APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6
33/ GS /CP
I ran
May 1973
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6
"M bock W* of the NO Is the General Survey, which is now
Pu WAW in a ba-- byeflropter format so that topics of greater per
ish0awk can be updated an an Individual basis. These chapters Country
Profile, The Society, Govern rent and Polltia, The Economy, Military Geog-
raphy T and Tkatlans, Armed Forces, Science, and
Mlesigenoe and %c urhy, Provide the primafy NIS coverage. Some chapters,
Partiatlorly Selena and Intelligence and Security, that are not pertinent to
oa countries, to produced 0099 y. For small countries requiring only
miniewl NO treatment, the Goneral Surrey coverage may be bound into
one volume.
SupplenNntirq the General Survey 1, tree NIS Basic Intelligence Fact-
book, a ready reference publication that semiannually updates key sta-
tisticol dote found in the Survey. An unclassified edition of the foctbook
some man ecanomy, the defena forces, and the intelligence
Although delosed sections an many topics were part of the NIS
Program, production of these seNions has been phased out. Those pre
viously Produce will continue to be available as long as the major
Pool ion of the study is considered valid.
Aquorierly hinting of oil ocilve NIS units Is published In the Inventory
of Avolbble N Publication:, which Is also bound into the concurrent
i classified FoctbooL The imov" Cory lists all NIS units by area name and
number and includes clossifkation and date of issue= it thus faciiitates the
ordering of NIS units as well as their filing, cataloging, and utili -tation.
Initial dissemination, additional copies of, NIS units, or separate
chapters of the General Surveys can be obtained directly or through
Ilabon flannels from the Central Intelligence Agency.
The General Survey is prepared for the NIS by the Central Intelligence
Agency and the Defew Intelligence Agency under the general direction
Of the NIS COMMItMN. It is coordinated, edited, published, and dissemi-
noted by the Central Intelligace Agency.
ibis e>I/ee ten etetlettel 41141 of ft United States, within the
tee fUe CIS en wended. Its transmission or revelation
MUM Is 010 1 6 1 tod ti leer.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6
Change from the Top
Obstacles to Change The Strang -elan Tradi-
tion Monopolizing I'olilical I'oc r I'be
White Ile volution Oil and What [�:Ise:'
Looking West, East, and to the Middle East �:\s
the Shah Goes, So Coc�s I ran
Chronology ............................1 -1
Area Brief 16
Summary Map hollows 17
This Coc' In Profile was prepared for the NIS hl
z the Cehral lnlelligence Agency. Research was avch-
slanliallll cnnpleled bidanuarl 191
S EC; F:I� jl
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6
CoUntry Profile:'
Change from the Top
Obstacles to Change The Strang -elan Tradi-
tion Monopolizing I'olilical I'oc r I'be
White Ile volution Oil and What [�:Ise:'
Looking West, East, and to the Middle East �:\s
the Shah Goes, So Coc�s I ran
Chronology ............................1 -1
Area Brief 16
Summary Map hollows 17
This Coc' In Profile was prepared for the NIS hl
z the Cehral lnlelligence Agency. Research was avch-
slanliallll cnnpleled bidanuarl 191
S EC; F:I� jl
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6
j11 "t a t e�. s
Ys .fir
fv -te
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tea� t r
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6
,c:. ,:r:., err_. c.-:: F. r pF+rr'.. '�sr- R.. .r::r. .:,.ice. w n.. .r.w..
The NIS is National Intelligence and may not be re-
leased or shown to representatives of any foreign govern-
ment or international body except by specific authorization
of the Director of Central Intelligence in accordance with
the provisions of National Security Council Intelligence Di-
restive No. 1.
For NIS containing unclassified material, however, the
portions so marked may be made available for official pur
poses to foreign nationals and nongovernment personnel
provided no attribution is made to National Intelligence or
the National Intelligence Survey.
Subsections and graphics are individually classified
according to content. Classification /control designa-
tions are:
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(C) Confidential
(S) Secret
dK!`VI.SiiMN+A.e.w..w rw+st �w: anti +.ea..r .,itia:: :c .r..:i a..
