'I ffiffl" fffle In c
December 1973
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200080002-5
The basic unit of the NIS is the General Survey, which is now
published in a bound -by- chapter format so that topics of greater per-
ishability can be updated on an individual basis. These chapters� Country
Profile, The Society, Government and Politics, The Economy, Military Geog-
raphy, Transportation and Telecommunications, Armed Forces, Science, and
Intelligence and Security, provide the primary NIS coverage. Some chapters,
particularly Science and Intelligence and Security, that are not pertinent to
all countries, are produced selectively. For small countries requiring only
minimal NIS treatment, the General Survey coverage may be bound into
one volume.
Supplementing the General Survey is the NIS Basic Intelligence Fact
book, a ready reference publication that semiannually updates key sta-
tistical data found in the Survey. An unclassified edition of the factbook
omits some details on the economy, the defense forces, and the intelligence
and security organizations.
Although detailed sections on many topics were part of the NIS
Program, production of these sections has been phased out. Those pre-
viously produced will continue to be available as long as the major
portion of the study is considered valid.
A quarterly listing of all active NIS units is published in the Inventory
of Available MIS Publications, which is also bound into the concurrent
classified Factbook. The Inventory lists all NIS units by area name and
number and includes classification and date of issue; it thus facilitates the
ordering of NIS units as well as their filing, cataloging, and utilization.
Initial dissemination, additional copies of NIS units, or separate
chapters of the General Surveys can be obtained directly or through
liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency.
The General Survey is prepared for the NIS by the Central Intelligence
Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency under the general direction
of the NIS Committee. It is coordinated, edited, published, and dissemi-
nated by the Central Intelligence Agency.
This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States, within the
meaning of title 18, sections 793 and 794 of the US code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation
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The NIS is National Intelligence and may not be re-
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of the Director of Central Intelligence in accordance with
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200080002 -5
J rim \TI ME Mm I -t -J M im Mr .t1 736=
This chapter supersedes the scientific coverage
in the General Surveil dated October 1969.
A. General
B. Organization, planning, and financing of
C. Scientific education, min ever, and
D. Major research fields
1. Air, ground, and naval weapons
2. Biological and chemical warfare
3. Nuclear energy
4. Electronics
5. Medical sciences
6. Other sciences
a. Chemistry and metallurgy
b. Physics and mathematics
c. Astrogeophysical sciences
Glossary 23
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Sri @n t- 110 T NF&Nm
Page IVY
Fig. 1 Government organization for science
Fig. 4
G.91Y fighter aircraft photo)
and technology chart)
3 Fig. 5
G.222 transport photo)
Fig. 2 Research expenditures by agency
Fig. 6
Amphibious reconnaissance vehicle
and sector (table)
Fig. 3 Scientific and technical personnel
Fig. 7
Amphibious armored personnel carrier
engaged in research activities (table)
A. General (S)
The birthplace of modern scien e, It rlv has a strong
sc�ic�ntific tradition that call be traced Irac�k to the
Renaissance. The outstun(li[]g tell ievcn 'ell ts during
the l6th through 19th ccnhrries of fanurns nun such as
Galile Torricelli, Galvuni, Volta, and Avogadro are a
matter of record. And the eit\- states of Rona,
Florence. awl Naples became the scats of ac�acicnlies of
science more than three centuries ,go. During the 20th
c�enturv, there havC been nunu�rous (listi[]guished
Italian scientists, including Guglielrno Marconi, it
Nobel Prize winner in 1909, who served as the first
president of the National Research Council ((:NI;)
after it was founded in 1923. Other Nobel winners
were F,ric�o I c rmi in 1938 :111(1 Giulio Nalta in 1963.
Italians haver Made important contributions in
science. inc�ludir ell crnistry, nuclear pb}sics,
elvetronies, mud rrredic�ine during the past 50 gars, "out
1tal has not nrzrint:ciccd its much earlier position of
leadership in sc�iellev gencrall'. During the lussoIini
cra following World War I, scientific aclivity wits
diverted toward military applications. This redireclion
of activity. emigration of ma[]y gifted yonng scientists,
i []clodi []g Fermi, to the United Slates, and World War
11 damage and disruption wiped onl much of the
national research and do vclopnrc'rrt capability. The
relmilding process has foecn slow, a;r(I today among
tlu� Western European c�ou[]tries Italy is outranked in
scientific capabilities by the Unite( 1 hingclo n West
Germany, France, S"'Pderr, and the Netherlands. It
d .As been estimated dial the country is spending Icss
11:111 0.Vr of its gross national product for research
and dcvc1op[]u'nt. TIIvre arc several factors
contributing to the relativel\� sloe� progress cf science
Italy: The lack of natural resourc�es-- p:,rtic�ularl\
coal, petroleum. and metal ores �has retarded applied
research and engineering, the impact of the war�
considerable loss of the voungerand strongersc'ienlifie
and tec�h[]ic�al personnel and extensive damage to
rescareb facilities �still remains, a11(1 although
industrial growth has been outstanding during the
postwar period and research fording has expanded
rapidly, the pace has not been rapid enorrgfr for Italy
to catch up with other highly industrialized countries.
