Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
.' Sanitized - Appro For Release : CIA-RDP78-009 R000500140012-8
TO: All Area Branches
SUBJECT: Coordination of the International Communist Movement:
Deterioration and.Remedial Measures
1. In the attachment we are forwarding two briefs on subject. The first
brief, classified SECRET/NORFORN, is for the use of desks and field stations.
The second, classified SECRET, is for use as exchange material. The field
is requested to forward comments, criticism, or additional information of its
own cr from liaison services. We believe the subject matter to be of sufficient
interest to warrant a special field collection effort,
2. Note that the version restricted to station use contains more specific
and sensitive data than does the exchange material. Stations should treat this
information with utmost care. 25X1A8a
3. Please coordinate outgoing despatches with
Chief, Counter Intelligence Staff
Attachments: (2)
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000500140012-8