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Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000030044-0
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 CIA-RDP78-04007A001000030044r
2_430 E STREET NW.
15 August 1947
The security regulations and procedures contained herein will be
complied .with by all members of the Central Intelligence Group. It
is imperative in the interest of national security that the security program
of this organization be supported in every detail by each member of
the Group, irrespective of position.
All security regulations and instructions heretofore issued are super-
seded by the provisions of this manual.
R. H. Hillenkoetter
Rear Admiral, U. S. N.
Director, Central Intelligence Group
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Approved For Release 2001/0 0, ? C{ ~- D 4007AO01000030044-0
d. Recommendation of penalty,
4, a. Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs will determine serious-
ness of offense and whether a penalty should be imposed., and will
direct imposition of first and second violation penalties when appro-
be Recommendation for imposition Of third'and fourth violation
penalties, or dismissal for other than a fourth violation penalty,
will be forwarded to the Personnel Officer, with all papers on the
5. a. These instructions shall apply to personnel detailed to duty
with CIA from other government agencies except that the relief of such
an individual from duty with CIA and return to his parent agency will
be recommended in lieu of suspension or termination of eTnp.oyment.
be Such an individual may elect to request reference of his case
to the agency from which detailed rather than accept the penalty pre-
scribed by paragraphs,1a. toad b. In such a case a report of the circum-
stances will be forwarded through the Executive for reference to the
appropriate agency.
6. Assistant Directors, Staff Chiefs and the Personnel Officer arc
charged with informing the Chief of Inspection and Security of findings and
punitive action. taken by them in connection with each security violation for
which penalties are imposed under those regulations..
7. As an incentive toward security-mindedness, in the. individual, and
in order to remove a burden from the individual who has clearly demonstra-
ted that he is no longer a risk with respect to physical security matters,
the following exceptions to paragraph 1 are directed:
a. If the first violation occurs on a date more than two years individual first enters on duty with CIA,, the particular pro-
visions of paragraph la(l) shall not be applied.
b, If an individual serves two continuous years without a socu-
rity violation, any or all violations which he committed prior to the
commenoement of said two year period shall be stricken from the records,
insofar as the application of this Administrative Instruction is con-
8. Assistant..Directors and Staff Chiefs will inform their employees
of their security records under this policy.
Captain, USN
App1 d orCRel sei20Dit O31O2s: CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000030044-0
plTroved For Release 2Q /Q - ? C! -RDP78-04007A001000030044-0
Washington, D. C.
30 June 1949
SUBJECT: Security Violation Penalty System.
1. A guide for the imposition of penalties for violation' of CIA
security regulations is given below:
a. First Violation:
(1) Verbal reprimand- by division or higher chief and,
warning of possible consequences of further violations.
(2) Security--check duty for one week unde;~ direction
of.the appropriate staff duty officer,
b. Second Violation:
(1) Written reprimand and warning by, Assistant Director
or Staff Chief,
(2) Security-check duty for two or Pore weeks under
direction of, the appropriate staff duty officer.
e. Third Violation:'
(1) Suspension without pay for a period not less than
one week and not more than four weeks.
(2) ,Written warning from the Personnel Officer as to
consequences of a fourth violation,
d. Fourth Violation: Termination cf employment with CIA,
'24, The above guide will not be a bar to immediate termination of
employment due to any security violation considered suffir,i.ently'serious
to warrant such action. 4
3. Security violations will be repotted- in writing, by branch chiefs
or officials holding ,Similar supervisory positions,, to the Assistant Direc-
tor or Staff Chief concerned, including:
a. Name of offender and nature of violation.
b. Opinion as to seriousness, and whether carelessness or
negl:Lgence were involved.
c. Statement by the offender
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I-C- T B"D _,
Approved For Release 2001/03/02: CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000030044-0
Abstracting of Classified Documents .
Administrative Action, Non-Compliance With Secrecy Agreement
and Security Regulations .
Admittance to Buildings After Hours, Badge Holders
Admittance of CIG Employees and Other Government
Personnel to CIG Buildings .
Admittance of Visitors
Alternate Top Secret Control Officers
Announcement of Connection With CIG
Assistant Top Secret Control Officers
Authority to Determine Classification
Badges, Issuance of
Badge Limitations
Change of Status
Clearance For Users of Top Secret Material
Classification Adjustments
Classification, Authority to Determine
Classified Documents, Destruction of
Classified Documents, Duplicating or Abstracting of
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Approved For Release 2001/03/02,: CIA-RDP78-04007A001000030044-0
Alphabetical Index (continued)
Classified Documents, Loss or Compromise of . 12
Classified Documents, Security of . 8 to 17
Classified Documents, Storage of . 10
Classified Documents, Transmission of, Outside of CIG . 15-16
Classified Documents, Transmission of, Within CIG . 16-17
Classified Waste, Disposition of 11
Compromise of Classified Documents 12
Concept of Security 1
Court Proceedings, Arrests, Traffic Accidents . 19
Credentials, Issuance of 5
Credit Reference, CIG 19
Declassification 12-13
Defective Storage Equipment 18
Definitions of Security Classifications 8-9
Destruction of Classified Documents . 11-12
Discussion of CIG Activities 19
Disposition of Classified Waste ? 11
Dissemination of Classified Information, Restrictions on . 12
Documents, Safekeeping of
Duplicating or Abstracting of Classified Documents . 13
Escorts, Visitor 6-7
Exit Interview 4
Field Installations, Security of 20
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Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04007A001000030044-0
Alphabetical Index (continued)
Forgotten Identification Credentials . . , .
General Security Practices.
Identification Credentials .
Indoctrination Class .
Indoctrination, Security
Inter-Agency Office Personnel, Contact Branch, O.O.
Issuance of Badges or Special Credentials
Keys to Offices
Leave of Absence
Legal Action, Violation of Espionage Act
Limited Pass
Logs, Maintenance of .
Loss or Compromise of Classified Documents
Lost Identification Badges .
. Maintenance of Logs . 16
Marking of Material
Night Duty Officers, Security Only 20
Penalties for Non-Compliance, Secrecy Agreement, Security Regulations 2-3,12
Policy Governing Unofficial Publications and Related Matters. 2
Policy Governing Use of Official Data 1
Preliminary Indoctrination 3
Processing of Employees for Entrance on Duty, Leaves of Absence
and Separations 3-4
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Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000030044-0
Alphabetical Index' (continued)
Processing of Incoming TOP' SECRET Documents . 14-15
Publications and Utterances Relating to Intelligence . 2
Publications and Utterances, Other Than Intelligence . 2
Public Buildings Administration Maintenance Employees 5-6
Receptionist Staff 7
Registered Documents 9
Restricted Area, Signal Center . 5
Restrictions on Dissemination of Classified Information . 12
Safekeeping of Documents. 10
Safes 10-11
Secrecy Agreement
Secrecy Agreement, Penalties for Non-Compliance . 2-3, 12
Securing Office at End of Day 18-19
Security of Buildings and Installations . 4 to 8
Security Check, Staff 19-20
Security Classifications, Definitions of
Security of Classified Documents . 8 to 17
Security of Field Installations 20
Security Indoctrination 3
Security in Office Routine 17 to 19
Security Outside of Office 19
Security Practices, General 17 to 20
Security Regulations, Penalties for Non-Compliance 2-3,12-
'Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04007A001000030044-0
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Alphabetical Index (continued)
Signature Record and Cover Sheet, TOP SECRET Documents .
Social Activities, Group
Staff Security Check
Storage of Classified Documents
Termination of Employment or Leave of Absence .
TOP SECRET Documents, Processing of Incoming .
TOP SECRET Control Officer and Alternates .
TOP SECRET Control Procedure
TOP SECRET Material, Clearance For Users of .
Transmission of Classified Documents, Outside of CIG
Transmission of Classified Documents, Within CIG .
Unoccupied Rooms .
Upgrading of Security Classification
Visitor Entrances . . .
Visitor Escorts
Visitor Pass
Visits During Off Duty Hours .
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a. Security, as applied to an intelligence organization, is defined as a con-
dition which assures the safeguarding of valuable information and the protection of
physical and human assets, the compromise of which might seriously impair the interest
of the Nation. In the intelligence field, it is imperative that a true state of security
exist in time of peace, as well as in time of war.
b. Even a partial compromise of security represents a loss which never can
be regained-the damage, is done. To prevent such a continger. ;y requires the com-
plete and unfailing cooperation of each and every member of the Central Intelligence
Group, irrespective of position. Any employee, through carelessness, negligence, or
by relaxing his security vigilance, even temporarily, may cause vital information to
fall into the hands of unfriendly interests who are always on the alert to take advantage
of lapses. Aside from the potentially grave consequences which acts of this type may
cause, much valuable documentary material assembled at the expense of great effort
on the part of many members of this organization may be completely nullified. There-
fore, it is the responsibility of each individual employee of the CIG to train himself in
the perpetual and unrelenting observance of all elements of security. Effective security
is largely a matter of habit, the habit of discretion and care which has become second
nature through constant usage. It must be cultivated by all employees if our mission
and objectives are to be fully realized.
a. All information received or compiled by the CIG is official data and is the
property of the United States Government. No officer or employee has any property
interest in such information. The restrictions and prohibitions provided in this in-
struction apply not only to all intelligence information and material, but also to any
statistical, administrative or general information, regardless of the fact that such in-
formation may already be a matter of general public knowledge. This shall also apply
to all, official data used or compiled by CIG and obtained from outside sources, public
or private.
b. Official data are restricted to use in the performance of the official business
of CIG and shall not be copied or removed from the files or from the premises of CIG
except for official purposes.
c. No person connected with CIG in any official capacity shall accumulate
copies of documents containing any such data for inclusion in a personal file, nor shall
any person appropriate to his personal use, any official' data acquired by virtue of his
employment in CIG.
d. Exceptions to the regulations contained in this instruction will not be
made except upon written approval of the Director of Central Intelligence. Authority
to release official data shall be limited to officials designated by the Director of Central
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The following policies are announced for the protection of CIG personnel in
the interpretation of the various paragraphs of the Secrecy Agreement, upon the pro-.
visions of which, at their own willing acceptance, employment is conditioned. These
policies are necessary in order to establish a procedure for clearance of public state-
ments, releases to the press, official or unofficial publications, speeches or similar under-
takings which might result in inadvertent disclosure of classified information. These
policies are further necessary to preserve the confidential nature of employees' official
positions and duties and to prevent inferences of official policy on the part of CIG in
connection with national or international problems. The involvement of CIG em-
ployees in controversial matters of widespread importance may not only reveal official
position and duties but may be construed as indicating CIG official policy.
a. Publications and Utterances Relating to Intelligence
Except by special direction or authorization in the name of the Director,
no person employed by, or assigned to the Central Intelligence Group, shall teach a
course, conduct a seminar, publicly make a speech or read a paper, or write for publica-
tion any material, the subject matter of which relates to intelligence or to the organiza-
tion and functions of the CIG or other intelligence agencies.
b. Other Publications, Activities and Utterances
Clearances must be obtained by written application with respect to un-
official courses, addresses and publications believed to lie outside the prohibition set
forth in subparagraph "a" above. Such applications shall enclose, in appropriate cases,
the actual text of the proposed address or publication. Applications shall be addressed
to the Director of Central Intelligence, through the appropriate Assistant Director and
the Executive for Inspections and Security. Burden of proof that classified information
will not be.divulged rests with the applicant. Further, the applicant must establish
that material to be publicized and the circumstances thereof do not involve contro-
versial matter of national importance which might tend to disclose the author's official
position and duties or appear to indicate by inference an official policy of CIG.