Moreover, despite its remarkable industrial growth in
Ihc� last decade or so, Italy is making a slow transition
from scientific discoveries to operational applications.
Another restraining factor on scientific� and
technological research is the general chronic inslabiIit\
of the Italian political situation, which has led to long
('elms in the passage of appropria! ion hills for
scientific activities. Also, none of the major re;orms
rec�omnrended by the president of the CNIZ (Professor
Alessandro Fac(1o), such us reorganization of various
agencies concerned with scicntific research, higher pad
for scientific staff, university reform, and strengt1wil-
ing of agricultural and indil research, have bccu
acted on. Although the sloydocyn of scientific prog -ess
h:is been []lost apparent since 1970, a trend toward
disruption of research actiyilies within varior:s
elements of the university inslilnles and del artments,
aulonorncoirs research centers, and those of the
government actuMIN- began about 6 years ago.
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Political issues have become paramount and groups of
dissident research workers have become involved in
sitdowns and demonstrations ag ainst the policies on
t. science being practiced in all areas. Some of the most
competent Italian science directors and project leaders
have resigned in disgust and have maintained that it
has become impossible to conduct serious research. For
example, in late 1969 the Higher Institute of Health in
Rome encountered interruptions by dissident workers,
and an outstanding number of the institute's physics
department resigned. Also, Italy's first progr of
Ph.D. -Icvel studies, at the International Institute of
Genetics and Biophysics. Naples, was curtailed by the
occupation of its building by leftwing researchers and
technicians. Efforts to transfer the program to Rome
met with political problems, and it has since been
shelved and all funds returned to the sponsor, the U.S.
National Science Foundation.
Successive Italian governments have recognized the
importance of research in maintaining Italy's
competitive position in world trade and have
endeavored to overcome deficiencies in research
planning and to correct weaknesses resulting `roil) the
lack of cooperation between scientists in government,
industry, and education. The stricture of the Italian
research establishment is being modernized slowly in
response to demands from scientific research workers
i and students. The United States is used as an example
in reforming scientific research and scientific
education. One of the problems facing reformers,
however, is that the Italians have a long bistory of
independent research and are strongly opposed to anv
kind of centralized control over their acti vities,
although the need for more cooperation beh\-eern
economic and research planners is apparent. Private
industry and state -owned industrial complexes
conduct considerable research, but the companies are
i highly competitive and do not cooperate with each
other in research programs.
The Italian Government has strongly supported
international cooperation in scientific activities. In
j 1970, for example, about 1351 of the government's
research and development expenditures went to
international organizations, especially those with
research facilities in Italy. Sorne of the international
organizations in which the country has h -en active
concern space, missile, nuclear, and electronics
research. Thor European Atornic Energy Community
(E uratom) j oint Nuclear Research Center at Ispra
employs about i persons involved in reactor
physics, chemistry, and engineering. Italy is also active
in tine International Atomic Energy Agency (IAF.A),
the Enropean Space Research Organization (I;S110),
the European Launcher Development Organization
(ELDO), the European Telecommunications Satellite
Conference (LETS), and the International Union of
Geodesy and Geophysics (IUG(;). "The country is also
active in international oceanographic organizations
such as the International Association of Phvsical
Oceanography, the International Association for the
Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean, and the
International 1 Bureau. Italy is the
location of the Antisubmarine \Varfare is
Center of NATO, La Spezia; the IAEA's International
(:enter for Theoretical Physics, 'Trieste; ESRO's
European Space Research Institute (ESRIN). near
Rome; and the International Computation Center of
the United Nations, Rome.
