Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Relgaye 2001/08/08 :&ECbW76-00183R00( 0100082-?
$ urity Lntorrs~aFSOr~
AADD/A (Colonel White)
18 July 1952
1. called with reference to our proposed memo-
randum of understanding. I told him that we would try to have a draft
ready the time he cones down late next week. Unfortunately, I found
mm ~
had not started the draft yet and is on leave until about
1 August. I instructed - to get going on this without delay.
2. With reference to the three consultants that Training planned to
employ for the summer seminar and who were turned down for security reasons,
Houston tells me that, in reviewing the files, there is little doubt that
now separated from the Agency, made definite commitments and
these people will have a claim which we will probably have to pay.
25X1A5a1 on our contract with them has resolved all of the matters
25X1A5a1 to satisfaction. However, the auditor up there who belongs to
Saunders appears somewhat inadequate. In view of the short duration of
this contract and this auditor's involvement therein, I told Saunders to
keep him on the job, but to send someone up at least every week to see how
he was getting along.
4. Talked with Macy of the-Bureau of the Budget with reference to our
new building. He indicated that 'Lawton or Staats would call the Director
in the very near future.
Approved For Release 2001/08/0'8 CIA=F_DFfl -00183R000100100082-4