Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved ForQelease 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80B01674R00
January 3, 1952
MEMORAI\'DUM. TOc Mr. Loftus E. Becker
Central Intelligence Agency
The following is suggested as an outline for discussion with
General Smith.
1. The development of a properly phased and soundly developed
program for civil defense must follow and be based on the
same intelligence assumptions which the Department of Defense
and other principal agencies of the Government are using,.
This is particularly important to our present planning. Ale
are not sure that we have the full picture in this field. and
I would like to explore this with the General and get his
opinion as to how we should best proceed in the light of the
world situation as he sees it at the moment.
2. I would like to discuss with the General the development of
the war gaming currently being carried on and determine his
understanding as to how Civil Defense is to participate. 1.s
you know, so far we have no knowledge of the details of the
problem. I believe that we should be doing a lot of wok
now in anticipation of the time when certain aspects of the
problem will be dumped in our lap.
On file OSD release instructions
FEMA review(s) completed.
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030035-2
Approved For-Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001000030035-2
January 3, 1952
RANDUM TO: Mr. Loftus S. Hecker
Central Intelligence Agency
SUBJECT: Interview with General Smith
The following is suggested as an outline for discuasior. with
General Smith.
1. The development of a properly phased and soundly davelcped
,program for civil defense must follow and be based on the
same intelligence assumptions which the Department of telena?
and other principal agencies of the Government are using.
This is particularly important to our present planning. ode
are not sure that we have the full picture in this fie'd, a=te'
I would like to explore this with the General and get Iiis
opinion as to how we should best proceed in the light of the
world situation as he sees it at the moment.
2. 1 would like to discuss with the General the development of
the war gaming c!!rrently being carried on and determine his
understanding as to how Civil Defense is to participate. As
you know, so far we have no knowledge of the details of the
problem. I believe that we should be doing a lot of work
nog in anticipation of the time when certain aspects of the
problem will be dumped in our lap.
J. X. Chambers
Assistant Administrator
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030035-2