Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2002/05/06: CIA-RDP78-04718A#T~f'`80200318,
Approved For Release 2002/05/06 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO01800200031-8
Approved For. Release 2002/05/06 : CIA-RDP78-04718AO01800200031-8
CE z 1530605-06.9
Z 153O6o6
Can teal Ire to ll igence Agw ry .
wasbirsgtai 25, P. C.
Z- s_.Z-?O
4 7i
Attentions Chief, r'iscea ririsi*n
or Release 2002105106 CIA *DP78=
w! USU 7csars,
Ids t u ed he rem th for a cpropriata disposition
the files relative to #.hs damages "stained by
by tone office are
eeiplorees ^f year agency, in the p4m*jng and
shipment of household goods an of!icial change of station from larahingtor,
P. C. to ftring 1951.
?!* file discloses tnst the packing and -rating cf the hcnsshold
effects Of 11r. mas aer''ereed by the I
dated ^oeer+!t er 3. 191D, and that the sage services were nrec r-v
from' for M r. 0 an the open market, with the ov rows sh ipwn t25X 1 A9a
being ps rform.d by the American Expert Lines, Jersey City 2 , Nom jersey.
The file further show that attempts by officers cf ecrur Agency to effwet
ad %etasst with both me packer and carrier have bow wawiling.
'Ae ecmtreet preridss in itsa 5 that finemeial respvistbility for
low or dswage to effects efiils is their emtrol and for lost or dmaap
to effects resultisg from the controcter's ns lignsess or impeepsr perfor-
weos ceder the ostrset is garsamal to the ewer of the effects.
It cep ears from yew latter dated day 13, 1954, that the pie' some in
forsardlrg the file to this Offies is to attatt eolleetiaa from the packer,
for' ap~~W i way packtag me erasing, IN oerdsr to reimbuse. the ee-
p1o~s for the Iooves wetsiao. Iu this ewsustiam View are advised that
it has Asa eseistart2y heir by the aesamti-g o(Kesrs of the rbwnia .t
that w Oo'earrat samMt be - slot or trsstse fU the collsetion o f soft debts in ft to the Oe w. I has no astwl eashsa* ie 17 Cow. ann. 329.
and 15 C. UM. 38.
In vim of the yew, M as the r wdv for damages wrtateed appears
to be p WMMQ sl* w oW2speeee it to wggsnWd. that tA^g' preeerste the
ast.Mr M rum ar}tsrostt.