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December 1960 Copy N? 203
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I. Introduction
A. Since the Communist take-over of the Czechoslovak Government in
February 1948, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has under-
gone a number of profound changes in structure and organization.
These changes may be attributed to a variety of causes, among
which are:
1. Mass purges: In the first years after the February coup,
the Communist Party set out to replace experienced but
politically unreliable individuals in all levels of the
MFA with the politically reliable, regardless of their
ability or experience.
2. Intra-Party purges: Stemming from the central SLANSKY-
GOTTWALD power struggle, the purges of 1949-1952 took a
heavy toll of MFA personnel.
Soviet domination: After the 1948 coup, the MFA ceased to
be the foreign policy making and implementing organ of an
independent nation and became merely a captive extension
of Soviet institutions:
a. Some changes in the MFA may be attributable simply
to the general tendency throughout the Czech Government
to modify Czech institutions according to the Soviet
b. Recent changes in the MFA which appear to accentuate
the affairs of underdeveloped nations probably reflect
the assignment of the CSR to the role of spearhead in
Bloc economic penetration.
B.. What follows is an attempt to trace the development of the MFA
into its present form and, in passing, to speculate about the
reasons underlying basic changes in its structure and organization.
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11.. Basic Structural Changes Since 1947
A. As it existed at the time of the Communist coup, aid as it con-
tinued to exist for a year under the first Communist Foreign
Minister, Vladimir CLEMENJIS, the NFA was divided into six
major departments under the supervision of four Deputy Ministers.
Unlike its present primarily geographical organization, the ME'A
of 1947/1949 was organized along functional lines and mixed
housekeeping support, and area divisions indiscriminately
(see Chart 1). For instance, Department II, Political Affairs,
was divided into eight different area sections; Department III,
Intelligence, was broken into four ethnic/geographical sections;
Department IV, Economic Affairs, was broken into five linguistic/
geographical sections; and Department G', Administrative Support,
split the world into three parts. A potpourri of offices, depart-
ments, sections, divisions, and commissions, many of waose func-
tions appear to have overlapped, the pre-1949 MFA 7A,as :made to
function smoothly by a General Secretariat directly under the
control of the Foreign Minister. Termed the "backbone" of the
MFA, the General Secretariat functionec_ to coordinate and direct
the activities of every segment of the Ministry. Its :elimination
was the first measure taken in the re-organization of the MFA
after the February 1949 coup.
P. Perhaps in an attempt to ape the Soviet model (which it came to
resemble closely), more likely in an attempt to rob the Foreign
Minister of any real control of his Ministry, the MFA was totally
reorganized in the spring of 1949. The six functional departments
were replaced by four divisions with a Deputy Minister in charge
of each. All area departments (Territoria) were concentrated
under Division A; Division B included the Diplomatic Protocol
Department (formerly attached to the General Secretariat), Finan-
cial and Economic Departments, the Ministry Archives, and the
Ministry Housing Office; Division C was devoted entirely to UN
affairs, International Organizations, and International Legal
Affairs; and Division. D was made responsible for a multitude
of support functions, including security, communications, per-
sonnel reliability and recruitment, the courier service, and
passport and visa offices.
C. The period extending from the purge era of 1949/1951 to the last
major reorganization of the Ministry in 1958 was a time of steady
but unspectacular evolution. The sweeping structural changes of
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19+9 had fixed the basic pattern of the NFA, but as leading
personalities changed, as the role of Czechoslovakia in the Bloc
shifted, and as new, Soviet-trained foreign affairs specialists
entered the CSR Foreign Service, units within the MFA were
enlarged or de-emphasized and passed from the control of one
:Deputy Minister to another. By 1955 the evolution of the MFA
had produced marked changes. The basic quadrapartite structure
remained, but the divisions were identified by supervising
Deputy Ministers rather than by letter designation, a change
which suggests that responsibilities were tailored to individual
Deputies. Deputy Ministers I and II, corresponding roughly to
the earlier Divisions A and B, shared area department responsi-
bilities. Under Deputy Minister I were departments for Soviet-Sat-
ellite affairs, for the Near East, for Africa, and for Asia.
Deputy Minister II assumed responsibility for Western Europe,
the UK and her Commonwealth, the USA, and Central and South
America. Deputy Minister III's responsibilities remained
essentially unchanged from those of the earlier Division C ---
.e., international organizations and the UN. Deputy Minister IV
(corresponding to the earlier Division D) gained control of the
Financial and Budgetary Department (formerly under Division B)
and lost control of the much more important Cadre Department,
which moved back under the aegis of the Foreign Minister's office.
It is interesting to speculate that this latter move was the
result of an attempt by the Minister (the strong SIROKY, not the
weak CLEMENTIS or the weaker DAVID) to keep tight rein on personnel
matters after the revelations by Rudolf SLANSKY and Arthur LONDON
(Deputy Minister in charge of Division D) that they had packed the
Y2FA with Slanskyites.
D. What is believed to be the present organization of the MFA is the
result of ten years of evolutionary change culminating in the last
known Ministry-wide reorganization in 1958. While the basic
structure of the MFA has remained still essentially unchanged, the
1958 reorganization saw a sizeable swapping of responsibilities
between Deputy Ministers. Deputy Minister I continued in control.
of Soviet-Satellite affairs and assumed the Finance and Budgetary
Department formerly under Deputy Minister IV; Deputy Minister II
continued in control of Western Europe, USA and Latin American
Departments, and assumed control of the Diplomatic Protocol Depart-
ment from the office of the Minister; Deputy Minister III
shed all responsibilities except for the area desks concerned with
affairs in the underdeveloped countries of Africa, the Near East
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and Southeast Asia; and Deputy Minister 1V became he local point
for nearly all support functions (except the Cadre Department)
for the Ministry. Again, it is intereEting to speculate that
the concentration of underdeveloped area affairs ((z--xcept Latin
America, to which the Czechs are late-comers) under a single
Deputy Minister is evidence of the increased import.anc:e assigned
to these areas by the Czechs who, since 1954, have poured some
565 million dollars in credits and loans into the bloc economic
aid program.
?II. The Depute Ministers and Their Responsibilities
A.. A careful examination of the careers of the eleven individuals
who have held the post of Deputy Minister since the 1944 coup
reveals the fact that, while the basic four-division structure
of the Ministry has existed steadily since its inception in 1949,
there has been considerable shifting of key units from Division to
Division as Deputy Ministers changed, were purged, or left their
slots vacant for long periods of time.
I. In 1948, shortly after the coup, the four Deputy Ministers were:
1. Jiri TAUFER - First Deputy Minister in. charge of the Territoria.
2. Arthur LONDON - Deputy Minister in charge of most of the
support functions later gathered under Division D.
3. Gertruda SEKANINONA-CAK-ETOVA - Deputy Minister in charge of
UN affairs and international legal and organization affairs
(later Division C).
4. Jaromir BOREK - Deputy Minister in charge of Administration
and Protocol (the responsibilities later gathered under
Division B).
C. In July 1948, TAUFER was replaced by Dr. Vavro EAJDU uLs Deputy
Minister in charge of Territoria. In the spring of .L951, the
second of the major post-war purges hit the MFA, and LONDON and
IIAJDU (who had depended on LONDON for his place in the Ministry)
fell before the political storm. The remaining two Deputy Minis-
ters, SEKANINOVA-CAKRTOVA and. BOREK, split their former colleagues'
responsibilities between them: Mrs. SEKANINOVA-CAEPOVA assumed
EIAJDU's Territorial duties (except for Section A-VI, Germany/
Austria) along with her own Division C duties, and 13011,kK took on
Section A-VI and an unknown number of offices in Division D
previously administered by LONDON. It is probable that SIROKY,
then Foreign Minister, assumed much of LONDON's former Division,
including the crucial Cadres Department.
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D. In December 1952, BOREK was killed in a hunting accident, and
until the appointment of Dr. Ladislav SIMOVIC as a Deputy Minister
in November 1953, Mrs. SEKANINOVA-CAKRTOVA apparently minded the
shop alone. By October 1955, the Deputy Ministers and their re-
sponsibilities had evolved to the following:
1. SEKANINOVA-CAKRTOVA - Western Powers and the UN and International
2. SIMOVIC - Soviet-Satellite Bloc, Near and Far East.
3. Karel KURKA (who had been appointed Deputy Minister sometime
in 1953) - most of the support functions grouped under Division
Diplomatic Protocol, Press, Legal, and Economic Affairs were all
grouped directly under the Foreign Minister, Vaclav DAVID.
