Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2003/08/08 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000,
Thursday - 25 October 1973
as broadcast from Moscow in English yesterday afternoon. I read the
preliminary estimate of the possible effect of the Tad Szulc article on
1. - JGO) Talked briefly to Marian Czarnecki, Chief
House Foreign Affairs Committee, and told him that we have only
f Staff
ext to h' over the phone. He indicated he would like to discuss these
matters further whenever I can come by the office to see him.
25X1 r"t~L _ _ 2_ - GLC) Received a call from
in the Office of Security, regarding some questions pertialning io, a~~~ao
clearances to compartmented information for Robert Hartmann, of House
Minority Leader Gerald Ford's staff. I told lit was my feeling STATOTHR
any questions that are to be put to Hartmann regarding his clearances should
be raised with him by the White House and not by us. I recommended,
25X1A however, that take this matter up with Mr. Osborn.
3. GLC) Checked with Guy McConnell, Senate Appropriations
Committee start, regarding the Agency budget. I told him it was our under-
standing that the House Appropriations Committee would cut and
planned to defer until the supplemental defense appropriation appropriating
the to cover certain pay increases. I told him we wanted to be
certain that the Senate Committee did not plan any additional Agency budget
cuts. McConnell said he did not propose any further cut and he is aware of
no other thoughts in their Committee along this line, but he could not speak
for the Chairman at this point. (This information was passed on to Mr. Briggs
who advised me he is still negotiating with Ralph Preston, House Appropriations
Committee staff, regarding )
GL BY ................
Approved For Release $1 CIA-RDP75B00380RO
CRC, 6/5/2003
pproved For Release 2003/08/08 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000200050034-2
(Text) Washington October 23- Tass'--Fresh Facts have been leanred here abo"at
the subversive activity of `the USA Central Intelligence Agency against Salvador Allele's
Popular Unity Government prior to .September eleventh.. These,facts are contained in the
transcript of secret testimonies by CIA. Director William Colby and CIA senior staff member
F. Davis. at the Inter-American affairs Subcommittee of the House of Representatives.
A summary of the testimonies.was published by the "Washington Post."
The testimony of the CIA leaders shows that the Department carried on large-scale
secret intervention in the inner-political and economic affairs of Chile. This activit-;'
the newspaper said, included' infiltration into allp rincipal political parties, support of
anti-governmental. demonstrations and alignments, subsidies for opposition press organs.
The United States, the Washington Post goes on to say, refused credits to the
Allende government to wreck the Chilean economy and also obstructed the granting of.Joans
to Chile by international financial agencies. The only exception was made for the sale on
credit of American weapons to the Chilean armed forces. Thus, theUnited States sought to
speed up the economic crisis in the country and to encourage internal opposition to the`
popular unity government.
The testimony of the CIA Director and other information show that the United States
maintained close contacts with the Chilean military throughout the period following Allende's
electoral victory, the newspaper says.
The Washington Post adds that the CIA allocated 400, 000 dollars for supporting press
organis opposing Allende on the eve of the presidential elections.
Approved For Release 2003/08/08 :"-CIA-RDP75B00380R000200050034-2