Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2002/01/23,CIA-RDP78-04007A000400040023-9
23 January 1948
MEMORANDUM TO: Assistant Director, 00
Assistant Director, ORE
Executive for A & M
Revision of Administrative Instruction
to provide Security Clearance for the mp oymen
of Consultants on a Per Diem Basis
1. Reference is made to the Program of employment by 00 and ORE
of 100 or more scientific consultants and the necessity for establishing
a security clearance policy for the employment of such consultants.
specialized intelligence studies by ORE. It is not contemplated, ex-
cept in a few cases, that a consultant will actually be employed within
CIA buildings in a manner similar to that of a full time employee.
Provision is made in the attached draft for such a possibility.
3. It is recognized that in some instances the fulfillment of
a specialized scientific collection requirement will necessitate the
services of a consultant possessing this special information but who
does not meet the security clearance standards set forth in paragraph
2, Administrative Instruction In order not to deny CIA this
specialized scientific intelligence, Provision and consideration must
be given to the utilization of such consultants on a calculated risk
basis. A waiver provision is included on the basis of a justification
by 00 or ORE of the collection requirement, capability of the proposed
consultant, and the circumstances under which his services will be
utilized. In such instances I & S, subject to the approval of the
Director, will grant a limited security clearance, specifying the
limiting conditions, In order that the collection requirement may be
4. The attached revision of Administrative Instruction
provides in paragraphs 9 to 14 the policies and procedures for R=e
employment of consultants and adequately allows, within security limi-
tations, for necessary scientific intelligence collection requirements.
5. It is requested that your concurrence or comments concerning
the proposed Administrative Instruction be indicated hereon.
Colonel, G.S.C.
Executive for Inspection & Security
proposed Adm. Instr.
Approved For Release 2002/01/23: CIA