E. In the spring of 1956, Jiri NOSEK served briefly (for about three
months) as Deputy Minister and assumed control of the UN and
International Organizations Division. In June 1957 Mrs. SEKANINOVA-
CAKRTOVA fell from grace after the suicide of her husband (impli-
cated in his brother's embezzlement from a State Bank). Her rank
as First Deputy Minister passed to Antonin GREGOR, who was appointed
Deputy Minister in July 1957, and her UN/International Organizations
duties fell to Karel KURKA. SIMOVIC left his Deputy Ministership
to become Ambassador to Japan in December 1957, and in January 1.958
Jiri HAJEK assumed his present job as Deputy Minister II (Western
;powers). Karel KURKA left his post in late 1958 to become permanent
UN Delegate in New York; NOSEK returned to take over Deputy Minister
IV's duties in December 1959, and Ing. Jan BUSNIAK assumed the
territorial functions under Deputy Minister III in April 1960.
What follows is a detailed analysis of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
as it existed just prior to January 1949, during the years 19+9-1951,
and in the post-purge period of 1952-1960.
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~:. The Pre-19+9 Ministry ( ee Chart 1.)
A. The Office of the Foreign Minister: Upon the suicide of Jan
MASARYK in March 1948, old-line Communist Vladimir CLEMENTIS was
elevated to the position of Foreign Minister, a job he held until
his arrest in March 1950. Beside his responsibility for the Minis-
try as a whole, CLEMENTIS had direct control of four important units
within the MFA. These were:
L. A General Secretariat, bossed by Dr? Jaroslav ZOUREK under
Secretary-General Arnost HEIDRICH (Who defected to the West
in November 19)4-8), which acted as a policy making and inter-
departmental coordinating body for the entire M:Lnistry.
A Cabinet, under Dr. Vilem CERNY, which handled the correspon-
dence and personal affairs of the Minister.
The Diplomatic Protocol Section, under Dr. Jan SKALICKY, which
was concerned with. protocol services for the Prague Diplomatic
4. "Section B," under Frantisek KLUBICKO and his deputy, Frantisek
VITKU, which was responsible for telegraphic, teletape, and
cipher communications.
Ti. Department I, the Presidum: Under its Chief, Dr. Jaroslav KRAUS,
and his deputies, Dr. Milos POKORNY and Dr. Vladimir PALIC, the
Presidium was charged with the internal administration of the MFA.
Et was made up of six sections and an attached office administra-
tive group. The sections of the Presidum and their chiefs were:
L. Section 1, Organization and Inspect-on., was under the direction
of Dr. Ota DVOUIY. It was charged with the organization of
Ministry and Diplomatic Office and with liaison between domestic and
foreign installations.
2. Section 2, Personnel. Dealing with all personnel matters for
the Foreign Service and administering the Ministry's courier
service, the Personnel Section was divided into two sub-sections,
a Central Office under Alois HOFFMAN and an office under Evzen
KORUNKA dealing with Ministry personnel stationed abroad.
3. Section 3, Budget and Fiscal, was also divided into two sub-sections.
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Section 3A, Budget, under Dr. Rudolf LIPSKY, performed
budgetary and record keeping chores with regard to Ministry
expenditures. Section 3B, Fiscal, under Karel VANEK, was
concerned with the organization and standardization of
financial, treasury, and accounting services. An Accounting
Office directed by Jiri HRADECKY was also a part of Section 3.
4. Section 4, Economic Section, administered the general house-,
keeping services required to support the Ministry's physical.
needs in the Cernin Palace. Under Josef KROUPA, the Economic
Section maintained a motor pool, moved overseas employees to
and from their posts, and furnished general logistics support.
5. Section 5, Archives, organized and maintained Ministry Archives
at home and abroad. Its chief was Jiri PESEK.
6. Section 116, Library, was directed by Dr. Premysl PRAZAK.
7. An Office Administration group, under Karel SVOBODA, was con-
cerned with administrative services for Ministry offices. The
group was subordinate to Section I/1 in organizational matters
and subordinate to Section 1/2 in matters of personnel.
C. Department II, Political: Under its Chief, Ing. Vlastimil BOREK
and his Deputy, Ing. Oldrich CHYLE, the Political Department was
the unit of the pre-1949 Ministry most concerned with foreign
policy. Its eight area sections were:
1. Section II/1: USSR. Chief, Robert SCHMEIZ.
2. Section 11/2: Eastern Europe (less Hungary). Chief., Ing.
Vaclav BURES.
3. Section 11/3: West European powers and their colonies and
protectorates, Middle East, Abyssinia, Iceland. Chief, Antonin
4. Section II/4: United Kingdom and her colonies. Chief, Dr. Karel
Section 11/5: USA, Central and South America, Far East, Liberia.
Chief, Dr. Gustav SOLAR.
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6. Section 11/6: UN, International Organizations, International
Law (political). Chief, Dr. Frantisek GOTTLIEB.
7. Section 11/7: Vatican, ecclesiastical matters. Chief, Dr.
Eduard JELEN.
8. Section 11/8: Germany, Austria, Hungary. Chief, Tibor VARHOLA.
D. Department III, Intelligence: Concerned with propaganda and public
relations services for the Ministry, Department III, under Acting
Chief, Karel ERBAN, was composed of a section devoted to over-all
domestic propaganda, four regional sections charged with screening
the foreign press, a translation section, and a section specializing
in cultural propaganda:
1. Section III/l: Information. The Information Section, under
Evzen KLINGER, followed the activities of the Foreign Service
and the development of international political questions from
a journalistic and propaganda point of view, and informed the
2. Section 111/2: Regional - Anglo-Saxon. Chief, Drw Viktor KRIPNER.
3. Section 111/3: Regional - Romance. Chief, Jiri HYNAIS.
4. Section III/4: Regional - Slavonic. Chief, Frantisek NOSKA.
5. Section 111/5: Regional - Germanic and Scandinavian; Spain and
Portugal. Chief, Alois OZABAL.
6. Section 111/6: Arts and Sciences (foreign propaganda in the
artistic and scientific fields). Chief, Jaroslav JINDRA..
7. Section 111/7: Translations (for propaganda purposes). Chief,
Alexius BROZ.
8. Press Archives.
9. National's Office (the activities of Czechoslovak nationals abroad).
10. International Organization office (function unknown).
11. Foreign Tourist Office.
E. Department IV, Economic: Under Dr. Rudolf BYSTRICKY and his Deputy,
Dr. Jaroslav HOLMAN, the Economic Department was concerned with all
economic developments at home and abroad, with reporting on economic
affairs, and with negotiation of economic treaties. The seven
sections of Department IV had the following functions:
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1. Section IV/l: General. This section was responsible for the
systematic observation of general economic developments every-
where, except for transportation matters. It engaged in multi-
lateral economic conferences and negotiated international
treaties of economic import.
2. Section IV/2: Regional reporting - Slavic and neighboring coun-
tries (less Hungary ). Chief, Jaroslav HNIZDO.
3. Section IV/3: Regional reporting - Anglo-Saxon countries.
Chief, Ing. Otto COUFAL.
Section IV/l+: Regional reporting - Romance (Western Europe,
South and Central America). Chief, Arnost TAUBER.
5. Section IV/5: Regional reporting - Central and Northern
Europe (including Hungary). Chief, Vladimir ZNOJEMSKY.
6. Section IV/6: Regional reporting - Near and Far East, Africa.
Chief, Herman KLACKO.
7. Section IV/7: Transportation. Under Dr. Vratislav TRCKA,
Section IV/7 was responsible for all matters of international
communication and transportation. Its activities overlapped
the regional boundaries of Sections IV/2 through iv/6.
F. Department V, Administration: The Administration Department was
divided into a general section, five regional sections concerned
with the health and welfare of Czechoslovaks abroad, and a pass-
port and visa section. The Chief of the Department was Ing. Odon
PARA; his deputies were Dr. Vaclav VAVRA and Dr. Jiri ZEDWITZ.
1. Section V/l: General. Section 1 was concerned with the status
and affairs of Czechoslovak citizens abroad and of foreigners
in the CSR, with military and financial documentation, and
with international cooperative efforts directed against various
criminal activities. Chief, Dr. Ctibor RUZICKA.
2. Section V/2A: Regional - Northern Europe, the Americas, Africa,
colonial dependencies. Chief, Ladislav URBAN.
3. Section V/2B: Regional - Western and Southern Europe. Chief,
Dr. Vladimir BRAUNER.
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4. Section V/3A: Regional - USSR, Poland., Near and Far East
Chief, Dr. Antonin BARTON.
Section V/3B:
Regional - Eastern Europe. Chief, Dr. Vladimir
Section V/4:
Regional - Germany and Austria.
Chief, Ing.
Section V/5:
Passports and Visas. Chief, Dr. Vaclav KOZISEK.
G. Department VI, Legal: Chief of Department VI was Dr. Zdenek
PROCHAZKA. His deputies were Dr. Karel STRUP and Dr. Zd.enek
1. Section VI/l: General Law. The function of this section
was to observe the development of Czech and foreign law.
Chief, Dr. Josef LAUFER.
2. Section VI/2: Legal Protection of Czechoslovak Interests
Abroad. Chief, Dr. Bohuslav VECERKA.
