Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release I 9997 0: rA* 78-0520-IA000100110047-1
6 December 1951
VIA: Chief, AL/ID
SUBJECT: Authorization of Additional Warehouse
Construction in
REFERENCE: Memo to Chief, Administrative Services
from Chief, FE-1/OPC; Dtd. 30 October 1951
1. It is requested that authorization be granted for the con-
struction of additional warehouse facilities by the OPC station in
not to exceed the sum of $18,000.
2. The OPC station in upon the receipt from Washington 25X1A6a
of the October 1951 Supply Status Report, finds that the new ware-
house construction authorized in November 1951, will not be sufficient
to store the future shipments of supplies and equipment planned for
that area. It is therefore planned to build an extension of the new
warehouse discussed in referenced memorandum. The contemplated ex-
tension is to have 10,000 square feet of floor space and. to cost
approximately x:15,000. Also, due to the fact that certain materials
and owner specifications (the land. on which the warehouse is bein 25X1A6a
constructed is leased. to the field station in
owner at one dollar a year), have increased the origins es ima e for
the warehouse as authorized in November 1951, an additional 03,000
must be allocated to cover the increased cost.
3. The leasing agreement set forth in your memorandum dated
1 November 1951 on this subject will, of course, be applicable to
this request. A copy of the above-mentioned leasing agreement has
been requested of the field by this office and will be forwarded to
your office immediately upon its receipt.
4. Your early consideration and approval of this matter will
be appreciated.
25X1 A9E
Chief, EE-l
Approved For Release 1999/DP78-05201 A000100110047-1