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6
(all's *"'I1' 141 O 111 1-1'. Inlvizi-atecl pvr%pvcii% of
the .nlIr�e1 eonnlr (:Itnnele;) \rea liricl'
�Nunman Mal,
1111'. St)CII�31 Soc�i;tl �irticlure Population
1 Iva 11lt I�Iti114 e�encli:itm% Social problems�
11eligion I:duc;ttion :\rli. tic cyressiou I'uhlic
COVI:lMMl�NT \U POLITICS Political ewlrt-
tion of the �tale Ginvrnmuc�nl;tl slmngth and
�1�rlrilil Structure and function Political
chnanic. alional policies Tlm%:ts ter stahilil\'
"ll6er.ion and in.nrgenm �Police forces
1'111�: ECO-M)MI' \pprais;d of Ill(. ccenteun Its
�tnu tnn ;tLric nitrtn fisheries. fcrrc�str\� fuc Is anc!
lHer. tneial� and ntinc�rtIs. III; utu fact uriug and
ccu�lruction I)cunestic track� I:conontic polic�N�
and d"elolnnettl Malipom-r Intermclional
c�c�c pill nr;v relation.
TIONS \pprai�:cl of s\ sterns Strategic nuIilil\
li;rilmad. Ilitltcc;,. Inland watersca\,
Pilrc�line. 1'erls Merchant marine Civil air
\irfield. �The telecom s aenl
IILi 1':1111' (:ROCli:l'lll' Topography and clitnale
Military geographic regions Strategic areas
Irat -mal route. \pprcrac�he�: land. sea. air
.MIN11 -.0 FORCES Tllc defense c�stahlishtnent
Jc.ini :10hitie. (;nnnd forces Naval forces
\ir force. I'aramilitan
1\7'1�:LL110EMT. ANN) SECURITY Slntct,it of
org;uir:rtion. eoncenu�d %%id, internal securily and
tor, intelligence. their msponsihilities, professional
�l.utdard.. mid inh�rn�latimi%hips Mission� organ
iiation. function.. effectiveness and methods of
nlc� ration o! each service Biographies of key
T14% Genrral Surrey .supracde�s the one doled N"-
ren her 196% eopiex ,f which should he desl ro ycd.
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6
One of the most dramatic efforts at modernization
among the less developed nations is taking place in
Iran. Unlike most countries i Asia and Africa, and
especially the Huddle. East, Iran has taken steps
toward modernization mot as a result of revolution of
the violent overthrow of the social order but rather
because of the initiative of the country's ruler, Shah
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. t M
Mohammad Reza has not always been the prime
mover of modernization. He assumed the than v in
1941 when his father, suspected of collaborating with
the Nazis, was forced to abdicate by the Soviet Union
and the United Kingdom, who occupied Iran to halt
the growing influence there of the Axis powers. The
young Shah, only 22 years old when he suddenly
succeeded to the throne, for it time lived in the shadow
of his forceful and talented father, the founder of the
dynasty and it dominating figure. Morcaver, in the
first 1.0 years of his reign, Mohammad Reza seemed
uncertain about_, -the role he should play in the
administration of hiscountrv. Schooled in Switzerland
and influenced by Western democratic traditions, the
Shah tended to view his role as that of a constitutional
monarch on the Furopean model, alloying an elected
government to set national goals and determine
national policies. k t Ot
The turning point in the political develol,ment of
the Shah toward his present style of rule and involve-
ment came during the turbulent prime ministe of
iMohammad Nlosadecl, from 1951 to 1953. Nlosadey
had risen to power when a simmering dispute between
the Iranian Government and the British -owned oil
company over increased royalties resulted in the
nationalization of the company. In the face of British
economic countermeasure and with the shutdown of
production at the company. Iran experienced growing
financial difficulties. t
Unable to check the deterioration of the economic
situation. N resorted to repressive. strong -arm
tactics to silence his critics: Im so doing he alienated
most of his conservative supporters and, whim they
abandom'd him; the Corununist led Tudch Party was
left as his main support. kiosadey then sought to prop
up his position I)y dismissing parliament. \Vhen the
Shah tried to rcnur.c him, he called crowds into the
street to demonstrate in his favor, deposed the Shah,
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6
Iranian national emhh,nr
and (,S(ablished a regency council. 'I'llv Shah Hvd to
Baghdad and later to Itcine before Irasian arm troops,
backed bN� the United Slates, led a countercoup against
klos,ldv(I in August 1953 and reinstated the Shah.