3. Section VI/3: General International Law. This section was
charged with the study of developments in international law
and theoretical questions involved in the conclusion of inter-
national treaties. Chief, Dr. Rudolf BRABEC.
4. Section VI/4: Special International Law. Under Dr. Julius
VISNOVSKY, Section VI/4 was concerned with the preparation
of negotiations for frontier and consular treaties, and
conciliatory and arbitration agreements.
5. Section VI/5: Matters of Foreign Property in Czechoslovakia;
War Criminals. Chief, Dr. Alois BUZALA.
6. Commission M: Commission for Preparation of Peace Negotiations.
Chief, Dr. Vavro HAJDU; Deputy, Frantisek BERMAN.
7. Subcommission for Financial, Economic Social, and Transporta-
tion Problems. Chief, Dr. Miloslav NIEDERLE.
8. Section S: Restitution and Reparation. Chief, Ing. (fnu)
II. The Ministry After the January 1949 Reorganization (See Chart 2.,r
A. The Office of the Foreign Minister: The drastic reorganization of
the MFA which took place in the spring of 1949 may well have been
an attempt to destroy CLEMENTIS' power by distributing it among
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his four Deputies. Several reports indicate that CLEMENTIS rapidly
lost control of his Ministry after the reorganization, with the
real power going to LONDON and HAJDU. In many cases, the Deputies
could over-rule the Minister, and he was allowed to see only such
correspondence as they selected. In any event, with the reorganiza-
tion, CLEMENTIS lost control of the Protocol and Communications
Offices (to BOREK and LONDON, respectively), and his Secretariat
was destroyed, to be revived in a vitiated form only after CLEMENTIS'
arrest and imprisonment.
B. Division A, Territoria: For a brief period in the spring of 19W3
the territorial departments under Division A were handled jointly
by Deputy Ministers Jiri TAUFER and Dr. Vavro HAJDU, TAUFER taking
care of Eastern affairs and HAJDU assuming responsibility for Western
affairs. After TAUFER stepped down in July 1948, Deputy Minister
HAJDU controlled all of Division A until his arrest in April 195:L.
In 1950-1951, Division A was organized as follows:
1. Department A/I: USSR. Chief, Dr. Ivan KOPECKY.
2. Department A/II: "Peoples' Democracies" (except GDR and
Yugoslavia). Chief, Dr. Marta GOTTWALDOVA-CEPICKOVA.
3. Department A/III: Press and News Department. Chief, Richard
SLANSKY (brother of Rudolf).
4+. Department A/IV: Marshall Plan Countries. Chief, Josef FARBER.
a. Section A/IV-1: Great Britain and Cominions. Chief, Ing.
Miroslav TYL.
b. Section A/IV-2: France, Belgium, Holland, and Dominions.
Chief, Dr. Gizela (?) SARISSKA.
c. Section A/IV-3: Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Trieste, Spain.
Chief, Dr. Vladimir ZAK.
d. Section A/IV-i+: Scandinavian countries and Iceland. Chief,
Dr. (fnu) SKODA.
e. Section A/IV-5: Middle East. Chief, Dr. Vladimir REISEL (?).
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5. Department A/V: The Americas and the Far East. Chief, unknown.
a. Section A/V-l: US and Canada. Chief, Dr. (fnu) DOLKOSOVA
followed by Ing. Lubomir LINHART.
b. Section A/V-2: Central and South America. Chief, possibly
a (fnu) PATEK.
c. Section A/V-3: Far East. Chief, Dr. (fnu) GALSKY.
d. Section A/V-4: "Auxiliary Details." Chief, unknown.
6. Department A/VI: Germany and Austria. Chief, Frantisek HERMAN.
a. Section A/VI-1: German Political Affairs. Chief, Dr. (fnu)
b. Section A/VI-2: German Economic Affairs. Chief, (fnu) BUSCH.
c. Section A/VI-3: Austrian Affairs. Chief, (fnu) BURES.
C. Division B, Administration and Protocol: Chief of Division B in
1979-1950 was Deputy Minister Vlastimil BOREK. His Division was
subdivided as follows:
1. Department B/I: Diplomatic Protocol. Chief, Ing. J. CHALUPA
until November 1951, then Josef SEDIVY.
a. Section B/I-l: Liaison with Diplomats. Chief, unknown.
b. Section B/I-2: Documents. Chief, unknown.
2. Department B/II: Financial and Economic. Chief, Dr. Rudolf
a. Section B/II-1: Financial Affairs. Chief, Dr. Rudolf LIPSKY.
b. Section B/II-2: Economic Affairs. Chief, Josef KROUPA.
3. Department B/III: Housing Office. Chief, unknown.
4. Department B/IV: Archives and Library. Chief, unknown.
a. Section B/IV-l: Archives. Chief, Jiri PESEK.
b. Section B/IV-2: Library. Chief, (fnu) CTIBOREK.
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5. Sometime after the arrest of Deputy Minister HAJDU in April
1951, the Germany-Austria Department of Division A (A/VI)
was moved temporarily to BOREK's Division B.
D. Division C, UN and International Organizations: Chief of Division
C was Dr. Gertruda SEKANINOVA-CAKRTOVA; her Deputy was Dr. Frantisek
VAVRICKA. Division C encompassed the following departments:
1. Department C/I: UNO Affairs. Chief, Dr. Frantisek GGI9 LIEB.,
2. Department C/II: International Conferences and Transport.
Chief, unknown.
a. Section C/II-1: International Conferences. Chief, Dr.
b. Section C/II-2: International Transport. Chief, Dr. (fnu)
3. Department C/III: National Economy. Chief, Ing. Josef (?) HANC.
It. Department C/IV: International Law and Parliament. Chief,
a. Section C/IV-1: International Law. Chief, Dr. Pavel
b. Section C/IV-2: Government Proposals and Parliament.
Chief, Dr. Vladimil KLVANA.
E. Division D, Personnel and Communications: Chief of Division D until
his arrest in February 1951 was Arthur LONDON. After his arrest,
the functions of Division D were split up among the other Deputies
(BOREK and SEKANINOVA-CAKRTOVA) and the Foreign Minister himself.
Prior to LONDON's fall, Division D was organized as follows:
1. The following units were attached directly to the Office of
the Deputy Minister:
a. Section D/a: Office of the Deputy.
b. Section D/b: Security Referrent.
c. Section D/c: Cipher Section.
d. Section D/d: Radiocommunications. Chief, (fnu) SIMANDL,
and later, (fnu) FAIX or FAIT.
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2. Department D/I: Personnel Political Reliability (Cadres).
Chief, Josef ULLRICH.
a. Section D/I-l: Internal. Chief, unknown.
b. Section D/I-2: External. Chief, unknown.
c. Section D/I-3: Personnel. Chief, Alois HOFFMAK.
3. Department D/III: Passport and Courier. Chief, unknown.
a. Section D/II-1: Passport. Chief, Jan CUNAT.
b. Section D/II-2: Couriers. Chief, Josef (?) OURENDICEK.
4. Department D/III: Organization. Chief, (fnu) URBAN.
III. The Foreign Ministry Since 1951
A. The account of the MFA in 1948 - 1951 set forth above has been
based on a number of detailed and relatively comprehensive reports
produced by a variety of Czech defectors and ex-MFA functionaries.
Unfortunately, no such material is available for the years 1952 -
1957. While it has been determined that the basic quadrapartite
structure of the Ministry remained the same throughout the period
in question, and enough information is available to indicate some
of the changes undergone by isolated units within the Ministry,
it is impossible to place a given unit within the major structural
groups of the Ministry with real certainty. Our picture of the MFA
during this period is further confused by the practice, instituted
sometime after 1951, of identifying the major divisions of the
Ministry by the Deputy Ministers who headed them rather than by
arbitrary alphabetical or functional designations. Too often, as
Deputy Ministers exchanged Divisions or were replaced, the elements
of their Divisions changed also. As a consequence, it has seemed
wisest to approach the history of the ] 'A during this period from
the relatively firm standpoint of 1958, the date of our latest, well-
documented survey of the Ministry. The following analysis, then,
will follow the structural outline of the 1958 MFA, reaching back
to the pre-1949 Ministry for identification purposes when necessary,
and tracing each unit as it changed its position within the Ministry,
came under the aegis of a new Deputy Minister, or underwent internal
changes in leadership or function. (See Chart 3 for the organizational
structure as of January 1958.)
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B. The Office of the Foreign Minister:
.1. Shortly after the purge of CLEMENTIS and the elevation of
Viliam SIROKY to the Ministry (in March 1950), a second
wave of purges was instituted, resulting in the arrest of
HAJDU and LONDON in the spring of 1951. The subsequent
gap in the leadership of the MFA was filled partly by the
two remaining Deputies (SEKANINOVA-CAKRTOVA and BOREK) and
partly by SIROKY himself. Unlike his predecessor, SIROKY
had the full confidence of the Party. Probably out-ranked
only by ZAPATOCKY and GOTTWALD, SIROKY was a member of the
Central Committee and the Chairman of the Slovak Communist
Party: he was undoubtedly able to rule his Ministry with
great freedom. In the SLANSKY-GOTTWALD fight, SIROKY chose
the correct side, and with the death of GOTTWALD in 1953,
he succeeded to the Deputy Premiership vacated by GOTTWALD's
successor, ZAPATOCKY.
