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(a) Mgr, NCS Memo for NCS Representatives, 8 Jul 1966:
"Standardization of Data Elements and Related
Features for NCS/DCS"
(b).NCS Task 2-n: "NCS Std Data Elements & Codes",
NCS Long Range Plan FY 69-73
(c) Bureau of the Budget Glossary of Automatic Data
Processing, December 1962
(d) Exec Agent, NCS Memo for Mgr, NCS, 13 Oct 1965:
"Standardization of NCS Data Elements & Codes"
(forwarded to NCS Agencies by Mgr, NCS as encl
to ref (e))
Mgr, NCS Memo for NCS Representatives, 21 Dec
1965: "Standardization of NCS Data Elements
& Codes"
(f) Mgr, NCS Memo for NCS Representatives, 18 Mar 1966:
"Inventory of Communications Data Systems &
their Data Elements & Related Features (RCS,
(g) Mgr, NCS Memo for NCS Representatives, 21 Apr 1966,
Subj same as ref (f)
(h) Bureau of the Budget (BOB) Circular A-86,
Standardization of Data Elements & Codes in Data
Systems, 30 Sept 1967
I. PURPOSE. This document supersedes the plan disseminated
by reference (a) for accomplishing actions required under
NCS Task 2-1t (reference (b)). Further, it provides policy
and instructional guidance for the development, implementa-
tion and maintenance of Approved NCS Standard Data Elements
and Codes in consonance with reference (h).
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A. Objective of NCS Long Range Plan Task 2-4.
Identify and standardize data elements and their related
features used in NCS Communications Data Systems with a
view toward facilitating the interchange of information among,
the various NCS data systems and government agencies.
B. Description of Terms.
1. Data. Facts that refer to or describe an
object, idea, condition, situation, or other factors
(reference (c)).
2. Data System. An assembly of procedures,
processes, methods, routines or techniques united by some
form of regulated interaction to form an organized whole
(reference (c)).
3. Data Element. A grouping of informational
units which has a unique meaning based. on a natural or
assigned relationship and subcategories (data items) of
distinct units or values. For example, month is a data
element whose data items are "January", "February",
"March", etc. (Reference (h)).
4. Data Item. A subcategory of distinct unit or
value of a data element. (reference (h))
5. Data Code. A number, letter, symbol or any
combination thereof used to represent a data element or
a data item. (reference (h))
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6. Related Features. The name, definition,
abbreviation and identification of uses applicable'to a
data element; the name, explanation and abbreviation of
a data item.
7. Kinds of Standards. The kinds of standard
data elements and codes are identified as follows:
a. International Standards. A wide range
of standards, including data elements and codes, having
broad acceptance and the approval of the International
Standards Organization, for voluntary use by a community
of nations.
b. United States of America Standards. A
wide range of standards, including data elements and
codes, having broad acceptance and the approval of the
United States of America Standards Institute (formerly
the American Standards Association), for voluntary use
by Government and industry on a national scale.
c. Federal Standards (data elements and codes).
Standards, promulgated under the provisions of BOB Circular
A-86, for use in the Executive Branch. In terms of
application, there are two categories of Federal
(1) General Use. Federal general
standards (such as for countries, States, counties,
places, organizations, individuals and elements of time)
for general use by most agencies in connection with an
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extensive number and variety of related or unrelated
data systems and programs.
(2) Program Use. Federal program standards
for use in particular related programs concerning more than
one agency. Examples are data elements and codes usually
limited to use in weather, personnel, supply, and other
similarly unique systems. In these cases, the same source
data often are used by several. agencies and aggregation and
exchange of information on a program basis are the rule.
d. Agency Standards (data elements and,
codes). Standards limited for use within the programs
of a particular agency and either not applicable to or
not yet incorporated into a Federal. standard.
(1) Standard. data elements and codes
which are limited to use within the NCS and are either
not applicable to or not yet incorporated into a .Federal
standard are considered in this category and hereafter are
called NCS Standard Data Elements.
(2) During the development of NCS standard
data elements and codes, the following terms will apply:
(a) Potential NCS Standard Data
Element: A data element and its related features under
consideration for standardization by the NCS Task 2-4
Working Group.
(b) Proposed NCS Standard Data Element:
A Potential NCS Standard Data Element that has
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been developed and concurred in by the Task 2-4 Working
(c) Recommended NCS Standard Data.
Element: A Proposed NCS Standard Data Element that has
the initial formal coordination of the NCS Operating
Agencies and the approval of the Manager, NCS.
(d) Approved NCS Standard Data
Element: A Recommended NCS Standard Data Element that
has the final formal coordination of the NCS?Operating
Agencies and the approval of the Executive Agent, NCS.
(e) NCS Implemented Federal Standard
Element: A Federal Standard Data Element that has been
reviewed and found applicable to the NCS and has been placed
in use within the NCS.
