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Working Paper
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Approved For Release 1999/08/ CIA-RDP78-00915R000700120002-9
T. tntvodtt
TT ? The Rol. of th. PeitSWAVY ***mow *
Tit Mimeo purism fealties 0.
reanumist Agrarian ?Sallee in T
V. Short Surveye of Other countries24)
Tnde-China ...***
Tationesie .000.00.................
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Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700120002-9
T. inkithadisa
International Communism is today . in ortier to
apread and conwilidate its Influence within the so.called eintare
areas of the world. r:ommuniet successes to ditto attest to the Com-
a:mist use of tacties and tot:haves designed to take full advantage
of conditions isolating within these arose and to organise and eontrol
mass power" sufficient to propel Communist leadership to the front.
The 'Free vanilla success in keeping andb areas fres Witte eventually
under complete Communist domination depends upon its full understandine
of the tootles and techniques esployed by the Celmunistel as well as
unoo Its vigorous pregentetion of commter-attnacitions to take the place
of the penaceas and leettership offered by the Communists. Tor in these
areas, lust as in other countries of the free worlds Cmiatueists are
seeking popular ?rapport end power not through pushing Communistic
platforms but by espousing non-Cammunitt ideas. They ere promising
to abolish those things which are irritating a notice and are appealing
to those sentiments within a country which offer the greatest opportunity
For a "nnited front" movement susceptible of c'emmunist control and
Throughout theee underdeveloped a, of the world where the
r7ommunista ere nce so aetive, there are several common factors which
are present in almost all countries. There is a revulsion against
poverty and hUDger Re a normal mode of existenee. There is also a
reaction against colonial dependency or foreign lamination of any
kind. In somo eon:Aries one fottor is stronger than tbe other. National
movements *wandered by these fasters, hevever, can oeldcm be stortod
without leadership. in same tomes this has cove from within, such
as by CandliA in India. Put where rAtive leadership has boon looking,
The 745m-,unists have furnished native leaders trained in Ammar. And
when natimalistic movements, have boon otarted without Communist par-
tielpation, the r!teamuniste have attempted to lake over these movements
by oes method or another. Non-Communist leaders, confronted with the
explosive crroblems of a critical transitory period in their country,
have been harassed by the necessity of keeping ^ommunism, from diverting
nationalistic aspirations. Into this battle, international Ceremonies
has bronght proven organising toohniques, trained cadres, a world-wide
propaganda machine, material 1114, and, above all, a determieed program
looking towmrd defleite meal.
in countries vhoee economy predomieantly agrarian,
from traditionel
the Communists, in order to pain
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emphasis on the "prbetproletariat" toward Increased organisational
work among the peasantry. This has been particularly areirent '4 this
the colonial and esmi-oolanial areas whieh generally- leek an esti,*
or strong urban proletariat. This politically dictated shift of emphesis
to the agrerien peasant wee initially followed by the Chinese Communists
under 4ao Tse-tung, slid its suceessful application In in. forecast
vsny of Communism's present agrarian tactics in the Free 'World. China
served as the testing ground for Asiatic Communism and the agrarian
taetics sad techniques evolved there spread to surrounding countries
and later to other countries where Communist leaders perceived that
exploitation of peasant grievances could furnish. "mass power." That
this lay have constituted a departure from Communism's theoretical
concepts ooncerning the role of the urban proletariat was overshadowed
by the Communists' arnrwelation of political realities.
Communist efforts to exploit peasant discontents are partioularlY
apparent in the 7ar and lidlle riot. Sut similar Communist tecties
are also beino followed in many Latin American countries and are being
used to increase agrarien agitation in Western Furope as well. In
addition to the loeal attention being given to organisational work
among the peasantry In men, countries, a veesure of the international
importance which Cr, senow attaches to agrarian teeties was demon-
strated by the Third Congress of the Communist-controlled World Federation
of '!rads rtlorg (VITU) held in October, 19534 This Congress clearly
emrhasised the Colmunist desire for Increased attention to the under
developed countries of the world and pointed up the important role
which agrarian organisations can play in support of international
Cornoniam's push rot power. The world Conferenee of Agricultural
end rorestry Workers, held shortly after 1...he liFTTY Congress, followed
the general policies laid down by the wrn, oonfirmed the emphasis on
the "haekwerd areas, end specifically sparked fresh Communist activities
looking to the orgarisation of peasant movements end actions and the,
penetration of existing egrarian orgenisatione,
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IT, Th. hileJet NIAPAIrf
Communist *nemeses among the
areae do not stem from an *montane*
ideology by these peasant masses. Communist
from the effective anplioation of
Communist ideology is disguised. Nseua'thslesi
Is the creed of the weal militant and power.bengry groups
tho WM operations. Par this reason, it is pertinent to usdwratand
something Of the doctrines concerning the peasantry which are hold by
those who iireet 170MMUDISM's attenk. Although Communism theoretically
operates as a result of doctrines Whieh are held to be based an an
Infallible historic *clews, new rationalisations are devised to fit
nev experiences. tehind a faeade of unerring eorsisteney and, unfailing
foresight, Communism edjuets itself to politisel realities. Such.
flexibility is demonstrated in CommunisMis present emphasis on the
role of the oeasantry. An uudersteading of this role viii assist in
an understanding of the ectnal agrarian ',cootie' utilised by the Communists.
In its early form, marmism did not regard tb peasantry
as an independent creative fore. in human history. The early Marxist
movement believed that the antral drama of Communism would be eneeted
in capitalism's original home and not in the backward areas. Before
Lenin, there was not even a hint that a small proletariat, well organised
and led by professional revolutionaries, could initiate the world
revolution in a "backward area". Although the peasantry was considered
to be a victim of feudal auetetY, it was not considered to be the
real agent for the overthrow of ferdalisn. This role belonged to the
urban bcmrgeolsie. In the transition from a capitalist eoelety to
a socialist society, the ereative role was Pommeled to fall to the
urban proletariat.
vith 1
In Ms
united creativity In Pussia. Fut Lenin never for a moment
o ipiy that the peasantry would pig,' a central role in the
. le -leant that only by allying itself with the proletariat
ccrnid the peasantry hope to realise the agrarian revolution. Lenin
VAS, also appreciative of the dynamic potentielities of the backward
areas and at an early date bed nreosived that the nascent nationalism
within these areas could itself be utilised as a force in realising the
world revolution. This perception resulted In the Leninist theory of
imrerielsm whereby almoet tbo entire onus for the wretehedness of the
baekward areas was laid at the floor of international finance capital.
of the peasantry became omeWhat more
gn In Ruse/a in 1905, Lenin became
co to the revolutionary wave.
of t "democratic lietatorshin of prole-
ceording to Odd% the peasantry was capable
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Tot Lntn s hodbetvsea Brunie, where tal
made ?me i.roAa aM vhsre a i1i but vigorous proletariat existed,
and the eoMenial and anial areas vhich vere elitists of impori.
alism and %dare a modern !Mistrial proletariat hardly existed, if at
all. Although he flirted with the theory tbekt * e*Pitellot Ph*** of
evolution light not be necessary in the bombard area's, Lenin disearded
this in the facie of the strategle needs of the Soviet Delon and re-
ennhaelsed that the natural leeder of a revolutios vas the leteriat
Aloft vhould oboe itself at the forefront of the masses"
"irthereore, the teedeist eoneept of the "Parte insisted
on an oroanic relation tetveen the Comeonist Party and the proletariat'
According to Lenin, oclitical partite* eould be pothing nor, than politleal
superstructures ooneentrating the political power of Ott** *****mi*
classes. Th Russia, the Bolsheeiks claimed the proletariat moneopoly
and Levin alvale believed that the Communist Party was nothing more
or less than the political organ of the ledustrial proletariat. it
van only hemline of its organic relation to the proletariat that the
Nommonist Party could sot as the oracle of history. Thus, within the
MarmWeamminist tradition, there arose the dogma that some actual
relaticeehip between the proletariat and the Communist Party vas esseotiel
to a Party's eontinned existenee. !et Lenin had at least wide the
important point that the peasentry could serve as a revolutionsr7
supnorting force.
The etrategy of i s refined under
Stalinq he shifted emphasis on the basis
of a worild-witie revolutienarY a into the bulwark
of Commuoism for the whole v1 d. ted easy ef
Lenin's theories in the light or pr.vut1in preties1 polities, there
vas no apparent realisation of the peassatry nherent remolutioary
foree end no abendonnent of the doctrine of the "van:mord of the
proletariat". It reeetned for MR0 Tse-tung in China to theiteastrate
the great significenee of the peasantry to a national revolutionary
movement in beakvard areas of the world. In se doing, he actually
pot in doubt the Commumist Party's claim to reorrmentation of the
ladnstrial letarist.
while Lenin wn ccnc1eUn that the omen eould ee
as a revolutionary sumporting fore., oertain loaders within the yeung
Chinese communist Party (CCP) oar* realising that the peasantry "cometi-
tete' the overvhelmieg majority of the Mimeo people and top of aorta,
a great fore* in the nationel revolution. If the Chinese revalutioe
does rot enlist the peasants, it viii be most difficult far it to
seemed as a great nation:el refiamtion". By 1927, Mao Tos.tung appeerea
to be the ehief exponent of this attitude. Improvised vith the unimpeded
revolutionary dyeemism displayed by the Chinese peasantry in opposing
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Japanese Improlallen 2
proletariat mad liber mimes cod devoted
Rio imprison* esmeimied bin that the peesentri it.
mein fermi st the Chinese reviletismi that the peasantry mild fermisb
all the motive power umposenrY, at loss, for ths 00sPistlos tho
*demooratie revolution,. ite appreciated the Leminiet formula et
professional revolutionary elite basing itself se the motive power
et the masses, but there wee an oohs et the Leninist insists..s en
the neesseity et en ledustrial proletariat base. Mao was ready te
tern his talk on the proletariat and tile fell advantage of the elemental
fogies vhieb he fiend la the villages.
lieut.. in Chime hestemed the general aseeptnace Mee's
political strategy. Initially, then vas *reedy sequieseemse by
ether Perty leaders and le ihendomment at emphasis en the Party's
talks emeag the *ben prileteriat. Pet the CrP vas soon somfrouted
IT as mews development et proletarina and memo& struggle,. ?he
Chimes *hen proletariat, sibleeted to Communist propmeanda Shout
its trensseadeattal mission vtleh eves never realised, turned SW
from the Party erd lost interest is the reve1et1ewer7sPasrfsj it
benne immereed again in its own private tribulations. The peasantry,
en the ether hand, roe still ready ran eatian *Plod landlords nill-
toilets, et*. Whether this settee ves led by the CCP or some ether
group. ?be a:peal to the peasant had teen on the basis of elemoutel
demands and he retained a desperate reedissos to rise against his
viserehle eceditione. Perthermere, other eseditions were sere fever-
oble far Communist estivity in the esentryside then is the vibes scoters
Doogite the seetralinallem et power achieved by the lesmiateng, the
vast 141441110 et the histarleadvere still eantrelled largely by semi
independent var1er*. sad the government did net have ea firm control
an in the 011,1644 P040100 Mies theory Sheet the peasantry fitted
sestly into prevailing ceoditiene, his strategy and leadership vial*
the Chinese Communist iiineasetves est bir 193243.
?he CCP teases se elite corps of po1ittes117 srtThiats
leaders organised agog Masidat lines het drama, in its top levels,
fres various strata et Chinese society. %ler Mae, this elite group
realised that the peasontry goad itself provide the ems basis end the
motive power for a ceveletionnr, trusformatten. ?he espiretiome *ad
lurtestiame et the Party leaders vers est aseesserily debondsad by
their peeseet hectground or by the isterests of the peasantry. Tiloy
simply ruse to power by basing themselves em the dymmele fires of
peasant dissemisat. Purtm! this rise to power, the almost total
severames et the CPP free a supposed vete, proletarian tees did not
Impair the belief ot the Chinese Communist leader, that they wars
soloardniMermist-liercinists. ?boy sentineled to helloes la a redemptive
histirie process end held that the Commumist Pert/moo Itself the sole
agent of 'details redemptiem. ?he Leninist *mitring it imperialism,
leoludieg the theory that imperialism Is a phenomenon peseta: to a
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certain stage of se, played a vital role in r!hinese Cesmenism.
