Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Rele a 2002/11/22: CIA-RDP70B00501R00Q000080
16 MAR
MEMORANDUM FOR: N 'Acting Deputy Director for Science and Technology
Director of Planning, Programming, and Budgeting
SUBJECT : BOB Request for Special Studies:
1. As part of the spring program review requirement*, the Bureau of
the Budget (BOB) has identified several activities for the Director to address
in Agency Program Memoranda. The special study topics were discussed in
the Financial Policy and Budget Committee meeting on 7 February 1967.
2. In the RD&E area, the BOB has requested that the Agency define
the goals of in terms of (a) an operational system; (b) an
expected date of operation; and (c) the operational importance of the expected
system (including discussion of the degree of uncertainty) and that we estimate
the effect on attainment of these goals of alternate levels of funding (both higher
and lower). In addition, the BOB has asked that we estimate the cost of the
operational (or prototype) system.
3. The Acting DD/S&T is requested to assume responsibility for this
study. The Director, PPB will assign a member of his staff to monitor and
assist with the study. The study should be coordinated with appropriate ele-
ments of the Agency, as necessary. The completed study should be submitted
no later than 1 August 1967.
4. Attached are proposed terms of reference for the study.
You should feel free to expand on the questions where to do so will enhance the
final product.
L. K. White
Executive Director-Comptroller
Terms of Reference
*Bureau of the Budget Bulletin 66-3 calls for such special studies as part
of the recurring PPB cycle.
Approved For Release 2002/11/ tFDP7OBOO501R0001000800458
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Approved For Rele 2002/11/22 : &kkIPS P' 0J
B00501 R000yW0080045-8
Terms of Reference
Study of
The final report should provide comprehensive descriptive material
on including a short history of the program, and
shou provide answers, when applicable, to the following questions:
1. Objectives
What are the objectives of the program? Have objectives
changed during program development? What explicit operational
requirements are there for the RD&E in this area? Who originated
the requirements? Are they satisfied with program progress?
What are the priorities of the targets? Is the timing of the program
consistent with the time requirement of the intelligence objective?
2. Program Description and Schedule
What are the performance characteristics of the hardware?
What technical problems must be solved? Is there a critical com-
ponent or subsystem? What is the program schedule including
major milestones? When is the estimated operational date? Is
the program phased to provide different levels of operational capa-
bility? If so, show time phasing. Provide the expenditures to date
and an estimate of future costs of the program. Cost data should
be detailed by each phase of the program, subsystem, support, or
other meaningful categories. Do some of the subsystems have
uses in other RD&E programs? How have the various phases of
the program been integrated in the past (e. g. , techniques, sub-
systems, contractors, planning)? What is the method to be used
in the future?
3. Alte rnative s
What other collection means are available or are under
development to obtain the intelligence objectives sought? Have
other collection means been rejected? If so, why? Note if there
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Approved For Release 2002/11/22 : :FAk=A 0B00501R00GA00080045-8
are parallel back up or redundant programs. Estimate the effect on
attainment of these objectives of alternate levels of funding and time
4. Operational Planning
What operational planning has been accomplished by the potential
user? What are the anticipated funding levels, training requirements,
placement issues for the estimated operational program? What are
the risks involved in the operational program? Is the program limited
by geography? Are there other operational limitations? Are there
security problems for the operational program? What types of data
will be collected? What processing will be required? Are there any
special analytical requirements? What existing collection programs
could be replaced by this program when it becomes operational?
5. Coordination
What coordination was there with the eventual operators?
Between research organizations (ORD-TSD-Commo)? With intel-
ligence producers (the consumers of the raw product)? What is
the coordinating mechanism?
6. Program Evaluation
What system or method of program evaluation has been used
in the past? What are future evaluation plans? How often is the
program evaluated? By whom?
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