This paragraph does not apply to extemporaneous addresses arising from
requests which would be embarrassing to refuse, so long as CIG personnel so called upon
discuss subjects which are in no way allied to activities of the CIG, and so long as
neither the speakers' connection with CIG nor the subject of intelligence, nor national
policy matters are mentioned.
c. Announcement of Connection with CIG
In the event that clearance is granted under subparagraph "a" and "b"
above, CIG personnel will not, under these circumstances, allow themselves to be
presented, indicated or introduced as connected with CIG except by special authoriza-
tion in the name of the Director.
In accordance with paragraph 5 of the Secrecy Agreement, and inasmuch as
employment by CIG is conditioned upon compliance with it and with these Security
Regulations, any failure to observe these regulations, or a disregard thereof, will subject
the employee or employees involved to immediate dismissal or to such disciplinary
action as may be directed by the Director of Central Intelligence.
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a. Administrative Action
In cases of noncompliance with CIG security requirements, the Director
of Central Intelligence may take administrative action as follows: (1) separation, (2)
suspension, (3) reprimand or (4) such other administrative action as shall be deemed
b. Legal Action
In cases of violation of the provisions of the Espionage Act , (50 U.S.C. 31
and 32, as amended), employees are subject to criminal prosecution which may result
in imprisonment for not more than ten years or a fine of not more than $10,000, or both,
at the discretion of the court.
All personnel assigned to, or attached for duty with the Central Intelligence
Group, prior to beginning their official duties will be required to execute a Secrecy
Agreement which will be administered by the Director of Central Intelligence or his
authorized representative.
a. Preliminary Indoctrination
Subsequent to -the receipt of security approval, and upon completion of all
other necessary processing, the Personnel Branch will notify an applicant to report for
duty. Prior to the time the employee actually commences his, duties with the office to
which he will be assigned, the Personnel Branch will instruct the employee to report
to the Physical Security Branch, Executive for Inspection and Security, for Security
Indoctrination and the issuance of a photographic building pass. Upon arrival at the
Physical Security Branch, the individual will receive preliminary indoctrination and
processing as follows:
(1) The employee will read the pertinent extracts of the Espionage Act
of 1917, as amended and the CIG Security Regulations Manual. The Secrecy Agreement
will then be read and executed under oath by the employee.
(2) He will be fingerprinted.
(3) He will be photographed.
Upon completion of the foregoing, the employee will be given an appointment slip in-
structing him to attend a security indoctrination class, which will be held within ten
(10) days of his entrance-on-duty date. The employee will be requested to study care-
fully, and thoroughly familiarize himself with the instructions contained in the CIG
Security Regulations Manual prior to attending the class.
b. Indoctrination Class
The Security Indoctrination class is conducted under the auspices of the
Executive for Inspection and Security, and consists of:
(1) Presentation of a security film entitled "Security of Information";
(2) A one-hour security lecture and discussion of CIG Security Regula-
(3) A short written examination on the subject of the CIG Security Regu-
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Whenever any changes occur in the personal status of an employee, such as
change of address, marriage, etc., subsequent to his entry on duty, he will execute two
copies of the Personal Status Report (CIG Form 38-17), with the changes underscored
in red. The original copy will be sent to the Chief, Personnel Branch, and the duplicate
to the Chief, Investigation Branch, Executive for Inspection and Security.
Upon termination of duties with the Central Intelligence Group, all personnel
will be given an exit interview designed to impress upon them their obligation with
regard to maintaining the security of all matters pertaining to Central Intelligence
Group activities, as well as the provisions of the applicable laws and statutes.
a. Exit Interview
Upon termination of employment, or upon commencing an extended leave
of absence of sixty (60) days or more duration, employees must report to the Investiga-
tion Branch, Executive for Inspection and Security, for an interview by a Security repre-
sentative. During the interview the employee will be advised of what he should or
should not disclose concerning his duties, or concerning the work of the organization.
The employee will also be questioned as to any security violations which might have
come to his attention, and will be asked if he has any complaints or suggestions to
make with regard to security. The employee will also surrender his CIG pass at this
b. Leave of Absence
Whenever an employee leaves Washington on vacation or official business
in which the identification badge is not required, he is urged to turn his badge in to
the Physical Security Branch for safekeeping during the period of absence.
All such persons entering, remaining in, or leaving CIG buildings during
regular work hours will be required to display authorized identification credentials, as
set forth below:
a. Persons regularly employed by, or permanently assigned to CIG will be
furnished with numbered, rectangular photographic badges, as follows:
(1) Green Bordered Badge admitting bearer to all CIG buildings.
(2) Yellow Bordered Badge admitting bearer to all CIG buildings with the
exception of Administration and Que Buildings. A holder of a yellow bordered badge
may enter either of these two buildings without a visitor pass, by having the Re-
ceptionist confirm his appointment with the CIG staff member whom he wishes to see.
The Receptionist will thereupon instruct the Guard to admit the employee, who, upon
leaving the building, will merely be required to display his identification badge.
(3) CIG Couriers and Messengers will be issued Green Bordered Badges
with the word "COURIER" stamped on the margin of the photograph in the badge.
They will thus have access to all CIG buildings.
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(4) Restricted Area-Signal Center, Communications Division, South
The guard stationed at that post will admit the holder of either a
green or yellow bordered badge with a green band across the upper left hand corner.
All other persons will be denied admittance to that area except on special permission
of the Chief, Signal Center, or his superior.
b. Employees of Certain Other Government Agencies temporarily assigned to
CIG or those who, in the discharge of their official duties, are required to have frequent
access to CIG offices, will be furnished, subject to the approval of the Executive for In-
spection and Security, with numbered limited photographic passes, rectangular in
shape, bearing issuance dates, names of persons to whom issued and signature of the
Executive for Inspection and Security, as follows:
(1) Red Bordered Limited Badge admitting bearer to those CIG buildings
or areas specifically described thereon during the period for which it is issued, unless
previously revoked. ,
c. Lost Identification Badges. In order to prevent possible compromise of
security, it is important that holders of CIG identification badges exercise every pre-
caution to prevent their loss or misuse. Lost badges must be reported at once to the
Physical Securiy Branch, by the persons to whom issued, together with a written ex-
planation of the circumstances of loss and efforts made to recover the missing badges.
If a person should lose his badge while out of town, he should wire that fact to the
Physical Security Branch.
d. Inter-Agency Office Personnel, Contact Branch, O. 0., assigned to the field,
are authorized to take their yellow bordered badges, issued by the Physical Security
Branch, with them when such badges are required in connection with their official
duties. All other Inter-agency Office field personnel will deposit their badges for safe-
keeping with the Physical Security Branch or with the Executive Officer, Contact
e. Issuance of Badges or Special Credentials. Identification badges or special
credentials will not be made or issued by any CIG office or organizational unit with the
exception of the Physical Security Branch, Executive for Inspection and Security, or
the Director, Central Intelligence, who, at his discretion, may issue certain credentials
from time to time, which will be covered by special memorandum.
f. Badge himitations. The bearers of CIG badges described in paragraphs
"a" and "b" above, will have access to CIG buildings as indicated, but the possession of
a badge does not imply full access to any and all parts of a building. All such persons
entering CIG buildings will be subject to such internal security measures as Assistant
Directors and Staff Chiefs may prescribe for the areas for which they are directly re-
g. Public Buildings Administration maintenance employees will be admitted
upon displaying proper PBA identification badges issued by that agency. Special
workmen will be admitted only by prior arrangement with the Executive for Inspection
and Security. All such maintenance employees and special workmen admitted to CIG
buildings during regular working hours will be required to sign the guard register upon
entering and leaving the buildings.
. (1) Except in an emergency, the only maintenance workers to be per-
mitted to enter CIG buildings during nonwork hours shall be the members of the char
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25X1 A NOTICE..."
Washington, D. C.
31 August 1950
SUBJECT: Admittance and Escorting of Visitors to CIA. Buildings..
1. ADMITTANCE OF VISITORS. Casual or social visitors will not be
permitted to enter CIA buildings, and staff members will not request
exceptions to this rule. Visitors, as hereinafter referred to, shall be
construed to mean persons on official business.
be directed to the receptionist 'and thereafter admitted under escort
to the building upon presentation of duly executed visitor passes.
A visitor pass will not be issued by the receptionist unless ,
authorized by the CIA staff member concerned with the interview.
Upon completion of the visit, the interviewer will sign his name on
the pass in ink and indicate the time of the visitor's departure.
b. VISITS DURING OFF DUTY HOURS. A.person desiring to visit
a CIA office during nonworking hours, including Saturdays, Sundays
and. holidays, will be required to execute a special visitor admit-
tance form furnished by the guard after the latter has confirmed the
appointment with the CIA staff mcmuer. The CIA staff member will
sign the form, assuming responsibility for the visitor, and will
escort the visitor from the guard desk. Upon completion of the
interview, the staff member will escort the visitor from the build-
ing, at which time the visitor pass will be surrendered to the guard.
The visitor, upon entering and leaving the building, also will sign
the guard register.
(1) Each visitor to CIA buildings and areas will be
escorted by the CIA interviewer, or a member of his staff,
from the reception desk to his office. Upon completion of
the interview the visitor will be escorted back to the recep-
tion desk. In addition, if it is necessary for a visitor to
call upon two or more interviewers located in different
offices within a CIA building or area, the first interviewer
will escort the visitor to the ocond, etc., and the last
.interviewer will escort the visitor to the reception desk.
Each interviewer will sign his name: to the visitor pass and
indicate the time of the visitor's departure.
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(2) The Chief, Inspection and Security Staff, may
waive the mandatory visitor escorting requirement in a
particular building, when such action is warranted by
unusual operating conditions which may exist therein.
d. SURRENDER OF PASS. The visitor pass shall be surrendered
to the receptionist as the visitor leaves the building, or to the
building guard if the receptionist has left for the day. The guard
will turn over all collected visitor passes to the receptionist on
the following morning.
2. The procedure set forth above supersedes paragraphs 10 a, b, c
and d of existing Security Regulations dated 15 August 1947. These poli-
cies and procedures will be incorporated into the new Manual of Security
Regulations when published.
Acting Executive
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to, shall be construed to q can persons on official us ess.
A. Visitor Pass .
All visitors shal be directed to the Receptionist and thereafter admitted to
the building upon presentation`=f duly executed visitor passes. A visitor pass, Form
No. 38-4, will not be issued by the eceptionist unless authorized by the CIG staff mem-
ber concerned with the interview. ion completion of the visit, the interviewer will sign
his name on the pass in ink and indic to the time of the visitor's departure under the
heading "time out", in the space provided for that purpose in section 2 of the pass.
b. Escorts
As a general rule it shall not bnecessary to provide escorts for visitors to
and from offices of CIG. However, in certain circumstances as indicated below, escort-
ing, for security or courtesy reasons, should be practiced.