The Leninist concept of elitism vas expreseed in the form of a highly
dieelplined highly-organised pit Y issacrstip, psrcetuated by Use
absorption of *positive elements* disoovered and trained during the
agrarian reform and other mass movements.
The path to power of this elite ninist
formula of using the dynamism engendered by and
discontents of the masses. The ennerienee ort
movement under .so simply demonstrated that amans
Provided by the peasantry and other strata of Bode
industrial rroletariat need play no pert in the rise to power
elite ;mom organised on Leninist lines. As snob, this experience
enhanced the ComNunist potential in underdeveloped areas of the
vorld and stimplatel the spree of nommunist agrarian tactics.
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Prom thsMeese
durim( the rise et Commmuist
aentrol, kale sone maw er the
eemmoniele Way 1* veriar4ias1epe4
tmeg mei listed tlignmoolememis whioh reopm fir sworn
it ihe eommmmiet movemmut im elifue? 'hese somas (a) a edissiplimed
Per* wool vi tk the Mawr If VMS, togas, Levis and
as mar lise Wallah a Pant; esd (40 *vmdied front or ellrevabitiary
"waft 4111 all irovalltlemerTdram, *ad wow, 1. by *ask ? Party.
imdpet theme elosamis se 1022 aa it the appliemtlem et Chimera
'mai end operatismal imobaiques mow the pesammtry is a lessee
Ii the vadersisnding of esammeist agrarian tastier in ealosial and eami.
eelonial woes et Oa marlht Ude'. A diesiplimed elite it protessismal
tomeludismariee organised ea Leminisi.dielinist lines sestinas' Ube
a moosessay imarediont of Commemist esseeoe. The .emited front', a
rewrite Commaniet veyabologioal as well as politioal teehmique, plays
an importemt part isi rallying lianii.inporialist tense ander Commis%
leadership in the iseeeteamleped arms* An 10 so sueoemeral ter the
fer hoe boom duplicated im 'tot Wan amd, to a degree, in a few
Ware aroma, butip by and large, hes mot been greeted in east underde-
veloped esentrioe. Te a sense, howeer? it wk. argued that emanemist
substitutions for this element base teen found ski& aro mere adapted
ourreattpelitisal roallilos, those sabstliotions are is the fern
et the Csamadatsatrark intareatieuel organiestions sad other neve.
meets doeigmed to adhlove end sapper% legal efforts vilb the velpAt
sod oonfort er intermatiemel emit,sanid.
eameiderimg Chimes agrarian tastiest, aortal* gessral sheer.
rations ere poriimemt, lhe eemmmeist creatias ot a militemt peewit
upseasat was ftedliiated lir the pewartr amd oseenaio heeds. sr the
vast masses of thepss.W, by the failure of the Neemintang I-
? nt to aomeson Mat ftdIt37 stilt ihe alleviation er those
oamditiomo endby tho new asprandk to their problems uhish the COP
enured th: psneents. lbe seepams metianal 4401011110 sod politioal
situation in Chime permitted the err to estehlimik areas limier its
eamtvol where it mild demonstrate to the peasants that the eomnomiste
also bed their beat imiereste at heart and mimeo. In Waste the
Communists eould test out "arias essrures &slimed to emlist supporters
for the economist oases, POSSINS support vas see 1dtta11 s program
or laud rarer, designed to satisfy the hulk et the peessatrY Wahl*
the area enderOPsentrolo rm additlem* wee realised that for other
Chinese and for other areas et the wintry, the Coomomist nevemomt
bad a limited Mere es a 'rest natiomal movement teases it de-emphasised
the email Comeamist revelmtimary doctrines and oomometraiod on the
theme or aartt-tapertaltaa.. Almost all Misuse *sold agree on this
issue iwn if al could sot agree an Ism& eseissatioms, roduetions
or rent. et*, ?he Masse eonimmiets mere sueossafal im stirrieg up
aloes hatred threogh their lend rearm wows. and is build's( ep
hatred of foreigners through the anti.inporiallas senpaign. To the
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To a marked degree, the Communist's
daring both the period of their rise to
felloulag the withdrawal at Kuomintang formes from
During the first period, the Commumiste revolved mews peasant support
In order to win the civil war. During the latter, the Communists ewe
intent on retelidng and luereasiag mess peasant support suffieleut
to solidify their political dominance of the entire eountry; to enable
them to lave& land reform as the first step In Commimisn's trams-
formation of China; and to ensoorage a badly seeded Increase in age
oulteral produetion. Tt Shoed be remeibered that the arigimal intent
of the Chimes Communists was to achieve agrarian solleetivinatisa
through several gradual stops rather than through immediate Implemen-
tation by force as to place In the Soviet Pules and to some latent
in Western 'wove
During the early Cmieter16,4iesetieleed INelehrterneeldert
coalition, Mee had been head of the Training Netter for the Peasant
Movemeut end, 49 sigh, hed bees in Ohara* of training politleal cadres'
to go into the villages and put into prestleo *greed coalition polisies
at land redistribution. The Commentate thee memeged to biome assimilated
with the alleviation of peskiest dissomteats at aa *arty date.* poyehe-
logiesiadvantage they aMbeequeatir exploited to the finest. At
the same time, mee end other Commuoist leaders *squired am eariy ex,
perigees in developing politisal soiree for wort:with the peasamtry.
Them political cadres were recruited from amaag Party members amd
received carafe training. later, during the sivil war, soh emirs*,
bashed up b7 orr armed support, insited the poor to riot agelast 3d.
lords and the rich in the oeuetry, and to redistribute their land and
wealth, In areas where CCP armed support was not yet established,
the cadres followed somewhat different tootles. A typical teohnique
vas to emphasise to the peasasts within a given village that their
tames were to high mew the Kuomintang government and to ergo them
to refine to pay amy mores The sedgy' advised the passemts to drive
ewer the taw colledtors and !premised that the Cacmendeta weed eels
end help them if the pollee tried to eaters. the tax law. is the
peasants then drove ewe, the tax eolleeters and were flood vith polies
*sties, Commumist forges arrived and relight the pollee on behalf et the
peasants. The peasants thus found themeelves lined with the
commumists against the law, and the cep howl little diffloulty reeruitimg
followers from emamg them. These tee-helloes, as well as the lemd
reform 'within the CCP arms, hed the offset of Identifying the peeeents
end their interests with CCP aims end eetiams.
But it was through the teahnique of lend retire" that the Con-
muni to perfected the tactics by whit they same to OP$99110 end soatrol
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China's great pesasat
begone a weaponof fer.resehtag politieel
tbe brewing of Commeeist setivities within an
already been made of the politleal cadres develeped fw
peasantry. Chou 1111.Lei hes said..?*Tbo vomit iliettlastimmerarettra? fir
Lod refers is the preparation of smarms.* %Awe* the now goverement's
decision to effect a *laud Were! progren in an area and the astnel
realisation or that program, evoke or even mesas were eenetines
(mired to recruit and train the dears vertsre sod to disease the ;em?
blem. Tho Party energised its eostrol and influemee from the very
beginning of the program. This sae be sham by traelag the progress
of a lend reform program in alhinese village mot previeesly imposed
to reelunist activities or grimiest's!". Tbe engross ef this program
will also point ep may of the tsetse and toolostques tees else*
been adapted to nosiest or agrarise movenegis by Connuniste In ether
The first manifest' a village
lewd rearm WWII" mos the arrival of the *laud reform eadreec sr
U. "week teem* groups. These groups, eseally eider the leaders-tip
of veteran cadres experioneed ti werttimg sang peessote, erre gessrally
drawn free CCP organs, political workers in the am, eta-diets, govern.
meet staff workers, end tbe CCr's *Niteroi Vert CAlle (40W01104 or
sposialists in all tilde of propegmoolawurt). rrequestly, the wort
teems owe to a village skortly before or Ober harvest time so that
the gears* weld help the peasants terveet and goad leers In deteil
about eonditioss in the 41striot. The seam attempted to adept tte
peasants' mode of life, to live among thou, and to offer 'orioles
ologgiasa.all the while gatherisr data en the village. The inveetigeties
wort by the cadres relied heavily on personal isterviees amd grow!'
'limestone. Sinu1taneons4, the village yes bombarded with istensive
propegenft (including personal *explanations*, eolerfel pesters, piers,
ballads, eta.). Propageoda was married out not omIT in imbirwisom end
grow discussions, but *leo threegh "wafer* evolving?, suet as sight
glasses om variants upsets of improving ferning oonditions, pest mitre,
otivities, individual talks ogees teu
vest csdrss eystematicelly rallied around the *positive
e pees/Lute end farm liberers. the bogie wort
of the padres was to 3.ct those **tette, elongate* amemg the peesests
to serve as the eore f the organisation or a peasants' aseeeiaties
*mg the new *people's vitiate the villa.* the peamantel
aeacelatices were to serve as the ?enter of the sew political paver
and were to adelaister the lend ream sooting* the "elements* were
eeleeted in * village because they were already esti,* in ,village affairs
belt this appeared to be a deviation from the offigialrelley et using
only elements free poor peasants and agricultural ]4e as the eere
of the TIVW village leadership. it amy rate, the first step of the
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"lend reform promo* u completed mins the ;witty* elements* mere
rallied together aa d miriamted, the peasants *seekesda* by peeve.
P.M. and agitation, end informatten colleted om the dietriet.
The next step centered on the breeding dem of the traditional
power-strusture in the village and the pover.imase In the minds of the
peasants. More eposifieally? this mut step mem to *set the messes im
motion* so se to develop a situation of *class strergle. During Wm
step, the key features mere mess meetings te scone end pumigih the
"lceal despots' and mess meetings to differentiate glass Oates. The
general strategy was to mite the poor peasants, egrtemlftral laborers
and m144146 peesents and to iontraltse the *tend of the rink pemeasto
so as to isolate the landlords as a grown target for tmmedtate attoOk.
Thip irleal means to arouse elees enety ageinot the lendlerde and to
generator a fighting spirit among the poor peasants and egrionitarel
laborers ineluded getting them to Ugh of their plight end bed treat-
ment received from landlords end vidh resole, to mistreat their llrimg
mealtime mith the rieh landowners, evid to see *rho supported whom*
After one ladirtftel was oomvineed of the name and the elftht of the
(Tr to support the came, he mas encouraged to :onteet other peasants
and ?amylase them. tihm a large slough member had semi the light, a
fighting group mms considered to hove been established mmd the most
active elements among them *sleeted to %nem the core for the struggle
Vith referees* to the actual land reform programs the stage vas *les
sett under the leaderehip of the mare, *ad imported by the wronged
rarities or th* Tver peasants, for the demand for retold. *treat do.
posits *ad the eseessive portions of route. The reametiom of remt
and the retina of rent ena remt deposits mere the initial materiel
entioseente to the mesamte for the ferther development ef the clams
the mares mrs
c5enn1nely unpoprlar mimeo o
officials notoriousfor t
*data" on their atrocities. Mass prom
boards, etc.) propagated the aceusation
sad the peasants mere invited to air their
of peasant agitatim, the Ohairman of the
iodic* inuld be done. The peasantg mere then
tinyvere romerfUl in a eolleetive form, and nowerftl enough toprevent
their "feudal oppressors from regaining their former authority" Tine,
eltheugh the alarm against tbe amused might well be tree. the hey
remotion of these "esethmanatien" meetings mos perehelegleal. The
posaftnt man being strengthened in his ccefichnos in the new power end
mes being prepared for further aggressive motion eseinet these elemses
idootirtod by the Nmimmitits as ~US,
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meting* also Serval te indentrineta v*Wee t refa.
hatred at the "sonar? sad moriOhteg thetr telhadt*** to
messes. mi.. also true ef these meeting, helot for
differentiating the class status et the villas* Oats--
whew properties weld be sonfiseated, eieb er middle
property would be preieeted, er peer pelmets who would
other property. !tins teperteet te have polio
the glees status of the individuals is the village
held to determine thia. selibratiems very often
bold vMh i. ntilts.d es another oppertemity for propaganda end
in4oetr1nstto. ommenist tootles relied bentiti won "dro04141 *
demereatiao Ilse beton, friends and fes" in order to meet* a feeliag
of solidarity*
The next step in the lard reform programv th. taition of
the new village power *trusters. the Peasestet OOP
has defteed this as "a mass organisation fOrmed
or the peasants" and It woo knows offistilly as ve
areas for the reform of the agrarian system in the rural areas".
