Approved For Release 21
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000030041-3
Appr~W, rpor ase
Cam. IfPE;TSC 13
22 Ant 7
3U8j=: Initial - for I pect u and ? t Braes
a ntion is invited to tentative State nent of F t.~
~? Your attention s
attached, of the inspection and Audit Dranchaw. of this offi .
2. In aiddition to your rem g t Chief,
Br h, you will initially desi t d as Acting Deputy A,
for I & S, and will in thte wtpacity 5aperv. tie build-up 4y . ,.w4
zation of both the Inspection and Audit Brand.
3? The first priority of acstg ,ent should be the selection
highly qaied per z e3. for t~ e t ro off is s. Persomml, ?r t, .,.
pry er ' w
Inspection Branch must be Intelligence Specialists, who
had experience in t field as a Chief of ..scion or as T rata ,if a
Officer. 'Upon. their selection., I desire that you and thxe other in-
sp tere of the branch k ep y se ' fully and continuo ly ixsfor l
of current intelligence operations v.-4 t current :+intel1Igence'.,
picture* in all offices of CIG. atie your primary function
,inspection a mired by the Director of Central
050 instal tiors abroad,. you will aizo at times be required to
and advise as to operations in Waahin-t "' ;: n
all other offices. n sore ixpo t .nt is the fact that to be l
wise and render good i elligence &orvice to 050 installations,,
inspectors t know and 12rr4ere?d the ce lste picture. Al1 o
requires that your branch sz 4st be on the distribution list for all
finished intelligence such as Daily S uTvrtes, C Situation 'Repf
4 The records of personnel selected for the t+ pecticzz W
Branch" will be ra available for revises by the Assistant
in order to satisfy hi i that no cec?xr .ty risk will be er ante
use of such personnel abroad. In c. ors :ere inspectors have not h. :
previous experience in sez i-covert or covert c rations, ?s A
must be made to have them properly L-tdoctrinated by 03D.
For planning purposes, the ins ction Branch should
to send two inspectors into the field by some tLm during De? 'r r,
Meld Inspection tripe will be orde od by r4melf aftor contultatf-,a,n a'1.
the Director. Except in u -su l cirz~ ; ? ; s, such trips will b
coordin ted with the Assistar t Diet r acer d and in case; of
installations b r Zq~ f A p nfei n~4 ~' N/ 3 ~4 $ e b wo m ux--,a if and the chief of the
by ?
regional branch. Travel w'], be by GIG Special Funds and not c .hr
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78; 04007AO01000030041-3
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000030041-3
erection as i octet n of per a 1.
Study of the current opemtions of all CIO activities.
Stud of the ad inistrs,tioz' and = nt of GIG.
i Preparation of pvo*edures for inspections as for recxords.
Preparation of a suggest, anraxa inspects plan for
approval of the Director*
Xnit, inspections
j pri.o t of the Audit Bra h Will be audit CIO
over case be coord
that You May tint it feawl
o rats of CSO. On the other band t:a satf
j, the ction Branch t astride
to gain and maintain this conric nee of Assistant Directors and zit
thm f4e1 that so far as t i irector"a directives permit.. the make Branch
will =-Am every 8tfio rt to of raja service and help to offices and
the cerati peraoxsl in the f lain,
7. it appa that t isl activities of the 3cti B h
Mi .t ran ow .an this. broad buslas
I a regal" Geo . for
6. The basic princip1e of the activities of the fiction
Bra h is that it f~=t?ons? through the Xvi=tivs tor.1 c B, dirct
for the Director, Therefore, its tiles,,, reports., and recd o tj
a highly ems tricte O and not be made avai3 le to r person.
outaile the branch e t the Director, Deputy Directar,#' i Oe-ctxt3:
Dictor, or cuti for g & 5q, The s& strict security t obtain
within the Inspection Branch as is maintainm for tho hi -1-
*3AYi~f* held trp
cow. to the atten + r of ty uatarr in Performing this
Zu i~trination~, For t reason# while five or SIX as ,.tors ham ~.
been tentativ ly- soles d,, they Will not c to d until a carem
review h4s been made of the sew ty investigations., which should
s at$.sfact to both isaistant Director,, 0,S0 and F
for 1
9. ? The A u d i t Dratch w i l l h a v e a def inf tt RCurtainft amt it and
its poc edInp, files? user, and other activiti 1 l be available
only to Director, Deputy, i scut ivv Dlreators ,ti 't r I & B,
and D p A, Executive for I & S*
before audit. ..~.,. ...+.? se3w+.e-.F. F V,z3 T~3 P
The, Audit Branch will be pt physically ap
10. ace trr both the
Special =ds Officer, O SO and the Fist. Branch, CIQ. Its personr, l
11, voar,, gigs an Indoctrination tour so in 'ourrent zw.thods
0 ,,. ., & __. _ *__.. _. , ..' _. - . _ -
pproved For Relea /b2 : CIA:RDP78-04007A001000030041-3
Mary *over arrangements win in
aistant Director, 060. Si f t
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000030041-3
Personnel of t Audit Bra=h will be furor givon such
Will be made thereafter on a periodic basis, and
1L. Assistant Directors or t* Fiscal or Special Funds Officer am
css r7 ndoctt t : by 050 as t enable tbam to r o f pro-
blame of intelligetwe rsoz l authorized use Op"JAI i ds end to
further into the field wben necessarys or wt*n to c r ct.
:rah as t deem raacecs.
authorised to request wic'b additional or Waial audits by the Audit
15. In addition, in aeeor'danos with instraction5 from t
t Amt flra i review mod, advise on budget estUates
oritr job a stir this activation of . tba Audi**
a a - fete audit of Spacial Fuaft and report' thereof
; to the erector.
SoloctIm and Indoctrination d t tion of s 1..
Std of the o nt , fiscal procedures a methods in CIO.
Preparation of pro dux for audit maid audit rew.
Audit of 050 Special Pun s.
Audit of CIG Speci .
p raft of an aza.a1 audit and foal manggemut
16.. The Audit Branch win be prepared to reco=mnd
o the Dixec* tox
i ro i fiac . aad rant procedures in the irig of funds which
17,6 It appeav that the initial activities of t h* Audit Brand
olpht follow along this broad bases
v= inpreaso the efficiency of CIC operations..
Colonel, ?k
Rwcutt" for Inspection S tj
~ IN a -:
4pproved For Release 701703/02 : - FA-RDP78-04007A001000030041-3