Italian scientists are active participants in
international scientific meetings and mane such
meetings are held in Italy, usnally in Rome Although
the Italians welcome possibilities for conducting
continued and new activities at international research
centers in their country, tile\ have become
increasingly disillusioned with Euratom, ELDO, and
ESRO because these organizations fail to provide
progr ins of greatest interest to theta, such as that on a
fast neutron breeder reactor in the Euratom program
and that on the experimental microwave satellite in
the space program. They have shown little interest and
enthusiasm for the organic liquid cooled reactor that
became a major activity at the Ispra center. Professor
E. Amaldi, one of the strongest champions of the
Enropean Nuclear Research Center (CERN), Geneva,
has shown his preference for it site near Trieste for the
300 GeV accelerator, the largest on earth, which has
been planned for some time by CERN. Italy's leading
biologist, Professoi Buzzati- Traverso, has been
working for years to have the European ?Molecular
Biology Organization (EMBO) located in Italy. It
appears that neither situatic will he resolved
favrrabl, to the Italians. The cn crises in Italy's
European cooperation in the atomic energy field
through Euratom and in space through F.1,M) and
ESRO appear to have had severe repercussnn;s on
Italian science policy.
Throngh the CNR, Italy has bilateral agreements in
science and technology with the United States, the
U.!'.S.R., Bulgaria, France, the Netherlands, Poland.
Romania, and Spain. Other bilateral agreements are
in effect through the Italian National Committee for
Nuclear Energy (CNEN). Italian officials involved in
scientific aff airs place great innponlance on scientific
and technological cooperation with the United Slates,
and Italy and the united Stales have cooperated for
mane years in space studies. In addition to the fornnal
f j
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erne Is 110 Tr Q
programs of cooperation. there is it continl,t a, contact
bON%een U.S. and Italian cientists in the universities
and in industry. and there is an extensive student
exchange program under various fellowship arrange-
It was reported in March 1972 that scientific
relations between the Italian C and the U.S.S.R.
Ac�adenly of Sciences have deteriorated because
Italian scientists were frequently unable to obtain
admission to certain scientific institutes to which
admission had been previousl\ promised by the
Soviets. ConsNitlently, the CNR is not encouraging
exchanges of scientific visits unless there is a specific
agreement on the itinerary. 'There is no longer an
exchange of space scientists between Italy and the
U. S. S. R.
B. Organization, planning, and financing of
research (C)
(;overnmcntal organizations are assuming hwi cas-
ing importance in the conduct of research and
dcyclopnu`nt in Italy. The principal goveniment
agencies concerned ccith research are shown in 1
I. The highest authority for oyerseving scientific
research and deyelopnu�nt nctivities is till Interininis-
terial Committee for :.c�,nunnic Planning
Since Febncary 1 96 (:f;'F? \yhich is chaired by the
1'rinu X1inistcr .end composed of most of the
important ministers, has been responsible for the
control, organization, and planning of scientific
research. Each year the president of the CN1l submits
to CI 11' a report that is used as it basis fordec�iding on
dic research and development budget allocations by
the government. Rcfore submission, this study
(General Report on the State of Science and
Technology) is reviewed by the Minister of Science
and "I'cchnology. who then passes his comments to
CIPE. In December 1971, CI PE was given
rvsponsibility for the overall direction of CNI N's
nuclear research activities and for approval of long
range plans submitted to it by CNI ?N through the
Nlinistry of Industry and Conunercc.
I'he \ginistry of Science and Technology, fornud in
1962, has practically no staff and has very limited
funds. The minister has had an advisory function only.
To date, most of the ministry's activities have
consisted of studying wads of enlarging the
responsibilities of the minister and in attempting to
obtain the necessary powers for the ministry. 'I'll(
supporters of the ministry favor it system w1wreby
detailed proposals for research programs nmst be
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Committee for Economic
Prime Minister
Council of Ministers
4 h
1 ter Inisterial
Ministry of Science
Committee for
and Technology
Space Activities
Mlnistr of
Ministry of
Public Ministry Ministry
Industry and
Instruc of of
of Other t
(Mpl) Health Agriculture
Defense Ministries
11 Natloncl
Defense Research
for she Study
Institute of 50 Experiment
Scientific. laborororls
of Space
fa Nuclear t
Health Stations
of Telecom-
Energy 1
50 Research,
Tenter for
5 Rovearch 1.
Centers 1
Applications for
Nuclear Energy
Experimental J
Center or
5 1
Other Research
Institute 1
far 11
FlnotKlol Support
FIGURE 1. Government organization for science and technology,
1972 (U /OU)
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vubmittcd before funds are made available instead of
the present system s%bere funds arc grunted to
universities and are often used by the universities as
general subsidies. However. mans professors in
parliament have resisted a')y c�ltulle')ge to their control
of research funds. Proposals for increasing the power of
this ministry have also met with opposition from the
Ministry of Public Instruction and from the CNR. 'Pile
president of C:Nil believes that strengthening of the
,\Ministry of Science and 'fechnology aonld plaice it
bureaucratic barrier between CNR and CII)E, from
wbic�h the CNR obtains support for its program and
budget. In September 1971 the Minister of Science
and Tec�}tnology became chairman of the Inter
ministerial Committee for Space Activities (CIAS).
which is to control policy and make major decisions
regarding the Italian space program.
