Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2002/05/0,,{_,C1~4QP76-001838000200080046-6
I December 1956
1. Dr. Tietjen was over for a discussion on a number of points. He reports
a. the Mental Hygiene Program which they have been experi-
menting with is going very well and that in the Offices of
Scientific Intelligence, Current Intelligence, and Re-
search and Reports they already have more volunteers than
they can 'take care of.
b. General Cabell has told him that he thinks doctors should
accompany our senior people on trips. (The Director's re-
cent trip was a precedent.) I commented that I thought
probably this should be restricted to Mr. Dulles and Gen-
eral Cabell.
c. he has agreed with Dr. Scoville that will be-
come Chief of the Medical Division in the Offi ce of Scien-
tific Intelligence when he returns to duty within the next
few days.
d. he has obtained a doctor for
e. he anc have been holding weekly meetings with Gor-
and the FI people on subjects dealing with the
handling of agents, etc. This has been going on for about weeks and will continue at least until Gordon leaves
his post to become Director of Personnel.
f. General Cabell has suggested to him that we subsidize a
g. he feels that not only because of our experience with de-
pendents,but also because of the obligation which we are go-
ing to take on to provide medical benefits for dependents
we have now reached the stage where we should screen all
dependents going overseas. He estimates that we would
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average about 2.7 dependents for one employee. In order
to provide the minimum screening of papers he will prob-
ably need two additional people. Those examinations which
must be conducted as a result of this screening will de-
mand more people. He, therefore, wishes to have a discus-
sion with me in the near future as to his general table
of organization and workload problem.
h. he believes that his relations with Dr. 0 of the
Technical Services Staff are going very well--Dr- 0 is
working very closely with that Staff. He also thinks that
the relationship between the Medical Staff and the Assess-
ment and Evaluation Staff is satisfactory and says that
Matt Baird got in touch with him this morning and request-
ed that he forget all of the differences which the Medical
Staff and the Assessment and Evaluation Staff have had in
the past.
2. John and I discussed the new medical program which follows the amend-
ments to the Foreign Service Act of last year. He pointed out that while the
foreign service legislation said that care for dependents must be provided,
our Bill said it might be provided. After some discussion we decided to leave
our language as is s~ i! nce we would have all of the authority we needed and still
have flexibility.
3. Dr. Tietjen promised to submit to me in the not too distant future
some rough estimate of the number of people who are not flexible as to assign-
ments because of medical limitations.
?i.. Harry Reynolds requested permission to explore with the Red Cross
people their request for a special solicitation for Hungarian relief. I agreed
to do this but asked him to submit his recommendations to me as soon as 25X1A9A
mei 111 ----
John Tietjen, and Charlie Hulick) and advised
ussion with General Cabell concerning a statement made
t d s
them of my recen
by one of our insurance people to the effect that insurance for jet pilots was
unobtainable, when in fact this was not the case. I told the Board that I had
asked Messrs. to study the matter and requested that the
Board itself get interested in it. Growing out of the AQUATONE case I explain-
ed that it would be Agency policy to provide insurance for all of our people,
regardless of the risk involved, and that dividends, lower premiums, etc., were
a good but very definitely secondary objective; furthermore, that when a case
of extreme risk arose in which there was a question as to whether the insur-
ance company or the Agency should underwrite the risk, the A enc and not the
Board would make the decision. As we talked it was clear that the Board did
not disagree with this philosophy but wanted to make sure that the decision
was made on a very high level and probably by the Director. It was clear also
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Approved For Release 2002/05/0& t ?E i RDP76-00183R0Q0200080046-6
that they put up a fight about the AQUATONE situation not because they were
really afraid of jeopardizing our contract with Omaha, but because they thought
that someone had pulled a fast one in insuring a group of people who were not
bona fide staff employees or staff agents. In the final analysis, I agreed to
draft a memorandum to the Chairman of the Board expressing the Agency position,
in response to which he would concur.
6. General Cabell advised me that I would be the focal point for the
Nash Committee and I told him that I would get in touch with Mr. Nash as soon
as I had received a copy of his (General Cabellts) letter to him.
7. Matt Baird telephoned to say that he had reached an impasse with the
Library in the Office of Central Reference which apparently wants to take over
the Library in the Office of Training. He asked ray permission to refer the
matter to the Management Staff, and I not only gave permission but asked him
to tell the Management Staff that I desired them to make a study of the situa-
tion and submit a report to me.
8. At is request determined and reported to him that the trial
in which is involved concerning windfall profits has proceeded in
Baltimore. There have been pre-trial hearings and there will be a full-scale
trial at a later date. Larry Houston has advised Marty to get a separate lawyer
since he is merely a stockholder, whereas the others involved are members of
the board.
General Cabell buzzed with regard to this matter also, having received
a letter from Congressman Teague of Texas which commented on the case and took
tsgation o e ,
Mr. Kirkpatrick with the request that Larry Houston and Shef Edwards cooperate.
I have talked to both of them and have instructed them to do so. I also advised
Jim Garrison and told him to tell Marty.
f th situation and after some discussion turned the case over to
9. Dr. Tietjen agreed to get in touch withi J ..and also to ask
Colonel Edwards to do so...and to report back to me at a a er date. After
discussing Joe's case with him I withdrew Joe1s name from the Supergrade agenda
and will defer action on his promotion.
10. Dr. Tietjen has talked tol about an overseas assignment
but has not yet reached, any final conclusion.
11. With regard tol remarks to the Director about recruit-
ing, etc., Harry Reynolds says that he has known or a long time and 25X1
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Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : Cfp'16-00183R00Q200080046-6
thinks that he is a very fine man but that he is an "old woman" in many re-
spects. His suggestion as to the best way to handle this was to forget the
whole matter. I told him, however, that I wanted to ask the Director for per-
mission to get in touch with Dr. 1I so that I could give him a further
briefing. Harry said he would be g a to participate.
Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200080046-6