If an appointment is made by the terviewer for a visitor with whom he
is not acquainted, the interviewer, if he deems it adXisable, may request the Receptionist
to escort the visitor to his office. Upon completion of the interview, the CIG staff
member may assign an office employee to escort the` ;,visitor from the building.
If, while arranging an interview, the Receptionist has reasonable doubt
concerning a visitor, she may accompany him to the office of the interviewer. In such
circumstances the interviewer will determine the advisability of assigning an office
employee to escort the visitor from the building at the cone sion of the visit.
When an appointment has been made by the eceptionist and the visitor
fails to make an appearance in the interviewer's office after the passage of a reasonable
time, the latter will take such steps as may be necessary to determine the reasons for
force and PBA engineers. No exceptions will be made without the approval of the
Executive for Inspection and Security. All such persons will sign a special log at the
guard desk upon entering and leaving the building.
.(2) Staff members of CIG are warned to exercise caution with respect to
conversation and exposed classified material when carpenters, electricians, telephone
company employees, char people or other maintenance workers are present in their
offices. Rooms must not be left unoccupied at such times unless classified material has
been securely locked in suitable containers. Any attempt by such persons to overhear
conversations or to read classified material should be reported at once to the Executive
for Inspection and Security.
h. Forgotten Identification Credentials. ' Employees and holders of limited-
passes who forget their identification credentials will apply to the Receptionist for visitor
passes in order to gain admittance to their offices. Before issuing such a pass the Re-
ceptionist will request that the applicant be identified by his superior or other responsible
CIG staff member. ' The pass will be conspicuously marked "FORGOTTEN BADGE".
i. Admittance to Buildings after Hours.. Employees and holders of limited
passes who enter CIG buildings after 7:00 P. M. on Mondays through Fridays, or at any
time on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, will sign the Guard register upon entering
and leaving buildings, in addition to displaying their identification credentials.
Casual or 'vial visitors will not-be permitted to enter CIG buildings, and
staff members will notequest exceptions to this rule. Visitors, as hereinafter referred
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hen an unescorted visitor presents himself at the Reception desk in the
process of leav g the building, and the Receptionist observes an unreasonable lapse
of time since th visitor left the interviewer's office as indicated by the latter on the
visitor pass and the heading of "time out", the Receptionist may make discreet in-
quiries of the vis for to determine the cause of delay. In such instances suspicious
circumstances sho ld be reported immediately by the Receptionist to the office of the
Chief, Physical Sec, rity Branch, Executive for Inspection and Security, and to the
v- As an a t of courtesy, Receptionists should conduct prominent visitors to
the offices of the inter iewers.
Additiona\ instructions regarding visitor control or other matters, to meet
special conditions, may
and Security, as circums
c. Surrender o
e issued to the Receptionists by the Executive for Inspection
ss shall be surrendered to the Receptionist as the visitor leaves
The visitor p
the building, or to the bu
Guard shall turn all collec
ding Guard if the Receptionist has left for the day. The
ed Visitor Passes over to the Receptionist on the following
d. Visits During 6ff Duty Hours
A person desirin to visit CIG offices during nonworking hours, including
Saturdays, Sundays, and holi ys, will be required to execute a special visitor admit-
tance form furnished by the Gu rd after the latter has confirmed the appointment with
the CIG staff member. The CI staff member will sign the form, assuming respon-
sibility for the visitor, and will cort the visitor from the Guard desk. Upon com-
pletion of the interview, the staff ember will escort the visitor from the building,
at which time the visitor pass will a surrendered to the Guard. The visitor, upon
entering and leaving the building, wi sign the Guard Register.
e. Visitor Entrances
Visitor entrances shall be confined to one for each building, with the ex-
ception of Que Building, in which there shall be two entrances for visitor use.
The Receptionist staff of CIG will be responsible for the courteous reception
of visitors; discreet determination of the nature of the visits; arrangement of interviews;
issuing visitor passes upon confirmation of appointments with the appropriate CIG staff
members; issuing visitor passes to employees who have forgotten their identification
credentials; providing escorts for visitors to and from the interviewers' offices when
necessary; maintaining visitor logs in which are recorded visitors' names and addresses,
names and room numbers of persons visited, and the general purposes of the visits; pre-
paring reports related to the Receptionist operation; and will perform such other func-
tions as may specifically be directed by the Executive for Inspection and Security.
a. Building Guards furnished by the Public Buildings Administration will
admit into CIG buildings only those persons with proper identification credentials
authorized for the respective buildings, and visitors to whom visitor passes have been
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b. The Guards will patrol the offices after hours for the purpose of checking
safes and windows, inspecting tops of desks and other equipment for exposed classified
material, and maintain after-hour Guard Registers of visitors and employees who enter
CIG buildings after hours or on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Security violations
detected by the Guards during their patrols will be reported to the Physical Security
c. The Guards perform these functions under.the orders and instructions
of the Executive for Inspection and Security, and all members of CIG are expected to
cooperate with the Guards in the performance of their duties.
Keys to offices will be kept at the Guard desks by the building Guards. Nor-
mally, offices will not be locked after regular duty hours. Staff Chiefs may cause to be
locked any rooms they deem necessary for security reasons, upon prior arrangement
with the Executive for Inspection and Security. Such rooms will be considered "RE-
STRICTED AREAS" and only specifically authorized persons will be admitted thereto
by the guards. Persons not regularly assigned to "RESTRICTED AREAS" will not be
permitted to enter such areas during regular work hours unless permission is granted
by the -staff chief of the area concerned.
a. TOP SECRET : Only that material or information, the unauthorized dis-
closure of which might cause exceptionally grave damage to the Nation, will be clas-
sified TOP SECRET. As a general rule, TOP SECRET matter in time of peace will be
limited to that which, if disclosed without authorization, would reasonably be expected
to lead directly to a definite break in diplomatic relations, or to a war, or have other
exceptionally grave consequences.
Examples: Information or material regarding, or details of discussions or
negotiations with, foreign governments on matters of great delicacy.
Information or intelligence material containing indications of sources of
intelligence which the United States must protect.
Information or material concerning the existence or details of new devices
or methods of warfare of extreme importance to national security.
b. SECRET : Information or material, the unauthorized disclosure of which
might endanger national security, seriously jeopardize the international relations of
the United States, or endanger the effectiveness of a program or policy of great im-
portance to this Government, will be classified SECRET.
Examples: Information or material regarding, or details of discussions or
conferences with high officials of foreign governments on important questions, the
premature disclosure of which would seriously affect the foreign relations of the United
Reports or acts dangerously unfriendly to the United States, or important
trends in foreign affairs greatly endangering national security.
Certain highly important intelligence reports, including reports on sub-
versive activities.
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Vital information on important defenses.
High-grade cryptographic devices and related material.
c. CONFIDENTIAL: Information or material, the unauthorized disclosure
of which would not endanger national security, but which might prejudice the national
interest or the work of any U. S. Government agency by interfering with the develop-
ment or carrying out of important policy, or by hampering negotiations in progress;
might cause serious administrative difficulties; or might result in unwarranted em-
barrassment of individuals, will be classified CONFIDENTIAL.
Examples : Important intelligence reports.
Reports concerning sabotage or subversive elements, or names of indi-
viduals involved.
Investigations, documents and communications of a personal and dis-
ciplinary nature, the knowledge of which must be safeguarded for administrative
d. RESTRICTED: Information or material which does not fall within higher
categories, but which should not be communicated outside the Government of the
United States without adequate clearance, will be classified RESTRICTED.
Examples: Matters related to internal organizational policy of a secondary
Routine internal reports.
Information of a nonconfidential nature, the use of which should be
confined to official government activities and should not be publicly disseminated.
a. Definition and Identification
A registered document is a TOP SECRET, SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL or
RESTRICTED document, or a RESTRICTED cryptographic device, carrying a register
number, a short title, and instructions to account for it periodically. A registered docu-
ment is not to be confused with a classified document to which, for administrative
reasons, a number or short title is assigned for bookkeeping or reference purposes only.
b. Authority
Documents will be registered only if it is essential for the issuing authority
to control distribution and maintain a record of the custody of all copies. Officials of
the CIG who originate or issue classified documents will request authorization to register
only such documents as they deem necessary in the interest of national security. Each
registered document issued after 1 January 1946 will be conspicuously marked "Regis-
tered Document" on the front cover. Documents will not. be registered except on the
authority of the Executive for Inspection and Security.
c. Office of Record
The office of record is the office to which reports of possession, transfer
and destruction of registered documents are sent. The Central Records Division, Serv-
ices Branch, Executive for Administration and Management, will be the office of record
for registered documents originating within CIG.
Documents and correspondence will be classified according to the provisions
of paragraph 14, Section IV. The responsibility for insuring. that documents produced
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by CIG are properly classified rests with Assistant Directors or staff personnel occupy-
ing comparable positions, who will establish adequate procedures within their offices
or staffs to provide for review of classifications given documents by their subordinate
officials, in order to insure that correct and uniform classification techniques are ap-
plied. Overclassification must be avoided, for such practice will tend to weaken the
entire security classification structure.
Classified books, pamphlets or other multiple page documents, the pages of
which are permanently and securely fastened together, will be plainly and conspicu-
ously marked or stamped' (not typed) "TOP SECRET", "SECRET", "CONFIDENTIAL"
or "RESTRICTED" on the cover, title page, first page, back page, and outside of back
cover. Classified matter not permanently and securely fastened together shall have
the security classification stamped or marked (not typed) on the top and bottom of
each page. All copies or reproductions shall be appropriately marked or stamped to
correspond with the original thereof. Abstracts of documents will be marked in ac-
cordance with the provisions of paragraph 25, Section IV.
a. Storage of Classified Documents (including secretarial notes, carbons and
(1) TOP SECRET documents will be stored in safes or fire resistant safe-
type file cabinets with not less than 3-way built-in combination locks.
(2) SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL documents not Registered may be
stored in ordinary steel lock file cabinets equipped with vertical steel bars with com-
bination type padlocks, if combination safes or safe-type file cabinets are not available.
Every effort should be made to store SECRET documents in combination safes.
(3) RESTRICTED documents not Registered should be stored in ordinary
steel lock file cabinets, but they may be kept in desks, cabinets or other storage places
where they will be out of view.
(4) REGISTERED documents, irrespective of classification, will be stored
in combination safes or safe-type file cabinets.
(5) ARMED GUARD. In certain unusual circumstances, or if, for opera-
tional reasons, it is not possible to apply the foregoing storage requirements, arrange-
ments may be made, subject to the approval of the Executive for Inspection and Secu-
rity, to safeguard the documents under armed guard, when not in use.
b. General
The safekeeping of classified documents is of prime importance. The fore-
going storage requirements, prescribed for the various security classifications, must be
strictly adhered to. Documents classified above RESTRICTED will not be kept in locked
desks or other substitutes, nor will they be left unprotected at any time. Classified ma-
terial will not be taken home. All work thereon must be performed in the office where
it can be fully protected. Precautions should be taken to prevent unauthorized persons
from seeing classified documents while work is being performed on them.
a. Each combination safe and safe-type file cabinet will have a sticker applied
inside the container on which will be recorded the name of the person responsible for
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Washington, D. C.
