research undertaken at plant facilities such as the
Lenin Steel Works in Diosgyor, the Csepel Metal
Works on Cscpclsziget, and at various aluminum
producing plants. The most important metallurgical
research facilities are the Research Institute for Ferrous
Metallurgy and the Research Institute for Nonferrous
Metallurgy, both in Budapest and under the Ministry
of Metallurgy and Machine Industries.
The Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy,
under the direction of Jozsef Vero, has done extensive
research on stainless steels and the physical metallurgy
of steel arid on the development of high- strength low
a.loy steels. Research efforts have covered all facets of
ferrous metals production and problem solving and
have included blast furnace and basic oxygen furnace
studies. Other efforts have concerned studies on the
continuous casting of steel slabs, the heat treatment of
hearing arid tool steels, the corrosion of stainless steels,
fracture mechanics, fatigue studies, aril electron
fractography. Efforts also have been directed toward
the study of soft magnetic materials and transformer
The Research Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy,
directed by Laszlo Gillemot, has done extensive
research on the refining of aluminum and on the
metallurgy and processing of aluminum n" The
research covers all stages of aluminum roduction
from the processing of bauxite ores to the
manufacturing of semifinished and finished wrought
aluminum products. The institute is also studying
precipitation hardening in several aluminum alloys
and corrosion and stress corrosion of aluminum alloys.
Other research has concerned the extraction of copper
and manganese from their ores, as well as the physical
metallurgy of copper alloys. Some work was done in
the past on the refining of titanium and on titanium
alloys; however, in recent years essentially no work has
been undertaken on titanium, which suggests a
decrease in interest in this aerospace material.
Research on the hasic oxygen furnace and on blast
furnace practice has been conducted at the Lenin
Steel Works and on magnetic alloys and high purity
oxygen -free copper at the Csepel Metal Works.
Considerable research on welding technology also is
pursued by various research facilities. Extensive
research is underway on cast iron and includes the use
of oxygen in refining and the physical metallurgy of
cast iron. The Machine Manufacturing Technical
Institute has concentrated its efforts on precision
casting and continuous casting.
Of the little fundamental metallurgical research
underway, most of it is on semiconductors and thin
metal films for the telecommunication industry. The
research is narrow in scope and the most significant is
being done at the Central Research Institute for
Physics and involves the study of thin films and
magnetic domains. The study of the morphology of
thin germanium arid silicon films and of magnetic
domains in magnetic alloys is of high quality. Some
basic research is done on the deformation of metals at
the L.orand Eotvos University arid on ordering in
alloys at the 'Technical University of Heavy Industry
in Miskolc.
b. Physics and mathematics
The country's capability to do significant research
in physics is limited arid concentrated in only a fe
areas with the emphasis on nuclear physics and solid
state physics, especially semiconductors. The most
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extensive research is carried out at the Central
Research Institute for Physics Research.
Hungary has a strong base in high energy physics
research, which is localized at the Central Research
Institute for Physics. The High- Energy Physics
Division of the institute engages in cosmic ray studies.
Domestic research in this field has been aided
considerably by the presence of a Hungarian staff in
the joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna,
U.S.S.R. Other high energy research has included
;:....ies on strong and weak particle interactions on the
basis of emulsions and cloud chamber photographs
prepared at foreign :accelerators. In addition, work has
been done on the 'preparation and evaluation in
Hungary of direct measurements carried out at their
own accelerators. Theoretical studies also are done
using complex quantum -field theory techniques.
Research in particle physics has been aimed at gaining
information on strongly interacting particles, the
hadrons. However, the country does riot possess
accelerators of sufficient energy for such studies, and
the Hungarians work closely with other physicists at
Dubna. The Hungarians have contributed to the
complex analytical and algebraic methods needed to
study correlations between data obtained at various
high- energy facilities and the scattering and decay of
hadrons in their many particle final states.
A program of low energy physics is proceeding at a
modest pace. Much of the activity is directed toward
the applied aspects of reactor power engineering and
the production of isotopes. In view of the country's
lack of nuclear instrumentation and inability to
purchase such equipment abroad, the Hungarians
have done well in developing their own instruments.
Physicists such as Leonard Pal, Norbet Kroo, and their
associates at the Central Research Institute for Physics
have developed a time -of -Flight spectrometer with a
polarized neutron beam capable of providing
spectrum measurements with good resolutions and
high signal -to -noise ratios. Doctor Kroo has made
contributions in studies dealing with inelastic neutron
scattering based on high research of the dynamic
properties of liquid -gas systems at the critical point.
The Isotope Institute is well supported in its work
involving the production of isotopes and developing
techniques for their use, especially in industry.
