USIS Geneva Conference Operation l8
United States Information Agei wyqDES P. NO.
- - Appmoued For Release 7Q ,rt01634ROO031?093UQ39-4
(Geneva T O U S I N Ya .1957
(Letter F A
IBS/' ``.NW21 3.9
O a (,4 m
OIR (Soviet Orbit Broadcasters) Proposal to EBU (European
Broadcasting Urdon) members
sUMN1 RY,ss Leo Wallenborn ; EBU directors reports concerted
effortt rapprochement, both chnical and program, by
the AsoR - nist dominated OIR. jt currently offering indi-
vidual U members series of,rradio and TT programs entitled
"Science in Service of Peao EBU meeting In Lausanne
Nov. 23-25 showed solid front in r ecti offer. However,
possible some individual services may offer to examine the
series although Wallenborn thinks unlikely* First replies
from Europe definitely negative some interest expressed in
Far East,,, however, with a definite yes from Ceylon, Wa..enm
born to be replaced at EBU by Swiss Charles Gillieron?
l0 Leo W llenborn, director of the European Broadcasting Bong
confirms that the offer of the communist dominated OIR (Organization
of International Radio) with headquarters in Prague, has, started a
new series of bids for }ast,West cooperation. He considers the
offer of the series "Science In the Service of Peace" a maJar bid in
this direction, There have been other off ers s both programming and
tech.nical4 The communist itch for technical cooperation Is confirmed
by Gerald Gross Assistant Secretary General of the ITUe Both
If Wallenborn and Gross consider that the current campaign is serious
and well planned and may have some effect in shaking the resolve of
EBU members to have nothing to do with the OILS Iowever9 there have
been no signs of such defection within the European group as yete
2 m The OIR was the original European broadcasters' agency of
cooperation, However, it vas captured by the gists soon after
1946 and moved bodily to Prague in 191+8. The EBU was then set up
by the free nations with Wallenborn as executive director.
3, Wallenborn estimates that the communists have skillfully
planned the current appeal to go directly to the individual national
broadcasters rather than the EBU, largely as a result of regular
EBU rebuffs to previous OIR moves. The EBU actually has only a very
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From- Us?> $ S v _ Cflh
loose LIAISON ROLE in ;,h r,-f;ent ttc~?~~? t . nc3 there is only a.
general exchange of I f o-rra.tion, ly in r?es'Ponse to : _icit -
tion, sometimes raepea ted, by the EPU secretariat,, This was the
procedures followed retarding the current 0111 offer. Wallenhor?n
believes that the science series is 1,,itched toward forcing o
wedge into the University of tl-,e-Air,, started by the French RDIP
West European systems- of radio a-And TV r,articina te,9 It is a set ,.- -
ate organization from the E13U al. though h,~ving; links, As noted
in Genevags TOUSI 1;-J"71, TTerr Bec; ann the intendant of Radio F`ran'.,.~.
furt9 is - very actie 1 s~a(3er in the University's Executive
Committees s nd Inforration :,: ;a.y be obtained throurl-). him. ~ ..s to
the other meanb .:rs have responded, Wailenborn said he believe '.
that the French ;a d been no.ri-comiri.ittal but expressed `ri llir rzr, ::
to examine the CIR rn,teri..i before ~ ssin final Judgment. Poi inc
is a parti.e?I'll -0ant in the University of the Air E,xc.hari es, A copy
of the Urzi.vers ?P_tyg `, charter" Is enc:io sed,,
4m Wa.lienborn shored Stuart three replies he has received to
his circa la.r latter of Nov. 1`5 h.a Finland, in a letter signe(3
by Jussi Koskil.i. oz. a., its radio director9 said flatly he has no
intention of entertaining the OIR offer. Sweden, in a letter sign.
by N. 0 Fri. en., added the comment vrith its rejection that '"Swddi:
radio has no intention. to ;a.rticinate In any acL Lvity in which 0
takes the i_nitia.tivea" The Austrians also noted that their nets=sot!.
does not contemi late any such exchans o .;
5e Bar telephone on Deck l2tb -an. interview hoIng irs~ ossi die
to Wallop orn.g: il_lness~~? office informed 11alaer that the
fart radio poor] e say t? ey have not received an OIR offer as ye
but that they are in accord with the negative stand t?,. en by ot;4
EBU merit rs,, Radio Netherlands has also sent a, negative rep
as has the South i frica.n -i"adlc,,
60 Wa].f.o_nborng s office fur? told 11iener t"1-1a.t it has been. i)-
formed by Radio Ceylon that it will actively participate in the 01-P
program and h~;.as already scheduled nne series fora next April and
another for May,. It has said that it, will later send the texts of
1duc:.1. ...x'11( T` 3.r
these series to
Paar;:is t i~rr .ass e c .tressed inter :.
7. The E?3U offlc(- also said t'.'-).a
est in o9 to i nine; details of the 0II programs, scy:me of which it M
already received. It ha--,s invited submission of scripts for use as
4P background mateeria..h.
8, Wallenborrn it leaving his EB I post en rt: mch. He ,sill ~t
replaced by Charles Gillieron of Sww.witzerl and, As of Nov, 27th9
Gillieron's titles are listed ass Secretary G eneral. of the
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Approved For Releae 200 1OQ f' iA 01634_ 00300 b3' a4---1
(Classification) Desp. N.._J? A_` ,q/Z T
Director of the Administration of the EBtJ; President of the Socfete l
Romande de Radiodiffuslon:9 Lausanne; vice-president of the Swiss
Broadcasting Society, President of Courts of Aigle Vaud and Pays
d l nb ut # raz. c o Further information will. bo sent on biu later,,
9? This office will continue to keep in touch with Wa lenborn
and k~orle s to see Lir lithin two weeks for more details on answers
so far recoived Ii C7 n-Iny new responses comng ino
E. I ? Wiener, Jr.
acting Public Affairs Office:
.Rne: 13oo'.,.Iet on University of the Air
(CO NP rat -- - ? IDENr 1.AL
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