The National Research Council, which is under the
Council of Minislers, has primary responsibility for
most types of scientific research, and its president is
generally recognized as the spokcs')ur') for the
government scientific establishment (i')c�luding the
universities) in all fields except nuclear research. The
CNR supports its own faucilities, consisting of about 50
institutes, centers, and laboratories, and pro')urtr�s
science through grants to groups or center at
university research institutes and independent research
institutes. The CNR plants and finances major
programs, most of them of an interdisciplinary nature.
Tliv CNR bus I l national advisory coin nnittces
covering various fields of science, engineering, and the
social sciences. 'I'll(- (:NR president is go noraIIy chosen
frorn among the university professors who constitute
the majority of the 1 numbers of the advisory
c�o')trnittecs and is appointed by the 1resident of Italy.
Although the CNR is responsible for coordinating
national science Policy. it has limited powers to
implement its decisions. It does not have control over
the important ministerial laboratories, the nuclear
energy program. or the space program. The CNR
Comntittc�c on Space has only advisory functions. The
(,Nil is second after the inistry of Public Instruction
as it spender of government feeds for research and
(Ievelopment, accounting for about 21 'c of the total in
1970, but ')lost of file (:Nil funds are consumed as
grans to university rescarc�h so that its own
laboratories are short of founds. The CNIi grants
research fellowships in Italy or abroad, provides funds
for conducting scientific meetings and conferences,
and negotiates bilateral science cooperation
agreements with other countries. The CNH is
attempting to promote closer collaboration in research
bclween (I ifferc')t industrial c�o')tpanies through
strengthening of its technological research progruns.
'I'll( CNR administers the National Center for
Scientific and "Technical Documentation in Ro')a�.
Many of the government ministries play important
roles in the national research progrun by administer-
ing or supporting scientific rescarc�h in facilities that
are directly_ or indirectly under their control. Although
the universities enjoy considerable autonomy, the
'.Ministry of Public Instruction, which is the leading
spender of gover n ent funds for research and
development (32i of the total in 1970), exercises a
considerable influence. "file ministry provides fends
for the construction of new laboratory facilities at the
universities and for the purchase of apparatus and
equipment for research. It also provides funds for the
maintenance of research facilities at the approxi-
matel\ 2,100 research institutes. centers, and
laboratories conne,ted with the universities. More
resea is itudertaken in the universities than
elsewhere since the scientific institutes attached to
them form the ba,;c'4rastruc�ture of public research
in ltuiy. The statutes and rules governing universities
and university institutes are based on the premise that
research is a c�ontPlcnlent to teaching. The present
statutes determine the number of faculties and set the
basic disciplines and the rules. Each institute is
directed by the holder of it chair who deals with the
administration and supervises the scientific work, but
the institutes have no financial autonomy. 'Thus, the
director of an institute has no au.' rity to develop his
research eviller. Geuer.�tlb lie ha r few research
workers o') his staff and ever iewel clinicians and
junior staff. of the total nu ,leer of inst. ales. 575 are
dependent on 93 scientific and technical faculties. 610
on 23 faculties of medici;ie and surgery, and 615 are
render the 100 faculties of veononlics and human
sciences. Several opinions have been expressed that the
number of institutes is excessive and has resulted in
duplication of effort. Sometimes there are more
institutes than professors.
Substantial research programs are conducted by
specific ministries. The Ministry of llealth operates
the IIigher Institute of Ilealth in Ro')u, which
employs it staff of about 800 research personnel
conducting research in biosciences as well as air and
water pollution. The Ministry of Agriculture and
Forests has increased its budget during recent gars in
order to modernize and expand its approximately 50
experiment stations. The Ministry of Defense has
several laboratories sotbordinate to it, including the
Center for Military Applications for Nuclear Energy,
th;, Center for Acronledical Research of the Air Force
in Rome, as well as other research facilities. The
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Defense Scientific VvI III icaI Council coordinates
research of interest to national defense.
l he CNEN operates under the Ministr\ of Industry
and Commerce but is largel\ autonomous. 'I'lIe
CNEN. according to directives issued bN CIPE, is
specifically charged with promoting and c�onductimg
research on the Peacef(tl applications of nuclear
energy and is responsible for coordination of basic and
applied nuclear an(1 some nonnuclear research.
prospecting for uranium, treatment of racy materials.
the production of special and radioactive materials.
and c�oordinution of research in Physics. chemistry,
mathematics, biology, medicine, and engineering as
they relate to nuclear energy. The C:NP,N is required
to provide scientific and iechmic�al supervision of all
projects c�onc�enied with production of nuclear raw
muntcrials and with production of nuclear energy.
