Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700050005-6
41 a 1#csble contracts entered into by this Agency.
si4eat the meted States
,N D. C.
1953: concern i. Scutive
to non-6iscrimi nation
of each agency i
ad the Goverars a is pros
ive dr4er 10479, the present regulations
end with a view to incor-
the of that i ,utive der by incorporation,, standard,
3ijactice,* of the prescribed Coyer nt non-discriminatory clause in
rel& to this s ject1 this agency has acted to carry out
i9a it tip policy. In accordance with the previous Executive Carder
F % 1 T ftccAt4 discussed this eubJect at length with Mr. 3ricenberg
or+1e Richard X.
aagg h c s s are nOces"ry to meat the requirements of the
es*t eve lea". Ass ted in your letter; twos of
o many 1, u suggestions which will, be of valu-
in developing the ftv procedures.
!ek c+ tiaung advice
OcamIttee on Contracts in evelapi
s Agency to curry out our respon-
With the placing in eftect of
resentatives present them
tee for
steps a d the coD inui asaiatance
that the ferment's policy as se
being complied with by this Agency.
The cow
h in i xec
$I aerely yours,,
.gip change in Ct s
0 V fi.1e ir`iNad
U$)-t? n~ a tI
I*xt Ra%4 W
A r.:
03 -3
Allen W. Dunes
99/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700050005-6