(f) NCS Standard Data Element: An
Approved NCS Standard Data Element that has been placed
in use within the NCS as an Agency standard.
C. Relationship Between NCS and Federal Standard
Data Elements.
1. It is the intent that Approved NCS Standard
Data Elements will be processed for promulgation as
Federal Standard Data Elements in compliance with the policy
outlined in paragraph 6 of BoB Circular A-86. A determina-
tion will be made on an individual case basis, with considera-
tion given the factors involved in implementation that
are discussed in paragraph V.B.
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2. A given item of information codified and
applied within the NCS may, however, differ from a
Federal Standard Data Element in use in an ADP
application external to the NCS. In cases of this type the
NCS standard may be processed for promulgation as a
Federal Standard based on its employment solely in in-
formation exchanges confined to and unique to the NCS.
3. The use of either NCS Standard Data Elements
or NCS Implemented Federal Standard Data Elements will
be mandatory in any information exchange affecting the
NCS, e.g., exchange of data between NCS Agencies or
between NCS Agencies and the Manager, NCS.
D. Relationship Between NCS Standard Data Elements
and Standards of the NCS Operating Agencies.
1. Overall Relationship. Individual NCS Agencies
may develop and apply Agency standards for intra-agency
use only, but must conform to the policy stated in C.
above and in reference (h) in inter-agency applications.
a. Ideally, standards of this type will be
processed to become Federal or NCS Standards. However,
if circumstances preclude this, the agency concerned
will be obliged to convert such agency standards to
either the Implemented Federal or NCS format, as appropri-
ate, in each inter-agency exchange.
b. The extent to which Agency standards will
be required will depend in large degree on the extent
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to which Federal or NCS Standardization can be made to
meet most needs. Economic factors and other considera-
tions as outlined in paragraph 6 of reference (h),'will
be used when considering standards for adoption.
2. Relationship Between NCS and DoD Standardiza-
a. The Director, DCA has been tasked by the
Department of Defense (DoD) to effect standardization
of data elements related to telecommunications employed
within the Departmeit. However, the Executive Agent,
NCS, by reference (d) instructed that initial actions in
the development of NCS and DoD standard data elements, as
well as future actions will be accomplished by a. single,
integrated. effort.
b. Any Agency standard developed by DoD will
be subject to the requirements previously outlined for
inter NCS Agency applications.
E. Future Documentation. The provisions of this
document will be further refined and will be incorporated
in a permanent NCS numbered directive at a later date.
The directive will be developed by the Manager, NCS, in
collaboration with the NCS Operating Agencies after
experience has been gained in the course of conducting
Task 2-4 and a representative number of NCS Standard
Data Elements have come into being.
A. Task 2-4 was inaugurated by a Manager, NCS
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Memorandum of 21 December 1965 (reference (e)). Each of
the NCS Major Operating Agencies subsequently designated
a representative to participate in the task and working
group action began.
B. Initial procedures and instructions relative to the
.task were developed through working group action and
distributed to the NCS Representatives by Manager, NCS,
memorandum of 18 March and 21 April 1966 (references (f)
and (g)). An overall plan for the task was transmitted
to the NCS representatives by a Manager, NCS, memorandum
of 8 July 1966 (reference (a)).
Approved NCS Standard Data Elements will be developed
through the sequential actions described below.
A. Identify Requirements. While requirements to date
have been limited, either
the Manager, NCS, or individual NCS Operating Agencies
may nominate additional data elements for standardization.
The nomination may be in terms of either a complete data
system or individual. data elements. The need for
standardization indicated by nominations will be validated
through working group action and formal coordination.
B. Identify Potential NCS Standard Data Elements.
If the nomination is in terms of a data system, the work-
ing group will inventory the-system and identify those
individual elements considered appropriate for standardiza-
tion. In other cases the group will examine individual
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elements and confirm or deny the need for standardization
expressed in the nomination. Each element agreed'to as
requiring standardization will be identified as a "Potential
NCS Standard Data Element".
C. Initial ProcessinZ. Applying the general guidance
and instructions presented at Attachment 1, and such
additional procedures or instructions as have been or may
be agreed to at the working group level, the working
group will examine and process each Potential NCS
Standard Data Element. In the course of this action each
element will. be named, described, coded and numbered.
Others will be referred back to the nominating source or
held for further consideration. Each element agreed upon
for standardization and processed as above will be
identified as a "Proposed NCS Standard Data Element".
D. Initial Coordination. Each Proposed NCS Standard.
Data Element will be transmitted as a Preliminary Draft
for Information (PDI) to NCS liaison or working level
representatives, when so designated, for initial coordina-
tion by the Assistant Manager, NCS Operations.