The key relate for the cadre' is the ergesising eta leesanist Ammo&
atlas in a village vowel great esre bed tote tikes in selecting the
first group of 'positive elements" vho formed the teekbees of the
Asseelatinto the middle peasants bed to be woo ever so that the peer
peasants wee14 not be isolated; .ad prestieml pworibed to be im-
plemented to suit spasifie legal seeds. The sett at up of en Asseel-
attee often Included a variety of propane& see as drums
and gongs, portrait., slogans, speedup and eves plan.
It hes been mentleeed previonly
mantra and inflames from the vor7
The vent terse or lend reform soiree dientihed to
vire, as a rule, tarty soiree. Their onloori***** bard
gave then additional prestige. After the "lamd refeeer vpa
the Porte. eentrel vas further streegthened by the systematie
or the moot active, capable and reveler elements snow the peamests
into the Party and the Tenth leap,, indoetrinatioa and treillage,
by eontrolling the is ergenisatines, by serving the villagers an
a saurus of help and esmfert, tqr poreemel exemplary diode, mod by
lategrating the hest elements seems the poseente into the Party, the
cee sagaired a rim *ad WW1*, seatava at the grass rete level
for agrurisn and ether programs.
Although the 'ore of leaderibip among
order mem to a village were the snares sent to frail
crP realised that When these were vithdrewn ayes neeesserr
bo repleood by local looderabia. Tor this ream, ofterto war* aloft
to 'boort some peasant Isadore within a village into the Party. The
meet likely elements were those peer peasants 'who bed setually engaged
In the land reform struggle" for these vire the elements vbevere
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mast llaastiafted with the past
new or as a aO1UtLCN. Tor these
indsoirluartisa omegas where they were ta
of Party asibers and how to Wain them. Shield
a aandidate acoeptable to the Party, be weld this he reqvired
and phew good restate in varioes palatial and predestine sampolgas
Tr seseessful, he would then be elevated te eadre level and participate
in the leadership or local organisations. Py this general premiss,
native leadership wee festered end integrated into the Party oyster
to create the core of a stele political ardor. 'rho Peaseats" Asseei-
*tier vas naturally one of the most important, if net the nese important
of the loofa orcenisations where the Mr maistalund a firm aware'
There were other organisatioms which the CCP utilised to farther
land reform program as veal as to emhieve political and poyabelsgloal
control of the peasants. In adlition to the Peasants' iseosistion,
the peasants were dhanneled into a nuaber or group activities, notably
the mutual-eid teams, rural 000peratives, the wonem's leaps, the
Youth ?corps, the people's militia, as well as various cultural amd
edneational organisations snob es reading classes and drama groups.
Tbe 'stool-aid team, abich involved the pooling together on voluntary
bests of man-powar, animals, implemeats and other rural resources, was
used by the Communists not only for its eosnomio advantages bpi also
as an Instrument to so-custom the iedividualistio peasants to 'imperative
farming. Tn organising sea team., the Commemiste demonstrated the
advantages of such teems to the standard of living of the peasant,
and in the early deys of r"P power peasants could join or withdraw
freely. The "land reform program" she paid great ettention to the
peaeant woman who was neurally over4worbed sod ander.privileged. The
cadres undertoek special efforts to twit the peasant women that their
Whoring* were not the result of fate, but of enploitatiom by landlords
and of the baokwarivess of the social system. Voles shored in the lame
redistehution, la the opvortumities for solf-acoornment in the village,
and in other rfr-dirosted political dangles. limit aoight was eeeigied
by the r,70mmuniste to the youth is the rural areas %memo it was molly
the Yeaar peasants who served as village cadre., initiated the farming
of the Peasants' issosiaties and other mess activities, mod supported
sealeuely the 'metal referee. The rural eeeperatives were generilly
developed after the peasants were mehilised durinp the land reform,
but sometimes wove started at the very begimming of the program. In
the early daya of 7,C7V' power, those sooperatives sopplied the peesaste
with meessitiee at levee rates, granted loons at lover istersot, ete.
and served as an erectile, weapon im the mese perinatales program et
the Commumists 4uring the agrarian reform".
/Tom the foregoing pleturs, it is evident that
monists regarded "psychological mehilisetion' as of equal impertemes
with the redistributior of land." Their methods of peyehologioal
nobilisetion fell into the two categorise of permission and seerviom.
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Seeurlir end prestige
e bottom's%
all media,
arose of the land
two mall
dere of CCP
nem olieweeod
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ere instruments
deems, the Slate
initial stages
of *fifties
sod the soiree were landlord
slam is set possible wt an isereess4
domed for *the penieheemt and ether seater-
reraletimary elmende and Amite were *mod en these fermi
*doll* or oltotsfo omPloosee in the land refers. Them served
U a warning to ether villagers. The Chimes eemwonlete dos utilised
metal preemie as well as Ordeal pemishemet. This 'medal pressure
wee iutemified 'try prepaensda and iadestrinatien end varied in direst
properties te the senselidatien and Wesel* ef the Camenist
asd ludeelrimatios wok la the mil area Whoa
easeful, the CCP meld meet en this werk te 1111,00
busbeeds, did:am* te report en their parents,
The Chimes, Comenisis effeetively utilised traditional ferns of
epee to WroVimmetbahwg the lasd refer* proven and in laffsiting the
desired payebelegisal 1it1es *ugh Nona woo molested beanies
ef pelmet feeilority with then. misdeal firm installed ihe eingisi
or %nub to oimPlo tom Oreleimg labor berms amd varies *snidest
programs. There taw the fleeing or stories to 'spread um ideas mem
the neesse," The treditiennl Yew ('plostiall ague) vas wad *stem
bemuse it meld be performed by few or mem sad prenenied es a dame,
song, drana er a esableatian. The Commis's alas semosireged the
villagers to organise Irma WNW mod to Proem OOP vita ow thalami
sheet labor heroes sr the memos eta mortal* land attars propose
Dram tease free seighbiring distriste were used to dremettee s Ituo
et aetivity desired by the Commiste in a gliten village mod tor peih
the legal peacoats inse astien..sweb ..a fieht against the landlords
Besides the beeke, amaraspooes periedisals, aud pamphlets published
far themesee, ems et the mot *mom visual media used wr th.
comae* in rural Mug arm sod* books, nlailibeerds*, aud potters
The semis becks amteined arteries in pietism wit% =planetary *mem
is simple lemmas; they wore used to leech the romards end jars et
lamd reform, ate. The widembbeare vempapers seetained ems telletius
petted in a *hue plass aid tors net mly a seem of lufbreatien
regarding goverment program and village 'activities, hut worm! tee
as an setlet far peals apinian gime the peaseate wen meseraged to
write cements, arilleien, ets, Pesters, traditionally popular with
the peasants, were-used to, the Commis% in old design hot with
um themes. Tor implanter, the God Forth was emetims repremated
a plater, of Mae is the um porters. Lantern slides were else ahem
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developed *arise
the mailer veriod or CP pst sti etre1. LmtSr tastiest vhich
seed develop rider en mewed Ceouvelet regime, vere net es Wootens
to onviltioes Inestenial mod sent.eoleniel areas of tbe free world.
Toby. in China, eelleetIvisetlea le severest*, beteg epeeied up and,
with es lueroseed sessantratien ea industrial develepueet China,
tbe IX!! Is new peoldeg the ionised* beivese worker sad peasest.*
Nevertheless, it le aloe apparent that the maw Caueemiste have
remained appreciative of the lessees ef their esrller period. A
oareftl psyebologleal mabilleation conduces tells ee homiest fester
Sr all CCP programs, agrarian or otherwise, mud the peasant is evidently'
still resegeleed as the mimes poser* Al* prii1s4 the professional
revelutimmerlee Into polttiel power.
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tem se eel, vy
orthodox Lesinist
and emeentented its oftiwis os the
allies. Bret with the ememmalies of
lemons of an agrarian base, Communist in
gas elemifisent *siige.
purls( the period of VW-MN ememeetes
start along the path et vielent sovelatiaa.
Cemesiste did is flat 'male a vilitant peseest for
atisaarynevaasat withered m the vise sad Tedium
emeasisis be to seek * mem volley. The strategy adarequastly arrimod
et vas me *high sought to avoid the pitfalls of a volley which me.
emtrated either as the indvetrial proletariat or on the Welles
peasant, end ens divested issieed at meat's, a nese* ems( all mg-
mete of the paprlation in a eavatry Aire parties* metre me mot
the order of the day. This mum wee the "Baited Prost", me at
Bee's Ingredients for sueseee. Communist agrarias testi* in Tsai&
eines 1910 must thre be viewed as a pert et the larger emeept et the
United Prost, Am inportent parahologtaal loom It the yrovelvtlenery
period', however, res that the pessents its 'hem that they meld in
feet sumeolfelly sprees lowermost attempts to suppress this if thew
were *en the morde.
the Commist Pert" ed Tvdte (OPI) did net arrive et this
new poli wiliest a dmisive peek fres Soviet Commeniste. Cenftelon
and ftleilm bed been vaapant within the Pert, over tho retell e
proloteristised peasant, sad the meet stage of the Tudian revolution.
Then In January 1990? the Comintern Perna adAreseed an editeeiel
to Indian ftemmiste vhieh seemed to call the ism. This editerisl
noted that,???The path tikes by the-Chimp. the path that
met be tiken by the people of the various ealmial and seni-oolontal
mustries Is their fight fern' 'attend tudependenes and People's
Dauecrace. This rue deeided slap at the aaii-Vae flatten rithia
the MT. laferrimg specifically to Tvdtv, the sateelvl
'The mew nomenemt of the peoples la 11401140, the memenest that umfilded
after the rur and developed into en armed strugrle, famed the Britieb
Imperialists to mho a teetleal, British Imperialism
remiss, end strips Tails ti its based, torivolo4 Ti
them medillons the tadk of Indian Cammiste, drowima en the emeriesee
of natiemal liberation movement In Chive and other munixtee is natmrany
to etrenghten the ellleme of the muftis?lms vith all lhe peasantry,
to fight for the Introduation et vrgently needed agrarian
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the besis of the ammo' struggle freedom aid
of their units all stasss. parties,
villing to Weed the sationel imdepacienee ad freedom of I
Ras wes the Cominfore direetive. and CPI leaders bestowed
a new alley and strategy to seet the donned fer a breed uess lisps
agar conditions when armed inserredtiee vest *met on the agenda..
There were. of aura, prelatical reseals why the CPT eheold
fellow such a polity. Is China the Commaist revolution bed haw
shifted to a rare' hese lerfe'T heeemee the KNT bed driven the Commumiste
oat of the atlas; in radio the oities ars epee to Camaist agitotion.
