Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
'proved -For Reled%W 2000/08WMF-' 51A-RDP78-06Q90*000400030016-8
3 December 1964
MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretary,
Clandestine Services Training Board
SUBJECT: Proposal for a Two-Year JOT Training Program
1. Without going into historical detail, I can recall the days when
our formal training program for new-comers consisted of a bare
12 or 14 weeks. As a result of common effort, this program was
expanded to its present term which is basically 28 weeks, if one 25X1A
omits an additional 17 weeks. I think
we have had enough experience now with this "expanded" program
to justify a prompt and comprehensive examination of the advisability
of a solid two-year formal training program for JOTs.
2. I have in mind the kind of program that would, at the end of
two years, produce a secret intelligence officer in the true sense of
the word, that is trained thoroughly in the arts of TSD, fully familiar
with the techniques of 25X1A
thoroughly con -rsant with our latest product in the field of communi-
cations, in addition to the regular disciplines of FI, CI and CA.
Furthermore, I would consider that somewhere in this period and
probably in the course of the second year, the JOT would be generally
directed toward a given geographical area and that the content of
some of his training in that second year would include a thorough
language training program and an adequate area familiarization
program including a 30-day TDY orientation visit to the area in which
it is expected that he will eventually be devoting most of his time and
talents in the first years of his association with the CS.
3. I know that this is an expensive undertaking, and that its
scheduling and management in terms of course arrangements will
not be easy. Nevertheless, I do not think it is too early to work up
fairly detailed analyses of the implications of this proposal and what
it would require to make it workable. As it is now, we are relying
too much on what the officer is going to learn 'while on the job" and
we are doing him and ourselves a disservice in not equipping him
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fully for the problem which he will face in the field. I never forget
that the Soviets, for one, give their officers a far more extensive
and thorough training then we give ours. I think the time has come
in our development for us to raise our sights once again.
4. Please take this up formally at the next sitting of the CS
Training Board.
Assistant Deputy Director for Plans
Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : (JA-RDP78-06096A000400030016-8
? Approved For Release 2QQ&Qiqq*lplpMpp78-06096RO00400030016-8
Clandestine Services Training Board
Meeting No. 2
1. Minutes of Meeting No. 1
2. Executive Secretary's Report
3. Basic PM Course - =proposal for revision 25X1A
(ITEM No. 7..r Meeting No. 1)
4. Proposed CI Course
(Copy of proposal attached)
5. ADD/P memorandum to Executive Secretary/C. S.
Training Board, Subject: Proposal for a Two-
Year JOT Training Program
(Copy attached)
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