Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP88B00443RO01404100059-1
Tlic l)ucctoi of Ccnliil I' 11cncc
Dear Dick,
Enclosed herewith the two reports, one from the
Community Staff and the other from the independent
commission, mandated by the Congress, on "multi-
disciplinary counterintelligence." To meet the
15 November deadline, I sent them over with the
attached covering letter.
In any case, as I told the Committees, I intend
to deliberate and consult on these reports and the
issues with which they deal. I'm meeting with the
Bross Commission to thank them on Monday, and if
you could join we might get a start on talking over
the next steps.
William J. Casey
General Richard G. Stilwell, USA (Ret.)
Deputy Under Secretary for Policy
Department of Defense
Washington, D. C. 20301
Copy 1 - Addressee
2 - DCI
3 - nDct
4 -
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP88B00443RO01404100059-1