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15 ter 1952
femexal Smith has sated me to acknowledge you
kIM ="of 1 October 1952. ge has taken note of
Assistant to the Director
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speech of 'Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich
The following is a speech of Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich
before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of
European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952:
Greetings, my children! You have been called here to
recapitulate the principal steps of our new programme. As you
know, we had hoped to have twenty years between wars to con-
solidate the great gains which we made from World War II., but
our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing opposi-
tion to us, and we must now work with every means at our
disposal to precipitate World War III. within five years.
The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three
thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfil-
ment, is so apparent, it behoves us to increase our efforts and our
caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years
have passed our race will take its rightful place in the world, with
every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave. (Applause from the
gathering.) You remember the success of our propaganda cam-
paign during the 1930's, which aroused anti-American passions
in Germany at the same time we were arousing anti-German
passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the Second
World War. A similar propaganda campaign is now being waged
intensively throughout the world. A war fever is being worked
up in Russia by an incessant anti-American barrage, while a
nation-wide anti-Communist scare is sweeping America. This
campaign is forcing all of the smaller nations to choose between
the partnership of Russia or an alliance with the United States.
Our most pressing problem at the moment is to inflame the
lagging militaristic spirit of the Americans. The failure of the
Universal Military Training Act was a great setback to our plans,
but we are assured that a suitable measure will be rushed through
Congress immediately after the 1952 elections. The Russian, as
well as the Asiatic peoples, are well under control and offer no
objections to war, but we must wait to secure the Americans. This
we hope to do with the issue of anti-Semitism, which worked so
well in uniting the Americans against Germany. We are counting
heavily on reports of anti-Semitic outrages in Russia to whip up
indignation in the United States and produce a front of solidarity
against the Soviet power. Simultaneously, to demonstrate to
Americans the reality of anti-Semitism, we will advance through
new sources large sums of money to outspokenly anti-Semitic
elements in America to increase their effectiveness, and we shall
stage anti-Semitic outbreaks in several of their largest cities. This
will serve the double purpose of exposing reactionary sectors in
America, which then can be silenced, and of welding the United
States into a devoted anti-Russian unit.
Within five years, this programme will achieve its objective,
the Third World War, which will surpass in destruction all pre-
vious contests. Israel, of course, will remain neutral, and when
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both sides are devastated and exhausted, we will arbitrate,
sending our Control Commissions into all wrecked countries. This
war will end for all time our struggle against the Gentiles.
We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia
and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation
of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions
will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions,
forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white women must
cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with
dark women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing
the dark with the white means the end of the white man, and
our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We
shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and
plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over
the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to
retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.
Question from gathering: Rabbi Rabinovich, what about the
various religions after the Third World War?
Rabinovich: There will be no more religions. Not only would
the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our
rule, but belief in an after-life would give spiritual strength to
irreconcilable elements in many countries; and enable them to
resist us. We will, however, retain the rituals and customs of
Judaism as the mark of our hereditary ruling caste, strengthening
our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry outside
our race, nor will any stranger be accepted by us.
We may have to repeat the grim days of World War II., when
we were forced to let the Hitlerite bandits sacrifice some of our
people, in order that we may have adequate documentation and
witnesses to legally justify our trial and execution of the leaders
of America and Russia as war criminals, after we have dictated
the peace. I am sure you will need little preparation for such a
duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword of our people,
and the death of a few thousand Jews in exchange for world
leadership is indeed a small price to pay.
To convince you of the certainty of that leadership, let me
point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the
white man into weapons against him. His printing presses and
radios are the mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy industry
manufactures the instruments which he sends out to arm Asia
and Africa against him. Our interests in Washington are greatly
extending the Point Four Programme for developing industry in
backward areas of the world, so that after the industrial plants
and cities of Europe and America are destroyed by atomic war-
fare, the whites can offer no resistance against the large masses
of the dark races, who will maintain an unchallenged techno-
logical superiority.
And so, with the vision of world victory before you, go back
to your countries and intensify your good work, until that
approaching day when Israel will reveal herself in all her glorious
destiny .as the Light of the World!
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