The program in solid -state physics, which is
oriented mostly toward the support of the domestic
semiconductor and electronics industries, is hampered
by the shortage of scientists and inadequate
equipment and facilities. Activities are concerned with
developments leading to the preparation of gallium
arsenide substrates, gallium phosphates, and epitaxial
layers. Studies are underway at the Applied Physics
Institute on impurities and other properties of
semiconductors and luminescent materials. Experi-
ments are underway on the purification or synthesis of
compounds cf tellurium, cadmium, and gallium. The
physicists at the institute are able to produce
reasonably pure silicon and germanium crystals.
Tungsten recrystallization through electron bom-
bardment is underway at the institute, and some
research is being done on bulk semiconductor
materials for use in Gunn diodes. Research in
microelectronics has met with limited success.
Development of integrated circuit techniques is being
stressed at the Telecommunications Engineering
Industrial Research Institute. Although researchers at
the institute have probed many of the international
developments and in some cases duplicated them,
they have been unable to produce microcircuits of
acceptable quality for use.
The Hungarians are doing limited research in
superconductivity. The Solid -State Physics Laboratory
of the Lorand Eotvos University is doing work in-
volving the study of properties of transitions dealing
with the critical temperatures associated with
diamagnetic and paramagnetic impurities in
superconductors. Theoretical research in superconduc-
tivity is underway by specialists in institutes of the
The Central Physics Research Institute is
conducting research on lasers for use in various
industrial and construction projects. The scope and
depth of laser research and development are small by
Western standards. Research in the theory and
application of lasers is accomplished by the
Telecommunications Research Institute and the
Central Research Institute for Physics.. The latter
institute has constructed ruby and helium -neon lasers
that emitted visible light. Research is being done on
the laser phenomena associated with metallic vapor of
cadmium; the Hungarians are studying the photo
effects of a nonlinear nature. A liquid laser having an
organic base material and a gas laser using cadmium
metallic vapor have been constructed. In the case of
the liquid laser, some studies have been reported
concerning the results of an investigation dealing with
frequency tuning of the laser. From the technology
standpoint, Hungary has begun production of laser
equipment and has been interested in producing laser
mirrors using substrates and films. Geodetic laser
instruments, under development at the Hungarian
Optica! Works, are designed to measure distance very
rapidly. Machine tools operated with the aid of lasers
have an accuracy within the limits of one micron.
Investigations are being made at laboratory levels in
the use of lasers in surgery and the effects of laser rays
on cells and tissues. Consideration also is being given
to the use of lasers in communication and computers.
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This interest in special laser devices may lead to
increased research on laser materials and techniques.
Hungary has a strong tradition for research in
nathenatics and had produced many excellent
inuthematiciaits. Several outstanding U.S. mathemati-
cians emigrated from Hungary, including john von
Neumann, Theodore von Karman, Gabor Szego, and
Otto Szasz. The country has it good capability for
mathematical research in limited areas as a result of
the efforts of a few particularly strong or very highly
qualified mathematicians. Among the most prolific
mathematicians in Hungary are Paul Erdos and his
frequent collaborator, Imre Katai. The most
pronounced trend in Hungarian mathematics is the
emphasis on applied mathematics. The major areas of
study continue to be analysis, notably Fourier
analysis, algebra, and geometry. There is a growing
interest in probability, statistics, and information and
communication theory. Some interest has been shown
in the classical subject of theory of numbers. The
Research Institute for Automation of the MTA was
established to conduct research in the field of
automatic control, and studies are underway on logic,
control theory, use of cornputers and electronic
devices, process control, and automation economics.
c. Astrogeophysical sciences
Although there is an active research program in the
astrophysical and geophysical sciences, most of the
research is routine and lacks originality and depth.
Capabilities in astronomy and upper atmospheric
research remain rather low. Although there are too few
competent scientists and a limited number and variety
of instruments available, some progress is being made
in increasing the number of observatories and in
installing new instruments. Astronomical research is
centered at the MTA's Astronomical Institute,
Budapest; at the NITA's Konkoly Observatory, and at
the Solar Physics Observatory, Debrecen. The institute
has done work in stellar statistics, as well as theoretical
research in cosmology. Since 1961 it has published the
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars for the
International Astronomical Union. The activities of
the Solar Physics Observatory have been confined
largely to installing instruments and collecting data
primarily of the photosphere. The Heliophysical
Observatory of the M'I'A in Debrecen conducts
reseal h in solar physics on sunspots, solar cycles, and
solar flares. The principal astronomical facility is the
Konkoly Observatory, located at Szabadsag -hegy,
which is noted for its observational studies of variable
stars. The observatory has a station on Piszkes Telco in
the Matra Mountains. Established in 1962 it is
equipped with it 90- centimeter Schmidt telescope and
a 50- centimeter Newtonian Cassegrain reflecting
telescope. The station also engages in research on
variable stars.