2. To fill SIROKY's place in the MFA, the Party chose Vaclav
a. Diplomatic School. Nothing is known of this school except
that it was under the direction of Dr. Ladislav JAHODA as
of January 1958.
DAVID, who has displayed amazing staying power in his assign-
ment. He is generally considered nothing more than a figure-
head (which may account for his longevity), and the real
power in the Ministry has passed through the hands of a series
of Deputy Ministers as they rose or fell in Moscow's estima-
tion. At present, the leadership in the Ministry appears to
be passing from HAJEK (who supplanted GREGOR as the real power
some time ago) to NOSEK.
Probably coeval with SIROKY's assumption of some of the duties
administered in Division D by the disgrac.Arthur LONDON, the
institution of the Minister's Secretariat was revived. In
1958 the Chief of the Secretariat was Milos PARIS; as of
October 1960, it was Josef HORAK. By at least 1955, if not
long before, the Office of the Minister had evolved to approx-
imately its present organization. As of January 1958, the
following sub-units were directly controlled by the Minister:
b. Boarding School. Administered by Bohuslav FIENER, the
Boarding School oversees the care and education of minor
children whose parents are stationed abroad. In 1958
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the MFA began the practice of sending a teacher to posts
which had ten or more children of school age. In 1955
the Boarding School was administered, but not controlled,
by the School Section of the Cadres Department, at that
time also a part of the Minister's Secretariat.
c. Cadres Department. The Cadres Department consists of
three sections: a Cadres Section under Rudolf :SMIC (as
of mid-1958), a School Section under Zikmund TOBIAS (as
of January 1958), and a Personnel Section under Emilia
KARASOVA (as of February 1959). The earliest identified
chief of the Personnel Section was Alois HOFFMAN (October
1951); the chief in January 1958 was Josef KOVARIK. The
Cadres Department has been attached directly to the Office
of the Foreign Minister since at least the beginning of
DAVID's term as Minister and probably since SIROKY took
over some of LONDON's duties in 1951. Under LONDON, the
Cadres Department was the key instrument for controlling
the recruitment, regulation, and discipline of NFA employees.
In addition, the Cadres Department screened employees for
signs of political unreliability, and in 19+9-1952 it over-
saw the mass purging of Ministry personnel. According to
his own testimony at the SLANSKY trial, LONDON had been
given control of the Cadres Department so that he could
pack the Ministry with individuals loyal to SLANSKY.
Identified as Chiefs of the Cadre Department have been:
Dr. (fnu) KOSINEK in 1949,
Vaclav BURES "up to" 1950
Josef ULLRICH from February to June 1951
(fnu) PLECHATA as of February 1952
Josef CASTA from June 1953 to 1955
Emil RABYSKA from 1955 to April 1960
C. Departments Under the Present First Deputy Minister, Antonin GREGOR:
1. Territorial Department I - USSR. Identified as Chiefs of
Soviet Affairs have been:
a. (fnu) STEFAN from early 1951 until April 1951.
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b. Ivan KOPECKY from April 1951 until sometime after October
c. Jaroslav SYKORA from at least January 1958 until at least
May 1959.
d. Josef KAFKA as of October 1960.
2. Territorial Department II - East European People's Democracies.
Section 11/2 in the pre-1949 MFA was headed by Ing. Vaclav
BURES. In 1951, under Dr. Marta GOTTWAIDOVA-CEPICKOVA, De-
partment A-II (under Division A) was responsible for Red
China, Korea, Viet Nam, and the East European People's Democ-
racies less the GDR and Yugoslavia. The latest known Chief
of Territorial Department II was Vladimir KNAP, who left that
post to become Ambassador to Guinea in June 1959. The Chief
of the Greek/Yugoslav Section was identified in 1956 as Ing.
(fnu) VASEK.
3. Territorial Department III - GDR, West Germany, Austria.
Prior to the 1949 reorganization, Section 11/8 grouped together
Austria, Germany, and Hungary. The Chief of the Section then
was Tibor VARHOLA. After the 1949 reorganization, Department
A -VI under Frantisek HERMAN handled German and Austrian affairs.
There were separate desks for the GDR, West Germany, and Austria.
With the purge of HAJDU in 1951 and the division of his respon-
sibilities between the surviving Deputy Ministers, the Austrian-
German Section moved temporarily under the control of BOREK,
Deputy Minister in charge of Division B. By February 1956 the
Germany-Austria Department was headed by Emil HRSEL, the German
desk by Dr. (fnu) LISKA (who had headed it under BOREK in
October 1951), and the Austrian desk by Dr. (fnu) LUHAK. Josef
SEDIVY headed the IIIrd Territorial Department from at least
January 1958 until May 1959; the present head is Dr. Villem
4. Financial-Economic Department
a. As it is presently organized, the Financial-Economic
Department consists of three divisions: the Financial
Division, the Economic Division, and the Main Accounting
Office. In the pre-1949 Ministry the functions of the
Financial-Economic Department were performed by Section
1/3 (Budget) of the Presidium. Chief of Section 1/3
was Dr. Rudolf LIPSKY, the present head of the Financial
Division. Chief of Section I/3B (Fiscal) was Karel VANEK;
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under him was the Accounting Office headed by its present
incumbent, Jiri HRADECKY. HRADECKY's predecessor was a
(fnu) PITTERMAN who was discharged in September 1948.
Section I/4 (Economic) was headed by Josef KROUPA.
b. After the 1949 reorganization, the Financial-Economic
functions were moved bodily under the direction of BOREK
(Division B). By 1958 they had been moved to the purview
of Deputy Minister III and then back once again under the
First Deputy Minister. The latest known Chief of the
Financial-Economic Department (as of January 1958) was
Frantisek KOMSALA. Chief of the Financial Division as
of the same date was LIPSKY, of the Accounting Office was
HRADECKY, and of the present Economic Division was Jaroslav
D. Departments Under the Present Second Deputy Minister, Jiri HAJEK:
1. Territorial Department IV - Western Europe less Scandinavia
and the UK.
a. In the pre-1949 MFA, Western European affairs were con-
ducted by Section 3 of Department II (Political Affairs).
Chief of the Section was Antonin TOMES. After the 1949
reorganization much of the free world was grouped under
the title "Marshall Plan Countries" (Department: IV of A
Division) and headed by Josef FARBER. Purely Western Euro-
pean matters were handled in Section A-IV/2 (France,
Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, and Dominions), headed by
Dr. Gizela (?) SARISSKA, and Section A-IV/3 (Switzerland,
Italy, Greece, Trieste, and Spain), headed by Dr. Vladimir
ZAK. By 1956, the Western European Countries were once
again in a single department, headed by Oldrich KAISR.
b. The desks and their chiefs in February 1956 were:
France, Belgium, Netherlands: Fedor BALLO
France/Belgium: (fnu) KORNER
Netherlands: Vratislav KRAUS
(2) Finland/Sweden: Frantisek VITKU
(3) Norway/Denmark/Iceland: Jan BURES
(4) Greece/Yugoslavia: Ing. (fnu) VASEK
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c. As reorganized in 1958, Territorial Department IV, no longer
accountable for Scandinavian, Greek or Yugoslav affairs,
was headed by Fedor BALLO. BALLO was succeeded in Feb-
ruary 1959 by Bohumil VERNER, who was succeeded in turn
by the present Chief, Miroslav SUSTAL.
2. Territorial Department V - UK, British Commonwealth., and Scan-
dinavia. In the pre-1949 MFA, Scandinavian affairs were ad-
ministered under Section 11/3 lead by TOMES, and UK/Commonwealth
affairs were under Section II/4 headed by Dr. Karel KOSTAL.
After the 19+9 reorganization, UK affairs were controlled under
the Marshall Plan Countries Section (A-IV). A-IV/l, the UK/
Dominions desk, was joined with the American (i.e, Western
Hemisphere) desk to form a separate British/American Section.
under the supervision of Jan PUDLAK. Miroslav TYL remained
chief of the UK/Canada desk, Dusan POKORNY headed the USA desk,
and Miroslav HRUZA was chief of the South and Central American
desk. In late 1957, the American/British Section split: Jan
PUDLAK assumed direction of the British desk and added Scan-
dinavian affairs to his portfolio to form Territorial Depart-
ment V, and Dr. Vladimir PAVLICEK became chief of Territorial
Department VI, Latin American affairs. PUDLAK remained Chief
of Department V until his appointment as Ambassador to Italy
in December 1958. The present Chief of Department V is Dr.