In Chine the possibilities of a perlieeselaY aPPeattlem ewe meemaimtmet1
in India the CPT tad eases to the bullet aid to the legieletures. Xa
China a Communist liberation ermy meld profit from the luterfaremee
of JaPam end the geographical prontair of the Soviet talons these
eceditises did not exist in Wis. although it Should be noted that
the CPI tied stepped op aetivities in areas ealiguess to Canoeist.
astrolled border areas. ,he CPI it'llf put teeth sem way gad
reams oby all of 11600e taties were set aPliable to /Min. Is
its Policy Statement ar 1951, Co CP/ dalsred...eRe ONNOOt fen tiO
take note or the fact Cotillion the ChiessiPurtr? begun to lead the
peasantry in the liberation simile, it bed alreedy so ore, whim it
inherited from the split in the Revolutia of 1929...14 menet fill
to mote the fact that China bed no taified end geed ammeelesilas
which prevailed the enemy from arrying cot sementrated end swift
attache on the liberation fame. ladle is differeet in this aspest
from China, in that it has a amparatively mere milled, velleargeniend
and far.fleng system of ammonications...Indin hes * fir How lierktall
*lass then China bed dories her laza to freedem...hrthers Caeon
foil to nets the fast that the chines. Rod Army as firrawied and
threateued with annihilation agein end *win until it reached Minslartn.,
At the seme time. the CPT akmaiedged that the eraeleticmeme role
of the Tossfantt7 bad hose enhamed as a remelt et the Chinese revelation
and =labs, given inoreaeed attention by the CPI. The Polley Statement
bed this to sty...iv/his does not seem that thmreis methlai in amen
between no and Chlue...00 the eatrarTil 'the Mac Imdia is Of /mot
elpsnees, Like Chia. India has a vest peewee* population. Our rovolutios4
therefore. will beve nay features in seam with the Chimes %omelettes...
Vs ore essentially a =labial ceentry, elth a 'met emierit, of emr
people living on agrieulture. Mat at our workers aloe WO direet",
senessied with the peasantry and isterested in the problem of land...
That *ekes the struggle or the peasetry or prime impartmese.'
'Phe CPT then pledged itself to the reited Trout strategy,
prefeasieg Aberrant, or sor 'ratio's Ala menet *traria, the
task of indlding the alliance ef the working Cleas and the pasentry
as the basis of the United Stemma Treat, igarieg the Ugh of build.
tag the rnited national Prat, ignoring the tab of potties the welds;
aim at the heed of this Prat in the liberation struggle.... It
announced that..."the weed,* claws, relyieg on agrialtural workers
and poor peasants, in firm alliana with the peasantry, tospetbor with
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Us obeli* ij3a, leads the battles is
WAR. wwhile greatly elevating the
role, mistimed to plan, the proletariat at
the Prost. NA remeabwriag that even Mao, after the CMnse reveletion
had succeeded, worked herd to preeerve the WU Pribitort4mAssed
revolutiom, it is diffieelt to kem mbether /Alen Commemist statements
on the proletarian hem or the Piety are merely a nesmindess tribute
to iogea. At any rate, the CPT Mberked for the first time em a course
whit* Included efforts to toild a strong peasant ameneut.
Tho PPUed, P*144140 Mess iltrOtslEr
In general term, the Columnist Visited Trent strategy, it
which the peasant movement is a part, defines the principal ONOW100
to tO fought as the feudaliste and the isPerialimite and afteettee the
mososity of unitiug all *lasses into a breadhased Vatted Preset againet
tho common enemies. In India, the two prissipal commies are speolfleally
identified as British and American imperialism, A fight agaihst Win&
imaarialtaa is synomymous with a fight against samba impression;
for although India is no longer a falser, the Communist. malatain that
foadelism mists there as a Seat or the of Maim and Writica
monopolist.. And the fight against Am:riots imperialism is treated as
sylmmymons with a fight few "Poem% Under a United Prost mem, the
heels strategy for overthrowing a regime is the fanatic* at a united
front of all groups opposed to the regime. Thromghtthe fermatSom or
400Dit?ia ?tont the way will to paved ter the formation or a goverment
if People's !omorraTf, amd the meessery and emential step to this
ultimate creation is the establiehmeat of a "Government if Demomatie
Unity". All this will to sosomplished thromgh mese Mbilisation and
mass struggle. Put it is vitally imertamt to the Communists that
the United !rent does net become an end in thwar or that the Party
is ansUmed nr in it, The Communist Party suet remais intact mad
pure., lessee the CP/ lammed from the dilution whisk overtook the
ityderahs4 Party within a ftited Prost
To aoomplish its ends, the CPT recognised that its teaks
be: (a) to build the Party; (b) to build the we organisations;
and (e) to build the ';:lemeratio Prost. According to the CPI, the
United Demosratio 'Trout eould only to a trout of political parties,
groups and individuals arriving at agreements fres plass ti plass and
tine to tine, even widening the mope of these agreements, The Pertre
emeeption of the Netted 'Prost is that it is basically a front of
*lasses. It stated.. ."Although them *lasses may have mutually eon?
flietim interests, nonetheless the fact remains that imperialime and
feudalism constitute the eovmon enemies of all.. Our oonmpt at United
Front Brims from this common interest between *woo various classes."
More sposifleally. the CPI has noted... *Deem the mistime emditions
therefore it is only the coming together if the various grumps, parties
and in4ividuals on whatever issues and in mhatever plain they sea and
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the raw !Pratt. As a melt of
straggle of the masses common
eat whieh helps in the presses
'program. The agreement en sueb
wider as a remelt of the straggling
Indio thus onestitete attempt
to weld the peasant gotten which con be an effective
"transmission halt? lotuses the P this large segment of ibe
people and, at the same time, obaneel the palatial and economic demands
of thew peasant lessees asalnat anti.Consmist fore*, and toward the
creation of a rnited Pront to whigh the CP/ would Oar the predominant
part. As snob, conmenist agrariam tootles become similar to thew
which the CPT follows with reepeet to trade unionists, women, et:Oasts,
intellectuals, eta. In sow recreate, the peasants as a group sonetitute
one of the greatest ehallenges to CPT organisational Wants became
of the *cosmic differenees existing in various peographie areas of
the country and booms of tbe complexities itherent in the %am, religions,
east*a sad languages or Yndt*. On the other hand, (PT aotivities amoeg
the peasants represent am important Party underteking homage the
peasants represent approximately two.thirds of the population end
beams the Cammunists' road to pager in India mey well be the agrarian
rood. This.. is an intensity of diatenateet about agrerion matters la
India, and in arew where agrarian tension has most sante, the Communist
organisation and agitation has been at its heat. Initiative In the
natter of land reform?at least le Seme sections of the eountry.gaseed
into Communiat heeds rather than the Government's. Sections of nu,
peasant population are acquiring positive faith in the agrarian program
armload by the Commentate for the immediate Mare. ',tat the CPT
ham rot been even more euctoetteful to date among the peasants seems tot
revolt in IS instances from the Party's own inertia or preoccupation
with other mass movements.
The prOhlema of wee
in India, particularly one that sough
were recognised by the CPI. It ecknouledged
steed that because of the vast anyone. of our
uneven development of the overlaps crisis and of the
and peamantnmmeaset, anti the uneven state of organisation and eant-
solownese of the pennant masses esti the influences of the Party, the
petulant movemontwill not develop at the same tempo everywhere amd
different forms of orgenisation and struele will have Ulm adopted
&needing on the maturity of the crisis, the degree of unifleation
of the peasant menses and their mood, the strength end the inflames
of the Party and other fasters..." vithin the various provinces of
Indio and 'Me in vartoun dietriets of the same preview, Communist
agrarian tootles have Indeed developed at different tempos end in
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fcren, bet tho overall C
es is the All !nets Kilns Saha
Usual nese orgesissilem through ebieb
ted noun Sabha, encompassing all the lower
organisations in preoimees and district's. throughout the eenstr,
CPI hopes to do this throvgh systematic organisational vat paw the
peasantry and asrialtural workers. As a CPI desimest pointed sot in
195,...."rt is the jab of the Party to ass that the appeal of All
India Kisan Sabha, to all other dhaeplene of tisane and Kiss* organisations
which are today outside the Klass Sabha to oome into the fold of the
ill Tsai* risen Sabha, is implemested. This sea be 4000, as the All
India Maas Sabha points out, by first foram velltY in elides (to
wage joist etc-mules aseinst evictions, mew taupe, rent redustiamos
etc.) and to term joist sommitteas or struggle. Irises Sabha's appeal
to all its lower omits to make a wearied drive to fern Joist Com.
eittess of all the *listing Klein orgamisatioes to fight Kielce struggles
on speolfie issues has to be carried out. It is them soli that the
whole mass of rises. can be rallied behind a united orgasisatien."
C. Seep General 1dtien
The strategy followed by the All India Ki $abha (AM)
is to bring the peasants, despite affiliation to verioue pelitieel
particle, into unity of SOUS% or spositie Louse. S4MO issues
vary in different parts of the sentry, for the CPT seeks to
iec000 built Erma local dada. Should the postulants themeless
fail to voles so, demands, it bosoms the task of the AlIS to dm. the
Kisan masses into dissaesions Where their immediate demands Ons be
"formulated" and reeognised end thereby booms sUbjeet to *citation
The ATKS vows as the champion to raise the social, esomonie and sultana
level of the peasasts and aaricullural laborers and, la oddities to
its land reform program, tries to bosons an inevitable part of the possant's
life from which he clan get coeetast advice and help. It opposers
literacy classes, sports and cultural activities, relief and self-help
movemeuts. In general, however, the AIIS seeks to unite the peasants
against "landlord-imperialist explaitetion"? to popularise the vietories
which the Kisan movensat is *obtains, and also to stress to the peasants
the *eh/asuman of the USSR, China and other People's Demaerseies
so that this will create mrs comfideeee in their sem strength to &Alive
similar objectives." (This Islet point 1. 5150 utilised to comeolidste
the feelings of interneticoal solidarity Aid* would hell, to WINS
them against all the plots of Amer/Amu and British imperialistemw)
The AIIS sponsors general flees demands which are readily understendable
to the pelisse sasses (ea., *Unties of landlordism, redatiloo of
rents, availability of lawn?* credit, adequate wages wad living
eanditiotto) and, at the some time it pushes immediate fighting demands
whit& sustain the movement, emint:in the "level of esessisumness and
the preparedness and organisation of the assess of a partioular locality,'
and serve as "stepping stones for the realisation of ear cameral agrarian
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different wi
teral laborerig, middle
bath eountries the target
'unlike the CCP, the CPI dose not
CPT tactics ere direoted so thoroughly
peasant pavement that the Party desires
become sapportere and pernolpenis in the movement.
set forth in 1953.,.*the prolamin of unityf the peasantry Is
e passible* of uniting the agrioulturel laborer end the "eases
the rid/ peesents, egainet Imperialist, feudal and Indio, monopoly
exploitation. And some leaded peasants are being attraeted to the
Party. A notable issue Wel the CPI hes utilised in this regard Is
the opposition by the lauded peanuts to the requirement forging them
to sell their grain direvtly to the Covernment, and theraby to revolve
less than they would by eelliso an the open market. The Cl'! hes sup-
parted the rids peasanta in this stand end hes loudly condemned eveh
plvedering tactics" by the !lowermost,
There are several reasons why neithir the 3*rty sr the
4113 went to Champion demands vtleh woeld siverear affect the Merest*
of the landed and rich peasants, The Party ramose that this mad
"aggravate the eoefliet within the peasant vessels and weld tenpererilik
vpset pageant unity." Actnellr, the Party Is probib4 else Wilt
to hido the ultimate goals of a true Communiona program because it
desires to capitalise on the desires of poor peasants to adds,* the
material veelth of riot peasants. This particular ailments sometimes
senses eonflicte, and in eeetioss of /*die where there are smell end
medium landowners instead of "peasant vesses", the Cl'! bee faded the
problem of hov to work for rent ?advances and at the sane time 'glutei*
and strengthen peasant unity, Aceording to a Party dsessysts tbs 0010100
propoped in one -crowing, vas as follows' in the big landlord arose the
goal vill be to orlanise the struggle against 'medlar*, and to seem
rent redpetiont inother specifle areas, the strategy v111 be to organise
maximum pressure throurh the anited kisan movement on the big lemd-
owners for reduction of rent but without coming into a *lest vith the
petty mad smell landowners. The big landowners will try to safeelmrd
that?, reeitionbyraliyiem the petty oeleale to their svelsrto Ts sulk
ease., the CPT suggests that a compromise with the pettyoimsri110
perked cut in order to organise united pressure against thebtg land-
1'71 reoognises eul
fren the kant. Agricultural la
hire oat toperform Chores for thcoe responsible for
also inelpied are rural wage serners suet as bleekeniths, carpenters,
ete. **cording le official Party domes/its, the agrioultleval laborers
are to be organised separately ia independent ease organisations apart
from the peasant orgeelsetions becanse..."firstly they have their
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'It is to be remembered that
championing the speeiel demands of seri
the need of their separate oreentmetise aleoleccese evidemi.