Iloweyer. the nuclear power reactor program� which is
of great importance to Italy because of the lack of coal
and petroleum, was transferred in 1964 to the ne\\ly
formed National t ?Icc�tric Power Agency (ENI:IJ. A::a
result of this (�hangs�. the CNEN. %vhich prior to 1962
held first place in the amoli nt of research and
(lcyelopmu�mt fonds assigned to government agencies.
has dropped to third place. During 1970, CNEN
accounted for 16� of the government research and
developnu�mt fnlnds. Most of the CNEN budget is used
for support of' five larger centers of its own. Ill a(l(litioll
to the Trisaia Center, other centers are at Casaccia,
Frascati, Bologna, and Saluggia. CNEN also had been
the Principal supporter of the National Institute for
Nuclear Physics (INPN) in Romle, but this institute is
mow conlPlctely independent and its appropriations
are approved directly by CIPE. The CNI':N employs a
staff of more than 3,300, about 708' of whom arc
graduates of higher institutions, research workers, and
technical experts. The CNEN maintains technical an(I
scientific relations with international and foreign
organizations involved in nuclear research.
Space research until 1972 was under the control of
the Space Research Institute. This was replaced b\ two
mew coordinating commissions: the C[AS, which is
concerned with policy matte and the Commission
for the Study of Space Questions, whic�11 is under tit(-
(:NR. Italian aerospace research and development
effort are managed and controlled by the ;Advisory
Center for Studies and Research, which is directly
under the Italian Air Staff.
IralY has many academies and professional societies
which function as cullnrnl associations concerned wilt
the :ulyancer left l of scientific research. Examples
include the National Association of Science, the
Italian Institute for Space Research, the Italian
Physics Soc�ieh, the National Association of Nuclear
I.nginccring, aid the Italian forum for Nuclear
Fiv -r};y. Man of the societies make contributions by
awarding financial grants for specific projects and by
providing documentation services. They publish
original paper. of Italian scientists and provide
translations of foreign scientific papers.
Italian industry occupies an important position in
the twerall picture, accounting for nearly one -half of
the researc�li and (1- elopment activities. Research by
private industry tends to be concentrated in a fe\y
large companies. The Italian autunultiyc, chemical.
electrical. pharnia(vtitic�al. textile, and tire industries
have had strong research and development programs
for mane years. The smaller companies restrict their
research to those activities which lead to immediate
commercial results. The state -owned industrial firms
account forabout 20'8 of the industrial output and are
among the leadrrs in industrial research.
Italian expenditures for research uncl deyclopnu nl
are increasing but are still inadelluatc w1jen compared
with other industrialized countries. the expenditures
are low espec�iall\ when compared with the amount
expended by other highly developed countries of
R'estem Europe. The total research expenditure for
Italy, both public and prie.ate, for 1970 was estimated
al about 0.8�(' of gross national product a,s against
0.71 in 1966. A committee appointed b the Minister
of Science and Technology to advise on research and
FIGURE 2. Breakdown of Research Expenditures by
Agency and Sector, 1970 (U/OU)
�aR.xsn b ;r, x z s d! oh3?�a S J,,,;,,,:- K 7s
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U.S. v
Public Sector:
Ministry of Public Instruction....
National Research Council.......
National Committee for Nuclear
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Defense
?,Ministry of Agriculture.........,
Other Ministries
31,865, (;00
Contributions to international
Total public sector............
Industry sector:
State sub ;.i(hzed industry
1 Oil, 020,806
Private industry
Total industry sector..........
Total public and industry sectors..
778,�353,;3(10 fi
*Converted at. the rote of 1 million lye
�aR.xsn b ;r, x z s d! oh3?�a S J,,,;,,,:- K 7s
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development planning has recommended an increase
in research and development funding I)N a factor of -I
by 1980. Figure 2 gives a breakdo%%n of research
expenditures by agencies and categories in 1970. The
government supplied a8 "I" of the fonds, state
subsidized industry WC, and private industry 38'(.
Government support of research varies xvidel from
one discipline to another. About 93o7i of the $40
million spent on physics n�search during 1968 c�anre
front the government and only 7