Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Rase 20L 112Q; - 78-04i1@7A001000030012-5
ate. _"
Will be responsible for the investigation and clearance of
all personnel being processed for assignment to the Central Intelli-
gence Group, except those individuals who are to be. assigned to the
Office of Special Operations. This Section will not actually make
investigations, but will review all personal history statements to
determine the (eligibility of all applicants land make requests for
investigation to the proper investigative agency. If a study of the
personal history statement reveals the possibility that a report of a
previous investigation might exist, this Section will initiate action
to obtain a copy of this report through its Liaison Unit.
After, receipt of the report of investigation, this Section
will make a study of the case and make a recommendation of security
approval or disapproval to the Chief, Security Division.
This Section will also be responsible for name checks and
company checks as required by Contacts Branch, Office of Operations,
aid name chocks as required in the clearance of all applicants for
duty in the Central Intelligence Group other than the Office of Special
Approved For Release 20 -rl-t78,-04007A001000030012-5
Inci 2B