Tht Mege,Oreselesttea esejbe Party
The Alle le, et emerge, the 'otiose wheels
voider Cousedet Party aererien booties fel The *treaters o
the .AT1S previa', fere
Primary "MOOR Settee (All sobers mmet to eremesed Lute this
triet Item elates
Proemial tines Siam (Theme direst depotowdigy
Ill tele nese Committee end the Notre Mee Commeil
ooveoll Ls the eneemtive creme of the All ladle Items
committee seethe Seas)
delegates' seeterweee at the AM
Affiliated seism
%hie the Kees movement, seemiderible f1abiIttr a.I sitemag,
fleet with menet te the Promisee Items Sabha** The err tee
**The prebleme regime the promisees ere varied eed emu
oar by theProvissom. Ne esgsteweey direetleme and emidemee
ven from the Center. !very effert shoed be mode te streeethee
neal Mean Settee and Aerieetsral Leber %dem. They 'heed
Tutelages** leading bodies of the ovaries movement in
Me rosettes oftbe Alle should to reilistio end limited..
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It should pool the
give assistanee to
atudyinpleNotasas, end
Sabhaa to oreasise special kisas ci
the large nenber of kis** cadres that are
seems little AcIbt that the Provincial Risen Sebhas
an authority aid control of teethes whieh point up tiii
of the provincial approalh in 'radii'. rurthermoret the
the Provincial risen Sabhas the riding role is diy.tewley agrarian
tactics, has also elleued them to have sonsiderible freedom in adopting
the aseessary oressisatiomal farms gullible for partieUler Indian
provinces. rt some interest is this feet that at the Third CPT Catarrhal
held in neeelher 1953, * greater esetralisation for the overall CPT
wee urged. fforts have been made to make the heeds of the national
lbmations of mass organisatioms speed a much greater portion of their
time in Mew nelhl at Party headquarters. Yet the Visas movement head-
qearters remains in Peagely mere amsessible to peasant areas. It
would seem that deseadrelisatioe seems to he encouraged in this one
sphere of Crt activities.
The entire AIES etruetere remotions as the a
the CPT. One of the tasks of the Party to to nopolorise
Program and policies in order to ihow Its *stand is the service
people*. Party prowl's& supports the slime of the ATMS as sayeassing
the goals of the CPT; ATIS propaganda stream' the fact that the CPT
also Ohamolons the programs, legislaturepetes, whigh the ATM domemds
for the kisan movement. The CPT follows a mystematie sampaign of sending
Party eadres from working, middle and Intelligeatela classes to work
among the peasant masses and develop the kis** movement. At the same
time, the 'Party eeeks the systematic recruitment Into the "PT of kilos
and agriculturel Libor militants and their adveetion as rarty mentors.
The tIpT has noted...*It is aboolutely essential that ve make a determined
effort to pet eapeble peasants end agrlanitural laborers, vbe are actively
*timed in their committee, to be ryn varlets sommittees at ell levels
and tomato them function in them* so that Klein Seam' nor develoP
as reel mass organisations..1'AM it is the aim of the CPT to *strengthen
the ideolegical-politleal aid organisational ties of the Porte vith
the millioes of peasants and agricultural literers.* The ATT3 serves
the Party in this *in and also as a funnel to bring Tadia's peasant
millions Into a broad united front where they mow be joined by etisse
segments it the population similarly herded through the maehinations
of other mass organisations.
Party ?antral of the 4iIS structure reel. best
mentership, but there are also five orgentsatiosal
hierarehy of the Party. Th? nPI appoints a Central
mesiber to be responsible to the CC for Party activities vithin a
This brines Provineial Eisen Sabha., the guiding bodies of the Ream
sevemento under the direct *cretin, of the CC. Similarly, the Provincial
i4. &few
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nee to
nes and
in all oases
will be Illustrativel
the Provincial enseutive
eonstitnte the Previnelal
The embers of the
g themselves a Pregladal
by the Preclude'
omm ttee of se organisation* and
of rases movemeete Should are of a bade nature,
decided by the Provindal .,ommittee in coneultatioe with the
Provinciel !radian Committee eeneerned; other prObleme
thoeld be taekted by the "notion Committee in conetltatiee
with the Provincial Secretariat.
There will be meeting of the Provincial rraetien immediately
Were ari one meeting immediately after every meeting or the
Preclude "As-cativo of the nese organisation involved. The
rractioo Committee must meet at least one, in two mouths. The
secretaries of the Practise Committees must **nit monthly
reports to the Provincial Secretariat; eeples of these reports
should be sent to the All India Tractive concerned
Tho seeretaries of the ,raction Committees shoed devote
thjrentire time te the week of the "raettems and the nese
organisations to whiCh they belcmg end should set take op ether
mare will to a nistriet tariat in
with Party meahership of 50 and mere, ristriet nese
treatable's-a and fraction eommittees should be set ve and a
procedure should be followed se in the apse of preclude ?radices.
eau be little doubt that the CPT eoutrels its mass ergenisatlems,
ng the AIKS, from the top echelon to the grass-rode level.
Sce, ?mesifie ctIgs
Tactile employed by the Am an
mpalms to .efforts by individual workers
etic, the PT has sueoessfully exploited
piece of legleletlea that has been enacted
popularises any eneh law as a mietery of the
that the lav represents a eoneeesica Which the Par
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ta one
party to take up
farmers and
popular swam*
not mimed tho agricultural organisational fiSh.
the Gevernment of lend Worm lagialation in this distriatmoo
after the Common:tete bed already bosons firmly entreadhed and did nothing
to detrsot from the CPI popular standing. 7be Party eserted the reform
made am ploomeal and tee little, while it claimed OA meat of oven
this benefit Nkomo, of its kisan agitation This was ons rester actually
sontributing to the evemins of tho CPI in erFavising a kisen mhba ix
the district.
The shove eituation points up * *mom
00-7muals grarian tactics in India-.that is, a frequent
organised compet1tice6 Other radian parties have failvid ta Immo
into the agrarian dphera. Whore rival kis= orginisatime la exist,
Umyteve shown in sem instances an ebliity to draw members away from
tbo nammunist organisations. But even in ors area whorl, t%ermunist
popularity is known to have suffered as a result of intimidation and
coercion tactics vhieh vers mod to briug agriarlWxi workers into
Communist kisan seibhas, no important anti-Commist group mod to
taks advantage of the ebbing roomiest popodarity and to build 4,
mon.Commusiet, If not nese;p01ittee1p counter agrarian organisations.
And mar* than ary other political pwrty, the CPT has showna particularly
astute appreciation of tho political potantial of minority groups. Ihe
CPI has *adored perhaps its greatest samosa es tho ohampion of the
cause of linovistie provinces. Linguistic rogismalism has teen an
important policy of the CPI, and linguistie agitatiom has boon suemesi
fully applied to 010 ferfttiOR of ki0411 sibbas as wall. to Roussel,
tha very nature of nammist agrarian proposala?oomplod with silemee
the' wrong minims or ineffootivo competition an the part ef other
poilt1oa1 partlike?otrangthsno th* Commiet position. The CAT is the
only major Tmdlan party, for instance, uhlah adoleates the abolition
of modadari (ioadierdism) without my oompersatiou to the annotating
proprlotorvtom land is taken away. And bemuse non-leadoseng peasants
in India Pay high rents and aro plagued by fragneetod fares, low pro.
+nativity afti Nod-to-get moat, tho CPT proem ublob promises to
correct them conditions has a tremendous appeal in rural areas where
reforn is long overdue. Sipco many of the load refOrn measures 'meted
by the loverment hams fallen far short of oeuvineing the peasant that
his oanditime aro really being improved or that the Goverment is
ilatermited in imwowlag them rather, the Communist program has aatually
been enhaneed instead of constored by the (7evernment reform.
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Another tactic b.isg 1v.d by the err is a tis4n of
trade union end kisem opera s, of course *
fellows the united front etre is mot an &Mame
pushed by other pelitisal parties. todelikr, the CPT emphasis
peasant-id,.trial Libor front has been most netimmible slue* the CPT
Third Congress in late 1953. Tn ens area, the err has recently moved
the Metric,* kisan sibhe aid the nistriet trade mien season, previously
located in different plass*, into one 'Wilding, this location also
happens to be the headquarters of the CPT District Committee. Sines
this memo followed on the footsteps of reports of timeliest:kg agrarian
=rent in this area become of a wave of tenamt retailer, it is indiestiss
of the alertness of the CPT to resegmise and empleit situations favorible
to its growth. The Party (meets that the coordisatieft of trade gni=
mud kiwis activities within Astriele will reset in a dleese ellen*
of 'peasant and proletariat, with an increased ewareseas b sleek of the
Problems of the other and a greater readiness on the part of one to
support the demands of the other, All this weed enhanse the everell
ability of the CPT to organise mese agitation and struggle and would
contribute greatly to the meatiest of a Pelted treat,
Ts many respites, CPT agrarian tootles reeall thole iselaAvred
by the Chinese Communists. The CPT selects; and trains eadres togs
out into the villages end week with the peasants. timorovewr possible,
of couree, villagers themselves revises the Party cadres sent in from
the outside. ithin one provinsial district, it has been reported that
IS vofv1 time!' CPT workers were assigned to make up a %OM rearm:Me
for building a village.Ievel propaganda organisation aimed at pepulsrising
Communism. The channels for this propaganda program are reported to
be &mien village headmen. The 'Indian village soundly or penehayat,
is a group of 5 elders who are responsible for pluming lodgment on
prectieelly all civil oases arising from village affairs. This is a
traditional village method for settling disputes. A CPT penetration
of the panthents tends to permit the Commulot Party to inflames
panehayat deesioes to the advantage of Party prsoagastia. There is
ecomeidereble *olden.* of CPT efforts to penetrate peach's:Ws, and, in
a few earn, risT followers are knows to have become eembers.
Ta areas where the eituatiem lends itself to a kisan campaign,
a etaniard pattern of aetivity is followed, (Ummeellyi suet areas
have considerable agriculture lands, a large peasant populatioeverbiag
the land, and big landlords, CPT cadres and legal Aro nets, if amy,
Viii agitate for public meetings and nags deeenstratiene in sonmeetion
with some lone trouble. Petitions will be (Armlet*, sod the sign/stereo
will be obtained of those victims of the proposed evictions, or whatever
the local trouble coy be. wtore public mestizos aid destomstratiene will
follow. 1Pinally, a Loeb by the peasants to the Notelet es Provincial
capital might be organised, especially if this sem be joized in by
some other left-wingpolitical gromerwhich has collaborated with the
PT in the ?creation of a related front" within the area. Sioilerly,
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before provincial Ideas eonferenee, CPT waters are always mitts*
in neighboring villages creating enthusiasm for the fertheeming coefareses
and vhipring op peasant tepee that the ooeferenoe viii help solve their
prObleme. In collecting money in the rural areas, the Part, may approaeh
people directly and explain to them the policy of the Party and the
necessity of contributing to the Party fund. The CPI enplains how it
Is earring and fi4httng for the interest, of the various classes of
people. The Party *imply seises upon the meet pressing demands of the
masses snd poses as the dhampion of these particular demands.
