Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000600150007-2
Parallel Organizations are those that generally support the objectives and activities of
the IADL but which are not definitely known to be formally affiliated with such organizations.
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000600150007-2
F : hIA-RDP78-00915E 0600150007-2
(f`Tnt, grnatzonal Association of De io cratie Lawyers (IAi)L} ark ~~izw n^-~?: ?"
A, Headquarters Address : 60 Avenue Legrand , Brussels, Belgium ( set up in 1951 )
234 Rue du Trone, Brussels , Belgium.
( Both addresses appear in publications as the it Secretariat," but
the Rue du Trone is probably the relatively new editorial office)
(2) Office of Martin Popper, 160 Brca d way, New York City ( 1946 )
(3) Office of Prof. Marian Maszkat, University of Karsaw
Skrz.poczt (POB) 240, arsaw,Polanc
The latter two offices were liquidated in 1951 and the entire agenda
moved to Brussels. IADL voted to move to London in 1950, it was still
under discussion in 1952, but plan was abandoned for unspecified
Regional Offices: (1) Office-apartment cf Secretary General Joe-Nordmann-
C. Claimed Strength
ao mrtri-es? ? ( in 1955) .4"The exact number of the
70,'~C menbers In
membership or of the IADL Council has never been revealed, The Council
determines the number of votes assigned to collective members partici
patina in Congresses, but the Congress fixes the'nu ber of Council memi,",
bars with " regard to the development of the association and of the
r`-ottive sections and internat3. onal associations". The highest num-
ber of national sections represented at Council meetings was 32 ( at
Brussels in 1956). Congress attendance is given in figures including
observers" and " guests "; there is a tendency for individual la
yers to at 'end especially many pror::inent jurists h ve been drawn
of Civil Lib s - so it is impossible to determine -the number of
individual or collective members of the IADL. V_
Official Publications: ( all printed by CEPI, 82 Rue Bodeghem, Brussels, Belgium)since
Pea the Service of Peace went to 39 countries, 35 universities
2 4 e ,taries -some :rimes called DL Bulletins.
. publishes many pamphlets, papers, studies,and
on specsubjects of current interest such as:
of Euro an Defense Conmmnit
os on to ue is to Discriminate in Civil Service.
the tclghtus sense
Le Hitlerite War Criminals and the Project
pression in North Africa.
_ rning Documents Conc the War in Korea.
awYers ake a stand Against Exoeriments W h and Use of Atomic
al of Ethel and Julius Rosenber
Dennis Noel Pritt ( England)
Vice Presidents: Shen Chum-ju ( China)
Leon Caen-Lyon ( France)
U rto T r c3ni ~t' )
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Jerzy aodlowski ( Poland
"Approved For Release '7b00108127 : CIA-RDP78-00915R600150007-2
Henrique Fialho ( Brazil)
Eulampi L. Zeydin (USJR)
Secretary General : Joe Nordmann ( France)
Frau Hilda Neumann ( East Germany)
Ferdinand Boure ( Czechoslovakia)
Letelba Rodriguez de Britto ( Brazil )
Istvan Kovacs ( Hungary)
Achilde Lordi (Italy)
Stuart Shields ( England)
treasurer: Jean Deguent ( Belgium )
Editorial Secretary : Roland Weyl ( France)
Editorial Committee: D,N, Pritt ( England)
C1airman of Committee on Labor Law : Ernest Rosenbusch ( Switzerland).
ChairMA]1 cC Committee on Maritime Law : William L. Standard
Chairman of Committee on War Criminals : Mario Berla.nguer ( Italy)
Chairman, of Committee on Family Law: Jerzy Jodlowski ( Poland
CSairman of Committee on Colonialism : Iradi Fgjcandary ( Iran);`
Gerard Caen-Lyon ( France)
Arthur Baumgartner ( Germany)
Marian Muszkat ( Poland)
Cl.irrn-an of Committee on Human Rights; Pierre Cot ( France)
Chairman of Committee on Constitutional Law: Boris Narnkowsky ( USSR)
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Approved For Relea eJ900/08/27: CIA-RDP78-009151 0600150007-2
F. Groups Organized for Specific Regions or Projects:
1. Continental Conference of Jurists ( Brazil 1953)
2. Conference for the Defense of Civil Liberties ( Vienna 1954)
3. Asian Conference of Lawyers ( Calcutta 1955 )
4. Commission to Greece.
10. Committee for the Peaceful Solution of the German Problem.
Party before the Federal Court of Karlsruhe.