Space activity is limited to satellite tracking at
optical stations at Baja, Budapest, Miskolc, and
Szombathely. These stations participate in the Soviet
sponsored Interobs program, for which the Baja
station is the network coordinating center. The
Hungarians are performing research on analytical
techniques for determining satellite orbital periods
and for deducing atmospheric density therefrom and
on t nature of atmospheric density variations. The
country also participates in the Soviet sponsored
Vertikal (scientific rocket), Intercosmos (scientific
satellite), and Intersputnik (communications satellite)
Upper atmospheric research is routine and
concentrated primarily in the area of cosmic rays and
the ionosphere. Cosmic ray research is under the
direction of the Central Physics Research Institute.
Ionospheric research is carried out by an ionospheric
sounding station at Bekescsaba under the National
Meteorological Institute. Theoretical studies of the
ionospheric mat,netospheric relationships have been
conducted at the Geophysical Research Laboratory of
the MTA in Sopron.
Meteorological resew ch is confined generally to
climatological and synoptic studies. The National
Meteorological Institute, the weather service of
IIungary, conducts basic and applied research in
addition to its operational functions. The country is
primarily interested in the areas of forecasting,
climatology, agrometeorology, and biometeorology.
Work in these areas has not produced remarkable
results but has been s6ticient to meet domestic
meteorological needs. he observational network is
rather dense, and the sl ations are located to give good
distribution of observa; ions. Meteorological research is
routine and has not produced any significant st ics.
This is caused to some extent by a general shortage of
meteorologists with advanced training.
The National Meteorological Institute is subordi-
nate to the Council of Ministers and is the central
organization controlling meteorological activities in
Hungary. It furnishes meteorological information for
all military and civilian aviation. With the exception
of synoptic stations at airfields controlled by the air
force, the institute controls all the observational
stations. The institute also has five subordinate
observatories: the Gyorgy Marczell Aerological
Observatory at Pestlorinc; three agrometeorological
observatories at Martonvasar, Keeskemct, and
Szarvas; and a meteorological observatory at Pecs. A
storm warning center at Siofok near Balaton lake
participates in it central European network. In
addition to being a focal point of a Transdanubian
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station net,vork, it is an element of a sferics network
headquartered in East Germany. The center was
established because of the sudden severe storms that
occur in the area and is equipped with modern
instruments and communications facilities to receive
synoptic reports from several hundred European
stations. The Meteorological Scientific Committee of
the MTA coordinates meteorological research and sets
Hungary has conducted only a limited amount of
research in numerical weather prediction. Its research
in physical meteorology has been routine and has
included studies in cloud and precipitation physics,
including condensation of nuclei, growth of ice
crystals and ice formation nuclei, microstructure of fog
and clouds, atmospheric electricity, turbulence, avid
atmospheric pollution. Research in synoptic
meteorology is focused primarily on short- and
medium -range forecasts with some effort directed
toward long -range forecasts.
Geomagnetic, telluric current, and related research
is conducted at two centers, the Geophysical Research
Laboratory and the Lorand Eotvos Hungarian State
Geophysical Institute in Budapest. The former has an
observatory at Nagycenk, while the latter has
observatories at Tihany, near Balaton lake, and at
Szarvas. The emphasis in research has been on the
pulsating character of the geomagnetic field, and the
frequencies of telluric currents with regard to their
relation to the structure of the earth's crust and
mantle. A telluric current station also is located at
The National Seismological Institute, staffed by
seismologists of the Lorand Eotvos University,
operates a network of four stations Budapest,
Keeskemet, Sopron, and at the Piszkes Teto
(astronomical) observatory. Although Hungary is
located in an aseismic area, routine observations are
made and some research is conducted. The Lorand
Eotvos Hungarian State Geophysical Institute has
utilized seismic techniques to investigate the crustal
structure of the Carpathian basin, partially in
cooperation with other Fast European countries.
Small -scale research has been conducted in earth
modeling earthquake magnitudes, and microseisms.
Very little work dealing with seismic detection of
underground nuclear explosions has been published
by the Hungarians, and they probably have not
conducted research in this area.
The country excels in the area of geophysical
prospecting. The work is carried out under the
auspices of the Ministry of Heavy Industry and the
MTA. Seismic methods predominate, although other
geophysical and geological techniques are utilized.
Hungary has done considerable geophysical prospt �A-
ing in foreign countries and in 1967 initiated a general
geophysical survey of Mongolia. It also is beginning to
conduct geophysical oil prospecting under contract to
other East European Communist countries.
The principal center for geological research is the
Hungarian State Geological Institute, which prepares
geological maps for national and international
purposes. The Geochemical Research Laboratory of
the MTA also contributes to geological research.