Apparently awar(, that he must assume a more
forceful role in government or- again risk losing his
throne, the Shalt began to strengthen his position
After resolving the oil dispute with Britain, he devoted
the rest of the 1950's to consolidating his authority
throughout the country, but especially in the military
and tit(, government bureaucracy. Having done this,
he turne his efforts to the modernization of his
country, proposing and initiating a Nvide ranging
peogran of social and economic reform. t Ot�
Oil(- feature of the Shah's effort to modernize Ire
carries ore a goal his father had: the creation of an
army strong enough to 1111inttiu internal control, in a
land of ancient rivalries and animosities, turd to win
for the country a position of influerr.e in the tkliddle
last. Modernization of the arned forces, however,
could not be accomplished in a vacuum. A whole
range of changes in the country's social and economic
structure had to occur also. Providing ma npower for an
anried force to be trained and equipped with the
wellpons of modern technology would require better
vdticated and healthier s-oldivrs, available only if the
general populace were better educated and healthier.
'I'll( operation of a military system would require a
sopiistictte(! _ac:lministrlitiy(, apparatus.( l' (W
The Shah has also sought to consolidate his position
through it program of land reform. Croat wealth had
emabled it number of families in Iran (probably fewer
than tit( 1,000 usually cited) to encroach steadily upon
the pom.l of the snonareby and ill times to challenge
it. Wealth in Iran has beell based on tit(,
owne rship of las d.,. jil snaking land redistribution an
integral part of his nc�w progr the Shah had two
aims: to break the political power of the landowning
elite by dividing the holdings that were their source of
w(,ullh and, lit llc sanuv lieu�, to win tlw gralihide of
ill(- peasants. Tllc Shalt hoped to use this gratitude to
forge a political alliance with the peasants (fill[ would
counter the remaining political rsuscle of (he landed
elite who, ill (he mid- 1950's, were still in control of
parliament. t' W
Altruism and nationalism have also had importalit
parts in the,Shah's effort to modernize his country. I Ic
has professed and evidently has a personal commit-
ment to reform. I1( his coronation specch he pl(,clgecl
his devotion to "tile constant itnprov(,n lei] t of the
Iranian nation.... to bring jilj up to the I(,y(,I of the
most progressive and prosperous soc�ietit's of the
world.' If(- has stressed the importance of changing
the essentially feudal social System. 'Thus in Philosophy
Or !h(� RV17 his 1967 hook on the r(,fonrs
program, he declared that:
The old social order, which prevailed for .centuries and in
which class privileges and class distinctions are more or less
considered in the nature of things, is no longer acceptable.
Consequently if our nation wishes to remain in the circ�I of
dy-�.ami:�, progressive, and free nations of the world, it has no
alternative but to alter the old and archaic order of society
comPletely, and to build its future on a new order compatible
with the vision and needs of the clay. t m
In keeping with his words, tit( Shah in 1952 began
to sell the vast laud:, that he himself held its personal
properly. He sold thegs on long -term credit to the
lwasamts working them, and the final distribution was
achieved in January 1963). The Shah also pushed for
ill(, popular distributionl of all public domain land in
(,\c(,ss of that needed by gov(,rnment institutions, a
process begun in 1955. In 1961 the Shah formed the
Pahlavi Foundation, which takes revemu(, from
business enterprises owned by th(, Shah 1111( c�on-
tribi tes it support various social services. The Shah
postponed it own coronation until 1967, 26 vears
after coning to the� throne. maintaining that though
the c row n was his by inh(,ritancc, he could not wear it
until he had ea the right to do so. l Ot
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6
Obstacles to Change (c)
I bl
t 'v1
W. a p
{'hips !1� Il:la Illol l01�/�11 0.a� 111 :1.1yr1111111.11 ill Itiltl.
