Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/13: CIA-RDPO1-00569R000100050012-4
The Hi story Staff is now at work on an offi ci a
Richard 3elms as Director of Central Intelligence.
I interviewed ;''fir. David A. Phillips recently about event
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i n Chile during the Allende years, and he eiscour ed M
contact you. `lr. ,lr,ls also suggested your name in an
i n ler'vi ew yesterday.
I have a handful of questions relating to Chile which I
c s
< u,
wou i is 6 1 S''a 4o ~t w
England is not possible. As the next best al terra... ve, I o
1 i k e~ to consult with you via telephone for a few-,f minutes.
The questions I have ill
can converse i n t=-ii s mann
nature that we
,it raising questions of
I shall telephone you one
her you feel able to assist
i .is all good
ay to ascent in
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/13: CIA-RDPO1-00569R000100050012-4