MAY 7 1965
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RD
"" 0 R
1fIRlldu", RECOD
P in Down Rusk-Threat
to Bar His Return
[Chicago Tribune Press Service]
Washington, May 6--"
,ate internal -
mittee, it was learned today,
has cleared away the last
obstacle to publication of se-
cret testimony in the Otto
Otepka case.
The final stage of a three-
,year inquiry into lax security
in the state department was
!r e a c h e d when William J..
ECrockett, deputy under-secre-
try of state for administra-
tion,. was questioned in execu~
tive session last T u e s d a y
Pin Down Rusk Threat
Crockett's testimony had
,been sought for months to
clear up many unanswered
questions about state depart-
ment policies and operations.
In line with stalling tactics
which angered subcommittee
members since the investiga-
tion began in 1962, he made
numerous excuses=until given
a virtual ultimatum to appear
May 4.
His evidence clearel gaps in
the record which had caused
tthe subcommittee to hold up
.refease of records of the secret
hearings despite. a unanimous
vote to publish them, nearly a
year ago.
A report widely rumored but
!never officially verified was
-pinned down-that Secretary of
;State Dean Rusk was personally
-responsible for preventing re-
instatement of Otepka, a vet-
eran security officer with an
kimpeccable record who was
fired Nov. 5, 1963.
Telling Truth His Offense
Rusk had resisted entreaties
from high officials in the John-
aon administration to erase
,charges of "conduct unbecom-
ring a state department officer"
;against Otepka, reportedly vow-
'ing' that any such 'action would
not be taken while hp remained
ecretarvo tate
9 ariitize - ~4' Di"rove'
Otepka's offense, according
to the subcommittee's findings,
was in testifying truthfully
about loose security conditions
in the state department when
summoned by the subcom-
The Otepka case has become
a cause elebre and has pro-
yoked a heavier\protest mail
to Capitol Hill, the White House:
and state department than man
more publicized issues.
Will Let Rusk Testify
Crockett suggested that Rusk
might want to appear before.
the subcommittee to make. a
final statement in answer to all
the issues raised during the
long investigation.
Chairman James 0. Eastland CPYRGHT
[D., Miss.] said Rusk would b
given this opportunity to testify fense, according to his lawyer."
but he stressed that no long When Otepka was fired, Sen:
delay would be tolerated i Thomas J. Dodd [D., Conn.]
preparing for release the bulky ~ labeled it "a serious challenge
record, which approximates 2 b] t d
The first volume, dealing with
the circumstances surrounding
Otepka's harassment,' will b
made public at some date in
June. Crockett has been given
the privilege of editing h i s
latest testimony and also 0
providing written answers to
questions which went un-
answered at the secret session.
Tap His Telephone
The subcommittee, it was
learned, has also requested the
state department to hold up
the transfers of John R. Nor-
pcl Jr., and others in the state
department's security bureau
who were allegedly penalized
because they b e f r i e n d e d
Otepka a p p e a l e d his dis-
charge and asked for a hearing
before a state d e p a r t m e n t
panel, as provided by regula-
tions. After 18 months, he still
awaits the hearing. As a result,
he remains on the payroll but
in an isolated status, removed
from security -work and as-
signed to petty duties. The in-
quiry revealed that his tele-
phone was tapped on orders of
two state department officials.
When they denied this under
oath and were exposed, their
resignations were requested.
Both are back on the federal
payroll in other capacities.
Refuses to Cover Up
The last continuance of the
tepka case was until May 10
ut this hearing will again b
ostponed, it was reported. The
ublisl]ed record of the. sub-
ommittee hearipgs is essential
the is par ed' of
f' r's:
or Release'. tIA-"
Lo respons] a governme
a direct affront to the Senate."'
The charge against Otepka,;'
Dodd noted, boiled down to the
fact that he "testified honestly
on matters relating to security"
and he was punished only be-
cause he had refused to cover
up for his superiors.
Specula{e on Rusk Ouster
Subcommittee members said
the hearings, when. published,
would not bear so much on sub-
bersive influences in the state
department as on apl fling con-
ditionp which could permit sub?
versives to flourish.
Security files were scattered
and' subject to rifling ,while'
recommendations for investi-'
gation of' suspected, security;
risks were ignored.
An even, greater issue is in-,
volved, senators said, in the',
defiance of a Senate, investi-
gation by a government. de-
partment. One member calledd-
the state department's tactics
over a three-year . period "a!
top level conspiracy to obstruct"
a Senate committee."
Speculating on the outcome of
the case, one senator said Ruski
might be able to keep his prom
ise that Otepka would never be
reinstated while he remained`
secretary. Rusk might be "pro
moled" to a roving ambassa-,:
dorship or replace Adlai E. Ste-,
venson as, ambassador to the,
United Nations, he said, and a
new secretary of state, perhaps
Phomas C. ,Mann, undersecre-?
ary of 'economic affairs who.
s a Presidential intimate; could
naugurate his regime with at
olitically popular gesture by]
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