20 June 1950
SUBJECT: Rescission of Paragraph 21 of the Security Regulations,
dated, August 19!E7.
1. Paragraph 21, pages 11 and 12, of the Security Regulations
dated August 1947 is hereby rescinded, and the following instructions
substituted therefor.
a. The destruction of classified documents must be
accomplished in accordance with existing law and regulations.
The law provides that government records may not be destroyed
without the approval of the Archivist of the United States
and the Congress of the United. States.' Custodians of docu-
ments will survey periodically all such material in their
possession and, if deemed of no further use, will request
their Area Records Officer to review the documents and give
directions for appropriate disposition as provided. in the
CIA regulations on records Management.
destroyed by burning by the custodian thereof or his
designee at the CIA incinerator, in the presence of a
witnessing CIA member. The custodian or his designee,
and the witness, will remain at the incinerator until
all the documents have been burned completely. The
appropriate Area, Alternate or Assistant Top Secret Control
Officer must be notified of the destruction in order that
the proper entries may be made on the Top Secret Log.
When a Top Secret document is destroyed, the disposal
certificate portion of the Signature Record and Cover
Sheet, attached, to the document, will be executed. The
cover sheet will then be forwarded to the CIA Top Secret
Control Officer, through the appropriate Area Top Secret
Control Officer. Paragraphs 21. a., h. and i. of this
section also must be complied with.
NOT REGISTERED, may be destroyed. by burning by the cus-
todian thereof or his. designee at the CIA incinerator, or
such documents may be shredded or torn into small pieces
and placed in the classified waste receptacle,, for subsequent
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burning by the Physical Security Branch. Under no circum-
stances will whole documents be placed in the classified
waste receptacles. A witness to the destruction is not
required. Paragraphs 21, a., h. and i. of this section
also must be complied with.
d. REGISTERED DOCUMENTS, will be destroyed by burning,
by the Area Custodian of Registered Documents, or his designee,
at the CIA incinerator, in the presence of a witnessing CIA
member. Such persons will remain at the incinerator until
all the documents have been burned completely. Before a
Registered doctuaent may be destroyed, authorization must be
obtained by the Area Custodian (with the exception of the
Communications Division) from the CIA Custodian of Registered
Documents. With respect to Registered Top Secret Documents,
all requirements pertaining to the destruction of Unregistered
Top Secret Documents, as set forth in subparagraph b., above,
must be observed also. In addition, paragraphs 21. a., h. and
i. of this section, also must be complied with.
which reflect the issue and receipt of specific classified
documents may be destroyed, in accordance with the provisions
of subparagraph c., above, as follows:
(1) Top Secret and Registered Document Receipts,
after five years.
(2) Unregistered Secret, Confidential and Restricted
Document Receipts, after two years.
f. CIA COURIER RECEIPTS which reflect the receipt and
delivery of packages containing classified documents may be
destroyed after one year in accordance with. the provisions
of subparagraph c., above.
g. BURN TEAMS. Chiefs of Offices, Staffs and Divisions
may, if they wish, organize "burn teams" for the purpose of
destroying documents in accordance with the provisions of
subparagraphs a-b-c-e-f, above, provided unauthorized access
is not permitted thereby. Central collecting points for
documents to be destroyed by the "burn teams" may be established
in offices or areas.
Office Chiefs will assure themselves that persons
assigned to burning and witnessing duties, in accordance
with the provisions of this instruction, are authorized to
have access to the material to be destroyed, and that they
are dependable and thoroughly familiar with the security
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(1) For All Unregistered Top Secret Documents, a
Certificate-of Destruction wi_l1 be executed., in duplicate,
and signed by the custodian or his designee and the wit-
ness. The Certificate will include, in addition to the
signatures, the date, name of organizational unit, and
an., itemized list of the documents and their classifications.
Document Receipts for Top Secret documents, when destroyed
after the required retention period, will not be listed on
the Certificate of Destruction. The original copy of the
Certificate will be sent to the Records and Files Section,
Central Records Branch, OCD.
(2) For Unregistered. Secret, Confidential and.
Restricted Documen_ts, which must be accountedfor to
the originating'.. ce or_ 'n . b spe~~ 'iG instructions,
a Certificate of Destruction will be executed, in dupli-
cate, and signed by the custodian or his designee. A
witness to the destruction will not be required. The
Certificate will include, in addition to the signature
of the custodian or his designee, the date, name of
organizational unit, and an itemized list of the docu-?
ments and their classifications. Document Receipts for
such documents, when destroyed after the required retention
period, will not be listed on the Certificate of Destruction.
The original copy of the Certificate will be sent to the
Records and Files Section, Central Records Branch, OCD.
(3) For Unaistered Secret, Confidential and
Restricted Documents which. Garry no s aecii G aGGOlznta-
bility r ujrements to the ora inat in office or agency,
a Certificate of Destruction for records management pur-
poses, will be prepared in duplicate and signed by the
custodian or his designee. A witness to the destruction
will not be required. The Certificate will include, in
addition to the signature of the custodian or his des=ignee,
the date, name of organizational unit, identification and
security classifications of the file series destroyed, and
the volume of the documents in approximate linear inches
or feet. The volume of the material listed on the Certifi-
cate of Destruction will include the documents destroyed
by burning and those disposed of i_n the classified waste.
The original copy of the Certificate will be sent to the
Records and Files Section; Central Records Branch, OCD.
(1.) E2ZiL;jtered Documents. Certificates of Destruction
for all Registered Documents of all classifications, will
be prepared in the same manner as that prescribed for
Unregistered Top Secret Documents, with the exception that
the original copy of the Certificate will be forwarded to
the CIA Custodian of Registered Documents.
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2. The above instructions will be incorporated in the revision of
the Security Regulations at an early iatc.
Acting Executive
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the safe, his home address and telephone number, the names, home addresses and
telephone numbers of all other persons in possession of the combination, listed in the
order of principal use, and the date when the combination was last changed. The
sticker will be placed on the side and near the front panel of each drawer of the con-
ventional safe-type file cabinet, and on the inside of the door of the Mosler safes.
Scotch tape should be placed over the sticker to properly secure it. The person re-
sponsible for a safe is also accountable for its proper working condition. He should
arrange for the immediate repair of any defective safekeeping equipment in his custody.
Combinations of safes and safe-type file cabinets will be known to only those persons
who are required to have access to them in the performance of their official duties.
Combinations of all safekeeping equipment will be changed at least once every six
months. If a person having knowledge of the combination of a safe should leave the
organizational unit or CIG, the combination of the safe involved will be changed im-
mediately. It is the responsibility of custodians to have the combinations changed in
accordance with these requirements: A representative of the Physical Security Branch
will make the change upon request by the custodian. The Physical Security Branch
alone will change the combinations of CIG safes,, with the exception of those located
.in the Office of Special Operations.
b. A number will be assigned to each safe by the Physical Security Branch.
The person responsible for a safe or safe-type file cabinet will turn the combination
of the safe over to the Physical Security Branch, double-wrapped in sealed envelopes
(inner envelope marked "TOP SECRET"), signing his name on the flap of the outer
envelope. The combination of a safe may be obtained from the Physical Security
Branch by the person whose signature appears on the flap of the envelope or by his staff
chief, upon proven necessity and receipt therefor. A safe combination will never be
divulged over the telephone, except in an extremely grave emergency, following which
the combination will be promptly changed.
Preliminary drafts, copies, carbons, stencils, stenographic notes, work sheets,
and the like, pertaining to classified matter will be torn or shredded and placed in
envelopes marked "SECRET". Waste baskets will be used for unclassified waste only.
The envelopes containing the classified waste may be disposed of daily by placing the
contents in sacks maintained for that purpose at the guard desks at the main entrances
to CIG buildings or areas. The sacks are picked up and the waste burned daily. Clas-
sified waste, until disposed of in the sacks, must be safeguarded in the same manner
as SECRET documents.
Destruction of classified documents must be accomplished in accordance with
destroyed without the approval of the Archivist of the United States or the Congress J{;(
of the United States. Custodians will survey periodically all such documents in their /''
possession and, if deemed of no further use, will transmit same to the Central Records
Division for appropriate disposition, with the following qualifications: drafts, unless
used for obtaining necessary concurrences, extra copies, preserved solely for convenience J.0
or reference and not parts of integrated files, publications distributed by the Central 44
Records Division, routine buckslips and courier receipts which are no longer current,
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may and should be destroyed by the custodian by burning in accordance. with the pro-
visions of paragraphs "a" and "b" below. Due to the restrictions imposed by the Con-
gress on the destruction of Government records, the custodian should consult the
Central R
ivision in any cash th i db
e wereeresout concerning the propriety
of the destruction of a particular paper or document.
ED documents must be burned in the presence of the custodian thereof, and witnessed
by a disinterested official. The witness will be an officer of the Army or Navy, or a
civilian in a grade of P-3, CAF-9, or higher. A certificate of destruction will be executed
in duplicate, and signed by both the custodian and the witnessing official. The cer-
cate will include in additi t thit
,onoe sgnaures, the date, name of organizational
fication and a list of th dtd
,,eocumens an their classifications. The original
copy of the certificate will be forwarded to the Central Records Division for filing and the
(1) Classified documents may be burned at any time during the work
day at the incinerator located in the North Building, where an attendant is on duty
to assi
t i
e wor
b. RESTRICTED documents not Registered may be disposed of b
or by shredding and placing in envelopes marked "SECRET" as provided for in the
cedure regarding the "Disposition of Classified Waste," paragraph 20, Section IV.
Waste baskets will not be used for disposing of RESTRICTED documents. The destruc-
tion of RESTRICTED material need not be witnessed, nor is it necessary to maintain
a record of the documents destroyed.
Any person on duty with CIG who, with deliberate intent or through gross
negligence, causes classified information affecting the national security to be conveyed
to unauthorized persons is subject to the penalties provided for by the Espionage Act.
Public or private discussion of .classified data with, or in the presence or hearing of,
any person not authorized to have knowledge thereof is strictly forbidden. CIG mem-
bers will refrain from giving unauthorized persons any information about their work.
The following description of the Central Intelligence Group is public knowledge, and
CIG members are at liberty to quote therefrom if they should be asked about the organ-
ization :
The Central Intelligence Group is a recently created inter-departmental
organization in which the State, War, Navy and sometimes other departments
participate. It coordinates all activities of the government involved in ob-
taining and analyzing information about foreign countries which this country
needs for its national security. It also furnishes inter-departmental analyses
of this type of information for use of government officials.
No amplification of the foregoing statement to unauthorized persons will be permitted.