:11141 Ili� S11a11 11:1. hall 1, 4 �1111.1111 with Itl:lln IIiI-
lil�i11111 01 folds 1h1�4�111 :llh�11 I,dll Ih0. 1.110. :11141 dw
1141 Ill 1114011� /:Ilkm Ilvi;1111� it 1114 :Irlll!
11111.1 11:1 0. s1oi11di1.:11i1 it 1111410.114 isfls�1rial 4. 4-1011111111
111111 hm" to-alh :t1'1 110 f:101 Illall�rial� :nil IlMrke�t�.
Ilk. 1 1 %if$ mom 111 11.1. 1111 :1 1'll:llll�11;.'
Iran i� .1 11.11.1 1.11141. 110f�:I11�ll loop :1 hi!;ll
111:111�.1114 .Ilffullli11 ll loll all oil, In lollolt011a114.. I'1i
%mil�l(:Ill�11 t��frillo. 1111'. lilt 1411119 r
1�t;ifm%� Ohl� 01l�.II�rll :00111 .t11111t�'.I tiff of nl.lill�. 1111�
1141fillurn chair .11111 1111� 6,16% 1.11011'. arlttsil Ili� '.1 %piat,
%0.a. Ili� mid I 111:111'aw rill IIf- .1.10.rn
highl:lill� I h0. 11.111411 t 1111 11.111!� is a 0114110.
RIItC0. lop 4�lilll:ll��� 11.10011.11) ill flit :11�:1 ill�: 1/1 fill-
Sea 141 im III�. 11t�r %vat, ltillf 4igloll'.
I'�.. Its Ilw %%vAt�rll .11111 imillivri tiff lellfall.. .111.1 Ill''
:1111,111111 tb t m:,�iuh is :111�:1� (lo01 011) 1111..'.111111�.11 1111
trnlrll ar.:, Thu nloisilaill� 4.111 loll ntoii�lsi� inllr file
ct�slral an�.. 114-11 i�.1 1.11�;�� II'-.t�rl t 111:1111
hall dw ct,lmin
1'11' a%ail.lhilih oil %%alw�1 11.1. 1� 11 .f ilajoir (actoir
dclo�nlliiifig Ill" N.1c. (twatioin. -sill lialtur1 I,I I mi:n,
.w�1111�trle�11t in Ir:ln 0111�idu Iht� mirth'�rt1 mid %%o' -11�ts
arva%. N ht�rt� nlo�f oil Ir:lll )t1 1 IIIIlho01 lwool,l'� li
Jlavc, an� crilt�rt�wi :tr-mml 111,� aatvr �ilplpl� Is �Irm0.
1/1:11�,�� 1111� .114110 1� .1f mall that lwf�4f1/h� .Ilr\ kv .fill%
h� atboldiniz immathc liallik. migr 11im: Irmll swift
(h�.cri Iomlaii(k t,p viv. is dw hidirt aril.
Tliv 11 10111. %%hich ummvul tiff- %arimi. part� 111 Ihf�
cownnlr� moi %I skirl flit- th�.crt. %%iiid Ihrmigh m,111itais
ll ;l�a.. Mill 1 :allw.. I�: tiff�t�'�ifral lN)rlimi wd thw�
cilimirl lht�r� i� ,1st� that Ira%� ,N� th'� ai�a from
Il()rlll to .nnlh. mA imp 111 L1� Irolll va%I to 01w.I. I ht
-ill' ln'� rail %tem i� 1N (ll .111 1141111. C111L1�11111;
()1111 ill ahtnll 3.01011 milv% to track 11hich tht�
I'o�r�i:u1 (;1111 with the :a %piall Sl�.I :ail !1st nliiioir
iL;ricullnral t�t�1111�r� 111 tit� itlrth, -it .1 111111 IIOfIImt�.I
11ith To�Ilras! lit Ir :as�ifitI i� alailahlc It, IIll�
lart;vr to11n.. hill flit Ih1� if%cratl tt.11t�i�r tht� ifmri w
Imm this cal)iI al 11: Irlflincial .111�:1� imi %I he made. In
nlhcr. m(111 (fillicull mcaii�
�I�ht� r0. :itllila>; i�oilali'm of %anw111% lwwtlilow.
