Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 1999/0
17 December 1953
Colooel White
t Status of XO and (RD) XQ Contracts Under Vouchered
Funds Requiring Audit
At present there are outstanding 45 XG and
fall into the fo].1o catagories based on da
Issued subsequent to 1 July 1,052
X m prior to I July 1951
Ismied betties 1 July 1951 and 30 June
2. Nine contracts were iee$ued prior to 1 July 19 1. Inter
eenta have been made on all these contracts and with the exception
2 contracts, It is expected final settlement will result in a refund to
the Agency. In solar as the other 2 contracts are concerned, arr g --
t nta have been de with the Oenoral Accounting Offim for the pant
of the small amounts over and above the interim Payment.
,. Twenty-four contracts were issued between 1 July 1951 and 30
June 1952. The funds obligated in connection with each of these contrac
et be expended prior to 1 July 1954 to prevent lapse. These contracts,
therefore, must be watched cloeret3.y. The followin shows how these 24
contracts stand ae: of 10 December 1953 in relat-.on to delivers, audit,
a incomplete,, no audit
me M"P 1"t clam r-7
f2v1ew D?
1y. -Z,--
5* Of that 12 contracts upon which deliveries have not been completed,,
6 contracts indicate complete delivery is r twq)latod prior to 1 doh
The istics Office is sully aware that the funds oblk ted
of these contracts must be expended before 30 Ju. t
Deliveries incomplete, interim audit
Deliveries completed, no audit made
Deliveries completed, audit made
sing taken to cclete the contracts by that da
Approved For Release 199910 -CTA-RDP78-0471 RA000700050003-8
Approved For Release
the AA ..I j otr .t ton Branch of the o=rO nt
rev vd every to a
dor and other interested parties contacted to
e ven
j) w art ^?errt t
obtain delivery dater: ardor dates, tsr5tstive settle nt dates) etc.
2 contracts entered into subsectuent
ted for the 3
. JIU&d o
3d Jame 1955. These cutractsd there-
e trnt3
t l
to 1 Jt 15 ti3.3 no
fore , have over 15 nonthc in which to eoMlete delivery, order, and
full payment. These contracts, however, are bein - watched nd reviewed in
the s rimer a,; tho which will l ee on 30 June 19)4,
25X1 At9/
Approved For Release 199 IA-RDP78-04718A000700050003-8