In case of loss or compromise of classified documents or information, im-
mediate notification thereof will be made to the Executive for Inspection and Security.
a. Staff Chiefs or their designees should periodically review classified docu-
ments in' the custody of their respective organizational units, with a view to cancelling
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or downgrading the classifications of those documents, the security significance of
which has declined or ceased to exist. The person making the original classification,
his successor or superior, may cancel or modify the classification of a document, by
reason of changed conditions or over-classification, by stamping or writing over the
classification at the top of the cover or first page "Classification Cancelled or Changed
to ............ . ....... . by Authority of .................... ," adding the date and
name of the person authorizing the change.
b. In the course of review, consideration should also be given to the up-
grading of documents which occasionally will be found to have been assigned inadequate
c. In cases wherein appropriate authority to effect changes in classification is
not readily determinable or available, questions of policy and procedure may be referred
to the Control Division, Requirements Branch, OCD, or if then not resolved, to the
Security Control Staff, Executive for Inspection and Security.
d. When the classification of a document is altered, steps should be taken,
in so far as practicable, to change the classification of all copies thereof correspondingly.
Offices of origin, when changing the classifications of documents, should so inform all
persons to whom such documents had been distributed, if the recipients are readily
a. Duplication of classified material by the originating office shall be limited
to the number of copies necessary for efficient operation.
b. Classified documents will not be duplicated without authorization of the
office of origin.
c. Abstracts of classified documents may be made with the approval of the
office of origin. The abstract, however, will not necessarily bear the same classification
as the document from which it was taken, but will be classified on its own merits, with
the concurrence of the office of origin.
d. The originating office will maintain a record of the distribution of classi-
fled material, including the names of the recipients and.the number of copies assigned
to each.
The TOP SECRET Control Procedure prescribed herein is established to provide
a secure system for the handling of TOP SECRET material and to insure that unauthor-
ized persons may in no instance have access to such material. To achieve these aims
is a primary responsibility of all CIG personnel.
a. Control Officers
The TOP SECRET Control Officer and Alternate TOP SECRET Control
Officers will be persons of highest integrity and proven discretion, specifically author-
ized to transmit and receipt for. TOP SECRET material to and from agencies outside
of CIG. The TOP SECRET Control Officer will be appointed by the Director, CIG.
Alternate TOP SECRET Control Officers will be nominated by assistant directors
and chiefs of branches of the Executive Staff. Their names will be forwarded to the
TOP SECRET Control Officer who will submit the approved names thereof to the Execu-
tive for Administration and Management for publication in Personnel Orders. The
Chief, Central Records Division, Services Branch, Executive for Administration and
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Management, all TOP SECRET couriers, and certain other appointed officers and
civilians will be the authorized TOP SECRET Control Officer and Alternate TOP SECRET
Control Officers for CIG. A list of the names of these officers will be maintained by the
TOP SECRET Control Officer, who will notify the Executive for Inspection and Security
as changes occur. The names of the TOP SECRET Control Officer and alternates for
each government establishment in this vicinity are periodically announced in classified
form, by the Joint Security Control, Joint Chiefs of Staff, to each Federal agency, organ-
ization or office in the Washington area. The Executive for Administration and
Management will periodically forward to the Joint Security Control an up-to-date list
of the CIG TOP SECRET Control' Officer and his alternates.
b. Assistant Control Officers
Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officers will be officers and civilians who
are considered by the appointing officials to be of the highest integrity and proven
discretion, authorized to transmit, receive and .receipt for TOP SECRET material within
CIG. The number of Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officers is necessarily kept at a
minimum consistent with security of TOP SECRET material and its efficient handling
in the office concerned. Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officers will be appointed by
Assistant Directors and Chiefs of Branches of the Executive Staff for their respective
offices. A list of the names of such officers will be maintained by the Chief, Central
Records Division, and it is the responsibility of the appointing officials to notify the
Chief, Central Records Division, of all changes, additions or deletions of Assistant TOP
SECRET Control Officers whch take place within their respective jurisdictions. The
Chief, Central Records Division, will, in turn, notify the Executive for Inspection and
Security as changes occur.
c. Responsibility of Control and Assistant Control Officers
The TOP SECRET Control Officer, his Alternates and Assistant TOP
SECRET Control Officers will be responsible for the security of TOP SECRET material
in their custody. They will insure that such matter is received, transmitted, processed
and safeguarded in accordance with the security provisions contained herein.
d. Clearance for users of TOP SECRET material
Chiefs of offices and staff branches will be held responsible for the desig-
nation of persons within their own offices, other than Alternate and Assistant TOP
SECRET Control Officers, who they deem are operationally required to see TOP SECRET
material, and they are further responsible that necessary controls are exercised to con-
fine the number of such persons to the minimum.
e. Security Check
The Executive for Inspection and Security will conduct periodic and un-
announced checks of offices of CIG to determine whether sound security measures are
being practiced, and whether the Security Instructions pertaining to TOP SECRET
material are being observed.
All TOP SECRET material (except cables and documents pertaining solely to
the Office of Special Operations) should be delivered initially to the Special Distribution
Section, Central Records Division. If a CIG member receives a TOP SECRET document
directly from an outside agency, he will notify the Central Records Division in order that
the document may be properly recorded.
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a. Signature Record and Cover Sheet
Each incoming TOP SECRET document will be recorded by the Special
Distribution Section, Central Records Division, and will have a CIG Control Number
assigned to it. A TOP SECRET Signature Record and Cover Sheet, Form No. 38-13,
will be stapled to the document to serve as a permanent record within CIG. This form,
green in color, will not be removed from the document until it is destroyed, downgraded,
or dispatched to an organization outside of CIG. If the document is disposed of, the
Special Distribution Section, Central Records Division will note the nature of the
disposition on the Signature Record and Cover Sheet, remove the form and file it.
(1) The Signature Record and Cover Sheet, Form No. 38-13, for TOP
SECRET documents will be attached by the preparing office when such material
originates within CIG. Control numbers will be assigned to such documents by the
Special Distribution Section, Central Records Division, only if they are dispatched to
agencies outside of CIG.
(2) Each CIG member receiving TOP SECRET material will sign his
name on the Signature Record and Cover Sheet, Form No. 38-13, and indicate the
date and time of receipt. Upon releasing the document, he will initial the sheet,
indicate the date and time of release, and obtain the signature of the recipient. The
Cover Sheet will thus serve as a permanent record of those persons who had access to
the material.
After recording Sand affixing a Control Number and the Signature Record
and Cover Sheet, Form No. 38-13, to a TOP SECRET document, the Special Distribution
Section, Central Records Division, will deliver it by TOP SECRET courier to the Assistant
TOP SECRET Control Officer of the organizational unit concerned. The latter official
will record the document in his TOP SECRET log and turn it over to the individual
to whom it is addressed or to the authorized person, if not specifically addressed. The
Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer will obtain the signature of the recipient in his
log. The same log procedure will be followed by all subsequent recipients of the docu-
ment within CIG.
(1) If a TOP SECRET document is delivered from the jurisdiction of one
Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer to another within CIG, the Central Records
Division will be notified so that the change of responsibility. may be properly recorded.
c. Deviations
Deviations from the TOP SECRET Control Procedures set forth herein
may be made only with the express permission of the TOP SECRET Control Officer.
a. TOP SECRET Documents will be double wrapped, unless hand delivered
by the TOP SECRET Control Officer or an Alternate TOP SECRET Control Officer, and
document receipts will always be obtained. The recipient's signature in the sender's
TOP SECRET Log Book is equivalent to a document receipt. Only TOP SECRET
couriers or approved electrical means will be utilized for the transmission of TOP
SECRET documents, unless hand delivered by the TOP SECRET Control Officer or an
Alternate TOP SECRET Control Officer. When hand delivered by the TOP SECRET
Control Officer or an Alternate, the Central Records Division, Services Branch, Executive
for Administration and Management, will be notified of the change in custody. Under
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no circumstances may TOP SECRET documents be transmitted by Registered Mail.
A TOP SECRET Log Book will be maintained for the receipt and disposition of all
TOP SECRET documents.
(For detailed instructions see Appendix "A" of this manual.)
b. SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL Documents Not Registered will be double
wrapped, unless hand delivered by the custodians thereof. Document receipts will be
obtained for SECRET documents, but not for CONFIDENTIAL documents unless the
sender deems it necessary. The recipient's signature in the sender's SECRET and
CONFIDENTIAL Log Book is equivalent, to a document receipt. Only authorized
couriers, approved electrical means or Registered Mail will be utilized for outside
transmission of SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL documents, unless hand delivered by
the custodian thereof. A SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL Log Book will be maintained
for the receipt and disposition of all such documents.
(For detailed instructions see Appendix "A" of this manual.)
c. RESTRICTED Documents Not Registered may be delivered by messenger,
any office assistant, or by regular mail. Such documents need not be double wrapped,
nor is it necessary to obtain document or envelope receipts for them. From the stand-
point of security, a log for RESTRICTED documents need not be maintained, but the
custodian will be held responsible for such documents with respect to records account-
(For detailed instructions see Appendix "A" of this manual.)
d. Registered Documents
Registered TOP SECRET documents will be transmitted in the same
manner as unregistered TOP SECRET documents. Registered SECRET, CONFIDEN-
TIAL and RESTRICTED documents will be transmitted in .accordance with the pro-
cedure prescribed for unregistered SECRET documents, with the exception that the
Central Records Division will be notified of change in custody when the custodian
hand-delivers the document to an outside agency. A log will be maintained for the
receipt and disposition of all registered documents, irrespective of classification, with
the exception of registered TOP SECRET documents, which will be recorded in the TOP
e. Maintenance of Logs
TOP SECRET Logs will be maintained by alternate or assistant TOP
SECRET Control Officers. Secret and Confidential Logs will be maintained by the
custodians of the documents or by such other responsible persons specifically designated
for that purpose by office chiefs.
a. TOP SECRET. Documents will be double wrapped, unless hand delivered by
the custodian, TOP SECRET Control Officer, Alternate TOP SECRET Control Officer
or Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer. Document receipts will be obtained in all
cases. The recipient's signature in the sender's TOP SECRET Log Book is equivalent
to a document receipt. Only TOP SECRET couriers, the TOP SECRET Control Officer,
Alternate TOP SECRET Control Officers, Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officers, or
the custodian thereof may effect delivery of a TOP SECRET document within CIG. A
TOP SECRET Log Book will be maintained for the receipt and disposition of all TOP
SECRET documents.
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(For detailed instructions see Appendix "A" of this manual.)
b. SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL Documents Not Registered will be enclosed
in a single CHAIN ENVELOPE (no further cover required) and sealed by means of a
CIG gummed label. Under no circumstances will scotch tape be used for sealing
purposes on the CHAIN ENVELOPE. The CHAIN ENVELOPE will bear no marking
to indicate the classification of its contents. Double wrapping may be substituted for
the CHAIN ENVELOPE if, due to the nature of the document's contents, the sender
deems additional precautions advisable. Envelope receipts'will be obtained in all cases
except when hand delivered by the custodian, in which event the CHAIN ENVELOPE
need not be used. Document receipts will be obtained only when the sender deems it
necessary. The recipient's signature in the sender's SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL Log
Book is equivalent to a document receipt when such a receipt is required by the sender.
Messengers, custodians or any office assistant may effect delivery of SECRET and CON-
FIDENTIAL documents within CIG buildings. Authorized couriers, custodians or any
responsible office assistant may make deliveries of such documents between CIG build-
ings. A SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL Log Book will be maintained for the receipt
and disposition of all such documents.