A Party document has discussed some of the teatime to be
followed in creating a separate organisation of agricetural workers
within the kisan movement in one previnoe. According to this 4ecememt
the lstrict Nps-littees will meet and decide where separate organi-
sation of agrieniteral workers has to be get epi this weld be the
ease *ere they are in large nuMbers? wherever they have developed
as one class, and wherever their class oonecioneness has developed.
In places where a separate organisatien has to be set up, a pUblis
mooting should be called and in that meeting temporary committee of
7 should be oleeted. Nely those in whom the agricultural snorters have
faith should be elected to the oonmittee. risen Sehha workers onn
also 60 elected to these oommittees provided agricultural venters
have confidence in them and sleet them. The document points out that
within the Party there are comrades 'who have gained the sonfidemes
of both Means and agrionitural worker, by their saerifioes, hard work
etc." Vhile these comrades can work in both kisan and agricultural
laborer organisation, the Party vents most of them to work in the
egricoltural workers' organisation. As a eovemest bogies to be built
up for the agricultural workers, the queetion of a constitution for en
agricultural workers organisatioe should begone part of the movement.
All the problems which arise to connection with creating an organisation
should be, -_coording to the mil "takes up in pnblie meetings and then
temporary committees should be elected." Tn this way, the CPT ORO
create the kind of organization it desires and one which it will control
As has been indicated, Indian Communist agrarian teetios
very firom arse to area. This may be the result of different economic
scentless, degrees of agrarian tension, or the attitedes of various
Provincial govervesents which, in some instances, have forced the Party
into a virtual nnelerereend existence. Tt may also be the remit of the
degree of literacy of the population, for the CPT, like the CCP, seeks
to utilise propaganda media which are suited to the particular lone
inhabitants. In 00 northern previnees, for instance, the ert has
reportedly been carrying on an Intensive propagaeda pregrae threegheet
the villages extending from the Tibet border as Car south as Almon.,
Vtter Pradeeh. Aocording to reports, communist waste** in the area
are constantly on the wateh for potential Party wickets among the local
inhabitants. Visiting Commusist organisers indeetrinaie marmite in
simple communist dogma and organising tectios for a period of about
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2 or 3 days. They then reportedly rooters 15 or 20 days later to assess
the trainee's progress, dimes preblems onseentered and revise eemomeeme-
fel vethode. Sabsegasstly, the Part, organiser will maks return visits
on the oversee of mos a month. Loma organisers, vbe receive emathly
salaries, will po in turn from village to villaae, visiting is3ividua14
the houses or Oa, poorer families, often supplementing their appals*
by giving money for foodstuff* eel nedietmes. These Ceemcmdst clebers
rely mainly on individual evanseltsm rather them on the me of literate,*
as a mesas to propagate lomemmist ideas, sins. the illiteracy rate in
this section is very high
Among the over-all CPT instrumeate for suseses, the e.t
Pewee Bindle weapon has been the printing "rose. This enmeluslom
is based on the feet that %die is a country Aare speelal reverence
is attached to the printed vire and whore verfeletty is high virtue.
The CPT has been extremely prolific. Observers have pointed out that
if Communism triumphs is India* it will be to a large eldest the result
of the intensive propaeanda eampaign shit& the Party has ranted on.
Pamphlets, magasines and other publications of all sorts are leaned
continuously by the CPT. At the some time, however, the long?tested
Communist techelques of personal agitation have by no news been
lebandoned. The Party is reported to have *liberate 04:motiona1 pro-
grams which include teaohers' training schools and seheols for &avowed
worker cadres. It puts on series of popular lectures, mists in
self.ednoatiom prelims, utilises eagle lantern slides, films and
pesters for the edneatiom of illiterate and semi-literate somrades.
Tn general, it would appear that the Communists in Tndia have developed
programs of agitation and propaganda that are imparter to these as
yet developed by other political parties?end this development is
certainly apparent in the Communists' agrarian tsetse. lu addition,
Tadia's agrarian popelatten, like other segments of the population,
has proved suseeptible to the Communist effort to instill a. sense of
international brotherhood among the Party's adherents which ben proved
to be important to dark-skinned people wbe ones smarted under the
white man's lamination. Put the Nest encouraging factor favoring
Commuelet savories tactics is Nei* eantinves to be the leek et op-
position to Communist organisational week among the peassuts--perticularlY
by the government of India. As lomg as the Goverment remains outside
the sphere of peasant 'Activities, the ('PT will eontinue to exploit
skillfully the nrebleas of the *grilles population and will askieve
111,008110 ?
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V. i4PVi. Couetries
commnnist agrarian tactics generally fellow a umlted front
etre gr (es issoribed in India) or the mere extreme path of portisen
warfare (as described in China). !vest in oftetries vhere the Party is
illegal but where it is not in fevorible position to undertake partisan
warfare, the follows the united front strategy. gcn.
Norther examples of Comrmumist agrarian tactics are disoussed telefir
ip the following cases.
A. rtdo.Chvi. no
In Vietcong as ma, agrarian Unties employed nri to
consolidation of the C,o'i,pzjst relies are nest pertinent to this serasy
Those net agrerian tactics have borne a striking einlierit, to
these rracticed earlier by the Chinese Communists. To the Viet MIth
forme engaged in Partisan vertu", nanil reform" measures vers designed
to achieve the greatest poesible support fro * population mode op
largely of peasants. Indeed, threughant the agrarian rearm program
practiced by the riot Minh leaders, it was evident that the NIMMIMIStil
realised that the euseese of their revolntion depended an the SV4411011
of the agrarian reform program to organise peasant support
The 71st Minh teehrigne?whether in the village or the city
as to find a group of persons who might be rallied; to erate a mess
movement by Wending their interests; and firelly to !nines these
persons to fallow Commnmitst pansies end-to serve an egente. "tend
Were" was the instrument for reaching, rallying and toadies the peasants
In net Haag as in China, Avvarien reform and the mobilisation of the
messes has gone hand-in.hand. A Tien minh doeument hes stated....
to mObilise the masses is to educate the sasses by propaganda so as
to sake the masses conscious of their strensth and to onseereee them
to rise un and fight for their rights." A Party document has *lee
put the program in this vers....a0bjectives of the mass notilisatiom
are not only to give land and rice to peasants but else to imam&
to weaken as mueh as possible the politic,' ed esonomie inflnence
of the reactionaries, to take the first stop toward bringing Polities2
power to the working peasants and testiest a few of their economics needitc
to raise the political standard a step and to wake the oleos conseleuenees
of the peasants to take the first step toward improving the village
organisations And the Peasants' Assoeiation, consolidating the local
administrative authority, consolidating end enlarging the Papules'
'Front in the villages boosting prodeetiem and giving impetus to the
Agrarian testicle, in a country vith a predominantly peasant
have (Away firmed an important phase in the evolution
tie Pepublie of rioting% (tRS) regime alemg lives pre.
communist, and partieulerly chives. Communist, theory for
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seelemial aad seedricelseial" areas*
beam* the first step for *smanhiag
es1 propcoderamme of the landlords. Tt alfto vas the first step
reforming varies* Pert, organisations, the legal power, the eselel
struotere In rural areas, and in stronAr promoting the resisteneo.
Tt ehanneled fOodstuffs !Or use by the Viet RI* formes. To addition
to rent reductions, the Communist,' Initial agrarian reeve program
else milled for ibelition of usurious intommAralms sad the "temporarre
distribetion to landless peasants of certain abeeetee.ommed and meets
lands. Ouly after the mass mobilisation bed profteded le a eotishidiari
manner widths, llet Minh forme Obtained mistral ever cartein some
of the country, could the ransom:tots issue new *arteries reform decrees
*deb provided for confiseatiemo requisitiont or purchase for redistr1.-
%Aloe by the *state* of all privatelyk.held laud, settle, and agrieelteral
implements In excess of aerials ememets The meow in *ii the lead
was to to apprinvrieted..4mdmight oonfleeation or cospoemated exereprille
attea.derended on the Miami &Wired* and performance of the *lamd.
Chinese Communist tripods*,
where "enemies* were reenandeed end
psythologleal bold over the peamalis vas
the *speak bitterness* meeting' fOr demenciet ems
hotrod. Tn earrying out the *land reform program*,
cretins mesibere for the Party, the net Milk leaders rsqdra
knowledge of the various scale Alamo in the villegoe end the deter-
nineties of an Indivtideml's eleastfleatien. As ems Party document pat
I. of the greatest importenee to low whin ere oer tree Meads,
who are our allies, and vbIch *lasses to wee in order to *oblate 'attend
union." The National Committee of the Party etWested various teats
for determining the !wooer classification of on* IndivIdeal,
is general, the Viet Ram procedures followed these aped in China.
The landlords become the taro. of tunediate att.* end later ether
"enevies, suet as resctlemsry traitor,* cooed be Isolated owl dealt
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to win over In newly ressosquered
where the 60 of the villasee durisg
Th. three orgemisa ems which were the at impartamt to the Comemaists
were theme of the peassats. the yam, mem end the yommg wean
en ecoditionas those organisations would 14 elandeetines
overt. They *lied to the oolleetion of "twee" for the IRV aid in
the enrollment of 'wag people te assist is propaganda work emeag the
pessants. %hen a mien wee oesopled by the !reads or rietneseme forme,
these orgenisatiome, while furnishing tisformatien to the vlet Mish
forums also worked to progressively transfers the villages into *patri-
otic villages*, then into "resistance villages's mod finally into
"guerrilla nets.' Not only did Communist mageganda at "land reform"
find a ready *adieus among the peaeastry, but *landlords* heave) Wm
caimans with *imperialists* or *forelan demi:otiose
0110 Of OW AOSt important aspects of the mess mobilisation
the development of new cadres far the Party whieh would
ty leaderships strengthen the leading Par* ?news eed
relatioes between the masses and the Party. This develop.
was esseetial to Viet MI* aotivities whether in TINV songs or In
areas hold by Pres* and vistaless*. Within the larger Connumist effort
to ovate a rated National rronts the Peasants' Aescodetion teases
an 'agoutis' organs utilised to solidify Plwilf deeleettee ef the PeeeemtrYs
aud to bring to the fere new peasant eadres far the Party. The Peasentel
Association became an important instrument for the purging of "the
feedallatic and corrupt element* in the eerie-es regions which have
been taking advantage of the name of the ?rent to fight against the
resistanee and against the poliey of the ?rent.* Peasant soiree were
dereloped in study seselons held in the villa's* under the auspices
G f the Peasants, Association. Ti the session., the peasestss *roves
the study and enunciation of erimes, were Able to nes that *the crime
were indiscriminately committed bry. the lenderners against all the
ethnic minorities", and they would *clearly realise the nenommirs ef
division of which they had beer the victims."
P. Wend*
cemmisist agrarian
to that in Twilit. Ibile there sre e
which might lend themselves to partisan warfare a
there is no prevent indication that the !Wessels ommualist
desires to purees sum. deliberate policy to the near Adore
PIT Secretary-renerel has noted that tho Party Shoed do nothine pre- ?
cipitens unless the peasantry and the siteatigeivere ripe for witless
that to ro too far too gulakly would be edvemdarisn. The Seereterr-
General has further noted that only.after the *peasants had won and
were in control could the PIT lesidAiTtgailftWrewelettem** meewehiles
the TIT actively perticdpetes in the governeeat (and beg sloe penetrated
it), deriving considerable political advantage from the mutual emeperaties"
Approved For Release 1999/08/f17;778-00915R000700120002-9
Approved For Release 1999/0404rifilieeP^F'78-00915R000700120002-9
1th the Neti
t of its
arty whisb sentrals the government as
with the Comemmists
The PI/ utilises what it ealle the National Dotted Trost
and it considers this to be the meeessary ingredient far the
of a People's Democracy in Indonesia. The Party premiss that import.
