Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100 0087-8
DD/)- 12 through 114 July 1954
25X1A9a 1. Spoke to about the Audit Report on Project M?MTRA and in-
formed him that the answers given by the Audit Office to the questions which I had
raised indicated to me that their Report did not give a realistic picture of the
circumstances surrounding this Project as they were actually found at the time of
audit. (In fact, I gather that when the audit was undertaken there were practi-
cally no books set up at all;) I told him that he should emphasize to his audit-
ors the necessity for reporting situations exactly as they were found and that if
during the course of an audit certain discrepancies were straightened out in a
satisfactory manner notations could be made to this effect but that it was most
important for the report to reflect conditions as they existed at the time of aud-
it. He agreed with me and said that he would see that corrective action was taken
without delay.
25X1A9a 2. Returned to the Audit Report on Project and asked25X1A2d1
him to examine care the a atia? by which the Deputy Director Plans) was
able to write off unexplained sums and charge than to "operational expense" in or-
der to see if there were any changes he would recommend in present procedures.
3. Bob Amory requested permission to allow to contact Lyman Ham-
25X1A9a ilton, Bureau of the Budget, to discuss the "intelligence community budget prob- i
lem." I told Bob that it would be all right for Gene to do this. However, I tel- I)
25X1 ephoned Hart Perry and advised him that any assistance which the Bureau wanted [
was all rig t wi.tin me but that it should be i ea.~.ized a t Messrs.
d Amory had no authority to speak for this Agency on budgetary matters.
4. stopped by prior to his departure for= and suggested 25X1A6a
that before we signed the life insurance contract with the Mutual Life Insurance
25X1A9a Company of Omaha I call on Mr. Stacy K. Beebe of WAEPA to advise him of our inten-
tion in this . I told him that I would do this. (I should take Harry
Reynolds and along.)
5. Have asked Jim Garrison to bring up to date for the General Mark Clark
Committee the book outlining our need for a new building.
6. I had dinner with Messrs. Dulles, Wisner, -and 25X1A
the Doolittle Committee, composed of General James . oo e, Mr, am D.
Pawley, and Mr. William B. Franke, at which time we discussed the budget and how
it was handled, etc. Also had lunch the following day with the Doolittle group
and have arranged for them to take over Frank Wisner's offices in this Building.
They wil.1 start work on the 26th of July and expect to continue for about six
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100020087-8
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100,Q,20087-8
7. Dr. Tietjen reported that he is planning to examine thirty-six employees
each week in connection with the program to give annual physical examinations to
all senior employees. He will take sixteen grade GS-15ts and above each Wednes-
day afternoon and twenty grades GS-12 to GS-14 on a staggered schedule throughout25X1A6a
the week.
8. I discusse 'etjen the excess medical supplies problem at =25X1A9a
A cable from who has just arrived there indicates that the ex- 25X1A9a
25X1A9a cessive medical supplies may a censiderabl,y in excess he 000 worth re-
viously indicated. Dr Tietjen to insure that 25X1A6a
- got together and submitted a joint recommendation.
25X1A9a 9. telephoned to say that the Federal Bureau of Investigation 25X Aid
had raise a ques on again as to whether we were going
them. I told him to tell them that we that if they wanted to discuss
the matter any further they should ask A"to take it up with me. 25X1A
25X1A9a 10. Have arranged to meet with Messrs. Saunders, and Perry,
Bureau of the Budget, to discuss the "USIA 1 igence Purvey" at 10:30 a.m. on
U. Met with Harry Reynolds, and Matt Baird to discuss the lat-
ter's problem of providing good in motors, primar.Lly from the DD/P area, with-
out grade restriction. It was agreed that a block of fifteen positions should be
25X1A9a set aside on his table of organization for instructors without grade restriction.
Harry Reynolds was requested to draw up a paper to this effect and, after having
obtained the concurrences of Messrs. Baird and submit it to me for my ap-
25X1A9a proval.
12. Asked to provide by Tuesday, if possible, a "black book" giv-
ing the missions, c ons, and organizational structure of Agency components.
25X1A9a 114. General was in to say that he might go too for the 25X1A6a
Agency and wanted to z e sure that his allowances were fixed up so wt he would
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP%-00183R000100020087-8
Approved For Releasej?,000/09/08 : CIATRDP76-?0183R0001000087-8
not have to pay a higher income tax. I told him that I would take care of the
matter if and when it was finally decided that he was going to _ 25X1A6a
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100020087-8
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100020087-8
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000100020087-8