(For detailed instructions see Appendix "A" of this manual.)
c. RESTRICTED Documents Not Registered may be delivered by messenger
or any office assistant. When the messenger service is utilized, the document will be
enclosed in a single CHAIN ENVELOPE (no further cover required). The CHAIN
ENVELOPE will bear no marking to indicate the classification of its contents. CHAIN
ENVELOPES need not be used when deliveries of RESTRICTED documents are made
by office assistants. Document or envelope receipts need not be required in any case.
From the standpoint of security, a log for RESTRICTED documents need not be main-
tained, but the custodian will be held responsible for such documents with respect to
records accountability.'
(For detailed instructions see Appendix "A" of this manual.)
d. Registered Documents
Registered TOP SECRET documents will be transmitted in the same
manner as unregistered TOP SECRET documents. Registered SECRET, CONFIDEN-
TIAL and RESTRICTED documents will be transmitted in accordance with the pro-
cedures prescribed for unregistered SECRET documents. A log will be maintained
for the receipt and disposition of all registered documents, irrespective of classification,
except TOP SECRET, which will be recorded in the TOP SECRET Log.
e. Maintenance of Logs
See paragraph 28-e, Section IV.
Since effective security is largely a matter of habit, each office must be run
on a set routine. designed to insure complete security. Daily operations should be per-
formed in such a manner that security at no time will be compromised.
a. Telephone
(1) The presumption must be that every conversation by telephone or
inter-office communication system will be overheard by unauthorized persons. No wires
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are protected, not even those carrying inter-office calls. Therefore, TOP SECRET,
SECRET, or CONFIDENTIAL information must never be discussed over such facilities.
(2) When answering the telephone, an employee will give the name of
the person whose office is called, e.g., "Mr. Smith or Mr. Smith's office." Switchboard
operators will answer "Central Intelligence Group" to calls from outside CIG. When
a person requests information over the telephone and there is any doubt regarding his
identity or the necessity of his requiring the information, the employee will take his
dame and telephone number and offer to return the call. The employee will then discuss
the request with his superior and decide upon a reply. Employees will not transmit
information about CIG to unknown or unauthorized persons.
b. Safes
A large sign marked "OPEN" will be inserted in the handle of the top
drawer of each safe-type file cabinet and on the handle of each Mosier type safe during
the time such equipment is unlocked. This is intended as a visual warning to cus-
todians or other office employees to lock safes at the end of the day or during unguarded
periods within the regular work day.
c. Unoccupied Rooms
Employees will not leave rooms unoccupied at any time during the day
if classified documents are exposed in the office. If it is necessary to leave a room
unoccupied, all material classified above "RESTRICTED" first must be securely locked
in the proper safekeeping equipment or temporarily placed in another employee's
custody. During such periods, classified documents will not be placed in desks, or under
trays or desk pads.
d. Visitors
No employee will permit classified papers to be exposed on his desk in
such a fashion that they could be read by persons visiting his office who are not author-
ized to have such information. At such times classified material should be turned face
down on the desk.
e. Classified Waste
Classified waste must be disposed of in accordance with the regulations
governing the disposition of such matter. Waste baskets will not be utilized for that
f. Defective Storage Equipment
Employees will immediately report defective safekeeping equipment to
their superiors who, in turn, will promptly request the Physical Security Branch to
make the necessary repairs. In the meantime, classified material should be transferred
from the faulty containers to properly functioning, appropriate safekeeping equip-
g. Securing Office at End of Day
Each member of CIG will take the following steps to insure the security of
his area before departing for the day:
(1) Clear desk of all material classified above RESTRICTED and lock it
in appropriate safekeeping equipment.
(2) Invert "In" and "Out" trays, or turn them on their sides.
(3) Determine that classified waste has been properly disposed of or is
locked in safe.
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(4) Check safes, unless safe custodian is still present, to see that they
are securely locked, rotating the dial knob at least three times in each direction. Cus-
todians or users of safes will execute the Security Check Sheet, Form No. 38-7, attached
to the top or side of each safe and safe-type file cabinet, indicating that the equipment
has been properly locked.
(5) As a double check, the last person to leave the room will make certain
that the above security measures have been taken, that the windows are locked and
the lights extinguished.
a. Discussion of CIG Activities
Employees will not discuss their work or the activities of CIG outside of
the office, except as may be required in the performance of their official duties.
b. Credit Reference
In using CIG as a credit reference m 1 yees will refer inquiries to:
Mrs. 25X1A9a
Assistant Personnel Officer
Central Intelligence Group
2430 "E" Street, N. W.
Washington 25, D. C.
With the above exception, employees will not furnish the names of their superiors,
other CIG employees, or units of organization, for credit reference purposes.
c. Traffic Accidents, Arrests, Court Proceedings
If an employee should become involved in a traffic accident, court pro-
ceedings or other external affair in which CIG might become directly or indirectly in-
volved, even though the matter be almost entirely personal, he should report the affair
to his superior at the earliest opportunity in order that suitable security measures may
be taken by the Executive for Inspection and Security.
d. Group Social Activities
In the interest of security, group social activities of CIG personnel, such
as annual parties, picnics, dances, athletics, will not be advertised as CIG functions.
a. Each office chief will organize a group of Staff Duty Officers to conduct
daily, final after-hour security checks of the area occupied by that staff. The Staff Duty
Officers will be rotated, one serving each evening, and will be selected from among the
officers and responsible civilian personnel of the office staff.
b. The Staff Duty Officer will begin his security check after the end of the
regular work day when all or most of the employees have left. If an employee is work-
ing late, he will be informed by the Staff Duty Officer that he, the employee, will be
responsible for the security of his own immediate room or area, and the Staff Duty
Officer will so note on his Staff Duty Officer Check Sheet, Form No. 38-8, under
"Remarks". During the course of his security check, the Staff Duty Officer will execute
a Staff Duty Officer Check Sheet, Form No. 38-8, which will include the listing of any
security violations. The Check Sheet will be forwarded to the Physical Security Branch
immediately the following morning.
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c. The Staff Duty Officer will check to insure that:
(1) All safes and safe-type files are locked.
(2) No material classified above RESTRICTED has been left exposed on
desks, on other office equipment, or on the walls.
(3) All classified waste has been properly secured.
(4) Classified material has not been discarded in waste baskets.
(5) All windows are locked.
(6) Lights are extinguished in unoccupied rooms, unless otherwise
a. A staff of Night Duty Officers, attached to the Office of the Executive for
Inspection and Security, will be assigned to security duties during all nonworking hours,
Mondays through Fridays, and twenty-four (24) -hours on Saturdays, Sundays and
b. Night Duty Officers will conduct nightly security checks of CIG buildings,
usually one building or an area within a building each night. No set pattern or rota-
tion system with respect to the buildings to be inspected will be followed. The building
to be determined daily by the Physical Security Branch.
c. In conducting their security checks, the Night Duty Officers will check the
tops of desks and other equipment for exposed classified material, safes, windows, classi-
fied waste envelopes and will note conditions presenting security hazards. These Officers
will also conduct spot checks of desk drawers to determine whether they contain classi-
fied material above RESTRICTED, in violation of safekeeping regulations.
d. The Night Duty Officers will respond to reports from the PBA Guards in
connection with open safes and exposed classified material detected by the members of
the guard force in the course of their night patrols; handle all other routine after-duty
hour security problems and prepare reports of security violations, which are subse-
quently forwarded to the appropriate CIG officials by the Executive for Inspection and
Unless specifically excepted in the name of the Director, all personnel of foreign
installations of CIG must comply in every respect with the provisions of Section 102 of
the Manual of Administrative Instructions and are subject to the same regulations, prac-
tices and procedures pertaining to personnel security matters as are hereinbefore set
In general, all physical security measures as previously outlined herein are also
applicable to field installations. It is realized, however, that local conditions, the type
of work being performed, and other considerations, may warrant change or deviation
from some of the procedures and practices in effect within the Washington area. Addi-
tional orders, directives, regulations, and procedures will be formulated and issued at
a later date on matters pertaining to Security of Field Installations.
August 15, 1947
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(Abstracted from the Communications chapter of the Manual
of Administrative Instructions)
a. When Used
Offices of CIG will-use the official CIG inter-office chain envelope for the
transmittal of documents below TOP SECRET in classification traveling within the CIG
Messenger and Courier System to other offices of CIG. Under no circumstances will the
envelope be used for the transmittal of TOP SECRET documents. Documents will not
be transmitted outside CIG in the inter-office chain envelope.
b. Stocking of Inter-Office Chain Envelope
Each office Message Center as well as pick-up and delivery points within
offices will, upon request to Central Records Division, Services Branch, be furnished
with a supply of inter-office chain envelopes.
c. Delivery of Mail
All mail delivered by a Messenger or Regular Courier to an Office Message
Center or a pick-up and delivery point within an office will be contained in CIG inter-
office chain envelopes. Where mail is classified SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL, the re-
sponsible individual at a delivery point will remove attached Receipt Form 35-16 from
the inter-office chain envelope, sign, and return signed receipt to the Messenger or
Courier. Normally, chain envelopes containing Restricted or unclassified mail will bear
no receipt.
a. Additional Wrapping Not Necessary
Offices of CIG will dispatch outgoing inter-office mail (and that intra-
office mail which is destined for a segment of an office housed in a separate building)
in CIG inter-office chain envelopes without additional wrapping. A separate inter-
office chain envelope will be prepared for each office to which materials are being sent.
b. Preparation of Face of Envelope
It is essential that the columns appearing on the inter-office chain envelope
be filled in completely, and that the office designation always be indicated. If it is the
desire of the sender to dispatch the document to a specific individual, the individual's
name may be noted in parentheses'after the office designation, for example:
FROM: OCD TO: ORE (Attn: Mr. Blank)
In all instances room number, when known, and building will be indicated in the proper
column. The CIG inter-office chain envelope will not be thrown away until all spaces
have been used, or until the envelope is completely worn out. If an office accumulates
a stock of envelopes which exceeds its needs, the surplus will be returned to the Messen-
ger or Courier serving the office.
c. Mail Transmitted Outside CIG
Documents to be transmitted outside CIG will be routed in the inter-office
chain envelope to the Distribution Section, Central Records Division. (For detailed
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Appendix A
(continued 2)
instructions covering the handling and routing of outgoing documents see Part III,
Section 2,. "Outgoing", of this Appendix.)
d. Transmitting CONFIDENTIAL or SECRET Documents
The CIG inter-office chain envelope, when used to transmit CONFIDENTIAL
or SECRET documents, will be sealed with one CIG gummed label and the initial of
the sealer will be entered in an appropriate place on the seal. These seals may also be
obtained from Central Records Division. Under no circumstances should scotch tape
be used to seal the inter-office chain. envelope.
e. Transmitting Unclassified or Restricted Documents
The CIG inter-office chain envelope, when used to transmit only unclassi-
fled or Restricted material, need not be sealed in any manner, but the envelope flap
should be pushed inside.
f. Inter-Office Chain Envelope Numbering and Receipting Systems
Each Office Message Center and each designated. pick-up and delivery point
within an office will initiate its own numbering series for inter-office chain envelopes,
the contents of which are classified SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL. This number will
consist of the month expressed in number and the next unused consecutive number,
e.g., if the first envelope is dispatched in June, the number would be 6-1; if the tenth
envelope is dispatched in July, the number would be 7-10. Since the second number
is the identifying envelope number, it would continue in numerical sequence until the
end of the calendar year. Thus, if 320 envelopes containing SECRET or CONFIDEN-
TIAL documents have been dispatched as of December 31, the last one would be num-
bered 12-320. At the beginning of the next calendar year, a new series would be initiated,
the first .envelope in January of the new year being numbered 1-1. This office envelope
number will be placed in the office of dispatch column, before the name in the "From"
column. The number appearing on the envelope will also be placed on the attached
Receipt Form 35-16.
