Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Re,ase 2000/09 S-RDP76-003R000300010137-1
14 February 1958
1. Met with Ed Saunders and to consider their memorandum to the 25X1 A2
Bureau of the Budget on Project an asked that it be strengthened and rewrit- g
ten so as not to place complete reliance on the oral presentation which was given to Mr.
Hutchison on Thursday.
t in touch with and obtain DD/P
2. Asked to ge
support for the expenditure of the $1.2 million for hardware. I told him that under any
circumstances we should advise the whether or not we balanced it was of primary concern to
out spending this money but that w
him and the Deputy Director (Plans).
25X1 A9a
nd to
3. I asked Ed Saunders to follow up on
make sure that additional procurement was curtailed If we had enough.
25X1 A9a requested that if at all possible we make a determination
on Mr. - within the next week or so inasmuch as if Mr . were going to 25X1 A9a
25X1A6a leave th he would like to have his chief communications in-
structor . Have asked to handle this. 25X1 A9a
25X1A9a 5. Talked to about the latter's job. It was agreed that
Ed would head the O&M team in the DD ea.
6. I talked to Gordon Stewart about the functions of the Special Placement Panel 25X1A9a
and in particular about the case of Mr. ~ who has been recommended for assignment
to the Transportation Division in the Office of Logistics. I said I was not sure that
25X1 A9a was the type of case which should come before this Panel and that in any event I
hope e would not press it if the Office of Logistics resisted inasmuch as I felt that Lo-
gistics had a very strong argument and I would not like to be the first Deputy Director to
overrule the Panel's recommendation.
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000300010137-1
Approved For Release 2003 q 9 CIA-RDP76-QD183R000300010137-1
7. I discussed with Gordon the possibility of assigning as the Dep-
uty Director of Personnel and he was perfectly agreeable to this arrangement. I told him
that I would appreciate it if he would not discuss it with anyone else until I had had a
chance to talk to and General Cabell about it.
8. I asked Dr. Tietjn to check o health sometime next week.
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