3. Territorial Department VI - Canada, USA, Latin America.
Dr. Vladimir PAVLICEK remained head of Department VI until
he was replaced by former Ambassador to the U.S. Dr. Karel
PETRZELKA in February 1959. Under PETRZELKA, the American
desk has been headed by Karel DUDA (from 16 July 1959) assisted
by Jiri FRIED; the Canadian desk is headed by Vlastimil TUNA.
and the Latin American Section has been headed by Michal GRACLIK
since 29 August 1959. Earlier chiefs of sections dealing with
US/Latin American affairs were Dr. Gustav SOLAR (early 191+9),
Dr. (fnu) DOLKOSOVA (about 1950), and Ing. Lubomir LINHART
(September 1951 to March 1953).
1.. Czechoslovak Foreign Institute. The Czechoslovak Foreign
Institute probably is identical with the Institute for the
Study of International Politics, which was headed by Dr.
Vladimir KAIGL as of October 1958.
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5. Diplomatic Protocol Department. Prior to the 1949 reorgani-
zation, the Diplomatic Protocol Department was attached
directly to the office of the Foreign Minister. Its chief
in 1949 was Dr. Jan SKALICKY. After 1949, Protocol moved
under the control of Deputy Minister BOREK (Division B),
and was headed first by Dr. Vladim:Ll KLVANA and then by
Ing. J. CHALUPA. CHALUPA was replaced by Josef SEDIVY in
November 1951, and SEDIVY held the job until 17 July 1954?
From July 1954, Chief of Protocol was Dr. Dobromil JECNY.
JECNY was named Ambassador to Japan in April 1960, and Dr.
Josef URBAN succeeded him in Protocol. URBAN's Deputy is
Oldrich SICHA.
6. Diplomatic Corps Service Administration (Sprava sluzeb diplo-
matickeho sboru - SSDS). The SSDS was established by the
MFA in May 1951 to furnish goods and services for the sup-
port of foreign diplomatic installations in Prague. It has
been reported that the SSDS is thoroughly infiltrated by
the StB, and that its real function is to penetrate the
installations it supports. Its initial Chief was Dr. Oldrich
FABIAN; as of January 1958, its Chief was Dr. Vaclav SYNEK.
E. Departments Under the Present Third Deputy Minister, Jan BUSNIAK:
1. Territorial Department VII - Far East.
a. Far Eastern affairs on the pre-1949 Ministry were admin-
istered along with Southeast Asian, USA and Latin American
affairs in Section 11/5 under the direction of Dr. Gustav
SOLAR. After 1949, Section A-V under (fnu) KARPISEK was
responsible for the same group of countries, with Dr.
(fnu) GAISKY directly responsible for Far Eastern affairs.
By February 1956 there was a Near East/Asia Department
lead by Otto KLICKA; Alois BARPUSEK was probably directly
responsible for Far Eastern affairs.
b. In early 1958 the Asian Department was broken down into
three new departments responsible for the Far East, the
Near East, and Southeast Asia. The present Territorial
Department VII was headed in January 1958 by Mecislav
JABLONSKY, who was appointed Ambassador to Iran in May
1959. His successor in Department VII was probably Ing.
Emanuel BRAZDA, who became Ambassador to Tunisia in
November or December 1959. The present head of Depart-
ment VII is Dr. Anton VACEK. Chief of the Japanese Desk
is (fnu) LENAR.
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2. Territorial Department VIII - Southeast Asia. The history
of the administration of Southeast Asian affairs in the MFA
closely parallels that of Far Eastern affairs. No major
organizational distinction between the two areas was made
until the reorganization of early 1958. Mecislav JABLONSKY
was listed as also head of Department VIII in January 1958.
He was succeeded by Jan ZITEK after his assignment of Iran
in May 1959. Alois BARTUSEK is ZITEK's Deputy.
3. Territorial Department IX - Near East/Africa. Logically
enough for the time, Near Eastern and African affairs were
administered under Section 11/3 (Antonin TONES), the Western
European division of the pre-1949 Ministry. After the 1949
reorganization, Middle East and African nations were grouped
in Section A-IV/5, supervised by Dr. Vladimir REISEL. As of
February 1956, the chief of the Near East Section was Dr.
Frantisek ZACHYSTAL; chief of the Israel/Turkey desk was
(fnu) POLACEK; chief of the Egypt desk was (fnu) MATOUSEK;
and chief of the India, Afghanistan, Iran desk was Otaker
CHYLE. ZACHYSTAL was listed as Chief of Department IX in
January 1958 and remained in that position until he became
Ambassador to the UAR in January 1960. There is reason to
suspect that Territorial Department IX has been divided into
two new Departments, Department IX for Near Eastern Affairs
and Department X for African affairs. Whether the suspected
division is formal or merely functional, the individuals
presently responsible for Near Eastern Affairs are Cenek
HEROLD, Chief, and his Deputy, (fnu) KVACEK; and the indi-
viduals responsible for African affairs are Ivan ROHAL-ILKIV
and his Deputy, Bedrich HRUSKA.
F. Departments Under the Present Fourth Deputy Minister, Jiri NOSEK:
1. Archives and Documentation Department. The Ministry Archives
were maintained in Section 5 of Department I (Presidium) in
the pre-1949 Ministry. Section Chief in early 1949 was Jiri
PESEK, who continued in that position until at least 1950
when the Archives Section had become Section B-IV/l in BOREK's
Division B. In January 1958, the Archives and Documentation
Department was headed by Ing. Jan HANC.
2. International Organizations Department.
a. The Department of International Organizations is presumed
to be the organ responsible for international conferences
and the UN. In the pre-1949 Ministry, Section II-6 of
the Political Department, under Dr. Frantisek GOTTLIEB,
held the responsibility for UN affairs and international
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organizations. After the 1949 reorganization I
C under Deputy Minister SEKANINOVA-CAKRTOVA was respon-
sible for international organization affairs.
b. In about 1955, the responsibility for international
organizations, under the Third. Deputy Ministers was
distributed as follows:
United Nations - Dr. Zden.ek TRHLIK.
International Law - Jan CECH (until late 1958).
International Treaties - Dr. Zdenek AUGEN RALLER
(until 1958).
(4) Research and Study Section - Josef HANC (until 1958).
c. In the reorganized Ministry of 1958, international organi-
zations responsibility was relegated to a single depart-
ment under the fourth Deputy Minister. Its chief as of
October 1960 is Dr. TRHLIK. It is interesting to specu-
late that the apparent deflation of the international
organization responsibilities of the MFA is a result of
the complete surrender by the Czechs to Moscow at the
international conference table.
Legal Department. The Legal Department (Department VI) in
the pre-1949 Ministry was headed by Dr. Zdenek PROCHAZKA.
After the 1949 reorganization, the Legal Department apparently
merged with the international Organizations complex under
Deputy Minister III and remained there until the 1958 reorgan-
ization placed it as a separate department under Deputy Min-
ister IV. The last definitely identified chief of the Legal
Department was Dr. Jan CECH, who served from at least January
1958 until February 1959. He may have been succeeded by
Vratislav PECHOTA, who was tentatively identified as Chief
in April 1960.
4. Translation Division. Section 7 of Department III (Intelli-
gence) in the pre-1949 Ministry was responsible for transla-
tion services. Its chief in early 1949 was Alexius'BROZ.
There is no information on the Translation Division between
1949 and 1958, when it was listed under Deputy Minister IV.
Its Chief in January 1958 was Nadezda PELIKANOVA; in October
1960 its Chief was Jan BENES.
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5. Press Department.
a. There was no single unit in the pre-19+9 Ministry charged
with press responsibilities (information and propaganda)..
Jaroslav JINDRA headed Section 6 of the IIIrd (Intelligence)
Department and was responsible for foreign propaganda
activity in artistic and scientific fields. A press
archives was maintained under Section 7 of the same Depart-
ment. After the 194.9 reorganization, Richard SLANSKY,
the profligate brother of Rudolf SLANSKY, headed the Press
Section (Section III) under Division A.
b. Sometime about 1955 the Press Department had moved under
the fourth Deputy Minister. The chief of the Press Depart-
ment was Miroslav GALUSKA in February 1956, Frantisek PISEK
from prior to January 1958 until April 1959, and probably
Antonin LIEHM until September 1960, when he was succeeded
by Pavel BORSKY. Under PISEK the Press Department was
divided into two divisions: LIEHM headed the Information
Division and Miloslav HRUZA headed the Propaganda Division
(probably until March 1959, when he was posted to Israel).
6. Institute of International Law and Economics. Nothing is known
of the Institute of International Law and Economics. It is
possibly identical with the Institute for the Study of Inter-
national Economics headed by Robert SCHMEIZ. However, other
sources report the latter organization is under the control
of the Ministry of Foreign Trade.