Receipt Form 35-16 to be attached to inter-office envelopes containing
SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL documents will be prepared in the CIG receipt book in
duplicate. Receipt Form 35-16 is in triplicate in the receipt book; however, only two
copies are to be used and no attention is to be paid to the colors of the copies used. The
third copy has a special use in isolated circumstances. The original copy of the receipt
will be stapled to the envelope. The preparing office will retain the carbon copy of the
receipt for its records. This copy will be signed by the Messenger or Courier who picks
up the chain envelope. The number appearing both on the Receipt Form 35-16 and the
inter-office chain envelope will be noted in the office log opposite the individual papers
transmitted in the inter-office chain envelope. This will provide a record of the docu-
ments in any one envelope.
g. Bulky Documents (Classified)
Classified documents which, because of bulk, cannot be put in the inter-
office chain envelope, will be wrapped in a satisfactory manner, taped with CIG gummed
seals, and forwarded in exactly the same manner as an inter-office chain envelope.
a. Courier Pick-Up and Delivery
Central Records Division, Services Branch, will provide offices with pick-up
and delivery Courier Service from and to appropriate points located in different build-
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Appendix A
(continued 3)
ings. An inter-office chain envelope containing SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL docu-
ments, after being signed for by a Regular Courier on Receipt Form 35-16, will be
delivered to the appropriate building and Office Message Center. The appropriate
individual in the receiving Office Message Center will remove and sign the original
copy of Receipt Form 35-16 attached to the chain -envelope and return receipt to
Courier. The Central Mail Room will maintain a file of all completed receipts for
location purposes. The Courier transmittal of a Restricted or unclassified document
to a location in another building is accomplished in the chain envelope without regard
to the use of Receipt Form 35-16.
b. Messenger Pick-Up and Delivery
Central Records Division, Services Branch, will provide offices with pick-up
and delivery messenger service from and to appropriate points within the same build-
ing. The delivery of a chain envelope to any office located in another building will be
made by Regular Courier as indicated above.
1. The Central Records Division, Services Branch, will provide each Office and
Staff Section of CIC~ with Messenger and Courier service as follows:
a. TOP SECRET Couriers
TOP SECRET Couriers will be used to transmit TOP SECRET documents
between individuals and buildings of CIG and between CIG and outside agency.
b. Regular Couriers
Regular Couriers will be used to transmit documents classified SECRET or
below between buildings of CIG and between CIG and an outside agency.
c. Messengers
Messengers will be used to transmit documents classified SECRET or
below between individuals and offices located in the same building, but will not carry
documents between buildings. Certain messengers, however, may be used to transmit
unclassified or Restricted documents between CIG and an outside agency.
d. Operation of Regular Courier and Messenger Service
See Part I, Section 3 of this Appendix, "Operation of Courier and Messenger
a. The Central Mail Section will:
(1) Receive, open, and time-stamp each document entering CIG and route
each administrative document to the Distribution Section, Central Records Division,
Services Branch. (The only exception to this procedure is an incoming pouch document
addressed to OSO which, after being properly recorded, will be routed unopened to the
Office of Special Operations.)
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Appendix A
(continued 4)
b. The Distribution Section will:
(1) Assign CIG control number.
(2) Assign file classification number.
(3) Prepare CIG Form 35-1 in multiple copies, assigning a suspense date
by which time correspondence must be answered; establish a follow-up system on sus-
pense dates.
(4) Prepare a Consolidated Receipt, CIG Form 35-3, for each receiving
% 00
Office or Staff Section Message Center and insure the proper return of this receipt for
(5) Route documents to the Office or Staff Message Center.
c. The Office or Staff Message Center will:
(1) Sign and return CIG Form 35-3 to Distribution Section.
(2) Check document against copies of CIG Form 35-1 which are attached
to each document.
(3) Withdraw Office Message Center Copy, of CIG Form 35-1 and indicate
thereon the particular office subdivision to which the document will be routed.
(4) File CIG Form 35-1 by the CIG control number appearing in the
upper left-hand corner of the Form.
(5) Route document to appropriate Receiving Office.
d. The Receiving Office will:
(1) Record document in any appropriate log which will enable that office
to account for all documents received by it for action or as a matter of interest.
(2) Return document to Central Files Unit, Distribution Section, for
permanent filing after it has served its purpose.
(3) If the document must be retained *permanently in the receiving office,
remove the copy of CIG Form 35-1 attached to it, note the name of the office of retention
thereon, and return it to Distribution Section.
a. The originating office will:
(1) Check document and envelopes for correct preparation.
(2) Address envelopes.
(3) Insure that a receipt (CIG Form 38-15) has been prepared and is
attached to all documents classified. SECRET. In the case of documents classified
CONFIDENTIAL, Receipt Form 38-15 need not be prepared unless the sender deems it
(4) Insure that a copy of the document is attached to be withdrawn by
Distribution Section and forwarded to Central Files Unit for permanent record. The
Central Files copy will have attached to it, when circumstances require, a memorandum
for record, or all buck slips, inter-office memoranda, and notes which have preceded the
preparation of the document.
Q) Attach a CIG Form 35-11 if a special method of dispatch is desired,
i.e., "Air Mail," "Registered," "Special Delivery," "Pouch," etc.
(6) Record the document in the office of origin log and dispatch it to the
Office or Staff Message Center in accordance with inter-office chain envelope procedure.
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Appendix A
(continued 5)
b. The Office or Staff Message Center will.
(1) Check to see that an adequate number of copies of the outgoing docu-
ment has been prepared.
(2) Insure the adequacy of the memorandum for record on the Central
Files copy of the document.
(3) Check to see that adequate envelopes and receipts have been prepared
for use of Distribution Section.
(4) Assign each document a number preceded by the authorized abbrevia-
tion or symbol for the Office or Staff Section. This number will be placed above the
return address on the cutside envelope.
(5) Record the document in appropriate log and forward document to
Distribution Section in the inter-office chain envelope.
(6) Get in touch with Distribution Section to determine the cause of
delay if a copy of CIG Form 35-1 for each outgoing document has not been received
within twenty-four hours after its release.
c. The Distribution Section will:
(1) Check the document to see that it is properly prepared.
(2) Assign a CIG control number.
(3) Assign a file classification number and indicate cross-references.
(4) Prepare CIG Form 35-1.
(5) Forward to Office or Staff Message Center one copy of CIG Form 35-1
as assurance that the document has been dispatched.
(6) Forward the document after it has been properly recorded and sealed
to the Central Mail Section for actual dispatch.
d. The Central Mail Section will:
(1) Determine from notations on CIG Form 35-11, if attached, what
special handling has been requested for the document, and handle in that manner if
.(2) Prepare and maintain all records and receipts for envelopes of classi-
fied documents.
(3) Effect delivery of document to proper transmitting agency.
e. Sealed Documents
If for security reasons outgoing documents are to be sealed in the office
of origin and the contents are not to be seen'by processing personnel, the originating
office will:
(1) Seal the envelopes, placing on the outside envelope a number, pre-
ceded by the authorized office abbreviation or symbol, for the use of Central Mail Section
in recording the envelope.
(2) Attach Form 35-11 indicating whether document is to travel through
classified or unclassified channels and any special handling requested.
(3) Dispatch to Central Mail Section via Office Message Center.
f. Pouch Documents
Documents to be dispatched by pouch from CIG to destinations outside the
District of Columbia through Courier or similar service will be processed in the same
manner as any other outgoing document (see Part III, Section 2 of this Appendix).
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Appendix A
(continued 6)
Documents from OSO intended for dispatch to locations outside the District of Columbia
will be delivered already wrapped to the Central Mail Section, for recording and for-
warding through proper transmitting channels.
a. Office or Staff Message Center Procedures
It is the responsibility of the Office or Staff Message Center to keep adequate
records of all inter-office handling and routing of documents. Channeling of documents
through Central Records Division will not be required in inter-office exchanges. The
system for recording inter-office documents will be developed to fit the needs of each
office, the only requirements being that, at all times, the Office or Staff Message Center
will be able to account for the disposition of both incoming and outgoing documents
and appropriate security precautions are observed. The log used for recording outgoing
documents may also be used for recording all types of inter-office documents.
b. Inter-Office Transmittal of Administrative Documents
Administrative documents traveling between offices will be forwarded
through the Messenger and Courier System in chain envelopes, except TOP SECRET
which will be handled either by TOP SECRET Courier or Assistant TOP SECRET Control
a. The Central Mail Section will:
(1) Open and route all intelligence information received in CIG to the
Information Distribution Section, Central Records Division, Services Branch. The
only exception to this procedure is incoming pouch material for OSO which, after being
properly recorded, will be routed unopened to the Office of Special Operations where it
will be acknowledged. by signed receipt.
b. The Information Distribution Section will:
(1) Assign a CIG control number.
(2) Assign a file classification number.
(3) Record the document on CIG Form 35-2.
(4) -Deliver each document to the proper representative of the Reading
Center, OCD, where the distribution to be accorded the document will be determined.
(5) Make necessary records of distribution as indicated by the Reading
Center on GIG Form 35-2 and withdraw Central Records Division copies of such forms.
(6) In the case of ORE, attach three copies of CIG Form 35-2 to copies of
reports going to that office.
(7) Prepare Consolidated Receipt (CIG Form 35-3) for all documents and
insure the proper return of this Receipt from the office of address.
(8) Dispatch each document to appropriate Office or Staff Message Center.
c. The Office or Staff Message Center will:
(1) Check documents against enclosed Consolidated Receipt (CIG Form
35-3) which it will sign and return to Information Distribution Section.
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Appendix A
(continued 7)
(2) Record. Receipt of documents in an appropriate log.
(3) In the case of ORE, check the documents against the copies of CIG
Form 35-2 attached to each document.
(4) In the case of ORE, withdraw the three Message Center copies of CIG
Form 35-2 and indicate thereon the particular subdivision of ORE to which a document
is to be routed. The three copies of CIG Form 35-2 will then be filed as follows: one by
CIG control number, one by source, and the remaining one by subject.
(5) Dispatch documents to receiving offices and record disposition in an
appropriate log.
d. The Receiving Office will,
(1) Record receipt and disposition of documents in an appropriate log.
(2) In the case of ORE, maintain record of documents on Form 35-2
supplied the receiving office by ORE Message Center.
At the present time, outgoing intelligence information is processed by the In-
formation Distribution Section, Central Records Division.
