Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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a x K'27 eW~5&141~'
App d For eleas' 1 999/08 CIA-RDP78-04376Af ce .viemorana~um ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT
TO : Chiefs of All. OL Staffs and Divisions
FROM : Chairman, Logistics Career Board
suBJECT: Effect of Availability for Field Assignment and Possession of
Field Experience on Career Development
1. Current and projected logistics requirements in the field
necessitate the ready availability of a large number of qualified
Logistics Designees for field assignment in order that adequate
logistical support be provided to; field activities. To meet this
need it is essential that a large number of Logistics Designees be
available to accept overseas assignment. Employees eligible for
field assignment will receive prime consideration in receiving
Agency training and assignment to positions designed to broaden
their qualifications and facilitate their career development.
2. The successful completion of a field tour of duty is con-
sidered of major importance in that it not only enables the Office
of Logistics to capitalize on valuable field experience gained by
Logistics Designees, but it also enhances, to a considerable degree,
the value of employees to the Agency and serves as an important
factor in furthering their career development,
3. in many instances, qualifications and grade levels pos-
sessed by some Logistics Designees are not required in field positions.
In such instances,, -inability to accept a field assignment or lack of
field experience will not be a major factor in furthering their career
4. It is recognized that a few Logistics Designees possessing
qualifications making them eligible for field assignment will. not be
available for field assignment due to medical or compassionate
reasons. The career development of such employees will be con-
sidered on an individual case basis, depending upon circumstances
involved. 25X1A9a
Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04376A000100050001-6
k t r ._ _ L `5 u
AAppr9ved For ReleaoeJ99/08/27:3b~A ~P78-0437h4O0100050001-6
SUBLCTt Effect of Availability for Field Assignment and Possession
of Field Experience on Career Development
1 - Administrative Staff
1 - Building Planning Staff
1 - Planning Staff
1 - Security Staff
1.- Printing Services Division
1 - Procurement Division
1 - Real Estate & Construction Division
1. - Supply Division
1 - Transportation Division
1 - P&TB Sub j File
1. - P&TB Chrono
1 - OL File
1 - Signer
OL/t S/P8 B s~slec/Ii13l (3 Nay 1956)
Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04376A0001`00050001-6