Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA
Inside Washington
Red Chinese Extend..h?elers
WASHINGTON --Red China soundings were )reef d^d 1,v The senators also were in
r pu rag out ec ers or discus visit of more than a m,nuh ha'. 'formed that Secretary Dean
sions with the U.S. through non Hamilton made to poling latr, husk favors the proposed in-
diplomatic channels, preferably last year. -- I formal talks.
prominent businessmen with During this stay he conferred ! It was stressed, however, that
close White House ties. with Premier Cliou Eu?lai ant; the State Department heads
War-racked Southeast Asia, others.
creding with such an exchange
rea, and trade are the indicated senators, he expressed willing, of views to conic from the For-
principal subjects of the pro- Hess to ar?t a t ? d ?
s ~
elations Committee. Rusk
posed informal talks.
tze lung a "non c iplom rr?
rc '?' v?as said to deem this precau-
This profoundly significant logue" iinderwa~ hel'cEe chc I on advisable io safeguard the
overture has been conveyed by U.S. and the Mar Tze?uui rr, cl?~inistration from possible at-
Alvin Hamilton, Conservative gimc. Lock on the ground of "making
member of the Canadian Parlia- POSSIa,i.E Sr'GI(f?:SVlEN
ment and the former a ricul_ r secret deal" with the Chinese
g At the Inrcheon with the 1hr' F'eds.
tore minister who negotiated ei,,n Re);:Lions c irmn~iitcemen, In Hamilton's discussions with
his country's first huge wheat there wa :on.,icerah;r discus- Chou En-lai the latter voiced
sale to Communist China. sion of veil-knon. n Po( highly particular interest in obtaining
Hamilton spent four days : in respected per,on?lilies w h o U.S, industrial equipment and,
Washington last week confer- might be s"ughr to mtEt t~ith surplus grain and other con-
ring with top Stale Department the Red Chinese.
and other administration offi- Two inlernnli,rially known nTo',tSesn, Aiken, Hamilton ea
cials and leaders of the Senate names mentioned wer?> John pressed the opinion, "Ft will hE
Foreign, Relations Committee. McCloy, one-tinu? high iemmi.s- only a relatively short time he-
His unannounced meetings with sioncr for Ger,ru,nv, ;k,rirnr fore your country will be trail-
these key senators were ar- head of the Wot Ic! Ra ~k, dig with Communist China.
ranged by the State Depart- chairman of the board of Ch;se That's inevitable because of thr.
ment. Manhattan Bank, and head of pressure b
growing p by your busi-
KEY LEGISLATORS the Ford Foundation,'mid Gcn- ness people, particularly on the
One session was a luncheon, cr?al Alfred Gruenther, one- time West Coast."
Among those present were Sens. NATO commander. former head The Canadian leader also
T. William Fulbright, D-Ark., of the American Red Cross,' and slated his country expects to
chairman, Bourke I{ickenlooper,' director of the New York Life. continue selling large quantities
Insurance Co.
!.Iowa, ranking Republican, and of wheat to Peking for at least
Frank Church, D-Idaho, sharp According to liamilron, UN another live years.
critic of U.S. involvement' in Ambassador Adlai Stevenson
South Viet Nam, and Sen. 1'ulbright also would
rl. ter expressed approval.
search, who took extensive
notes of the views expressed by To this ! norm Fuibright
the senators. I replied he was s n not intern.;red in
Sen. George Aiken, 'Vt., sec- personally becoming involved';
ond-ranking Republican coot- ~ in such an undertaken' The
mitteeman,, who was unable to rkansan stated he had "nn oh
he at the luncheon, later had a ?ections" to the launching of
half-hour talk with Hamilton such informal discussions, but
at the request of the Stat Deg id not want to participate i
partalenSanitized - Ape rfMd For Release ;: C'A-RDP75-00149R00060 040161-7
partment intelligence and L? j to Premier Chou J:n lai, the lat-
,' '1111K tall r1;
Also on hand was Thomas be acceptable, He stated that
When he mnnlioncd their names wu~iuuau