Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-03985A00040014 i411 &_
Minutes of
6 October 1953
2501 A9a
Mr. Garrison
1. Requirements: The question was asked by Mr. Garrison if there vat,
available tabulailon showing the difference between materiel listed on
requirements submitted by the Area Divisions and material actually pur-
.chased for them. Hs added that it seemed to him that there was little -
relationship between the two categories of matefaiela. It was stated that
no tabulation exists at the present time and Mr. Garrison requested that
one be made.
2.. IR On Frid ay,9 October, Mr. Garrison met with the Corporation 'a
Co nsel ew the current work-load and the method of doing business.
He learned that the Cor oz'atdon'a wa of doing b stood up under
the tax ].true an
25X1 Coe
3. 8u Team: stated that they were still trying
to hold toalready scheduled departure date.
4. Securi Violations: tated that the Logistics Office
hae had a of 13 ph .cal security violations since 1 May 1953 - an
average of 2.36 per month. This is entirely too high an average and a
full report was requested by N. Garrison. The seriousness of having even
one violation can not be over hasized. Thirteen violations in the last
5 months should be able warning to each and every employee of the
Logistics Office to be absolutely certain that every piece of classified
material is in a safe and that all safes under their jurisdiction are
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Approved For Release 2001/03/3
Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-03985A000400140041-4
Logistics Support Course: The Logistics Support Course is expected
to be under trey by 1 November 1953. Mr. Garrison requested that the program
of this course be submitted to him.
64 Orre : All overtime is limited to the amount budgeted for. 'The
Administrative Staff is keeping a record of all overtime worked, per hour,
and will submit a copy of the record quarterly to each Staff and Division.
Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-03985A000400140041-4