Intelligence information documents traveling between offices will be processed
in the same manner as administrative material, i.e., through the Messenger and
Courier system in chain envelopes. Complete records will be maintained in dispatch-
ing and receiving offices.
a. Transmittal of TOP SECRET Documents between Offices and Divisions of
Transmittal of TOP SECRET documents between Offices and Executive
Staff Sections will be accomplished by a TOP SECRET Courier, e.g., from ORE to 00;
from Services Branch to Finance Branch. It is permissible within CIG, however, for
one Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer to deliver a TOP SECRET document to
another Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer, the necessary receipt being obtained,
provided Central Records Division, Services Branch, is informed of such change of
b. Transmittal of TOP SECRET Documents between Units
Transmittal of TOP SECRET documents between units of an Office or
Executive Staff section will be effected by the Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer of
the Office or Staff Section concerned. When an Office .or Staff has personnel in several
different buildings, it is permissible to request a TOP SECRET Courier to effect deliveries
between buildings.
c. TOP SECRET Signature Record and Cover Sheet (CIG Form 38-13)
The TOP SECRET Signature Record and Cover Sheet (CIG Form 38-13)
will not be removed from a TOP SECRET document until the document is destroyed,
downgraded, or dispatched outside of CIG. However, when a document is so treated,
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Appendix A
(continued 8)
the particular disposition is noted on the TOP SECRET Signature Record and Cover
Sheet and the sheet is sent to Special Distribution Section to be filed. This sheet will
serve as a cover to a TOP SECRET document and will provide a record of all individuals
who have had access to the document. Each individual who uses or processes a TOP
SECRET document, will affix his signature to the sheet and indicate thereon date and
time of receipt. When releasing material to another authorized individual, he will
affix his initials and indicate date and time of release.
a. Special Distribution Procedures
All TOP SECRET documents, administrative or intelligence (except cables,
and documents pertaining solely to the Office of Special Operations), shall be delivered
initially to Special Distribution Section, Central Records Division, Services Branch.
(Any member of CIG who receives a TOP SECRET document from an outside source
in a manner which has by-passed Special Distribution Section will report the fact to
Special Distribution Section as soon as possible in order that the document may be
properly processed)
b. The Special Distribution Section will:
(1) Assign CIG control number to each document.
(2) Assign CIG file classification number.
(3) Log document.
(4) Staple a TOP SECRET Signature Record and Cover Sheet (CIG Form
38-13) to document.
(5) In the case of administrative documents, determine the routing to
be given each document and make appropriate notations on all records and CIG Form
(6) In the case of intelligence information, pass the document to a
specifically designated member of the Reading Center, OCD, for determination of dis-
(7) Make a record of the recommended distribution after the document
returns from the Reading Center.
(8) Prepare a Document Receipt (CIG Form 38-16) for each document.
(9) Route each document to appropriate Office or Staff Section Message
nter will:
c. The Office or
(1) Check document against the Document Receipt Form 38-16 which it
will sign and return to Special Distribution Section through the Messenger-Courier
(2) Record document in a TOP SECRET log. (A suggested log sheet that
may be used is CIG Form 38-14.)
?(3) Insure that the Signature Record and Cover Sheet on each document
is initialed by everyone examining or handling the document within the Message Center.
(4) Request its Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer to deliver the TOP
SECRET document to the receiving office where the document will be acknowledged by
signature in the Message Center TOP SECRET log. An optional procedure will be to
have the document delivered to the receiving office by a TOP SECRET Courier, in which
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Appendix A
(continued 9)
case the Courier will sign for the envelope containing the document and make delivery
to the Receiving Office where Document Receipt Form 38-16 will be signed and returned
to the Office Message Center.
d. The Receiving Office will:
(1) Sign for the document in the Message Center TOP SECRET log if
delivered by Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer; or, sign and return Document
Receipt Form 38-16 if delivered by TOP SECRET Courier.
(3) Insure 2) Enter the document in a TOP SECRET log.
each person handling or examining the document his name, initials, and dates of handling on the TOP SECRET Signature s
Record and
.Cover Sheet. d
(4) In case it receives permission to downgrade or destroy the document,
remove the Signature Record and Cover Sheet, note the particular action or disposition
at the bottom of the Sheet, and forward the Sheet through the Office or Staff Section
Message Center to Special Distribution Section, Central Records Division, Services
(5) If the document is intelligence material, forward it to the Reference
Branch, ORE, for permanent retention in the TOP SECRET files of that office. Here
the Signature Record and Cover Sheet will be removed after notation has been made
thereon that the document has been filed, and the Sheet returned to Special Distribution
Section through the Office or Staff Section Message Center.
(6) If a document is of special administrative nature, forward it with
Signature Record and Cover Sheet still attached to Special Distribution Section for file.
a. General
A TOP SECRET document prepared in an office will be processed in the
following manner:
b. The originating office will:
(1) Check to see that it conforms to CIG correspondence and/or security
(2) Insure that security classification has been properly affixed with
appropriate authority indicated for the classification.
(3) Prepare Receipt Form 38-15 to be attached to the document.
(4) Prepare two envelopes, the smaller to be stamped with the TOP
SECRET classification.
(5) Attach a TOP SECRET Signature Record and Cover Sheet, Form 38-13,
to the document.
(6) Assign to the document a number preceded by the authorized initials
or symbols of the preparing office and enter in the TOP SECRET log.
(7) Deliver the document to the Office or Staff Message Center and re-
ceive a signature receipt in the TOP SECRET log of the originating office. If the
originating office is in a different building from that of the Office or Staff Message
Center, a TOP SECRET Courier should be called and a sealed envelope given him con-
taining the document, the Receipt Form 38-15, the prepared envelopes, the Signature
Record and Cover Sheet, and a Document Receipt (Form 38-16), the latter for execu-
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Appendix A
(continued 10)
tion by the Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer of the Office or Staff Section Message
Center. The originating office will require a receipt from the TOP SECRET Courier for
the sealed envelope and its contents.
C. The Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer will:
(1) Sign for the document in the TOP SECRET log of the originating
office, or open the sealed envelope delivered by the TOP SECRET Courier and execute
the CIG Document Receipt (Form 38-16) which will be returned to the originating
(2) Record the document in the TOP SECRET log of the Office or Staff
Message Center. Special care must be taken to insure that each person handling or
processing the document executes the attached Signature Record and Cover Sheet.
(3) Check to see whether the document has been correctly prepared,
properly signed, and receipt and envelopes attached for use of Special Distribution
Section, Central Records Division.
(4) Deliver the document to the Special Distribution Section and receive
-in his TOP SECRET log a signature receipt therefor; or, as an optional procedure,
enclose the document (to which will be attached a Document Receipt, Form 38-16) in
a sealed envelope and call a TOP SECRET Courier. The TOP SECRET Courier will sign
a receipt for the envelope and its contents and make delivery to Special Distribution
d. The Special Distribution Section will:
(1) Sign for the document in the TOP SECRET log of the Assistant TOP
SECRET Control Officer making the delivery; or, if the material has been delivered by
? TOP SECRET Courier, sign the envelope receipt and the enclosed Document Receipt
(Form 38-16), the :former to be retained by the Courier and the latter to be returned to
the appropriate Office or Staff Section Message Center immediately.
(2) Record the document on the standard record slip (Form 35-1), one
copy of which will be returned to the Message Center of origin.
(3) Insure that a Receipt Form 38-15 has been prepared, as well as the
envelopes necessary for the dispatch of the document.
(4) Insure that the Signature Record and Cover Sheet has been properly
executed by personnel in Special Distribution Section who have handled or processed
the TOP SECRET document.
(5) Remove the Signature Record and Cover Sheet noting thereon the
disposition which is to be made of the document.
(6) Remove and file the Central Files Unit copy of the document.
(7) After preparing necessary envelope records, determine the correct
channel for the transmittal of the document and deliver it thereto.
a. The originating office will:
(1) After checking a document for correctness, security classification,
and authorization for such classification, make proper record in the office TOP SECRET
(2) Attach a TOP SECRET Signature Record and Cover Sheet, Form
38-13, to the document and indicate on the second line of the Cover Sheet the name of
the first person to whom the document will be sent.
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Appendix A
(continued 11)
(3) Deliver the document to the Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer
of the Office or Staff Message Center and secure his signature in a TOP SECRET log;
or, as an optional procedure, enclose the document (to which will be attached a Docu-
ment Receipt, Form 38-16) in a sealed envelope and call a TOP SECRET Courier. The
TOP SECRET Courier will sign a receipt for the envelope and its contents and make
delivery to the Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer of the Office or Staff Message
b. The Office or Staff Section Message Center will:
(1) Sign for the document in the TOP SECRET log of the originating
office; or, if delivered by TOP SECRET Courier, sign the envelope receipt and enclosed
Document Receipt, Form 38-16, the former to be retained by the Courier and the latter
to be returned to the originating office.
f 2) 'Enter the TOP SECRET document in the Message Center TOP
(3) Insure that each person who handles or processes the document
executes the Signature Record and Cover Sheet.
(4) Deliver the document by Assistant TOP SECRET Control Officer to
the receiving Office or Staff Section Message Center and have the Assistant TOP SECRET
Control Officer of that Office sign for the document in the originating Office or Staff
Section Message Center log; or, will send the document in an envelope covered by a
receipt by TOP SECRET Courier to the receiving Message Center, insuring that a
Document Receipt, Form 38-16, is enclosed for execution and return by the Assistant
TOP SECRET Control Officer of the receiving Message Center.
c. The Receiving Message Center will:
(1) Sign for the document in the TOP SECRET log of the originating
Message Center; or, sign the envelope receipt and enclosed Document Receipt, Form
38-16, the former to be retained by the TOP SECRET Courier and the latter to be
returned to the originating Message Center.
(2) Record the document in its TOP SECRET log.
(3) Insure that each person who handles or processes the document
within the Message Center executes the Signature Record and Cover Sheet.
(4) ' Deliver the document to the receiving office by Assistant TOP SECRET
Control Officer who will obtain a signature receipt in the TOP SECRET log of the Mes-
sage Center. If the receiving office is in another building, it will be necessary to deliver
the document by TOP SECRET Courier, the customary receipt being obtained. Upon
receipt of the document, the receiving office will sign Document Receipt, Form 38-16,
and return it to the Message Center.
d. The Receiving Office will:
(1) Sign the TOP SECRET log of the Assistant TOP SECRET Control
Officer; or, if the document has been delivered by TOP SECRET Courier, sign the
envelope receipt and the Document Receipt (Form 38-16), the former to be retained by
the TOP SECRET Courier and the latter to be returned to the Message Center.
(2) Record the document in its TOP SECRET log.
(3) :Insure that each person who uses or handles the document executes
the TOP SECRET Signature Record and Cover Sheet.
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Appendix A
(continued 12)
a. General Instruction
All CIG-produced TOP SECRET intelligence documents will be distributed
by the Special Distribution Section, Central Records Division, Services Branch. Upon
receipt of such documents for distribution, Special Distribution Section will supply the
originating office with a Consolidated Receipt (CIG Form 35-3) Tor all copies. It will
then distribute the documents in accordance with existing security regulations.
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