7. Department for Consular Services.
a. In the pre-191+9 Ministry, various consular services were
performed by five sections of Department V (Administration)
under Ing. Odon PARA. The Passport and Visa Section (V-5)
was directed by Dr. Vaclav KOZISEK. After the 1949 reor-
ganization, passport and visa activities were grouped
with the Courier Division (D-II) under Jan CUNAT, described
as a member of the then Ministry of National Security.
b. As of February 1956, the Consular Department was under
the over-all direction of Dr. Karel BLAZEK (who was still
in that position as of October 1960.) BLAZEK's predecessor,
sometime prior to February 1956, was Miroslav MATOUSEK.
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V n u T. m
The Consular Division of the Consular Department, con-
cerned with citizenship and legalization matters, was
headed by Ezvan MALY, as of February 1956, and Dr. Ladislav
PAVELKA as of October 1960. The Visa Division was headed
in February 1956 by Jan CUNAT, who has been identified
in that position as late as April 1959. The Passport Di-
vision has been headed by Bohuslav JIRASKY from at least
as early as February 1956 until as late as January 1958.
c. In April 1959, it was reported that the Passport and
Visa Divisions had been reorganized into three passport
sections (a section for diplomatic travel, one for poli-
tical travel, and one for commercial and economic travel),
and two visa sections (a section for diplomatic travel,
under Vaclav TATAR, and a section for all other categories
under Jarmila MERGENTALOVA).
8. Operations Department.
a. As it is organized in the present MFA, the Operations De-
partment encompasses a sizeable group of support functions
including the Ciphering Organ (code section); a "Special
Division" whose function is unknown; an Administrative
Division which handles incoming and outgoing mail, typing,
and secretarial services; a Radiocommunication Division;
and the Courier Division. In early 1949, a special
"Section B," attached directly to the Office of the Foreign
Minister, was responsible for telegraphic, cipher, and
teletype communications. Its chief was Frantisek KLUBICKO,
and his deputy was Frantisek VITKU.
b. After the 1949 reorganization, the Cipher Section, headed
by an unknown member of the Ministry of National Security,
was located under Deputy Minister IV. The Radiocommunica-
tions Section, under Division D, was headed by a (fnu)
SIMANDL, and later, by an (fnu.) FEIX (until February 1951).
Chief of the Courier Service in 1950-1951 was an (fnu)
OUREDNICEK. Chief of Ciphers in about 1955 was Karel
ZIZKA, who held that position until at least January 1958.
At that date, the chief of the "Special Division" was Josef
CASTA (a man of that name, otherwise unidentified, was
posted to Vienna in December 1.958); the chief of the Ad-
ministrative Division was Jaroslav BUBEL; the chief of
the Courier Division was Josef' HANGLIK; and the chief of
the entire Operations Department was Dr. Josef MAIKNER.
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PDOB: 7 April 1916, Velke Marinice
7 September 1959 In Prague, position unknown.
16 June 1956 - 7 September 1959 Minister, Czech Legation Rangoon.
June 1953 - June 1956 In Prague, Chief Irael Desk ca.
1951+; Chief Southeast Asia
Section, late 1955 - June 1956.
a/o February 1951 - June 1953 2nd secretary and Charge d'Affaires,
Czech Legation, Tel Aviv.
PDOB: 23 May 1918, Vechnov
a/o October 1960 Chief, Translation Division.
a/o February 1956 - October 1958 Counsellor, Czech Embassy New
September 1951+ - March 1956 Counsellor, Czech Embassy
Washington, D.C.
PDOB: 11 November 1908, Ruzomberok
May 1960 - Chief, Independent Special De-
partment for Latin American Affairs.
1950 - 1951 UNO delegate
March 1949 - September 1949 Charge d'Affaires, Czech Embassy,
New Delhi.
ca. 191.8 - early 1911-9 Member of staff, Anglo-American
Desk; member of staff, Latin
American sub-section.
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Dr. Karel BLAZEK
PDOB: Unknown
a/o February 1956 Chief, Consular Services
and January 1958 Department.
PDOB: 5 January 1921, Budapest
7 January 1959 -
Press Department
4 January 1956 - 7 January 1959 1st Secretary, Czech Legation,
1950 - 2 Press Department
August 1949 - August 1950 2nd. Secretary and Charge
d'Affaires, Czech Legation
Jaroslav BUBEL
PDOB: Unknown
a/o January 1958
PDOB: 26 March 1914, Chlumec
1956 - ?
Chief, Administrative Division.
Chief, Norway, Denmark, Iceland
1950 - August 1952 Secretary, Czech Legation Oslo.
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$DOB: 5 May 1919, Horna Lhota
May 1960 -
22 July 1957 - May 1960
PDOB: 18 April 1900
ca. December 1958 -
ca. 1955 - a/o January 1958
1953 - 1955
PDOB: 17 August 1907, Pilsen
September 1960 -
February - August 1960
October 1954 - February 1959
January 1951 - October 1954
1946 - 1950
Deputy Foreign Minister.
Ambassador to Chinese Peoples
Chief of Archives, Czech Lega-
tion, Vienna.
Chief, Special Section (ZO),
MFA in Prague.
Chief, Cadres Department.
Ambassador, Czech Embassy Kabul..
Minister, Czech Legation, Oslo.
Legal Department (Chief in
January 1958), NFA.
Minister, Czech Legation, Rio
de Janeiro.
Chief of International Branch
of the Legal Section, MFA.
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Oldrich CHYLE
PDOB: 22 August 1899, Prague
November 1957 - to present
Senior Member, Neutral Nations
Commission, Korea.
Chyle may possibly be identical with "Otaker" CHYLE who was
ca. 1956 Chief, India, Pakistan, Iran
Desk, NFA.
1950 Member UN Commission for Pak-
istan and India.
19+9 Chief, Western HemisphereDivi-
sion, MFA.
19+6 - 19-8 Employed NFA in a variety of jobs.
PDOB: 1 May 1911, Nadejkov
a/o February 1956 and a/o April Chief, Visa Section, Consular
1959 Services Department (KO/2).
January 1951 - ?
Vaclav DAVID
PDOB: 3 September 1910, Studene
31 January 1953 -
Chief, Passport Section (StB
representative) in MFA (Section
Foreign Minister.
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Karel DUDA
PDOB: 31 May 1926, Lom
16 July 1959 -
Chief, American Desk (Depart-
ment IV).
17 February 1956 - 20 May 1959 2nd Secretary, Czech Embassy,
PDOB: 12 January 1927
a/o February 1956 - ? Chief Swiss Desk.
Bohuslav FIENER
PDOB: Unknown
a/o January 1958
Chief, Boarding School (Int.).
PDOB: 19 April 1925, Stadlec
6 September 1959 - Deputy Chief, American Desk.
15 January 1958 - 6 September 1st Secretary, Czech Embassy,
1959 Washington.
1955 - 1957 Deputy Chief, Protocol Department.
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-30 -
Miroslav GALUSKA
PDOB: 9 October 1922, Prague
6 May 1958 -
Fall 1951 - 1958
PDOB: 29 July 1921, Pilsen
September 1960 -
February 1952 - September
June 1951 - February 1952
PDOB: 8 November 1914, Tekoldany
29 August 1959 -
April 1956 - August 1959
7 October 1950 - 13 June 1954
Chief, Press Department.
Chief, Department III (Germany
and Austria).
Deputy Chief of Department III.
2nd Secretary, Czech: Legation,
3rd Secretary, Czech Embassy,
East Berlin.
Chief, Latin American Section,
Department VI.
Minister, Czech Legation, Bogota.
Employee, Czech Legation Mexico
Employee, MFA Prague.
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Antonin GREGOR
PDOB: 9 September 1908, Stare
First Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs.
- 1957
- 1955
Employed MFA in Prague,
capacity unknown.
- 1952
Minister of Foreign Trade.
PDOB: 6 June 1913, Krhanice
31 January 1958 -
15 April 1955 - January 1958
a/o Fall 1953
a/o December 1952 and
a/o November 1951
Ing. Jan HANC
PDOB: Unknown
a/o January 1958
Deputy Foreign Minister.
Ambassador to UK.
Reported Chief Western Europe
"Chief of Section," MFA.
Chief, Archives and Documenta-
tion Department.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Ing. Josef HANC
PDOB: Unknown
1955 - 1958
Employed Research Section Inter-
national Organization Department.
1950 Chief, Section C/III, National
a/o 1948 Czech Consul General, Chicago (?).
PDOB: Unknown
a/o January 1958
Chief, Courier Division.
PDOB: 12 April 1917, Rakovnik
a/o 12 October 1960 - Chief, Department IX (Near East).
June 1954 - August 1959 Ambassador to Lebanon, and Syria.
PDOB: Unknown
a/o July 1958 -
Chief, Middle East Department (IX).
