Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved ForZplease 2001/08. RDP76-00183 jy0010W1n0O
Security information
ADD A 2 December 3,952
The following are items of interest to Mr. Wolf which were discussed at the
Deputy Directors' Meeting:
Mr. Dulles mentioned the status of cover for The Director re-
quested that we attempt to find some other cover for the man but implied that if we
were unable to do so he might speak to about it. 25X1C4a
later about this and found that he had coordinated with Personnel and Inspection
and Security. In my opinion the situation is well in hand.
1. General Morris telephoned to inquire as to whether or not I kaew anything
25X1A about an applicant named in whom Senator Fullbright is interested. I told
him that I did not.
25X1A9a 2. At request arranged for a bedroom on the midnight train to
New York tonight for General Smith.
3. Attended a meeting of the panel established by Matt Baird to select someone
to attend the Harvard School of Business. Larry Houston was selected from the Of-
fice of the DD/A. The panel was unwilling to give serious consideration to Charles
!5X1A9a (Comptroller's Office) because of the short time that he has been with the
25X1A9a ency, of ORR was second choice, and of OSI was third 25X1A9a
choice. There were only four candidates.
25X1A9a I,. At request I advised Personnel that returnE*X1A9a
to the United States on 12 November. When his accrued leave has expired he is to
be placed on a 'cleave without pay" status and to be assigned to the Director's Of-
5. Mr. Buffington advised me that the emergency plans had been concurred in by
all interested parties, However, we agreed that it would be better not to publish
them until twelve days have elapsed, during which time we will have participated in
a city-wide air raid alarm.
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25X1A9a 6. telephoned to say that he had not dispatched our cable to Gen-
concerning the handling of reserve personnel in and added 25X1A6a
25X1A9a that Administrative Officer, is in Washington
25X1A9a and wants to discuss the problem with us. I asked to refer Colonel 25X1A9a
to General Morris and stated that if he wane to discuss the matter with
Mr. Wolf or me after having seen General Morris we would be glad to do so. (Inci-
dentally, I think that we must work out some system which will insure that an area
division does not hold up our cables without telling us that they are doing so, I
am sure that it has been at least two weeks since we released this one.)
7. Ed Saunders advises me that Messrs. Macy and Perry, Bureau of the Budget,
are coming over tomorrow afternoon and that he has made appointments for them to
see Mr. Wisner concerning our cold war activities and concerning
our communications activities. 25X1A9a
25X1A9a 8. I supplied with a brief memorandum advising him as to the amount
25X1A9a of money which station could borrow from the Credit Union and
instructions for so doing. In my opinion, financial situation makes him
25X1A6a a risk in the rea and I think that we should return him to the States and 25X1A9a
probably allow resign from the Agency.
9. I approved of Ed Saunders' request to be absent on Thursday of this week
and Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week. 25X1A9a
10, Spent an hour with Ed Saunders and of the Finance Division talk-
25X1A9a ing about the - account. I sent them c O redraft a cable to_ and 6X1A6a
pressed my dissatisfaction at their being unable to iron this thing out before now.
25X1A9a U. returned General Morris' proposed letter to General Partridge
concerning the exchange of reserve officers for active duty training. I have given
25X1A9a this to and requested that a scuss it with Mr. Wolf, along with 25X1A9a
other information on this subject which did not indicate to me he knew
25X1A9a anything about. 25X1A9a
12. Met with Larry Houston and of Personnel to discuss the
lawyer that we would not
?5X1A9a case. Agreed that Larry Houston would advise
?5X1A9a proceed with our charges again if a sign a resignation immediately
to be effective on 31 December the absence of resignation 25X1A9a
on our terms we will proceed with charges.
13. Mr. Houston advised me that the Director had instructed him to work out
with Mr, Murphy, Special Counsel to the President, a pardon for our employees in-
25X1A6a volved in the case. General Donovan and the other lawyer on this case think
that this is a very weak case on which to base an appeal and strongly recommend that
we get the pardon, in which event there will, of course, be no appeal.
25X1A9a 14has returned from the Far East and expressed some reservations
about appointing as Special Contracting Officer. If Mr. Wolf has
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not already closed this deal I suggest that he talk to before doing so.
1.5. re orts that the Director has approved of our recommendations
25X1A6a concerning the use o In this connection I met with - and ap-
proved of the contractual arrangements which he has drawn up to handle housing at 25X1A9a
that site.
25X1A9a 16. tells me that there is to be a meeting in Mr. Dullest office
tomorrow' afternoon at 2:00 p.m. concerning Maritime Training Pro- d1
25X1A9a gram also mentioned this and indicated that Mr. Wolf would attend.
Even if Mr. Wolf is convinced that requirements are realistic, I question use of
25X1A6a the - site. It will be very expensive and I doubt the feasibility of can-
tinning a training program at a location where staff housing is not available and
where, if it should be available, it would require staff members to go by small
boat 55 minutes each way to and from work.
7. Larry Houston reported briefly on his visit with Mr. Garrison and Mr.
25X1A9a 00i in New York last Friday. Jim Garrison also telephoned to say that he wantec?5XJ/19a
to go back to New York this Frid with Larry Houston or to try to agree
25X1A9a on settlement terms with I asked Jim to speak to Mr. Wolf about this f
tomorrow and to make sure that he had his approval before going to New York to see
25X1A9a - again.
18. Jim Garrison reports that his office is about to conclude an arrangement
with the Navy wherein they will give us support comparable to that which we have
been receiving from the Army. He is extremely pleased with the arrangement and
thinks that the Navy is going "all out" to help us. 25X1A9a
19. Mr. Garrison advised me of an apparent irregularity concernin
in J
that we received more merchandise which was not good. The inspection certificate 1
had been signed by - but the date on the certificate was a date on which
- was at an entirely different location.
20. Jim Garrison reports that is submitting a
very voluminous and excellent report. Jim is preparing a brief to send to Mr. Wolf.
21. Reviewed the proposed contract for Government Health Insurance with Joe
and agreed that it was a proper basis on which to begin negotiations. Em-
p s zed again that no final commitments should be made without DD/A approval.
25X1A9a 22. Approved of a travel order for to go to Fort Benjamin Har-
rison, Indianapolis, Indiana, for a finance conference from Monday to Wednesday
of next week. While this may be stretching a point a little, I think that it is
important for us to maintain our contacts with the services, and although the pro-
cedures discussed will be those applicable to the Army they will also, in part, be
applicable to our own activities.
25X1A9a 23. requests information as to whether the Director desires to send
a printed Christmas greeting to all employees, and, if so, whether or not he has
any specific ideas as to what it should be. Suggest that Mr. Wolf discuss this mat-
ter with the Director.
Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100100017-6