Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870025-1
DAN 053--012266
INPt_ " CDEN; ANI062 BFN: LD271939
TOR: 272054Z SEP 83
PTTU2'.YU}W RUDOtrik.A8613 2701954-UUUU--RUTLAAB.
P 27'i''3=Z SEP 83
FM 72'.G t-ONDON+ UK
prow y ;gym summary mascow domestic television 271700
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870025-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870025-1
I d27 :? 39
mos? ?.;,5~ domestic television service in russian 1700 gmt 27 sep 83
erg ing vremya, 14 w, first program, 3675 mh z) )
reception fairi
4r~!ac by likhitchenko and kovelenov) 013
rpt item im 1300 gmt cast -- pidchenko video report on the
3tiection of th~-? kostamuksha mining combine. 050
item 6, 1300 gmt cast -- csa report on kuybyshev oblast
grain. ~e~1 verxe~ 064
3 ye t;olstukhin video report on rye cultivation in
"Pa -,A.3-t:.irarIS kiy rayon in krasnoyarsk kray. 103
nd'i eyv video report on factory workshop training schools
?rr .;.?r a?,+ ~?. ,~; with shots of students being trained in the operation
of f.31lowed by shots of students being trained in the
opera . L~~rn of computers. 149
i,p 1t item 13130 grit cast -- erkomayshvi l i video report on
the :; r?: finer (goods exhibition in Sverdlovsk. 187
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870025-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870025-1
?,a report on the session of the moscow city soviet and on
gri Kto attnding session (cov) (audio only) 196
eo report on the soviet space mission, with shots of
and aleksancirov speaking and showing various photo cameras
they.; .ve in their observations, cutting to shots of sunrise on earth
viewed from space (vsl) 235
rsp+art on bulgarian leaders thanking for greetings sent
or be 39th anniversary of the socialist revolution in bulgaria.
tpro,-:{ (audio only) 242
rp,t item 10, 1300 gmt cast -- video report on ali nasir
;ru 5 nnV=;-::itl being met at the airport by tikhonov, ponomarev and other
off.., .ais 210
taass report on gromyko-chnoupek talks and on issues discussed
dio only) 287
report on chnoupek `s departure with photograph showing
chnc..r:ok being seen off at the airport by gromyko and other
off t.aLs, followed by video report on chnoupek being interviewed
bef .d, .. departure (proc) (vsl) 313
report on soviet-czechoslovak communique. (cov) (audio only)
rpt item. 11, 1300 gmt cast -- tass report on the publiucation
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870025-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870025-1
of the appeal of the sed central committee, the board of
the ;N4-;ran communist party and the board of the sed party
t,ss report on reagan's speech at the un, followed by comments
an speech and u s, policy (cov) (audio only) 430
pta hnikov video report on the demonstration of protest in
new -: against the aggressive militarist course of the u.s.
admi istration, with shots of protesters with their banners and
cutting to shots of ptashnikov commenting on reagan's
ape-*--",. at the un and white house policy and speaking about
ps,ot ntj-,rs d emands (proc) 442
rk, t i tern 14 1300 gmt cast -- tass report on tense lull
in and on political circles fearing an escalation of
U. aggression against lebanon. 453
ilyashenko video report on coalminers' strike in barnsley,
yor;f fruit pickers and packers in action. 500
~ o, r in report on a shoe factory in czechoslovakia,
of personnel, machinery and shoes produced at the factory.
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870025-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870025-1
makyimenko video report on the international conference in
mos::.ow devv-+)ted to the role of youth associations insocialist and
ccmca _= tusc cwnstruction, with shots of delegates and speakers at the
Lonrr e~.:~, cutting to shots of cuban delegation leader being
inter iewed. 533
.Dt item 19 1300 gmt cast --- report on award being conferred
on :C- tonagov 542
:':'? rpt item 20, 1300 gmt cast -- video report on the press
conf-? en;e for soviet and foreign journalists on the role of women
in a. t society 546
?r rpt item 21, 1300 gmt cast - shakhova video feature on writer
and ^~+ 5i_,. uf? the occasion of writer's 75th jubilee. 567
weather 628
ik/ ui-Iersonltt 27/2027z sep
#86 12
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870025-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870025-1
at Z '55
DAN 5 2
INP `.. i';=it`d AN10 3
TOR .71 e0` Z 3EP 83
W l Rr.. wVC *40NASS I GWED**
C Ott?'R' L S:=* 0NASS I GNEDD**
P 1. T,.1'. `,r uW R1..1f OM; AB592 2701734-UUUU---RUTLAAB.
ZNR ~r's.~t ia9 Z`'N ZPO
P 2-?r! 3::7 EEP 8:3
RUH.1:F' /RB IS, OKINAWA JA r- t Lebanon. (audio only) 379
Lass report on marchais criticizing u.s. policy and saying
tha`; 'he u s is pushing france into the war in lebanon (audio
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870025-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870025-1
tars report on greece prohibiting italian military transport
fer-l riq supplies to lebanon to use greek airports (audio only)
tlyashenko video report on the anti-racist demonstration in
with shoos of procession in london with ilyashenko speaking
abo,.*: rnew law extending police powers. 422
abdukhali ov video report on the conference of the afro-asian
asris=' association in tashkent with shots of audience andspeakers
at i.:- ;:onfer?enc:.e followed by shots of pakistani poet (faiz) and
(al, - 1: gu,ra), general secretary of the afro-asian
association being interviewed. 449
r p,:,rt on award for to svstonogov on his 70th birthday with
phot.:;r.aph of the man. (brief) 459
ideo report on press conference held in moscow for soviet
and :2?ei:gri jo'nralists to discuss the role of women in the ussr
wit` .;rot of tereshkova speaking at the press conference. (cov)
sr,akhova video feature on writer i.1. andronnikov on the
r,~c~.: cra of his 75th jubilee with shots of andronnikov being
ant: .:'~~~d by shakhova and shots of andronnikov at various functions
i, x?1; 0Mt the year's. 51"
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870025-1
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870025-1
Spc)r!; 562
i /. r i3r%on/ps 27l1752z Sep
Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870025-1