Approved For a /03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000030002-6
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Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000030002-6
Approved For Rele s 2001/03/0 A-RDP ,8,04000001000030002-6
Executive for Personnel & Administration' 14 January 1947
Chief, Security Division
1. When the CIO Security Office was moved to the South Building, 25X1A9a
2430 "r1+ Strout, a card file was boing maintained by for Uin
purposn of keeping an arouratA check on the status of cases boing handled by
t},o So 1 1.;ji.on for investigation and security cloaranoc. 5X1A9a
25X1A9a and wt'wn acivisr~d or this prooedurn, stated that they comer , 10
kcr`pint; of such a r^cord unnocomasary and a duplication of effort. 'Ihny
further stated that adequate records v ere bei.n ma nt - by the Records
Suction. This card file being maintained by was continued, 25X1A9a
howraver, due to they fact that the Chief, Security Division., on the basis of
brief checks, determined that accurate records were not being kept by the
25X1A and tharofort it was necessary that this card file be
2. On or about 23 December 1946, a voucher was received from the
FBI billing the (MG for the amount of $17,800 for investigations perforiued
on 178 applicants for po3:i,ti.ona in CIG. This, voucher with attachnci list of
ranee wai t,urnnd over to tiro Records Suction to check rac q~,ic1~1.;~r ryas possi.blo.
It took the Fir?Cord,a3 Soet1on approx.1mat< ly 25 hours to make thin chock.
3. On 3 January 1947 the Rocorda Section was directed to submit
certain information on investigations being handled by the Security Division.
A 26 hour period elapsed before this report was made and its-accuracy was
It. On 6 January 1947 was directed 25X1A9a
to hake a re. >ort to the Chin f, Security Division, as to the number of cases
pending; investigation with the F13I for more than six wicks, the report to be
made as of 1700 hours 8 Jr.nuary 1947, and to reach the Chin f, Security
Division, not later than 1100 hours 9 January 1947. This report, was not
rncc .vcd until 10 January 1947 and it arras noted at first glance that 1.t was in
25X1A9a or, as directed to make the necessary corrections on cases
shown ac pen nF; aincr, before 20 November 1946. The coz`roctod roport showed
that only 311 cases warn pending when the, original report showed 36 cases as
pending with the FBI. Therefore, the report was `incorrect on 24 out of 38
25X1 A9a cases. stated that corrections wore made by the use of. the card
file maintained 25X1A9a
25)(1A9a 4. On Friday morning., 10 January 1947, came to me and 25X1A9a
stated that had directed that no cases be handled or names
recorded on pe sonnu except by SD person:.e1 of the Security Division, and 25X1 A9a
thero.foro, wo must discontinue the card file maintained by
(Sr,cretary to the Chief, Security Division) on all pr-;raonne eying recruited
for SO.
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 CIA-RDP78-04007~4001OOOO30002-6
Approved ForReleaq&2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP7 A400ZA001000030002-6
On Tuesday morning. 14 January 197, reiterated 25X1A9a
to (Administrative Assistant to the Chief, Security Division)
that no log would be maintained on Persona]. History Statements, requests
for security clearance, or invoatigative reports received on SO personnel.
6. reports that members of the Records Section re or ao zer records to ascertain the status of cases. There
have been occasions when the Records Section could not even locate a file
25X1 A9a and came to in attempts to locate case and determine if it
had been receive in e .curity Division.
7, This card.. file has not been discontinued and will not be
discontinued until the Chief, Security Division, is directed in writing
to do so.
Chief, Security Division
Approved For Release 2001/03/,,02. CIA-RDP78-04007A001000030002-6