Permanent International Commission for the Study of the repression of Crimes against
Human Rights-and of Acts Committed in the Interest of the Enemy.
Commission of Inquiry on Conditions on ekinawa
6. Commission on Human Rights
7. International Commission to Follow Proceedings Against the West German Communist
6aftft A ffiliatep tSM Parallel Organization4
AnIADL " initiating committee" of
1953 consisted of the following
Algerian lawyers ( f#mu)
ci,, Aid
- Lawyers Council of Argentina
Conaejo de Abogados de la Argentine)
Fo-rmod 1949 - of Ciliated 1953
Publication. Assigned mongraphs.
Secretaries I Marcos Armando Hardy
Rodolfo Araog Alfaro
ague of Human Rights
('Nchalrman -Rodolfo Ara
LIA 71 %a, Council for Democratic Rights. (1951)
leader - Harold Rich
Council for Democratic Rights for States of
New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland.
4- __
a A Austrian Section of the IADL (l ~,
( Arbeitsgemeinsohaft fuer Rechtsentwickelung
of Oppression
Apps rP~pIa ? CIA-RDP78-00915R000600150007-2
7 ~00%J7
Irschi]c?, C ,
ti~ r ,.
Appqy~!d' f,4 ;i Release 408/27 : CIA-RDP78-00915RO 60.0150007-2,
tt-' CC,
Belgian Association of Democr,gtic Lawyers
( bssociation des Juristes Democrates de la Belgique).
President - Georgeg Dassesse
Secretary - Marie Louise 14oerens
P evident - Henrique Fialho
cretary - Sinval Palmeiro.
Vice President - Osny Duarte Pereira.
La Paz Bar Association (1952)
( Colegio cle Abogados de La Paz)
Representes, at Rio de Janeiro
Continental Conference of Jurists
affiliated this association without
knowledge of the 'general Assembly of
the is not Communist-dominated.
Brazilian Association of Democratic Lawyers. (
.(a?, League fiir National Emancipat
( A, rsooiaoao Brasileira de Juristas Democrates
(Ligue de Emancipacae
21 Rue Mexico, Rio de Janeiro.
Head - Zacharias de Sa Carvel
National Congress in Defense
of Amazonia
c;NatLonal Center for Study and
Defense of Petrileua Jd the
National Economy.
( Centro Nacional de Estudios e
Defesa do Petroleo a da Econ
d-1 League for the Defense of
Democratic Liberties.
( Ligue da Defesa das
Libertades Democraticas).
Comissao Nacional Contra .
(a) Bulgarian Section of the IADL
Very inactive- h always represented at IADL
meetings -
Luben Vassilev
Boris Kissev
Lesanov Kiossev
(b) Bulgarian Institute of Legal Sciences
Director - Luben Vassilev.
Rennaissance Judiciaire
( disaffiliated from IADL in 1949
but sends representatives to IADL
e- League for the Defense of
Electric Power.
( Ligue da Defesa da Energia
f National Committee Against th
ilfrazil-USA Military Agreement .1
Acordo Militar Brasil Estados-
Uni os).
It was announced at the April 1955 meetin
of th
e IADL Bureau ? " '
AW eteaw- @ fQ& f,IV DP78 0091y5R000600150007-2
"am Feiner ( Montreal).
Described as " a candidate for organization" by the IADL.
Chilean Association of Democratic Jurists. (,1949. forma1,y affilixAted 1952)
.Comite de 4bogados Democraticos) Union Chileno Franoesa)
lso referred to as ,. 4"Francia Libre) ( also known as
President - Don Enrique Rossel
Other officers: Enrique Gomez Correa
Graciela Alvarez
/''ublioation: Hevista de Derecho.
zn Chilean Group for
Aid to Does rt~3~a ~paiu. F &g F:
( .4grupacion Chile .na de Ayuda a la
'Dep:ocracia Espanola).
