Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2005/02/ CIA-RDP80B01676R00100003003
Please esp.-ees my- t sinks and regrets to
Sincerely 5vu r's,
Allen W. 1 .lee
Feral Civil Defence Administration
Wahin 25, D. 0 C.
Acting Adninistratorr
Dear Governor Pe'tersvn:
T you very for your invitation of
February 26th to attend the at c tests scheduled
for March 17th..
' fortu ately*-, I shall b eve to be present at
the meeting of the Fatio l Security Council on the
ruin of March 18th aM I do not feel that I could
met both appointments.
- 5 Mar 53
4&l- addressee
1 - reading
1 - official r/basic
On file OSD release instructions apply.
FEMA review(s) completed.
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001000030032-5.
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030032-5
FEB 2 iz 1953
Honorable Allen Dulles
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D. C.
The forthcoming series of tests to be conducted by the Atomic Faner~?v
Commission and the Department of Defense at the AEC Proving Ground
at Las Vegas, Nevada, will include a test of special interest for
Civil Defense purposes. The Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission
and I believe you would be interested in witnessing this test.
The atomic detonation of primary interest from the Civil Defense
standpoint will be on March 17. This is one of the regularly schec.ulec
tests for the development of atomic weapons, but with the cooperation
of the Atomic Energy Commission, this Administration has provided
a limited number of materials and structures for measurement of
effects data. It has also been agreed that this test can be observed
by a limited number of Members of Congress, Federal officials, State
Governors and Civil Defense officials.
The program includes briefing sessions which will give you informa-
tion on the scheduled burst and its civil defense implications to
the Government and the public. It would be necessary for you to
be in Las Vegas for about twenty-four hours from the afternoon of
March 16, unless weather conditions necessitate a postponement.
Arrangements are being made to reserve necessary hotel accomnodaticns.
We should therefore appreciate having an early reply. If you plan
to attend, complete details will be sent you promptly.
The Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and I both hope you
can spare the time to make the trip. We believe that the experience
will be mutually beneficial.
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030032-5
WMW -40
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030032-5
Honorable Allen Dulles
Contra! Intelligence A - ey
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr, Dulles:
The forthcoming series of tests to be conducted by, the 'tort c '*nt -gy
--Nevada,. will include a test of special intern-it ~o
at .Lae-Vegas
Civil Defense purposes. The Chs.i:rman. of the Atomic $iergsj ;Ora 's i.on
and I believe you would be interested in vitneceing this -rest.
The atomic detonation of primary'interest from the Civil Dofesnsw
standpoint will be on Marsh 17. Ms is one of the regal;x1y ftt+ id
tests for the de elorment of a tori.c 'Fe+apons, but with the .3 ac~T~eri Y
of the Itomic Energy Cor irsion, t ^ie Ae?ministration ha: ppovi.dc'
a limited ncr::ber of and etructuree for meaotir-myet of
effects data. It has elso been reed that this test cgin to obvs-'tied
by a limited number of Mombere of Congress, Federal off=-ctrl=, to
Governors and Civil Defense officials*
The program includes briefing sessions which will give you, inforta--
the Government end the public. It would be necessary for to
be in Las Vegas for about twenty-four hours from the afters con,
March 161, unless weather conditions neensritate a postpone tent
Arrangements are being made to reserve necessary hotel sect's?rinda-i
We should therefore appreciate hatiinc" an early reply, If -ou pi 1
to attend, comnl_ete details will be sent you pros ,t
The Chairman of the Atomic Energy Coirmi.ssiOn and I both h=e s,-DU
can spare the time to m ke the trip. We believe that the m. pert#?nce
will be mutually benofi.ciel.
Val Peterson
Acting Administretor
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030032-5
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030032-5
I understand from Mr. Babbitt at FCDA
that Dr. Chadwell is being invited by a separate
letter to attend.
5 March 1953
?ki$M 0.101 JAN 1952 (47)
Approved For Release 2005/02/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000030032-5