1. On a case-by-case basis agencies will be asked
to supply such supplemental information as may be required
in responding to each PDI.
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2. An agency concurrence in a Proposed NCS
Standard Data Element will not constitute an agreement
to implement the standard.
E. Final Processing. The collective response of the
agencies to each PDI will be examined by the working
group and each proposed standard will be reprocessed to
incorporate any appropriate expansion or modification and
to formulate specific recommendations regarding Federal
standardization. When this work has been completed.,
those Proposed NCS Standard Data Elements having the
full concurrence of the Operating Agencies at the PDI
stage and the ensuing full concurrence of the working
group will be referred. to the Manager, NCS, for action
outlined below. Other proposed standards will be
referred for further working group action or additional
PDI coordination.
F. Manager,_NCS Action and Final NCS Coordination.
1. Proposed NCS Standard Data Elements approved
by the Manager will be forwarded to the Executive Agent,
NCS and the NCS Operating Agencies as described in 2.
2. Each proposed standard approved by the Manager
will be identified as a
"Recommended NCS Standard Data
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Element - Draft for Coordination (DFC)". The Manager
will forward individual DFC's or groups of DFC's to the
Executive Agent, NCS with appropriate recommendations,
including recommendations regarding Federal standardization.
In a concurrent transmittal the Manager will ask the
principal designated representative to the NCS of each of
the NCS Operating Agencies to submit final concurrence
direct to the Executive Agent. Final concurrence in a
Recommended NCS Standard Data Element will not constitute
a commitment to implement that standard.
G. Action by the Executive Agent.
1. Each Recommended NCS Standard Data Element
having the final concurrence of all Operating Agencies
and the approval of the Executive Agent will be identified
as an "A pmroved_NCS Standard Data Element", and will
be processed as described in 2., below. Others will be
referred to the Manager, NCS or to the Operating Agencies
for further action or other disposition as appropriate
in each case.
2. The Executive Agent will:
a. Notify the Manager of each standard
approved as above.
b. Forward to the Bureau of the Budget
through SAPT, with appropriate recommendations, those
Approved NCS Standard Data Elements recommended as
Federal Standards.
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A. Upon receipt of the above notification, the
Manager, in collaboration with the Operating Agencies,
will make a determination as to how the standard shall
be implemented, with particular reference, in pertinent
cases, as to whether or not implementation within the
NCS should await completion of Federal standardization
actions. Upon implementation each standard will be
identified as an "Implemented NCS Standard Data Element"
.or "Implemented Federal Standard Data Elements" as 'appropriate.
B. Overall policies, methods and procedures relat-
ing to the above will be developed at a future date and
promulgated by means of the documentation referred to
in paragraph II.E. Some of the considerations which may
influence implementation policies, methods and procedures
and. ensuing decisions are:
1. The extent of and need for data interchange
as related to each element.
2. Advantages and disadvantages accruing to
immediate or future implementation.
Technical, operational and economic
The inter-relationship of individual elements
A time phasing, plan with priority devoted to
first, systems under development; second, systems under-
going modification, and; third., systems in operation.
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tion of detailed arrangements in this area will be
deferred until the action discussed in paragraph V.B. is
initiated. In general, a cataloging method will be
decided upon and procedures will be developed for the
periodic review and updating of the standard data elements
that have been implemented. Full advantage will be taken
of the responsibilities outlined in BoB Circular A-86 in
this regard.
VII.COORDINATION POLICY. The terms of the policies,
methods and procedures outlined in this document are
based on the premise that unanimous agreement will be
reached between the NCS Operating Agencies, the Manager,
NCS and the Executive Agent, NCS in regard to the
specific actions leading to the development of individual
standard data elements. It is to be recognized, however,
that unanimous agreement may not pertain in all cases and
that a divergence in views may develop as to the dis-
position to be made of a particular Potential, Proposed,
Recommended or Approved Standard Data Element. Efforts
will be made to resolve any such differences at the
lowest feasible level of the NCS management structure.
If resolution is not possible at any given level'the matter
will be referred to the next higher level. for appropriate
Attachment: Guidance for Developing NCS Standard Data
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I. EXPLANATION AND CRITERIA: This information is provided
to assist in identifying, establishing, and coding Data
Elements and their related features.
A. Data Elements
1. Explanation
A Data Element is a specific item of information
or a class of data. The members of the class are
Data Items. Each Data Item has some unique fea-
ture which distinguishes it from other items;
however, each Data Item also has characteristics,
conditions or properties which determine the class,
i.e., the Data Element, of which it is"a member.
.For example, the Data Item "Major" is distinguished
from "Colonel" by definition in terms of their rel-
ative position on a graduated scale established by
law or regulation; however, these two Data Items
have in common the property "Military personnel
grade." Thus, "military personnel grade" could
be considered the Data Element.
