Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
Sanitized - Approved For ease
MAR 8 1965
U. S. Rules Wylie
Is Competent to
Stand Trial
John A. Wylie, one of three
former Defense Department
officials charged with embezzle-
m e n t, has been declared
mentally competent to stand
trial, Plato Cacheris, first
assistant U.S. attorney in Alex-:
andria, said today.
Wylie, 58, former head of the:
department's budget and
finance branch, was sent to St.
Elizabeths Hospital last month
for a mental examination at the
request of his attorney. The one-
time $17,500-a-year government
worker is accused of taking
about $40,000.
A pre-trial hearing will be
held in Alexandria Federal
District Court tomorrow for
Wylie; William H. Godel, 43,
former deputy director for
!management in the Defense
!Department's Advanced
Re-search Projects Agency, and
James Robert Loftis Jr., . 52,
former administrative assistant
to Defense Secretary Robert S.
, Godel is expected to report to
,the court tomorrow on his trip
to South. Viet Nam, where he.
hoped to gather testimony in his,
defense from Asian officials.
The three men are scheduled.
to be tried March 29.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000800120010-3