PDOB: Unknown
a/o early 1949 and January 1958 Chief, Accounting office
Sanitized - Approved For Releas CIA-RDP78-00915R001200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
PDOB: 30 January 1901, Hradec Kralove
August 1960 -
a/o June 1953 and
a/o February 1956
25 June 1951 - 1 December 1952
September 1950 - June 1951
a/o September 1949
Bedrich HRUSKA
Minister, Czech Legation,
Chief, Germany/Austria Depart-
ment (III).
Ambassador to Afghanistan.
PDOB: 10 March 1910, Porici Nad Sazava
a/o October 1960
Deputy Chief, Department IX
(or, possibly a new African
Department - X).
December 1954 - January 1960
Miloslav HRUZA
PDOB: 29 November 1922, Ceska Lipa
24 March 1959 -
a/o January 1958
a/o February 1956
a/o April 1953 - 18 November
a/o Summer 1950
Charge d'Affaires, Czech Lega-
tion, Tel Aviv.
Chief, Propaganda Division,
Press Department (TO/1).
Chief, South and Central American
Charge d'Affaires, Montevideo.
2nd Secretary, Rio de Janeiro.
Sanitized - Approved For Re ease : - DP78-00915R001200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
PDOB: Unknown
a/o July 1957
Chief Netherlands Desk.
Dr. Ladislav JAHODA
PDOB: Unknown
a/o January 1958 and
a/o September 1959
PDOB: Unknown
a/o January 1958 and May 1959
Chief, Diplomatic School (DS).
Chief (possibly acting) Depart-
ments VII (Far East). and VIII
(Southeast Asia).
a/o May 195+ (Lt. Colonel Member Neutral Nations Super-
Mocislav) visory Commission, Korea.
a/o March 1952 1st Secretary, Czech Embassy,
Dobromil JECNY
PDOB: 10 February 1917, Ivanovice na Hane
January 1960 - Ambassador to Japan.
17 July 195+ - January 1960 Chief, Diplomatic Protocol
5 April 1950 - July 195+ Cournselor, Czech Embassy, Moscow.
Prior 1950 Employee, Czech Embassy, Bern.
Sanitized - Approved : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
-35 -
Bohuslav JIRASKY
PDOB: Unknown
a/o February 1956 and
a/o January 1958
Vladimir KAIGL
PDOB: 15 May 1918, Prague
a/o October 1958
Chief, Passport Division,
Counsular Department (KO/3).
Head of Institute for Study of
International Politics (possibly
identical with the CSR Foreign
KAIGL's attendance at numerous international conferences indi-
cateshe was employed by the MFA during the years 1953 - 1958.
Oldrich KAISR
PDOB: 27 August 1911
August 1960 -
July 1957 - August 1960
March 195+ - July 1957
June 1952 - April 195+
July 1948 - May 1952
PDOB: Unknown
a/o February 1959
MFA Prague.
Minister to Argentina.
Chief, Western Europe Depart-
ment, MFA.
Ambassador to Italy.
Possibly Chief, Passport Division,
Counsular Department (KO/3).
Sanitized - Approved For Re ease : -RDP78-00915ROO 1200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
PDOB: ca. 1910, place unknown
a/o October 1960 Chief, SSDS.
November 1954 - August 1959 Ambassador to UAR, Ethiopia,
and Yeman.
November 1946 - Late 1949 Counselor, Czech Embassy,
PDOB: 28 December 1913
August 1956 - Ambassador to GDR.
a/o February 1956 - Chief, Near East/Asia Depart-
a/o January 1955 went, MFA.
25 February 1952 - May 1954 Ambassador to Sweden.
September 1949 - January 1952 Ambassador to Finland.
Spring 1949 - September 1949 Employee, MFA.
Vladimir KNAP
PDOB: 20 December 1911, D. Kraleve
4 June 1959 - Ambassador to Guinea.
1957 - 1959 Chief, Peoples' Democracies
Department (II).
1954 - 1957 Ambassador to Viet Nam.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Frantisek KCMZALA
PDOB: Unknown
a/o January 1958
PDOB: 25 December 1925, Prague
late 1958 (?) -
1951 - late 1958 (2)
(fnu) KORNER
PDOB: Unknown
a/o February 1956
PDOB: 10 March 1922, Stramberg
a/o January 1958
Chief, Financial-Economic
Department (FHO).
Counselor, Czech Embassy Moscow.
Chief, USSR Section, MFA.
Chief, French Desk.
Chief, Personnel Section,
Cadres Department (KA/3).
Courier trips indicate that KOVARIK has been with the MFA from
as early as April 1955 until as late as November 1958.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-R P78-00915R001200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Vlastislav KRAUS
PDOB: 19 May 1923, Sous
September 1957 - Charge d'Affaires, Reykjavik.
a/o November 1959
a/o May 1956 2nd Secretary, Czech Legation,
the Hague.
~L/o May 1955 Chief, Netherlands Desk, MFA.
a/o September 1950 Clerk, Czech Legation, Copenhagen.
PDOB: 28 April 1922, Trnava
9 September 1958 -
1953 - 1958
Antonin LIFA'M
PDOB: Unknown
Permanent CSR Representative
to the UN.
Deputy Foreign Minister.
a/o January 1958 and
a/o May 1959 Chief, Information Division,
Press Department (T0/2).
PDOB: unknown
March 1953 - August 1956 Ambassador to GDR.
September 1951 - March 1953 Chief, American Department (IV).
20 October 19+8 - September 1951 Ambassador to Rumania.
Sanitized - Approved EQr e : CIA-RDP78-00915R001200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Dr. Rudolf LIPSKY
PDOB: Unknown
Early 1949 - present Chief, Financial Division (FO).
Dr. (fnu) LISKA
PDOB: Unknown
a/o October 1951 and Chief, German Desk.
a/o February 1956
Dr. (fnu) LUHAK
PDOB: Unknown
a/o February 1956
PDOB: 14 March 1913, Rajec
a/o January 1958
Chief, Austrian Desk.
Chief, Operations Department
Courier trips indicate MAIXNER was employed in the MFA as late
as April 1960.
Evzen MALY
PDOB: unknown
Spring 1957 (?), a/o January 1959 Consul, Czech Embassy, Belgrade.
a/o February 1956 Chief Citizenship Section, Pass-
port Visa Department (K0/1).
Sanitized - Approved For Re 8-00915R001200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-0091 5RO01 200200002-4
Evzen MALY (continued)
a/o August 1951 and a/o May 1952 3rd Secretary, Czech Embassy,
Dr. Vladimir MASA
PDOB: 2 November 1913, Brno
13 August 1954 - 19 August 1959 1st Secretary, Czech Embassy,
a/o 1948 a Vladimir MASA was chief of Section V/3-B, Peoples
PDOB: Unknown
a/o February 1956 (fnu MATOUSEK) Chief, Egypt Desk.
a/o October 1955 Chief, Consular Affairs Depart-
ment (KO).
a/o January 1953 Chief, Passport Division, Con-
sular Affairs Department (KO/3).
30 November 1948 - 21 February Minister, Czech Legation, Rome.
Jaroslav MULLER
PDOB: Unknown
a/o January 1958
Chief, Economic Division,
Financial/Economic Department (HOS).
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001200200002-4
PDOB: 29 August 1911, Cercany
a/o August 1959
Deputy Foreign Minister.
Permanent CSR Representative
to the UN.
30 June 1956 - 8 July 1959
a/o April 1956
a/o June 1955
a/o July 1953 - March 1955
July 1952
Ambassador to India.
Deputy Foreign Minister.
Chief, International Organiza-
tions Department.
Permanent CSR Representative
to the UN.
Deputy Permanent Representative
to the UN.
NOSEK attended numerous UN conferences from 19+7 until his
assignment there in 1952.
Dr. Vladimir PAVLICEK
PDOB: 16 October 1920, Prague
May 1960 -
Late 1957 - March 1960
September 1955 - August 1957
December 1953 - August 1955
September 1952 - December 1953
a/o May 1952
a/o November 1951
Chief, American Affairs Depart-
ment (VI).
Minister to Argentina.
Minister to Mexico.
Minister to Albania.
Chief, Press Department.
Delegate to UNO.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
PDOB: 2 April 1907, Brno
3 March 1960 -
October 1952 - January 1959
a/o 1952
a/o 1951
PDOB: 28 July 1921, Prague
June 1960 -
August 1957 - June 1960
PDOB: 14 August 1921+, Papin
3 February 1959 -
a/o May 1952 - February 1959
a/o December 1951
a/o November 1951
a/o 191+9
Chief, American Affairs
Department (VI).
Ambassador to the US.
Chief, Legal Department.
Employee, Legal Department.
Chief, Department V (Great
Britain, Commonwealth,
Counselor, Czech Embassy, London.
Minister to Italy.
Chief of American-British Depart-
ment; after 1956, Chief of
British-Scandinavian Department
"Section Chief", A.
Delegate UNO.
Secretary to Deputy Minister
Attached to Soviet Section.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
-43 -
PDOB: 25 March 1925, Pilsen
a/o October 1956
1st Secretary, Czech Embassy,
a/o may 1953; a/o Spring 1956 Member Cadre Department;
reported a sweeper.