rwf the cmmIrl Ila% kclt the 111.48 I0. tlilitictl. Mills d
thl�III iltl� llc .(�w�Illlank off the hivalh�r. %Il( w 1�l1t
tlimm;11 the land tvn1iriw�. alit), :ail fli(�% remaitl
�o paratc(j into) nlinolrilio�., 1)1 11 hich the lars:r.1 arr the
�I�rlrkic Imw,i1c., the Kink mid thw� \rah. Oill% all it
.)11 owl the INfimlatimi .I wit k. 1 air a% i t nati %v
F1 1r tliat riiic 1111 Idaty 11 :11111..0.1� this li.t lot nvnt�.1ill 1111� al )if ill 1 t
%h0. Sunlnlarl \pat, and 1111 map it.-11
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6
140114114. id111rrnuh 1114111% 11141n� 14:1111 flu� hillstimst� ill
�4�1141401. 'Till. lilligui144� Isatri4tr 1sr11 %wak411it14. 111141
inll�4t4sliou i, 1141114 11ude-111 -41 In 1114 i11(�t e-11�i114 lit
hi11tit411iun. 11401 41111404 pr4%11ai:di�m�lill 411ar.1t-te-lit4�.
1114 .4rt�i4ty.
1.11114 11140404111 a.I� tti%4�11 I11a40ti(alk (o let- (,tu,�pt
of fill 114111411t�,fal4� i1114111nllitirt11, deal 41ifl -vt 1114� %little�.
mamlty I.%e-n 14,46% 111111 The- ,ntt111 11r11t11s .t-4tne-11t (f
Ir:oe*� let,91114. idr011ili4�. (41 am �iu11ifirasll d4141n -4� aitle
Ihr� stalion. M114.t 111"pIr lift- ill %i1L4t;4. terir lir.l
.tl14.4ian(,� i� (o Iht�ir fatni,if- 41140 111rre l0 Ihr %flimp�.
1'1141% (14 nail aitl Ihr 11r%I %;flags.. 14.1 :4"114. dw tr.l 1
dw mlli4111. '1'114 110111.111ir Iril4�. L.4%41 I4�r11 1 %4 11 111rlln�r
.1�11149%r -4l fr11 pattirilalio11 in 11:1114011.41 life-.
1114-111 0111tl� It.4lllr 11:� rlailttad� Ita%r In,�o �114 -4, �.fail.
alai Ih4 .11Nili 4, 11.11. 414014011 rd4 -4) 41141% 411141401 i1N1.INN1.
I It'll rlIlk I'll lrrt,4u11itrg 1111.111 tai �4 0114,� 4.%14.111 Mam
44f fill- .4.1114�(1 limit d... latt4�trr. r4.44itr Iril.41 .4111i.1
tiait.:utd Ilr% .4,� 1{141.1a14�:111d >;n%rrotns ul a� 11aifhi11s;
nu 111.111 .1 419114.0 .IUth4ri1% .1114 11111iu s h.4rs
lhrit t%.4 44 lift-.
Earn ulth4irl flit- pnp11lt-m� s.f pr0..air :lli�tu. Ihr
shall .11141 Ili. 4o%rrnli14.111 u4111141 ea%41 (ifli41111% in
4:If114�rit14 flit- .itpl4tl of till- IN�:L:Itll ilul %m�. flit "Iml
n�form Itr4ntrint�. (:o114ifi41114 -41 11% f11e-ir a :t% 0f life-. lilt-
1%pi(al11 (,11N�rt:ilire- fart11rr� 4144 larpan -4I lit .1( -4,-111
411:111,4. teal Alm% Horns In imii or a(Id to Ih41ir mil
land, 11111 are� not willing 10 :u -4,�lft II14n4. 111 afft�(�t
fllr�if p rra /11al affair.. .11411 :N rai�i114 il �talll. of
N411114 �I'hm an�. fair flit- mart part. iml4n t-rWivil x1141
Milt-rat4�: t6411 611`11 r4�.i4is4 -4l to the-ir (10111iiti0ll. 4%114 -41
liltlr fro111 life-. :md are- 4,m(,�rio primari1% %%ile
In lip,� oi01M 14%411� of Irmfais moult-1%. m14�1 111�
41h ideal� wvl� alnn41 all 41441 l0 4.111�,1111,� Ilu�ir Ite-r.411r:d
I)o. 111011 ;still ae-alt11. S411f- .(�4�ki114 inditidual� at- lisp-,
marl. of (,0111141. 11401 Ir lliall .41(irlr 11:6. tradili0n:sll%
%141%%4 -4I .411f- .14;ruulizt-nu�nt a� :1 �in4011:rr %irlow. '['ht-
lt4�rum %ho ricer to Ili(' t(p 11% %%hatt-%11r nu�atr li
01.41 i, limili it 11lmsio %%if a admiretio11. 'Ten,. mlimo Ike-
[�:nt; Jumv. Mfiri4r ar4t41h4 �aiin� Hapt K/lhu
of 1./nh(1. ill u Elide jti %l ,11411 an 11n.4�nsp01lon� .11141
:unhitiou� whrim-r I% 1114 (,�nfral 411art(�It-r. The- 1t44ok
Noll imlanl 114pidari11 %%lilt Ir;mian a. flit- title- of :1
folk hero, rrlltrr 111.111 dw i111t-rni1 -4l illdi4tn1e-111 of .1
di� It(�r� simli1% Imil. a n�.ult of 1111.
