Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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MEMORANDUM OF MEETING: Workin Grou September 14, 1956
g p - Committee on Broadcasting
and Television (COBAT)
Washington 25, D.C.
22nd Meeting held 2:30 p.m. September 12, 1956
OCB Conference Room
Working Group Members Present:
USIA - Robert E. Button, Chairman
Frederick A. Long
State - Sidney B. Jacques
ICA - Gerald Winfield
CIA - Representative present
OCB - Ralph Busick, Staff Representative
Marjorie Denny, Staff Assistant
Others Present:
USIA - Gerald Dooher
1. The minutes of the July 31st meeting were adopted. In connection
with Paragraph 2, the State Department member requested it be noted that
Mr. Allen remarked he was not personally familiar with the details of the
Beirut case and his comments, as recorded, should be understood in that
2. The draft of an OCB Progress Report on NSC #169, together with
changes and suggestions transmitted to COBAT from TPIB, were considered.
After a discussion covering both form and content, as well as purpose, of
this report, the Committee concurred in the CIA member's request that further
consideration be delayed until an amended draft of the technical evaluation
portions could be produced by his agency. The CIA member agreed to submit
suggested revisions as soon as possible, for distribution to and staffing by
3. A draft prepared by TPIB of a contract for a technical radio survey
in Libya was next considered. In connection with the draft it was noted that
ICA would submit copies of a preliminary report made by a radio consulting
firm to the State Department for clearance. The Committee agreed that the
present draft did not represent legal text, but furnished guidelines for a
future contract to be negotiated by ICA. The ICA representative outlined
the present status of the Libyan project in his agency, and expressed
appreciation for the work done by the TPIB. After adoption of an addition
suggested by the State Department member, the Committee approved the draft,
copies of which are attached hereto for the members', permanent record.
In connection with the Libyan project, the Chairman raised the
question of external broadcasting - whether the broadcasting system were to
be designed to reach people outside of Libya. The ICA representative informed
that ICA authority was to provide assistance in developing channels for
education within a country, and not for facilitie c ~l~ reaching
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people outside the confines of a country's own borders.
4. The State Department member informed the C
ee o
the State
Department position on the Lebanon TV project, as set forth in the attached
memorandum addressed to the Chairman of COBAT. The status of this project
is that the Beirut USOM Director has gone to the field without formal
instruction but with the knowledge of the disdussion held at the last meeting.
The ICA representative agreed to check with the Ford Foundation representative
(who -is now in Washington) regarding the present situation in Beirut, and
if necessary, to send a message to the mission requesting up-to-date
information. (Reference Item 2 COBAT minutes 8/31/56)
Concerning such projects as the Beirut TV, the ICA representative
informed that his agency was reconsidering policy matters relative to radio,
TV and film, including such questions as whether ICA should do more than
offer assistance and training for education only, by offering assistance and
training in the field of. entertainment, inasmuch as more and more countries
were getting such assistance from the Russians.
5. Full discussion of Agenda Item 5 was postponed until the next meeting.
USIA is exploring the situation to ascertain whether an educational TV project
in Pakistan could be supported by the military.
6. The Staff Representative reminded the Panel that the papers entitled
"International Broadcasting Facilities" dated May 3 and 15 respectively had
been returned to COBAT on May 18 by the Board'Assistants for revision,
following preparation of a statement for the USIA by the Department of State
as to the adequacy, from the foreign policy objective standpoint, of existing
and planned overseas broadcast facilities. This COBAT project is being
carried on OCB agendas as one of the "projects outstanding with completion
dates still to be determined."
7. The Staff Representative also informed the Committee of the reply
received from Saigon relative to the holdup of the promised despatch from
the mission regarding a big transmitter for Vietnam.
8. The next meeting will be at the call of the Chairman,
/ C e, NY-, /t, . / t;L.k r
Ralph R. Busick
Staff Representative
Attachments (2)
Contract Guidance and Draft 9/12/56
Memorandum to the Chairman of COBAT from State Department representative
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