*lists, feedalists and collaborators attack all efforts to mixt
oolemialise and feudalism in the country, and that the only wow te
bring in a progressive opernmest is to Ohmgs the balsams between
the imperialists, the landlords and the collaborators on the ems side
end the power of the people an the ether. The PEI proposes to do this
arousing the messes, especially the workers and the peasants. Like
the CPT, the PIT is ware that the Party mmet guard apiast amy neahes.
ing of its purity as a result of it. participation in &Trent; PIT
leaders streen the fact that the Party net guide the National Prost
but must also preserve its irdepeedence and net allow iteelf to be
absorbed by other parties or otherwise loos its identity.
According to the PIT, the National Trent MOWS an aliases
ts and induetriel winters. Party documents stress the them!
National Front must be led by the proletariat Amd that "the
at in conjunction with its political party, the Communist
be the architect and leader of the revolution and be
the peasants.? There is this the familiar dogma of the
and the ma bas not neglected its work *song indestrial
the game time, the PKI lays greet emphabis as the need
ed work with the peasantry. The official Party program
that Indonesia is an agrarian ?gantry- and that the Party
xt.nsive3y and thoroughly in the villages. re 195), the
moral pointed out that the bests tasks of the Netimal
in the ranks of the peasgmtry, slime 70% of the
eta, and to cooperate with other parties and groups
emphasised that the National Frost was the result
by the PIT within these parties and other groe
4 be ineffeeteal melees eupperted by the
testicle arechiefly directed at the
CT Invited peamemt momeessip, for all
tated that the formation of this one
in away that eam he uniersteed, sad
of different ideology. The strategy
Aloe hes already resulted in the
t frost of 110110 strength-_16
existing present organisations.
least two ineartemt Mood
croup under PIT control, and it
other peasant organisation,. PSI
at the penstratioa of peasant sr-
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been the
neat on
or peasants' ergamisetioes,
by the Government. In some
designed to build up a strewpess*nt .f
by the looel Cou at.troflM peasant
en foreigni4wased estates and, t the sane
lent to rescind its order revairingall squatter,
This technique has bed some success and is expeoted to spread to ether
arose. While agrarian Tumble= are a resognised ooncern of the Indonesian
loverneent and of other political groups, it is Obvious that it is the
'XI %/bleb is making the vest stresmees effort to eapitalise ea peasant
desends end discontent and to build a strong* easel,' organised Pesseei
movement under its domination,
Althongh the Mats resognition of the inportanee of the
peasantry has come omly in rusentylere, now that it oontrols the mein
Inateesian peasant organisation it Is in a stronger position to influence
this segment of the population. The Party Is currently pointing out to
Its madam that they must not reaSh the OSTIMO4MO conclusion that in
their district there is no Objective or motive around 'M?peasant
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Approved For Release 1999/08/24 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700120002-9
According to Party documents, whenever peasants roast favorably
during a meabersbip drive among them, a Mead must be read, to ato,
In and provide leaderehip In order to make the peasants eves mere smare
of the Nff's policies, The Party *trump the necessity of eonstemtly
propagandising its program and aetivitr, palatine out that to maintain
and increase Its inflames, its sympathisers must always aortics the
?tope the Party ill taking to resist the cruelties at the reastismemlse
and improve the lot of the peasant, nespite the PIT's eardial relations
with the government party, the individeal PSI approalh to peasant natters
eas be seen in the propaganda twist it gave to the government's preassmee-
meats on nationalisation of land. Testead of endorsing this ass good
Commuuistic program, the PSI Seoretary-Caneral has r000mmeaded to ether
Party leaders that no peasant libse a slogan which calls for giving
land to the State. Sinop the bogie prOblem of the Pill Is to brim
about a peasants' revolution, the Secretary Gemmel has noted that
a PIT sloven might better be "land for the peasants," Moo a dodos
such as "land for the man who works It" Is toe vague and might be
Isundersteed In OUP'S where a capitalist ie working the /mad, The
Secretary Mammal concluded theta good slogan for the PSI to use
would be "distribute the land to the peasants and Ist emit major the
modes* of his own land."
leveesin I
in Tram
o harassment and arupprisidaa
Id arganisatica and dissiplise
ran sad its discdplise and 14Pal
ty In government or by amr prosonfarlog opposition.
arty and its affiliated arnasisstions are all illegal,
Approved For Release 1999/08/2 : -RDP78-00915R000700120002-9
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bastion that Is illegal een never..
hest erode/Ai
Lt it light even
to fere,* Despite its
**Wag tip as eftleiest
elsn&istii* g*ntsati in ran anti in ,,ast of the provisnee, in
ne ite propaganda,
snag seeuran 414011-615"'
vectors and peasants
The To:6We bests strategy for everthrewiug the precast
regime appears to be the foresees of a suited !root et all
to that regime. To this end, it is evident that the
s that it suet muster support from sll Possible osesosts
of Iranian society. Sines the coop of 1953, TIldiah has stepped up Its
propaganda appeals to "workers, peasants, end patrietio capitalists"
to form a nnited front with the Tedih. It has taken pains to alley
the fokara of the "patriotic eapttallate by contending that the Tudeh
does not oppose private ovnerdhto of property, but that it is eancersed
with the well-being of all classes of the people, inaluding the
capitalists, as against foreign ITmperialiea. it has anneuesed its
willingness to cooperate with all other "anti.inperialist eeeietise
in overthrowing the present government and in farming * nem reverneent
vhich would Cheek all "interferesme by British and kneriean imperialists
preeerve "all demoeratic freedoms" for politiaal seeleties and the
press, and conduct frfte sleatices. To alley fears that it weed eentrel
such a new government, the TUdeb has even eategerleally stated that
It would "give full support to a united front ifororaloottwithout ammodia,
a position 'within the government.* 'Web Party dominate strew, the
need to fora a Inited ?rant somprieed of all anti.daperialist fere*a
regardless of their political opinion, amid to cake IS..? the isdividtal
groups' inalinatiams in Perty nrepageada. The Party suet therefore
separately detail the antiAmperiallat wishes sad Inelinatiaas ef even'
Class and group and make the Party's testa views enderstandsible to then
wins 1
the peasants. Al
were more favorible, awing
at that timap it was not na
serious ettention wee dliedted at
movement reaChed a peek in 1,4647
Democratic Repthlie, where some landowners
land Ali* ves divided among the peasants.
VIM* propagated by the governaeut la 1946, and the
arcanisatien had te. b? disbanded. Naming activate*
had sone sworn on the outskirts of Tlehros hut with the proscription
Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700120002-9
Approved For Release 1999/08/2 ? - DP78-00915R000700120002-9
ted orgaulantisme is I
sew limited In its esti
&sided to set up
of the Pert, Itself,
et to Oetater 1954.
At this formulated bosom
the IPO constitution.
to feels peasaat sells
Ins the Party
area vas to
the area.
to be
It thus biome increasingly obvious that
covered the leportamoe of the peasestry. A Party *dues
in early 1951 had already pointed this op2.**.w0er Pertrm
the peasant as the most medal is tutorial polities.. .The mere vs eon
attract the posseste, the more quickly' mill the strueture of sestet,
be dumped." In 1953, Party doeuments were still proolaiming*,..*The
poseante are not yet fully sweke. If the nation is to ashievefinal
vi story this important miles must be solved because the peasants
_got play an effective role in the revolution." The fest that the
TPO? like its parent organisation the Tod0h Party, mos illegal did not
discourage the Iranian nameeelets. In the peasant sphere, as is maw
ether spheres, the Tudeh Party policy called for corresponding overt
organisations to be vet pp beads the olandoetine ones. In 1951, the
Party esti,up a legal ewer crousisation behind mbieh the IPO seed
?Perste mere effeetitea,* This wee called the Seel** for Aid to
Peasants. Of the fifteen or go ester eeeisties set up* the Party in
addition to its can clandestine breaches, the three Alai beve IMMO
the most important, both in Tehran and in the privies*, ere; the
League of Partisans of Peace; the National &misty for the Struggle
Anima Imperialism; and the Society for Aid to Peasants. The activities
anti lefleeree of the Society for Aid to Peasants hove steadily inereased,
emphasising the importance and special effort given to peasant work
by the TUdeh Party
rsploitation of nemeamt grimmer' is the tdui.r Commemist
streteey followed In Trost. Ivan mitheet Teal& **Heti.** as inereasing
eweiresess of their oppression has been growing amoog the peesamtry*
Tweak propaganda is therefore severed of e good reeeption. Seidel,
for Aid to Posoents has established a midely-spread network, *ad It
attempts to satisfy the peasants' health, asecelterel and odneational
needs. In addition to its can eadres and propaganda media, the Sestet,
Is Joined in its peasant campaign by Teems other Tpdeb organisational
assets. For Instant*, the Party has made the struggle against illiteracy
an important pert of its propaganda campaign among the peasants, and
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Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700120002-9
the Seetettrfer Strvjgl.. Assiut
%grated with the doeistr for Aid
ef the Sod** in the previseeit
'hi* the Ted* *geld work on the
In mese arose of the
through its front seeistys the
wed then became the food pellet
?wish Party
peasants, and it. astiml
than in the urban areas,
Altheagh the Tudeb mast neeeeeeri
numerous meminpers, leaflets, lustrueti
been ausilatle for distribution *M0if the peasants)
costoins appeals foamed dirsetIr en the peasants. ?Ude& preplan&
appeals are net only aimed at agrieultwal problems of the penaut,
but they ales try to /roues men, the peanutry eamesimenes of
their right to participate mare hilly in untiosel afftire and to deemed
mere consideration from the Comment. ?he Shehte leei distributien
program is attacked while the position of rural populating is Communist
countries is ineribed in gloving terms, Peasants are versed that
the raise *lasses wish to train and tarn then inie *Imperialist armiee
and they *re called upon to *ink for pone and for the ernorreetioe
and the makilleatine of their Immense potential strength for the
on000 of Poem. The Party ham a2wmys stressed the and for trained and
experineed members to go inte the me areas te marry em prepegamds
activity, either by spenhes, ludisidual take sr distribution of preps-
Kande medla.
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Approved For Release 1999/ : DP78-00915R000700120002-9
vtth the T
Should be eacoarage4 to
villages must distribute copies
point up its support of the peasantry.
walls on members to make tell use of their energies
among the peasants. sometimes Party doeumeute have
living in the tow= to help to further the eampaign *by velmeterily
undertaking official duties among the peasants..? Other times, the
Party is ewe emphatic, such as...."On ?ridgy members of year cell
must go out to a village to contact peasants.
/n general, Ndilh prepagmnda among
Marxist line in its attests an the landlord aloes.
is placed on the surplus labor theory of value,
vig-go.vis landlords, en the exploitation and oppression by landlords,
and on the wretchedness of the peasants' livee. The Communists preCleim
that the only avenue open to the peasants to better their living eon.
dittoes is to mite mew themeolves, follow the leaderShip of the
'PO and the NINA Party, and etreggle against the lamdlerde sad their
agents on the farms. The Communists tell the peasants that they have
been exploited and oppressed all them years bemuse they have net yet
made the landlord* fear the power of a mined peasamtrY demegame
that their "rights" be reeognised. The predeat of the peaseighotreggfie
will be the end of emplaitation and oppression, the 'sliming of land,
freedom and (by implioation) a healthier life and opportmmitiee for
education Which are now denied them.
The I
frost, or mines
frost, the JCP bee been givimg
Party's bee* of popular support
new *traria to int/memo, Japan's
target heretofore most reektant to P
Th. JCP is utIliciagboth general amd specific tastier' to
ta far the "nnifleatiom freer meow the farmers. Some
ppeals pushed by the 010 were deseribed in the Comintern
15 Jannmry l'054: "the peasants are daemmding that they be
Approved For Release 1999/08/2
Approved For Release 1999/08/2 ? P78-00915R000700120002-9
and People $
policy of the Yosbids go.rnaent is
poor* middle end MR the
dascriptiom of success* however* vas
bas been traditionally week is revel areas.
meth an intensified Jrp effort toward political
increase Its mess support* and both overt and escort
increasingly apparent is the agrarian sphere.