Fublc Liberties.
assocation oGhi~ .--
't`ical 40_?L,6_ Sciences.
Law ( oii culatioA\ 28,000)
13,. -CHINA _
Chinese Society of Political and Legal Sciences.
(a) Association of Chinese Lawyers.
Shen Chung-ju
Liu Chi--jh.n
Tchang Chi-jeng
(b) Political Science and Law Association of China-also called
Strength - Organized in Peking in 1953 with 9000 auds in 15 conferences.
al qni oares - Frli +^v-4 Al Hahne has put out
'bl i oat nn. Studies in Pal i tireal and Le
49 publicat;ons with total of 2,300,000 copies'on theoretical and practical aspects of
political and legal sciences.
President - Tong Pi-
vu-Secretary General - Chu Chin wen
Appro4edIeas2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-00915F~0060000072,;
Vice President._?;James Garfinekel ( Toronto)
Peking Lawyers' Association
Chairman - Chen Shou-i
14, !!9L 1 !A
Association'of Democratic Lawyers. 11951) a (Juristas hires
( Asociacion de Abgdgados Demooratioos ) f?, .1
b Socorro Rojo)
Chairman - Apolinar j Calle jas
--?-,ronts devoted to assisting
iFerReieas;elM 6224 DP75 -O R O b t 7-2
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Association of Democratic Lawyers.(1949)
Leader - Domingo Villamila ( died recently)
Pas - f
Union of Czechoslovak Lawyers.
Publication - Th Socialist Law.
Represented at IADL meetings by:
Ferdinand Boura
Jaromir Berak
Josef Kovacik
Michel Mire
Jaroslav Jsblonsky
Rudolph Bystricky
Jan Bartuska
Danish Section of the International Association
Lawyers active in this groups
Mogens Fog
Jacob Jacobsen
Erling Andersen
Tyndescof Petersen
Robert Mikkelsen
Carl Marius Madsen
Mogens Rutsow atOl
Workers Legal, Welfare Center
( Centte Benefido,Juridioo de
of Democratic Lawyers.
Ecuador Section of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers,
Representative at IADL meetings - Benjamin Cevalios
'2 t
( 1947)
Syndicate of Lawyers
Ahmad Nabil al-Hilali
Ismat al.-Hawari
A -bsmad 'Abduh Hasanayn
Munir Fahim
Mohamed Fahim/
Finnish Section of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (1951)
Representative - fnu Hynynen.
ct e C iiit
E ptian Bar As-aian (1951)
issolved in 1954)
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000600150007-2
Approved ForRe1ea2000/08/27: CIA-RDP78-00915100600150007-2
i Move nt
tion I T. iciaire )
was s ablish d in
pup o leftist wyers
'f Nader . It is no .the
s rdfer ad t as Assd at
on wh ch was c os
et up?he IADL
National Juridical Movement (1045)
( Mouvement National Judioiaire)
clh section o the Ipk although
p? 3is
e~ DemQra s
s or the a~"thetrin in 1946of
This organization was formed in 1945 from the"Front National des Juristes", an undergrour
resistance group of leftists lawyers led by Joe Nordmann. It was the organization
chosen to sponsor the 1946 gathering in Paris of international representatives of the
gal profession which set up the IADL. It is the actual French section of the IADL
Natioal ur.?
Mo ve nt
8 o z
e Nord
s somet
it is sometimes referred to as " The Association F'rancaise des Juristes
Publication a Rema2Pr?g ess tdo Omit Francois.( `
Also published Covenants on Human Rights
n t*t t~; snit
Honorary President - Leon Lyon-Caen
President - Henri Douzon Y _r : rs r
Secretary General -Joe Nordmann.
45,.1rom, of the rg
.6u?Ac1e~'.MaE;?){.+.~+.. ".'~ x 1`Y~ 14'3;.,'. 4 .; p
M.Y. Hirano' as
L~ j,
Umon Takagi
Roberto A" to .
Italian Association of Democratic Jurists ( 1948)
( Assoeiazione Italiana dei Giuristi Democratioi )
z hs;v~r-, been?~eata~il#:shed ~-i et,i