Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 20608/01 : CIA-RDP76-00183R0004000290 1-1
DD/S 29 May 1962
1. I agreed to participate in a briefing which the Office of Communications is
arranging for certain senior communications people of the Defense Department at
1400 on 7 June.
3. advised me that a member of the National Capital Planning
Commission staff had telephoned about I asked him to get in touch X1A6d
with Mr. Finley, the Director of NCPC, right away to explain the classified nature
of this installation and to ask his cooperation in avoiding any further publicity.
4. 1 talked to John Bross at some length about a task force which he is organizing
to look into our manpower situation and agreed to appoint as the
DD/S member. 25X1A9a
5. I spent considerable time reviewing the case of a JOT
candidate and son of John Tietjen felt very
strongly that he should be disqualified for medical reasons, not only for the JOT
program but also for employment anywhere in the Agency. I have advised General
Carter of this situation and have received word from him that
should be treated the same as any other applicant.
Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400020081-1