PDOB: 3 June 1924, Prague
a/o January 1958
Chief, Secretariat of the
Minister (SM).
Courier records indicate PARIS was employed in the NFA as
early as December 1956.
Dr. Ladislav PAVELKA
PDOB: 20 May 1921
a/o January 1958
Chief, Consular Division Consular
Affairs Department (KO/15.
Courier records indicate PAVELKA was employed in the MFA as late
as February 1959.
Vratislav PECHOI'A
PDOB: 25 July 1928, Dobruska
April 1960 -
Chief, Legal Section, Interna-
tional Organizations Department (MO).
a/o 1 September 1953 Employee NFA.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
I -- M. I NJ
PDOB: Unknown
a/o January 1958
Chief, Translation Division.
Frantisek PISEK
PDOB: 14 August 1901, Prague
January 1958 - Chief, Press Department.
July 1955 - a/o October 1956 Ambassador to Bulgaria.
June 1948 - April 1953 Ambassador to Poland.
PDOB: 18 October 1919, Ostrava
a/o July 1956 and a/o May 1959 Chief, American Desk.
4 February 1949 - May 1953 Cultural Attache, 2nd Secretary,
and Charge d'Affaires, Czech
Embassy, New Delhi.
1945 - Employee, MFA Prague.
PDOB: Unknown
Employment :
a/o February 1956
Chief of Israel and/or Turkey
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
PDGB: Unknown
15 April 1960 -
1955 - April 1960
PDOB: Unknown
ca. 1956
Consul General, Szczecin, Poland.
Chief, Cadres Department.
lst Secretary, Czech Embassy,
Possibly identical with an (fnu) SARISSKA (Dr.) who was Chief
of Section A/IV-2, France, Holland, Belgium.
PDOB: 10 October 1919, Prague (?)
September 1960 Ambassador to Communist China.
a/o January 1958 and May 1959 Chief, Department III (Austria
and astGand West Germany).
12 Augast 195+ - ? Ambassador to Rumania.
15 November 1951 - 17 July 195+ Chief, Diplomatic Protocol
a/o January 1951 1st Secretary, Czech Embassy
10 November 19+7 - ? Cultural Attache, Czech Embassy,
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
T m
Oldrich SICHA
PDOB: Unknown
a/o January 1960
a/o July 1950
Dr. Ladislav SIMOVIC
PDOB: 24 March 1915, Nitra
December 1959 -
December 1957 - December 1959
September 1953 - December 1957
September 1953 - early 1954
December 1951 September 1953
Deputy Chief of Protocol.
Attache, Czech Embassy Moscow.
Ambassador to India.
Ambassador to Japan.:
Deputy Minister.
Chief, Neutral Nations Repatri-
ation Commission, Korea.
Chief, Near East/Asia Section,
13 October 19+8 - December 1951 Ambassador to Bulgaria.
Rudolf SMIC
PDOB: Unknown
a/o Spring 1956 and
a/o January 1958
Miloslav SUSTAL
PDOB: 8 April 1920, Prague
June 1960 -
Chief, Cadres Section, Cadres
Department (KA/1).
Chief, Department IV (Western
November 195+ - June 1960
Counselor, Czech Embassy, Paris.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001200200002-4
Jaroslav SYKORA
PDOB: 29 July 1905
a/o January 1958 and May 1959 Chief, Soviet Affairs Depart-
ment M.
August 1954 - October 1956 Ambassador to North Korea.
Prior to 1954 Intelligence Department of MFA.
Dr. Vaclav SYNEK
PDOB: Unknown
March 1956 and a/o January 1958 Chief, Diplomatic Corps Service
Administration - Sprava sluzeb
diplomatickeho aboru (SSDS).
Zikmund TOBIAS
PDOB: Unknown
a/o January 1958
Chief, School Section, Cadres
Department (KA/2).
Dr. Zdenek TRHLIK
PDOB: 17 July 1923, Brno
a/o May 1959 and April 1960 Chief, Legal Department (MO).
a/o April 1953 - ? "Section Chief", Legal Department.
Since 1949 when he entered the MFA, TRHLIK has attended numerous
international conferences and is reported to have been a member
of the International Organizations Division/Department of the
MFA since 1952. He was a member of the MFA Legal Section 1949- 1951.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Vlastimil TUMA
PDOB: 17 March 1931, Prague
a/o 12 October 1960 - Chief, Canadian Section.
6 September 1950 - 22 October Clerical Officer (Secretary
1953 to the Ambassador), London.
Miroslav TYL
PDOB: 19 January 1919
a/o January 1956
a/o 1950
Counselor, Czech Legation, Ottawa.
Chief of "English Section"
(A/17V -1)
PDOB: 19 March 1897
March 1955 - September 1958 Permanent CSR Delegate to the UN.
17 July 1951 - 11 March 1955 Ambassador to the UK.
February 1951 - June 1951 Chief, Cadres Department NFA.
PDOB: 4 June 1907, Unhost
April 1960 -
Chief of Diplomatic Protocol
March 1956 - 10 April 1960 Ambassador to France.
May 1954 - 1956 Ambassador to Albania.
December 1953 - May 1954 Minister to Albania.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Josef URBAN (continued)
June 1952 - September 1953
1950 - 1952
Ing. Milan VASEK
PDOB: 17 January 1930, Brno
19 February 1957 - ?
Chairman, Committee for Cultural
Relations with Foreign Countries
Cultural Counselor, Czech
Embassy, Moscow.
3rd Secretary, Czech Legation,
a/o February 1956 (fnu VASEK) Chief, Greek/Yugoslav Desk.
1953 - ca 1956 Pvt. in CSR Army attached to
Korean Armistice Commission.
Dr. Frantisek VAVRICKA
PDOB: Unknown
a/o February 1957
a/o October 1955
Czech Delegate to UNO.
Chief, International Organ-
izations Department.
a/o 1950 Deputy Chief Division C
(International Organizations).
Bohumil VERNER
PDOB: 14 May 1923, Kosice
Early 1959 - ?
Counselor, Czech Embassy
Sofia or Bucharest.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Bohumil VERNER (continued)
a/o August 1958 Chief, Department IV:(Western
1 January 1949 - 13 July 1955 3rd Secretary, 2nd Secretary,
1st Secretary, Charge d'Affaires,
Czech Embassy, Rome.
Employee, MFA Prague.
Frantisek VITKU
PDOB: 9 October 1912, Paris
23 May 1956 (a/o 1960) Counselor, Czech Embassy,
ca. February 1956 Chief, Finland/Sweden Desk,
27 August 1950 - September 1953 Counselor, Czech Legation, Stock-
a/o February 1948 Chief, Department "B" (Ciphers).
Dr. Frantisek ZACHYSTAL
PDOB: 22 July 1911, Klatovy
January 1960 -
a/o February 1956 - Chief, Middle Eastern Affairs
January 1960 (ix ).
15 August 1951 - September
Ambassador to Afghanistan.
Prior 1951 Secretary to Foreign Minister
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
-51- -
Vladimir ZAK
PDOB: 8 August 1918
September 1959 -
March 1956 - September 1959
24 November 1955 - March 1956
a/o July 195+
a/o 1950
PDOB: unknown
3 March 1960 -
7 September 1957 - ?
Sect-ember 1955 - September
7 December 1953 -
September 1955
First Secretary, Czech Legation,
Deputy Chief (Section unknown),
1st Secretary, Czech Legation,
Legation Secretary, Czech
Legation, Helsinki.
Chief, A/IV-3, MFA.
Minister of KSC Organization.
Member of Examination Com-
Counselor, Czech Embassy,
Chief, Scandinavian Section
(Department V).
Charge d'Affaires, Czech
Legation Reykjavik.
Charge d'Affaires, Czech
Legation Oslo.
Scandinavian Desk, MFA.
Q T n
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915RO01200200002-4
PDOB: 23 October 1924, Kovarov
March 1960 - Chief, Department VIII
(Southeast Asia).
May 1956 - March 1960 Minister (later Ambassador)
Czech Embassy, Djakarta.
PDOB: Unknown
a/o January 1958
Chief, Ciphering Organization.
Courier records indicate ZIZKA was an employee of the MFA as
early as June 1954.
19+8 and a/o 1958
Jaroslav ZOUREK
PDOB: 29 March 1908, Prilepy, Holesov
Ladislav ZYKA
PDOB: 1 June 1927 (Y)
a/o January 1958
Member of International Law
Commission. Chairman, 1957-1958.
UN Delegate, 19+7 and 191+8.
Joined MFA. One time Chief of
Legal Section, International
Organizations Department.
Chief, Radiocommunications
Section (RK).
indicate ZYKA was employed in the MFA as early as 1951+.
Sanitized - Approv . CIA-RD P78-OO915ROO12OO2OOOO2-4
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R001200200002-4
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