Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For ReleaseZ000/08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183R00010007 0002-6
A-DD A 29 August 1953
1. General Cabell wants to be cut in on the project as soon
as it has been reinvestigated in order to make recommendations and decisions.
From the cable traffic that we have seen it appears that others in addition
to may be involved in this overobligation and unauthorized ex-
penditure of funds.
2, returned three Board proceedings which were conducted un-
der the old Loyalty Program. In the event that they are to be approved,
General Cabell wants to know whether they still have to be readjudicated un-
der the new procedure. If so, in view of the long delay since the Boards
were held he believes that we should submit the readjudications at the same
time we submit the proceedings. He also wants information as to what we now
furnish the Civil Service Commission., either under the old or the new proce-
dures. In future cases where Boards are recommended he wants positive rec-
ommendations as to whether the employees under consideration should be sus-
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100070002-6