2. Standardization Criteria
a. Each Data Element will be given a unique name.
b. A Data Element may be given a unique mnemonic
c. Each Data Element will be given a precise and
succinct definition. It will have a meaning
significantly different from any other Data
Element. The definition will have only one
-acceptable interpretation. The definition
will be thoroughly developed and tested to
minimize ambiguity. The definition should
first basically state "what the Data Element
is" and then, if needed, further amplify to
clarify understanding. Existing definitions
in current publications should be used to the
extent that they meet the above criteria.
Attachment 1
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d. Each Data Element must have at least one
Data Use Identifier, i.e., a Data Element
must be used in at least one data system.
e. Two or more Data Elements may be chained
to each other in a prescribed sequence and
used as a group. For example, "date"
consisting of Data Elements `'month," "day",
and "year' might be such a chain. The chain
is not a new Data Element and cannot be
assigned a set of Data Items different from
those Data Items of the Data Elements of which
the chain is composed.
f. Each Data Element should have a set of Data
Items different from those of any other Data
B. Data Items
1. Explanation
The Data Item is a subunit of descriptive infor-
mation or value classified under a Data Element.
It may be the datum-which is placed in the provided
spaces on a form or format, punched in a field in
a punched card, or listed under a column heading
on a machine listing or display device. Data
Items are distinguishable from Data Elements since
the Data Element is the class of data and the Data
Item is the.specific data. Data Items may be
coded, (see paragraph C. below) or may be of such'
a nature that the literal meaning or value of the
item is used without further coding. For example,
Data Items of the Data Element "Military Personnel
Grade" are such as Major and Technical Sergeant,
and may be coded 0)4 and 36; whereas the Data
Items for Data Elements such as "Personnel-Name"
would literally be the name, i.e., Jones, John M.;
Doe, Joe E.; and for the Data Element "Social
Security Number" would be each actual (literal)
sccial security number.
2. Standardization Criteria
a. Each Data Item classified under a Data Element
will have a unique name and meaning different
from any other Data Item classified under
that Data Element.
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b. A data item may be given an abbreviation
unique within the Data Element.
c. The Data Items classified under a Data
Element must have homogeneous characteris-
tics that fit within the Data Element
d. A. Data Item cannot be logically subdivided
and retain significance of the Data Element
C. Data Codes-
1 . Explanation
To facilitate data systems integration and data
interchange, Data Items which require coding will
be assigned standard Data Codes (see paragraph
B.l. above).
2. Standardization Criteria
a. Data Codes should be developed to best
accommodate all requirements, e.g., sorting,
aggregating, grouping, manual use, system
b. Except for literal Data Items, each Data Item
will. be assigned a number, letter, character,
symbol or any combination thereof as a code
within a single code structure for the whole
Data Element.
c. Suitable abbreviations may serve as a Data Code.
d. The number of characters of a code should be
predicated on the number of items within the
element and should be as short as practicable;
however, due consideration must be given to
the likelihood of adding additional items
sometime in the future. When this likelihood
exists, the code should be designed to accommo-
date expansion without complete restructuring,
redesign and recoding.
D. Data Use Identifiers
1. Explanation
When the Data Items of a Data Element appear in a
system, they are used in specific contexts and
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have specific connotations. These uses do not
change the class, the Data Items, or the basic
definition of the Data Element. These uses are
called Data Use Identifiers. For example,
consider the Data Element, "States of the United
States". The system may require "State of Birth".
In the system design, the terminology "State of
Birth" could be used to name a file,-and would be
designated as a Standard Data Use Identifier.
Subsequently, whenever it becomes necessary to use
a data use term for "Birth State" or other desig-
nation with the same meaning, the standard Data
Use Identifier "State of Birth" must be used.
Other examples of Data Use Identifiers for the
Data Element, "States of the United States" might
be "State of Domicile," "State of Assignment," and
"State from which entered on Active Duty."
2. Standardization Criteria
a. Each Data Use Identifier will be different
from any other Data Element or related feature.
b. A Data Use Identifier may be given a unique
mnemonic abbreviation.
c. Data Use Identifiers use the Data Items of the
Data Element from which they are derived.
d. Two or more Data Use Identifiers can be chained
to each other in a prescribed sequence and used
as groups. For example, two Data Use Identifiers
called "City of Birth" and "State of Birth"
could be grouped together to form a chain
called "Birth Place."
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A. CRITERIA: This information, some of it in the form of
qu.est.ions, should be applied uniformly to the informational
elements that have been validated or justified.
1. Is the data element limited to a sir le generic class
of data? If more than a single class of data is represented,
in combination, then more than one element exists and should
be established. For example, Federal ~'tock Number is composed
of at: .,.east three distinct generic classes of data namely,
T':redera Suxply Group,," "Federal Stock C.lassand "Federal
T <