pr4�%aililig ultilu(h.. 1. Ilan) Ill find iudi%idn .1l. 411140
are- %%illi114 (o ioitt ill u6dional pn4run�. 41111144 u�
atImhd %traton err u% purli4ip: nt�, lull�.�. flu�% .(r
Ir honal rm%ard 111 Ihr uml41riaki114.
Its t1 .411.4. Ilan� i% till Allow of Iti,lory that hltl(11�n
a( -4,�pttuu,� Ill Ill$- :1111111', hm%ard�I(rokill4 pt(rltrum..
1 111414� frn�t IIIiII Itilll 1141 %4 .11 -4) 4l, till 1.11fily fur o%t-t
1.31111 war 1141,�ml it 1;4.404. rIN 1461114-4� to fulfill
diallg4 llld4�%% it h flir(�i11k i111INM -4I. Flit 1111ml of f r1111
ei.lot Ihi� le-mlrn(�r Iu1, Ir4,�r 4 %111404 Ire- -4�1401.4 tlte-tt-
aa, Mel (11 itti'r 111111 fill' '440t-141% U11111d I(n4 It.4(t11ur41i
idt-ntil% u. [ht- e,nt11lr %%40� -4,�.�1%411 111% .1(;4 -4I istul
4t(�t�Ilpi(�t) h> Aralm 'Turk.. X1011401.. '['utter., will
Mglmlm X41%% till. %little i.41oilichn -41 11% 411114�.e-4t114-111,
of 1114 1404 111, 1414.44 -4I tli.rnpli4rn of (�ulfntill
(,01t1it111i1% algid fur 1114� diall(�n4m to n�li4iols 111u1 till-%
p(�n -4�i t. in 111.Itoli4i(�..
11.1tlivillath �front; 4111j4 -4�t ion. to 1114 ti114d1'. rt-fortrl
Ir44ristn Ir.1%11 4111114� Irnnl 1114� r4'lilti0rl. (�aahli�11nu�111.
lrafili401mlh 41114. 0f 1114� 1114"1 104n%t-tf11l 4roltlr ill fill-
lit n'liuinn. 14.44(14.1. .11141
�(114114111 in Iralliall .o4�ir1% (salt Ito 01nde-nf444(I 411111 11.
n�alizintt Ihul 14:1111 i� 11411 1141.11.1% :e n�liltiotr. It 1% all
:111 t-n(+11gre��in4 n�li4io11.. 4-4-1 lilt 14.4:11. �o(�i.1l.