The infiltration of existimg farm organisatiens teem* a
major Columnist taotio. Previoos Jer gageese is infiltrating the labor
movement appears to have encoeresed a greeter onahalia as mart aatialtr
in the oommtryside as yell. Communist efforts beve this bees direeted
at influenciug existing farm organisations throegh exploitation of the
hardshipegresulttni from the government's adoption of a Waffle& of
eeoliomis austerity. At the soma the, there are reports of a :CP
woultvral pregame for ferm villages* milli* owners all the mature
limeade of the farmers and Which is espeolitilY daailaad to mat village
youths god women, The *program" consists of servers on farm villages,
the dispatehing of cultural motion oorps* various types of el lb astivitY
the organisation of Choruses* etc. :Playing en important role in this
program Is the Pare Culturel Assoolation (rek) Adak faastiaaa as *
front for the nris, rims Communities Over-all %limos Department.
It hes been reported that about 20 to 30 action sorpemen with nowe
duties are dispatehed by the Party to 'soh :apaneee prefecture. Their
assignments include visite to iedividull farmers and to the prefiretural
government or agrieulterel cooperative melons in order to explain the
11004 at farsing an rta. These oultural elation sorpsmes else awry out
it belonging typleally to the Propaganda Leticia Corps of the Party,
and they is picture slides* movies* theatricals *to.
The JCP has emphasised that the PCA nommont basll expend
as rapidly as possible in order to help establish a *vpified firmer
frame., This le Ube dens through serefel Party work., In nestle( in
given village* for instance* *tires limed try to comeolidate animism
on the status and politleal sigmlfloasee of the farm 'Sitars' mareemant.
The, should Choose* through disoussies* a reeponsale parses f00 a
Oven organisation. & meeting Should be milled to disavow the mew.-
meat and Party and non-Party mesibers Arad together select persome
suitable to take part in the movement. Within a gives lamas* a suit-
able organisation ahead be milested to support the Pm, kid *meld
be requested from orgamisatioms and individnele that airiest* mod
carry out culture' laisamata. Appeals ahead be directed to individual
Approved For Release 1999/08/24 : 78-00915R000700120002-9
studeate, of culture antertalaors, teohnisiamo,
agricataral cooparativa valons, fain esionent leader,
and all businesemem ooneerned with tha avatars of fame
should be medo to serkwhe are popular In their rasp.
Altar the advocates are desided won appeals tar the
!CA ahead he mela under joint signatures, and in es
intaroot as poasibla. Th. Jev, ecasiders that the "oulturel program
inclides vstortaluments Walth *24 )7gione oultural 'memento*, better
living standards and agricultural tochniquis?virtually the outlre
maga of farm village demands.
Currently, the popolartsation of the "Illohlrin
owlet-discovered premiss of pre-treating moods te angora early fermi tiom
and rapid growth--is also being employed by thaJP sis a lajmr webiele
for promoting its popular appeal In rasa areas, reforming the ideologies
dominant aeon, Japanese fervors and ostibliOhimg a nnified firmer
front. Overt and ?overt 'Party Propaganda publleations and direativos
have been plugging this method. Miahmain Study nabs have been fermi
throughout Japan; in May 1954, It ties reported that ths national Maoris
Scoloty had branohes In 39 of Jonents 46 Probooturol6 "is
Jape:nes, Couvumists hove bees utilislag the Mieberin theory sines 1951
an a devise for spreadiag Communist propagandaduring ootensibly nom.
political discussion, or now farming methods, Pat 'arrant attempts
to Immo, the numerleal strength of the tiichirla study slabs point
to a greatly accelerated drive among the rural populatiam. Althomeh
tha Miehurin process may not ba ea offeitive as some other methods
developod for the same porp000, it apparently is initially loos expessive
end VMS praeticable for IA41,141201 farmers. These advantegos to the
Japan*** farmer, quite apart from whatever political implioations surroned
its propagation, may lend considerabla popular import to this partisaa?
offort of the Jrp, rn mg, 1054, one rural Japans.. sOhool had institoted
a oompulsory conrea in Michurin thorn, although losal authorities
denied amy propaganda intent and maintaluod that it was purily a lab
scums immolating of experiments with flowers barrio*, and ries.
Nevertheless, it would soon that tha JO? had &sad a potent lever where-
by it can set rp a network of front aericultural orgenisatioms and
*tibiae* a maasurso of loadorship among the semis* population.
CP propaganda has sloe given attention to Communleats iater.
national agrarian strategy. The three Japanese delegate, to the World
Agricultural sad roraotryVerkers Coufarenee la Oldster 11053 Iwo widely
voted as to hov the Conform,. 'had openod their eyee to Maw greeter
advances made by the democratic forces" and that they van "pertioulartr
mod by the sharp rise in production realised primarily around
olhols". The three del:sottos were members or tits pri.Oommenist
nnification faction* of the Jowl rarmers %len, presently a %rivet
of JCP infiltration tactias.
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Approved For Release 1999/08/21MDP7?-00915R000700120002-9
as in modern western senntriee hada,
appiar to owe much to the imperials*
) otuaIly, this =prime' has
of the merle haying few sombers
t alas.. ut to western roomed st Partite,
the prineipal lesion of the T esporiense V*11 the demonstration
of certain erarisn tactics Whieb could be used to build a significant
agrarian in a wintry where there already easted a
movement fametioming under Commmast
tactics may thus be very similar to those already
countries of the Far end Middle leetv spittle
an experiense &mold point np the taitisal program
to be eoneerted from crinumist Parties in their efforts to increase
agrarian tension in areas of the Vest. It was as a meet of efforts
to redress its earlier failires among ?oral populations that the PT
evolved certain general priaciples of agrarian polim.
The PCI found that it vas neemeary to *PAY different testicle
parts of the eountry asmording to the loaal agrisaltoral
PCT directives emphasised the need ter a mmeh greater tactical
and diversity in the Parte' eigreries Prafrea than that
its policy for industrial areas. Its method* of orgamisation
into imeoent the scattered and widely distributed mature
cultural labor forest, the eeesomml Ohmmeter of an important
cultural work, and the different classes existing within
population. Its appeals eould be of a permanent or temporary
in response o a "articular need.
The PCI also learned that Uwe* preferable to organise the
tare proletariat (rural wage earner) amd eeasproletariat (a
earner vho also anis a small piece of land) on a normal trade
and, at the same time, to separate meh organisations from
those created for the peasant. There we. eaffident ikirdlarity between
the industrial preleteriat and the esrioulteral worker to permit the
latter to follow the more rigid trade union pattern.. amit'the imegamie
and soeial demands of the peasants as a glass were recognised to differ
from tilos* of the lime workers, and the PCI semeluded that their forms
of organisatiom must therefore be different. tor the peariants there
could be leagues, eommittees, assoolations and sooperative societies-
but the title was less important then their Objectives and methods.
'he important aspect or...toed by the PCT was that there should be
associations designed speelfloally for the peasants end adopted to
local requirements, and that these sheen to separated from the trade
union pattern whighvas suitable ter the agrarian wafter.
ThAs did not mean, however, that the PCI deviated from the
established Communist doctrine sonogram an allow between the
Approved Fo-r-Release-
? ? ?
- ? se* roils Si mos
Approved For Release 1999/08/ ? CIA-RDP78-00915R000700120002-9
'POT MOP017 sought to
were designed JO WNW
* and thee
oes as well es saes
Thus is /tar Owe
strwetore *Meeting the agrarian
of Lod varkers is Cogreuaist.00ntrollid
is seminally imAspeadent froa the Italie*
Libor (MIL), *lee Comministweemirelled*
there are sabeidierles, of whiCh the twe
thee* of the fere taborer and the Share-erepper?.461
To emphasise farther the argaalastional distinction
preletafiet and peasant, the Malian ageloolirrel proletariat
0001**1PreletartetWAINg ta the tericoltara sad forestry Verkers Trade
%Ica latereational and *Ise to the Mg by virtue at their aeihordhip
in the Mil * MU affiliate* TUT is also treat*
peasant asseoistiome which jag the t.M but this is ea a
separate volgastax7 basis sleet* the Laid V mot
affiliated wt.* the OSTL or the War,
oggstlies to be separate from these ot the
*Meg* they are eeeposeati of. soma e
thr elltesor of earlealteral 101~ sad peasant
sports associations, ead. ether /nos terse ormaisa
bbile the weesagets were orgamised in * Isom as varying
*Ohion and as the basis et Immo largely lagoariarpoessesion at lead
the agrioultaral proloterlat was organised as vageoserams. The PC/
realised that its wain effort *Mold be direeted et the wags servers
who i, according to the Commentate, the beekkome of the class somas-
*got in the comisrlide, yet ettile roma atritatioa *odd be sere eeeni
rammatad maw the sgrarianwsgo.4arsers, the PCT realised that vilitent
orgosisetioas *meg the peasants ewe w000sumr, to flogyart the agrarian
10140-hovolors and Wild * ooltd Warta* treat. lag* a frost could
thee merge with the ever6411 "united front" and be awe effeetivally
'tinsel to sepport other Pr/ suipsigme, so* es thee* at the indoetrial
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Approved For Release 1999/08/24 : - P78-00915R000700120002-9
the Party organisatim is the South;
mammon were net velemed. Than the
esalingumbirs from the South to training
they mad study Party wsek for 6 moths
the WI sidled far now methods eid
ustead of reeratilmrimmihere far itself,
Tose the simpler firms of moo snail
mists, net up meliorative*, emeourmed
ort to meats a breed agrarian front oonrod
At this time, it also elearly saphaelied the need
erg/Imhof to the different eateeeries of the aerarian
At the letiirmatiomel omferemos of the Asrioultural and
is in Ottober 19% the usikership was urged to study
ee the ?CT and its agrarian testis*
A measure of the PCPs ausemsfe organisatiomal work amomg
ties was dememstrated in the mummer of 1,54. During
nil, firm mions.Foderderra lid Padertmesienti.begea
end agitation smog agrioultural workers in Northern
Theme strikes van, gemerallr short and sporadic
but demons tinted a definite pattern of cal polio,. Tu the Promises
Of 'ITT*iR this patters was smtended and the Commmnists really de-
monstrated the extent if their power. A Cememist-oallod strike or
agricultural laborers virtually paralysed the outlive menomie life of
the 'Allele Proillinsol Communist stnisseth Via sulk that nee.Coarmist
firm mime meld mot make their voices sad inflame felt mem on
issues mkt& they supported in mom with the Commutate. Taloa*
up the strike, the COIL had eetiviets read, to fellow guerrilleplihe
tactic's when mummery. It bad a legal eommittee set up to free them
arrested. In some areas, it had an organisation for aellestimg greim
from small land mums who, either through fear or &moire, and. me-
tributions to the strikers
There is little agrioulturewmeters fora an
important bloc* of COIL strength. nay, the agrieultural labor
gr aup is the most depressed .eeieahijr, met subject to sesial le.
Jurtier, and met neglected in terms efeduoation. %Able to solve
their ma trebles, rural workers are often euseeptible to the appeals
of authoritarian ageacies of either the right or the left 'shish promise
a ready mower. Put strikes and agitations smog them are mealy net
of the dramatic nature of similar *sties among industrielmmters, said
perhaps this is why the Communists time net mod their agricultural
ersonisations mars frequently in mess stations. Tot the strike in
rowan its eviienee of this plower under the control et the Communist
Party in this and other arms of the ommtry. Although eCTL straw*
la not spread universally throughout Italy, present indications are
that intensive effort is tieing made to omptere the loyalty of the vast
farm population in the South which etill has far less Nimunist in.
flumes than does the north Daring the Ferrara strike, Ceramist
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Approved For Release 1999/0812tglitilDP78-00915R000700120002-9
were to proelate this sg4i, (the
werbars) aro glean sand and materia1 support not emir
who bare airsally been snaessatsd. la their strew/Jo
0 by the Td.ddle metier 4' the peasantry.
Approved For Release 1999/08/24: P78-00915R000700120002-9