Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
AR.. To
Approved For Release 2000/08/17: CIA-RDP78-0472OA00010004002e4-
~..,.,,...~ p
27 January 195+
TO Director of Security
25X1 A6d SUBJECT Badging
1. It is believed that consideration should again be
given to equipping the Reproduction Shop with a
laminating machine for badging purposes. Some months ago consid-
eration was given to this project, but because of monetary
restrictions no action was taken.
a. Badging equipment - would relieve the present 25X1A9a
Badge Office of the '^ workload. 25X1A9a
b. Provide duplicate equipment for badging Agency
personnel during emergencies, should the present facilities
for any cause become inoperative.
2. Presently our Reproduction Shop is making passport
sized photographs, when needed, for the Agency Badge Office in
Washington, so producing photographs is no problem.
3. The Marko Industries Inc., 20 Curtice Street, Rochester
5, New York, manufactures the type of machine used by the Badge Office
at Headquarters. In addition to the laminating machine, a trimming
machine is required to round off the corners of the badge. The total
cost of this equipment should not exceed $1,000.
4+. If your office is of the opinion that the purchase of this
equipment is feasible, it is suggested that the matter be discussed
with the Deputy Director for Administration.
Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP78-0472OA000100040029-4