Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-01070R000200910012-5
20 October 4983
NICARAGUA/ BROKAW: Rebels trying to overthrow the Sandinista government of
U.S. AID Nicaragua openly acknowledge that they are receiving covert aid
from the CIA. And while President Reagan wouldn't go quite that
far at hi
s news conference last night, he did say that covert
actions are part of government's responsibilities. Well, today
the house of Representatives disagreed, voting to cut off covert
.aid. Lisa ?Byers now in Wa.shingt.on.
iYERS: Nicaraguan rebel leaders lobbied-!Congress all week,
hoping to persuade the house .tc' reverse--its previous decision
-cut -off covert -aid.. But both sides said that -effort was more
than -offset. by scenes like thib. '.The destruction of Nicaragua's
main oil storage facilities .by U_S.-backed guerrillas and by
reports that this guerrilla' commander, code-named 'Suicide,'
executed 40 Sandinista. government soldiers after they
surrendered. Such episodes. fueled congressional concern over
deepening CIA support of the rebels, who are becoming
increasingly violent. REP. BILL ALEXANDER (D-ARR.): What we
have in Nicaragua today is a war. We war with Nicaragua.
REP. EDWARD BOLAND (D-hASS.): No member of this house should
vote to continue ?a war that contradicts basic American
principles and, certainly, not for a war that is
counterproductive to U.S. interests.
MYERS: But Republicans echoed Reagan administration claims -that
an aid cut-off would destroy prospects for-peace in Central
America and eventually. could jeopardize the security-of the
United States. REP. HENRY HYDE (R-ILL.): Cuba's a source of
cancer, Nicaragua's a source .of cancer, let's apply a little
MYERS: The Senate is expected .to refuse to go along with the
aid cut-off, making the house action largely a symbolic protest.
But it does reflect concern over what even some Republicans
privately,are calling the administration's undeclared war in
Nicaragua. Lisa ?Byers, NBC News, at the U.S. Capitol.
- Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-01070R000200910012-5