Recent efforts have included studies in paleomagnet-
ism and vulcanisrn, as well as a study of the structure
and evolution of the earth.
Geodetic research and development have increased
considerably since the early 1960's and, while not
outstanding, generally have been adequate to solve
problems encountered in the development of national
geodetic nets. Hungary is second only to East
Germany among the Communist countries in the
design and production of geodetic instruments. The
Geodetic Research Laboratory of the MTA is the
principal facility responsible for the major portion of
geodetic research in Hungary. The Geodetic and
Cartographic Enterprise, Budapest, is responsible
primarily for conducting geodetic and astronomical
work. It also supports geodetic research in other
facilities. The Hungarian Optica! Works continues to
excel in the design and development of a wide variety
of geodetic instruments and has carried out research
and development on laser distance measuring
equipment for geodetic purposes.
Research in triangulation and leveling is centered
on measurement methods, measurement error,
adjustment error, adjustment of triangulation and
leveling nets, and the design and development of
geodetic instruments. One of the most noteworthy
achievements was the final adjustment of the fictitious
first -order fill -net of the Transdanubian area, based on
the first -order triangulation points of the principal net.
Geodesists have developed several new methods for
simplifying adjustment computation in triangulation
nets, radial triangulation, traversing, and linear
intersection. Although the first-order triangulation net
is still adequate for scientific needs, Hungary has
begun modifying and improving the net to meet
accuracy requirements of the future. The reconstruc-
tion of the precise leveling network, which began in
1961, was 80% complete at the end of 1970. Work has
continued on the precise leveling net needed for
investigating recent crustal movements. Experiments
and theoretical research also are being conducted to
facilitate the selection of instruments suitable for
investigating crustal movements as well as for setting
up the measuring an.; calculation methods. Hungary
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is utilizing U.S., Soviet, and Polish electronic data
processing equipment to speed up computation and
adjustment studies. Activity in geodetic astronomy has
been devoted chiefly to the determination of
astronomical positions for use in geoidal studies and to
establish the proper orientation of the new first -order
triangulation network. Hungarian scientists have been
active also in determinations of international
longitude differences and have conducted national
and international gravity surveys using gravity meters
and torsion balance. `nvestigations have been carried
out for the determimition of the gravity field and the
figure of the earth from orbital data of artificial
As a member of the East European Subcommission
for Satellite Geodesy, Hungary participates in geodetic
observations and studies based on these observations.
The tracking station at Baja is taking part in the
International Satellite Geodesy Experiment (ISAGEY)
to observe faint satellites for dynamical purposes.
Studies have been clone on the adjustment and scaling
of geodetic satellite networks, techniques of geodetic
doppler measurements, and dynamic methods of
geodetic applications of satellites. Research activity
also has been focused on a new adjustment of satellite
and traditional geodetic networks, a method of
determining the equatorial coordinates of satellites
and the automation of satellite tracking and
compilation for geodetic purposes.
The Hungarians engage in hydrologic, hydro
mechanical, and hydraulic research directed toward
solving the problems of flood protection, inland
waterways regulation, irrigation, and land reclama-
tion. Extensive use has been made of hydraulic models
and field tests for studies of lowhead dams, stream
hydraulics, sedimentation phenomena, and the
dynamics of filtration under hydraulic structures. The
Hungarians are active in the development of
instruments for use in hydrologic and hydraulic
2 POL:
0 25 50 Man
:75 KU Om
D16sgy6r. �Miskolc
P y
Plszk6s Tet6
So ron Gye
A U S T R IA r Nagyeenk
Cslllebere BUDAPEST
Szabadsbg- hegy���
a Szom athely
CN ;u!
Tiha 4xr
g1 6
Y U G O S L A y LA
".e ow.
6 601472 1.73 CIA 18
FIGURE 4. Selected sites of scientific activity (C)
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Places and features referred to in this chapter (U/OU)
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46 11
18 58
Balaton lake
46 50
17 45
46 41
21 06
47 30
19 05
Csepelsziget (isl)
47 15
18 57
Csilleb6re (sec of Budapest)
47 29
18 57
47 32
21 38
Di6sgy5r (sec of Miskolc)
48 06
20 41
47 41
17 38
46 54
19 42
47 19
18 47
Matra mts
47 53
19 57
48 06
20 47
47 36
16 42
46 38
18 52
46 05
18 14
Pestl6rine (see of Budapest)
47 26
19 12
Piszk6s Tet6 (ml)
47 55
19 54
46 54
18 03
47 41
16 36
Szabadsag -hegy (hill)
47 30
18 59
46 52
20 33
46 15
20 10
47 14
16 37
46 55
17 54
47 06
17 55
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