Mill in1e-111�(Us:d .%�tt-tn deal (,111froh 40.1144 t. 04 lift-.
ra114ilig ImIn 414111111, t0 inh41ritun(,� lute� tit dw
n�IatimAlip Itt-la4 -4�11 lildhidu .1l�. Iit-4:stlm. lif divir
634M I1-41441 :01111 prrf4�..4 -d a11ilit% too inlrrlsrrt I.lat11i4
lam. im- ml4�n of 1114� n�li4io11. c�,Iilhli�htne-nl hare-
Iradifi0n;tlh 4h�mmith'(1 %41111 It4n%41f o%t-r 1111% 441%4.411�
1114 a(-li411 lilt- (,ai�idt-r a lilt railed ims of Wamic�
1 :1N
Folr o%41r a -4�11111t% dw r411i4i001. 4�.I .1h1i�l.rp,�.It.
lakilit; fill� lark. 1141� oltj ('14-41 144 flit-
�11141 inl41 .u is Ana� 41% ril01(alion. l:11ul0a11e-tmip
p:dlrrn�. :end tilt� .lulu. of 41411114.11. '1'ht- n�li4iaiu,
It-adrr� fill. /`441111414 Mutt list roil r4�.ult 0f flit-
,;4,rrntmrotl'. 41aiuh11. if 1101 rhr�t�kr d. %wild Ire-�
.41401{ariiatisa4 ---i.r that pr�r.4mal affair� mimi 11i-
rivilat4 -4I ht go%41non49(f Eat%% mid c,turl� rather thin
In r41lit:iou. 41114�.. 'Thu. %%114111 ter shall" 1144th
proo ;raltl N:1� Iraw-l41 /om into Lou ill January leX A.
ter r(a41io11ar% 1114�n11t4�r� ail Ihr re-li4iou�(�auhli.11nu�nl
%%err 1111. first IjjI!jIjt'I%L to oplt4.r� il. '1'114. :d.o 11�(1 ter
riotilig deal t-nydr�I in :1 mmilt4�r of runts (,�nlrn in
)111ir of IM1. :%hl14m4h ter 4o%41rn1114�n1 Isa� �111N�-
4In4t11% rr�.Iricird Ihr i11f1114-m,�41f fliv 1:1h1i� 11114.111 ill
Iran'� 4iti11., rt-liL'ion. Ivadt-f� 111 flit- rural ien�a� -4111-
lin11e- f0 vwrl .111 1111114rt:lilt inflnrn(,� or11r tilt- drt-ph
n�li4io1. Itr�ave111.. 1'41 rt-li>;ion.4n.��hition. tilt-
S11.1h �In�1�4�� lilt- 414.(� idt-nlili(afiill of Ihr n6ltion milli
1.1.1111 .11141 i. p IlIctili41u� ill Ihr pulsh'. pr�rtion11u11( -4� of
hi� r4�Iigiou. (luli4�..
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6
The Strong -plan Tradition (u/ou)
.J t
;,11, t ,l, /�r, rate ,r,ln It, I/I
R...r shall .%hah+ I I'm it lhrrrta /l f :1
I�l44.11 -fit rilnz;,li I ,Itlln I11 1111� t1 1r1'1�. at f1rk ill ir:ul
t� 11Ilm -I 111 .1 III�I,r1 I1\ a111 11114-1 ,1.1u t t f11 Iralli:ul
h1.fllr\ flit- 1ra11iti1nl III ,1 Alli 1, rrllcl. ill flu� lu'ad 111 all
.1 tLn\1'tlllll1911 i1I11N1 ed 1 1111' It:lti1111 II\ litlt.
I IltI 1114 I11 \.I and t'I1111111c't 111 11 iNh Ir IIII'
1 I IIP't1'UI I� 111 1111' lffrll, 11',IIII I1:1 11:'I'll a f1'('llrrl'llt
dllh /If l /Ilt
(1'.IIIn1 xIit 1 :In i 11111irIitII fat 111r iII tlI(
11tI�,I r\.IIilnl Ili flu' colltllrl� I11 1111� I:III(I Ir:rll \\aN ulllll'r
11 g1'ILII IIf IIIIIILItj1 /II .It tinu'� illy t'1'11I111'il� I111t it 111' \1'r
4 st111111'f rll .It If 1111 x11 tI11� \1 :1 I1I It 1�I11111111 III
.11':44 1 f11111�111111�. llH' 111�.1'I�I111 :IIII f1I flit' 1�u11f1111 mIN
(II'1'.If111' tllrlllrl \1' �t'f111 1 x1111�! I ill�
111 Illf� .IL111 111 hali�lla 1/ru\191 all 1
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070039 -6